From the BLOGS:
"ABC News: No Evidence Of Lobbyists During Obamacare Protest Attempts on behalf of government media fronts to quell spontaneous riots breaking out at town hall meetings amidst anger about Obama’s health care bill by claiming they are manufactured was disproved once again, as ABC News reported that no lobbyists were present at a meeting in Maryland on Tuesday night."
So the MSM and Democrat flaks are a bunch of LIARS, huh?
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, shot back yesterday, accusing the GOP of being taken over by talk-radio personalities that he said are encouraging conservatives to disrupt Democratic congressmen’s town meetings on healthcare. “They’re taking their cues from talk-show hosts, Internet rumor-mongers, and insurance rackets,’’ Reid said, holding a piece of Astroturf, the common Washington expression for a phony grass-roots movement"
Ark. crowd mocks lawmakers over Obama health plan Lawmakers across the country are encountering growing public doubts about President Barack Obama's push to remake the system for providing medical care, evident in polls that find confidence in Obama's handling of the issue has fallen since January. Concerns are growing about government-run health plans, a growing federal deficit, and the impact on small businesses and end-of-life provisions.
It's everywhere: The American People Are as Healthy as a Horse
Man At Town Hall: "You Need To Get The Government The Hell Out Of Our Way"
Even at home:
McGovern, Neal booed at rally over health reform U.S. Reps. James P. McGovern and Richard E. Neal were heckled and booed after trying to rally support today for President Barack Obama’s plan for a comprehensive national health insurance program. The two Worcester-area Democratic lawmakers were shouted down several times by people attending a packed “town hall” meeting at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. UMass officials threatened several times to end the gathering because of the raucous behavior, which occurred despite a heavy police presence.
"This has little to do with health care and more to do with a general sense of being fed up with the whole government." -- Wake the Flock Up
"This is a documentary the US health care industry hopes you will never see.
Related: Why Obama Wants A Health Care Bill This Year
Now NOTE the DIFFERENCES in COVERAGE and TONE regarding these next articles in the one-sided, agenda-pushing press:
"Foes’ decibels replace debate on healthcare; Protesters’ yells at meetings frustrate Democrats’ push" by Lisa Wangsness, Globe Staff | August 6, 2009
MARDELA SPRINGS, Md. - Repeated heckling and shouted interruptions - “Answer the question!’’ “We’re your employers!’’ “You don’t get it!’’ - overtook a town hall-style meeting in rural Maryland this week, as US Representative Frank M. Kratovil Jr. withstood a verbal beating from a partisan crowd airing its displeasure with the healthcare overhaul working its way through Congress.
The freshman Democrat fielded question after question about rationing, euthanasia, and abortion, as two state troopers stood guard and Kratovil’s staffers looked on nervously. But at least Kratovil was not hung in effigy, as he had been at a recent protest outside his district office.
“Being as neutral as I can, being that it was me hanging, I do think that crosses the line in terms of political protest,’’ Kratovil said.
Scenes like this are playing out across America. As Congress returns home for its summer break, conservative activists are packing community halls and school cafeterias to protest the healthcare legislation, hoping to derail President Obama’s top domestic priority.
Of course, it is okay when Obama does it: Obama's SicKo Sequel
In Texas, Representative Lloyd Doggett was confronted by a crowd chanting “Just say no!’’ In Philadelphia, protesters shouted at Senator Arlen Specter and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
This summer, the Rockwellian ideal of neighbors gathering to discuss community issues in a neighborly way is gone, replaced by quarrelsome masses hollering questions downloaded from activist websites, as video cameras record every word of the squirming lawmaker’s response. Many seem to be following advice laid out in a memo circulating on the Internet advising activists to “watch for an opportunity to yell out’’ early in the presentation and “have someone else follow up with a shout-out.’’
Related: No Comments
And when was the last time you saw the jewspaper raise the issue of AIPAC's ball-grip control of the U.S. Congress?
Republicans say the crowds prove there is strong opposition to revamping the healthcare system at the grass roots. Democrats complain about “mob rule,’’ or dismiss the protests as “astroturf’’ - not genuine public sentiment, but orchestrated outrage manufactured by wealthy Washington interests.
See why I'm sick of this s***?
Either way, political specialists say, endlessly looping images of these confrontations on cable TV could hurt the case for the healthcare overhaul. “In politics, intensity trumps magnitude,’’ said Ross K. Baker, a political scientist at Rutgers University. Most lawmakers are sophisticated enough to discern between extremists and the mainstream, he said, but “the thing to get concerned about is the people who are really disaffected and cranky are going to affect the ones who thus far have been passive - that this contagion of intensity is going to spread more broadly.’’
Conservative activist groups are deeply involved. A leading example is Americans for Prosperity, whose sister foundation is chaired by David H. Koch - a billionaire whose family made a fortune in oil production and whom Forbes magazine in March ranked as the world’s 19th richest person - and which also coordinated the “tea parties’’ in April protesting Obama’s “irresponsible’’ economic policies. The groups are running millions of dollars of television ads and have sent a bus across America to stir up sentiment against revamping healthcare. Its website lists town hall meetings planned by Democratic lawmakers to help activists find a venue for protest.
Another group organizing against the overhaul is Conservatives for Patients’ Rights, led by Rick Scott, former head of Columbia/HCA, a healthcare company that paid $1.7 billion in fines for overcharging government programs in the 1990s. It has been working with a public relations group responsible for the “swift boat’’ ads against Senator John F. Kerry during his 2004 presidential bid. Still another is FreedomWorks, a conservative group led by Dick Armey, a former Republican House majority leader.
Amy Menefee, communications director of Americans for Prosperity, said her group does not condone impolite behavior, and just because it encourages involvement does not mean its members’ views are “manufactured,’’ as Democrats allege. “Our members are regular people,’’ she said. “They’re not paid. They’re not union members - how about that.’’
At any rate, the debate’s virulent tone has forced Democrats onto the defensive. Lawmakers’ news-media aides are quietly comparing notes on how best to handle the problem. Some lawmakers have canceled public gatherings, others are holding tightly controlled “telephone town hall meetings’’ instead.
We thought we got rid of that crap with Bush.
And they can't figure out why we are angry?
Related: Congress Jets Around
That didn't help.
Obama sent out an e-mail yesterday asking supporters to attend at least one healthcare event this month, and Democrats have set up websites to “truth-squad’’ distortions on the Internet, cable news, and talk radio.
Yeah, but that's all glowingly approved of here.
But Democrats had clearly done no organizing for Kratovil’s event; only one person spoke up in favor of the public insurance option that Obama and many Democrats favor. And overhaul supporters will need Kratovil, a conservative “Blue Dog’’ Democrat who has said he would vote against any of the pending bills in the House because of cost and their treatment of rural providers, but has left the door open to reconsider if changes are made.
The crowd at the Mardela Springs school cafeteria Tuesday night was mostly white and over 60. Most said they were Republican or conservative independents and had not voted for Kratovil; generally they said they heard of the event in the local paper, or on talk radio, or by word of mouth, or from Kratovil’s office.
Suzanne Roberts, 64, said a church friend had suggested she attend, and she agreed because she was confused and worried about some of the things she had heard about the healthcare overhaul on Fox News - for example, that it would give the government and others access to her private medical information. She said she was favorably impressed by Kratovil’s sincerity but not surprised at the fury in the room....
This is such a DEMOCRAP PAPER!!!!
No wonder they are losing so much money.
No one wants to read this slop anymore, not even me.
One of the loudest voices in the crowd belonged to 36-year-old Julie Brewington of nearby Salisbury, who repeatedly shouted questions at Kratovil - because, she said, he refused to take her query. Brewington, who works in sales, said she had become involved with Americans for Prosperity through the tea party protests this spring.
Her reasons for opposing the overhaul? “I’m concerned about taking $2.5 billion out of the private sector and putting it into the government,’’ she said. (The healthcare bill would probably cost around $1 trillion over 10 years, most of it to pay insurers, doctors, and hospitals.) She said she also worried about “the illegalization of private healthcare that is in the bill on page 16.’’ (Every draft of every bill allows people to get private insurance).
“Our representatives are obviously not listening to us,’’ she said. “It has come to a level where the volume has to go up.’’Yeah, that seems to be the ONLY THING they UNDERSTAND!!!!!
Of course, the OTHER SIDE -- the pro-paper side -- doesn't get nearly the harsh tone or criticism:
"Drug makers consider funding ads; $100m effort to be directed at healthcare" by Shannon Pettypiece and Timothy J. Burger, Bloomberg News | July 28, 2009
NEW YORK - Drug makers may spend $100 million for an advertising campaign starting as early as September to push legislation that would overhaul the healthcare system, said a person familiar with the discussion.
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, the industry lobbying group, discussed funding the ad campaign during a meeting in Washington last week, the person said. A PhRMA spokesman, Ken Johnson, said no decision has been reached on the group’s campaign strategy for when Congress reconvenes after the August recess. In August, PhRMA will be running television commercials in states where pharmaceutical companies have operations, asserting the importance of the drug industry for the economy, Johnson said....
See: Why You Are Getting National Health Care
Two people familiar with the discussions in Washington said the amount of money put into ads may increase to $120 million. Washington-based PhRMA represents 28 drug makers, including New York-based Pfizer Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline PLC, with headquarters in London.
The content of the ads will depend on the legislation drafted in the House and Senate, where different procedural and political dynamics are at play.... Drug makers have said they will fight efforts by Congress to allow drugs to be imported into the United States from Canada, where they are sold for less.
But they CARE about YOUR HEALTH, not their damn profits!
No such proposal has been made....
Then WhyTF mention it? Pfffft!
“We are strongly against reimportation from a safety standpoint,’’ Richard T. Clark, chief executive officer of Merck & Co., said July 21 in a telephone interview. “If it is an issue, we will have to fight that because we think that is the wrong thing to do from a patient standpoint.’’
Yeah, they are just keeling over in Canada, aren't they?
Pfizer chief executive Jeffrey Kindler said the industry supports the current healthcare overhaul proposal by the Obama administration. Pfizer opposes importing drugs from Canada or allowing the US government to directly negotiate Medicare Part D drug prices.
Merck and Pfizer spokespeople directed questions about the proposed $100 million ad campaign to PhRMA.
--more--"That tone was certainly less harsh, wasn't it? Let's try another one!
"From D.C. to your TV: Ad blitz set on health bill; Groups try to intensify pressure on Congress" by Lisa Wangsness, Globe Staff | July 30, 2009
WASHINGTON - The healthcare overhaul fight in Washington is bursting into America’s livingrooms, and interests from many bands on the political spectrum are trying to transform an often wonky debate over 1,000-page bills into an emotional pitch that can be captured in 30 seconds.
See, THAT is OKAY when you are ADVANCING the AGENDA!
If not, you get a WHOLE OTHER REVIEW by the "newspaper."
The airwaves blitz is intensifying as Congress prepares to return home for its monthlong summer recess without having cast crucial first-round votes on legislation. Political parties, unions, consumer groups, the healthcare industry, and disease activists see the next six weeks as pivotal in driving public opinion and influencing lawmakers’ votes on healthcare legislation this fall. It could prove to be the most expensive issue-oriented advertising effort in history, with nearly $15 million a week already being spent on focused spots....
Do you detect any criticism there?
The interests are also experimenting with creative ways to get their message across....
I see. Selling deceptive propaganda with millions in loot is okay when it serves the agenda. Yeah, we see whom you are working for MSM. Bye!
Spending has now hit a clip of about $2 million a day on average, according to Tracey’s group.
So WHY can't that be used to CARE FOR PEOPLE instead, huh? This ISN'T ABOUT YOUR HEALTH at all, America!!!
The prescription drug industry could spend as much as $100 million on advertising in the coming months, according to one reported figure, though an industry spokesman would not confirm it.
I will (see above article).
Another striking change is that advertisers supporting the healthcare legislation have outspent groups opposing the overhaul by a factor of 2-to-1, according to the Campaign Media Analysis Group. Liberal groups, which gained enormous organizing and fund-raising power in the last election cycle, are far wealthier, more organized, and more convinced that they have an important role to play in passing the plan.
Oh, I don't know about that:
“We do not support this,’’ said Representative Lynn Woolsey, Democrat of California and cochairwoman of the progressive caucus"
Of course -- putting aside the Globe's lie -- you SEE the DIFFERENCE in TONE, huh?
But it is not just groups such as MoveOn on the pro-overhaul side: At least for now, business and industry groups have formed ad hoc alliances with important liberal organizations to cheer for the plan....
That's why I OPPOSE IT!
Both groups have a strong motivation to get involved - businesses are chafing against ever-growing healthcare costs, and drug companies and insurers worry about deep public resentment of their enormous profits and the threat that Washington under Democratic rule could treat them more harshly if they do not cooperate.
Yup, NOT WORRIED about YOUR HEALTH at all!!!!
Two weeks ago, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the lobbying group that represents the drug industry, teamed with Families USA to run new ads starring the same actors who played Harry and Louise 16 years ago....
--more--"Bad enough the nes reporters are s***; however, when you get to the editorial page....
BY ALL MEANS, members of Congress should hold town hall meetings in their districts to discuss Capitol Hill’s proposals for health reform. Included in the major bills are significant changes in the system: mandates that individuals get insurance and that employers provide it, provisions in some bills for a Medicare-like public option for consumers, and calls for new taxes to pay for expanded coverage. But the necessary debate will not take place if obstructionists who oppose any reform raise public ire by grossly distorting the proposals....
Yeah, the ONLY THING you are getting is the NEW TAXES part, folks!
"Senate group closer to compromise on healthcare measure; Plan being crafted omits key option" by David Espo and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press | July 28, 2009
WASHINGTON - After weeks of secretive talks, a small bipartisan group in the Senate edged closer yesterday to a healthcare compromise that omits a requirement for businesses to offer coverage to their workers and lacks a government insurance option that President Obama favors, according to numerous officials.... --more--"
So the HYPOCTRICAL GLOBE is LYING while hurling the LIAR ROCK?
My last Sunday Globe purchase.
The mischaracterization is intentional: Opponents are trying to scare the public.... distort the discussion so completely that vital issues.... slip by without debate.
Gee, they sound just like a newspaper.
Opponents.... should have enough faith in their views to argue them squarely, without resorting to distractions and distortions.
Tell that to the government over 9/11, a**hole pricks!
What assholes!!! No wonder no one likes them anymore.
Update: The ONE-SIDED and BIASED INSULTS never end -- they JUST GET WORSE in the jewspapers!
"Demonstrators disrupt health care forums" by Dina Cappiello, Associated Press Writer | August 8, 2009

Tony Loconto holds a sign in support of health care reform during a rally outside the office of U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., in Miami, Friday Aug. 7, 2009. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
WASHINGTON --As they head home to their congressional districts for the August recess, lawmakers who support health care reform are bracing for protests and demonstrations that threaten to turn violent.
Oh, now you UNION GUYS are TERRORISTS, huh?
In North Carolina, a congressman who backs overhauling health care had his life threatened by a caller upset that he was not holding a public forum on the proposal.
Democratic Rep. Brad Miller received the call Monday, one of hundreds the congressman's office has fielded demanding town-hall meetings on the health care proposal, said his spokeswoman, LuAnn Canipe. She said the callers were "trying to instigate town halls so they can show up and disrupt."
Yup, the American people -- whom THESE CLOWNS are supposed to SERVE -- are DISRUPTIVE when we are UNITED AGAINST the AGENDA, got it?!
Canipe said Friday: " .... we are trying to deal with and trying to talk to people in good faith about health care reform."
They are making me sick.
Earlier this week, White House officials counseled Democratic senators on coping with disruptions at public events this summer. In the week since the House began its break, several town-hall meetings have already been disrupted by noisy demonstrators.....
As opposed to noisy drug ads?
The latest occurrence was at back-to-back town hall meetings held by Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., which got so raucous police had to escort people out. Dingell vowed Friday to push ahead with Democratic-led efforts to extend coverage to all, saying he won't be intimidated by protesters.
Say GOODBYE to FREEDOM, AmeriKa, because IT'S OVER!! If you can't protest this, you ain't gonna be able to protest nuthin' -- unless it SERVES the AGENDA (meaning gays, global fart-misters, illegals, and any other agenda-advancing, controlled-opposition outfit).
"I am eager to talk about the bill with anyone who wants to discuss it. That doesn't open the door to everyone who wants to demagogue the discussion," Dingell said in a statement.
They truly have SOME NERVE!
The boos, jeers and shouts of "Shame on you!" at the events in a gym in Romulus, Mich., mirror what other Democrats are encountering around the country. Activists have shown up at town-hall meetings held recently by Arlen Specter, D-Pa. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was greeted by about 200 protesters at an event in Denver, about half supporting Democrats and half opposed.
Think I believe them?
In Saratoga Springs, N.Y., about 20 protesters showed up at an event held by Democratic Rep. Scott Murphy to let him know they oppose the health care plans in Washington. They carried signs saying: "Obamacare Seniors beware! Rationing is here," and "If socialized medicine is best ... why didn't Ted Kennedy go to Canada?"
The episodes have drawn widespread media attention, and Republicans have seized on them as well as polls showing a decline in support for President Barack Obama and his agenda as evidence that public support is lacking for his signature legislation.
And WHO is RESPONSIBLE for THAT, huh?!! Like I said: INSULTING!!!!!!!
Pushing back, Democrats have accused Republicans of sanctioning mob tactics, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused protesters earlier this week of trying to sabotage the democratic process.....
And they wonder why we are so angry!
WAKE UP you fucking ARROGANT PRICKS, and STOP LYING TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Jewish groups decry links of Nazi images, healthcare
"Rowdy protesters overrun health care meetings
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent her chamber home for the summer recess with a list of talking points to respond to constituents' questions about pending health care legislation. But those traditionally sleepy town hall meetings have become rowdy shout-fests across the nation, including Northern California, with opponents hanging members in effigy and mocking them with Nazi and devil imagery in an effort to derail discussions of health care
"When Pelosi and company start planting swastikas in the crowd, you KNOW they are scared out of their minds!" -- Wake the Flock UpTwo leading Jewish advocacy groups yesterday decried the use of Nazi images by some opponents of healthcare overhaul in the increasingly vitriolic debate.
Related: The Long Litany of Jewish Lies
Hate Crime Hoaxes Appearing All Across America
The Anti-Defamation League also condemned remarks by conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who this week compared President Obama’s healthcare logo to a swastika and Democratic policies to those of the Nazis.
Just another EXCLUSIVELY JEWISH therfore RACIST organization!
“Regardless of the political differences and the substantive differences in the debate over healthcare, the use of Nazi symbolism is outrageous, offensive, and inappropriate,’’ Abraham H. Foxman, ADL national director and a Holocaust survivor, said. “Americans should be able to disagree on the issues without coloring it with Nazi imagery and comparisons to Hitler.’’
Then tell Hollywood to quit making so many movies about it.
Related: Hogan Finally Escapes From Stalag 13
Colonel Klink Surfaces in Romania
Getting away with lies is funny, huh?
Limbaugh, on his show Thursday, said, “Now, what are the similarities between the Democrat Party of today and the Nazi Party in Germany? Well, the Nazis were against big business - they hated big business. . . . They were for abortion and euthanasia of the undesirables, as we all know, and they were for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare.’’
Yeah, leave it to controlled-opposition Rush to get everyone riled up and advance the agenda, the crypto-Jew!
Also, some who have been protesting Obama’s healthcare plans at town hall events being held by members of Congress during their recess have taken to putting Hitler-like mustaches on Obama’s image. The Democratic National Committee has called on congressional Republicans to disavow the comments - to no avail, so far.
“Americans have every right to be critical of the president’s healthcare plan but we demean ourselves and everything that America stands for when we compare either Democrats or Republicans to the Nazi Third Reich,’’ Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said in a statement. “Some of us may be too liberal and others too conservative, but none of us are Nazis.’’
Hey, Rabbi: Boston Globe Can't See the New Jersey Shore
Care to amend that statement?