"a graduated tax in 2011 on income to pay for the nation’s wars, starting at 1 percent for the low-income bracket, and rising to 5 percent for the wealthiest....
Why should the POOR be paying ANYTHING?
Even the most optimistic budget estimates predict that the US government will spend hundreds of billions more on the wars.... financed as they were under the previous administration, by borrowing"
And the BORROWING means it will COST YOU EVEN MORE, America!!!
Yup, SERVING the BANKS once again!
Related: War Looter's Wednesday: Electrifying Bonus
The OverBearing Government of Afghanistan
A WAR TAX for s*** like that?
"Afghan war cost grips both parties; Democrats talk tax; GOP urges spending cuts" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | November 30, 2009
WASHINGTON - The rising costs of military operations in Afghanistan, which average about $3.6 billion per month....
Good thing you don't have a budget deficit or any other need for that money, America.
“Can we trim up the health care to fight a war that must be won?’’ asked Lindsey Graham of South Carolina on ABC’s “This Week.’’ He also suggested rethinking the stimulus payments sent to states to help jump-start the economy.
"S.C. GOP censures Graham for work with Democrats -- Republican leaders in a South Carolina county have censured their own US senator, Lindsey Graham, for working with Democrats on a climate change bill and other legislation. The Republican has often worked with Democrats in Congress, but Charleston County chairwoman Lin Bennett says his work on climate legislation is the last straw"
How about TRIMMING the BANK LOOTING, 'eh?!!!
Richard Lugar of Indiana, the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made similar remarks, signaling that Obama’s strongest backers on the war would use the opportunity to oppose him on other issues. “The war is terribly important,’’ Lugar told CNN’s “State of the Union.’’ “Jobs and our economy are terribly important. So this may be an audacious suggestion, but I would suggest we put aside the health care debate until next year, the same way we put cap-and-trade and climate change, and talk now about the essentials: the war and money.’’
You know, I'd be HAPPY for the BLOCKS, but THIS IS NOT the WAY I want to get it!!!!
Obama is expected to send about 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan....
Actually, he raised you 5,000, BG.
White House budget director Peter Orszag, who has attended at least one of Obama’s war strategy meetings, has suggested that the cost of 30,000 additional troops would be roughly $30 billion a year, or $1 million per fighter. But some budget analysts believe the cost would be closer to $800,000 per fighter, and because Obama intends to phase the new troops in over a period of 18 months, few analysts think the costs would be that high.
Oh, well, THAT MAKES ALL the DIFFERENCE then!!!
Still, many Democrats continued to express misgivings about deepening the US commitment in Afghanistan, with some arguing that if more troops must be sent overseas, the administration should be forced to levy a special war tax to pay for them.
I'm SO SICK of HEARING this about DemocraPs!! If they REALLY WERE ANTIWAR these things would have been over LONG AGO, so pfffffftttt!
Representative David Obey, a Wisconsin Democrat and chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, introduced legislation last week that would implement a graduated tax in 2011 on income to pay for the nation’s wars, starting at 1 percent for the low-income bracket, and rising to 5 percent for the wealthiest. “If this war is important enough to engage in long-term, it’s important enough to pay for,’’ Obey said on “State of the Union’’ yesterday. “In this war we have not had any sense of shared sacrifice. The only people being asked to sacrifice are military families.’’
How about ENDING the DAMN THINGS, huh, Dave?!!!!
Few Democrats have gone as far as Obey to press the administration to devise an immediate payment plan for the war, a move that critics say is simply a way of opposing a troop increase.
Yeah, except DEMOCRAPS OFTEN GET what THEY DID NOT WANT when they "threaten" people, ever notice that!!!
But other Democrats signaled that questioning costs would continue to be a major strategy for skeptics of the war. “We’re engaged in a huge debate on health care and central to that debate is paying for it,’’ Senator Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, told CNN. “If we’re paying for the health and welfare of the American people, we certainly have to pay for our operations overseas.’’
Ummm, WHEN are you actually PAYING for the HEALTH and WELFARE of the American people? By CONTINUING THESE MONSTROUS WARS based on lies, Jack?
And this WHOLE TACTIC of using TAXES as a CHIP for ANTIWAR BARGAINING makes me SICK to my STOMACH!
Senator Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, said yesterday that it would not be possible to increase taxes on the middle class in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression, but that the nation’s wealthiest could be asked to pay more.
Since when?
“There should have been, as far as I’m concerned, tax increases long ago on upper-bracket folks who did so well during the Bush years,’’ he told CBS’s “Face the Nation,’’ a reference to the Bush administration’s decision to lower taxes on the wealthy, while borrowing money to finance two wars. “That should have happened some time ago,’’ Levin said. “But in the middle of this recession I don’t think you’re going to be able, successfully or fairly, to add a tax burden to middle-income people.’’
Well, it is TOO LATE NOW and the DEBT is how COUNTRIES are CONTROLLED and FELLED bu BANKSTERS! Read your history!!!!
Partisan wrangling aside, the cost of the war in Afghanistan has become an increasing focus of the American public.
Could NOT TELL THAT from the PAPERS!!!!
Chris Helman, director of research at the National Priorities Project, a Northampton-based national organization that calculates the costs of the nation’s wars, says that 2.5 million people each month log on to view the group’s steadily increasing “cost of war’’ clock at www.costofwar.com. “As wars grow in their duration, costs become an increasing concern, particularly when you see an erosion of public support,’’ Helman said.
Comes with having been LIED TO!!!
Btw, anyone notice the LACK of BLOOD in the COSTS?!! All TALKIN' $$$$, but..... sort of parallels their war coverage when you think about it.
The clock, based on figures obtained from the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan research arm of Congress, shows that the United States has spent more than $937 billion on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001, roughly the same amount that health care bills in Congress are expected to cost over a period of 10 years.
So you TRADED HEALTH CARE for the WARS, America!!
Of course, the WARS have cost TRILLIONS!!!! That's an MSM low-ball!
The bulk of the war costs - $704 billion - was spent on Iraq, while just $232 billion was spent on Afghanistan. But next year, for the first time ever, Afghanistan is slated to be more costly than Iraq.
I'm sorry, readers, but I'm not up for it. I'm not up for funding anymore wars.
The Pentagon has requested $130 billion for the two wars in 2010, about $65 billion for Afghanistan and $61 billion for Iraq, where troops are due to begin coming home. That budget request included the deployment of the 21,000 additional troops that Obama ordered to Afghanistan this year, but not the 30,000 additional troops that he is expected to announce tomorrow.
Which is going to ANOTHER $35 BILLION!!!!
Even the most optimistic budget estimates predict that the US government will spend hundreds of billions more on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even if they draw to a close in coming years. Helman said the costs are likely to be financed as they were under the previous administration, by borrowing.
“At the end of the day, they are just going to borrow more money,’’ he said.
And has there ever been a more disappointing, co-opted piece of crude on this planet than a certain senator?
WASHINGTON - Senator John F. Kerry is poised to endorse the outline of President Obama’s plan to send more troops to Afghanistan, a position that would put him at odds with a number of fellow Democrats in Massachusetts and in Congress....
The president is expected to announce in a nationally televised address at 8 tonight that he is sending at least 30,000 more US troops into the eight-year war. It is a watershed moment for Obama’s foreign-policy agenda that carries large political as well as strategic risks.
All those KIDS and LIBERALS who must feel SO BETRAYED!!!
Related: An Open Letter to President Obama from Michael Moore
He's one of them.
Kerry’s support is considered crucial because of his experience as a Vietnam War veteran and antiwar leader in the 1970s, and his current post as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If Kerry were to turn strongly against Obama after months of trying to shape the president’s new policy, it could influence wavering Democrats and undermine Obama’s effort.
Yeah, AS IF what this WAR-HAWKING PUKE did 40 YEARS AGO has any bearing on today!!
Related: How Do You Ask a Man to Be the Last to Die For a Lie, Senator?
Kerry Turns Deaf Ear Toward Veterans
Yes, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED of yourself, senator!!!
I SURE as hell am ASHAMED of YOU!!!!!!
But Kerry’s expected support for Obama would mark a major division with the other senator from Massachusetts, Paul G. Kirk Jr., who announced in an opinion article published in Sunday’s Boston Globe that he did not support sending more troops to Afghanistan.
Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't ring that to you, readers, but who really cares what some keep-the-seat-warm servant has to say?
Op space in the BG! No wonder those elite pukes like the paper! Gives 'em a platform and hides their warts!
Many other members of the Massachusetts delegation, notably Representative James McGovern, have also strongly opposed sending any additional troops, as have many other liberals on Capitol Hill.
I would have thought after the health care debate liberals would have learned by now; NO ONE in YOUR PARTY CARES what YOU THINK!!! I know the feeling over on the other side, too!
The top US commander in Afghanistan has asked for an additional 44,000 troops. By paring the request to between 30,000 and 35,000, and reworking his strategy, Obama appears to be acting more in line with suggestions made recently by Kerry....
Yeah, Obama pared the mass-murder down a bit, yay!
“If we can be confident that military efforts can be sustained and built upon, then I would support the president should he decide to send some additional troops to regain the initiative,’’ Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations.
Is the MESSAGE worth it, America?
By contrast, Kirk wrote in the Globe that there should be “no further troop buildup,’’ and McGovern wrote in a September letter to Obama that sending additional troops would be counterproductive. Obama’s plan does not require immediate congressional approval, but some members are trying to find ways to bring the matter up, either through a resolution of disapproval, or a proposal for a “war tax’’ that would require a new funding source.
There it is again: WAR TAX!!!
Guess you DemocraPs really didn't like control of Congress, huh?
Between THIS, your HEALTH TAX, and your UNCONSCIONABLE FART TAX, you are OUT in 2010! You had your four years and majorities! BYE!!!
Although Congress has control over broad spending categories, the administration has flexibility for now but could face a funding fight when the next budget comes up.
Among other members of the Massachusetts delegation, several said they either oppose sending more troops or are leaning in that direction, and several said they were worried about the cost of expanding the war. “I can’t see how we can continue to support the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq’’ and pay for other initiatives such as health care reform and a jobs package to help reverse the economic slide, said Representative Barney Frank of Newton.
Yeah, but he is NOT WORRIED when it comes to the FED RIP-OFF and BANKSTER HEISTS!! F*** YOU, you PoS!
Representative Michael Capuano of Somerville, who is running for the Senate seat that Kirk is temporarily filling, said that putting more troops in Afghanistan would be fighting “yesterday’s war.’’ He urged more focus on where Al Qaeda is hiding.
(Buzzer sound) WRONG ANSWER!!
Representative John Tierney of Salem issued a statement in opposition to increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, arguing that “a smaller, not larger military footprint’’ is needed. Representatives Stephen Lynch of South Boston, Niki Tsongas of Lowell, and Edward Markey of Malden all said they want to hear Obama’s speech before declaring a position.
Anyone want to check them for a spine?
Related: The War Pimps of PMA
Legislative Looters in Your Ear
Nope, nothing there!
McGovern, who has led a congressional drive against more new troops, said in a telephone interview that he was particularly upset that the “corrupt’’ government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai will remain in place with increased American support. “My conscience tells me it is a mistake,’’ he said. “I don’t want any more men and woman to die for the Karzai government.’’
They EVER MENTIONED ANYWHERE down in those hallowed halls?
Thomas Vallely, a longtime Kerry friend who is director of the Vietnam program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, said he expects that Kerry will give Obama the benefit of his experience in Vietnam and try to warn him about potential pitfalls.
And then DO the OPPOSITE, Obama!!!!
This guy is a FAILURE and he couldn't beat GEORGE BUSH! I mean, c'mon!!!!
“He is going to give his best counsel and then support him, and trust him,’’ Vallely said, adding that he had not discussed the decision with Kerry.
Just as GEORGE BUSH would have wanted!!!
Vallely, a Vietnam War veteran, said Kerry sees an analogy to the way former President John F. Kennedy increased the number of US advisers in Vietnam without the needed adjustments in policy. In this case, Vallely said, Kerry will recommend needed policy changes because “Kerry knows the history really well.’’
I'm SO SICK of the MSM soiling the REAL JFK's memory!!!!
Yes, he did increase the troops but HE WAS MOVING THE OTHER WAY by November 1963!! That is why he GOT the HEAD SHOT!!!!
The Kerry aide, who has been briefed on the senator’s position, said that the senator was expected to support Obama’s general plan, but had left open the option of objecting to troop levels or other elements if his concerns are not addressed at the meeting today. Kerry declined an interview request yesterday, saying through a spokesman that he wanted to wait until after meeting with Obama today and getting the final details. “We need clarity of the strategy. That is what the president hopefully will do,’’ Kerry spokesman Frederick Jones said.
Yeah, he'll call the Globe up tomorrow for the agenda-pushing talking points!!
Kerry has tried for months to walk a careful line on the issue, drawing on many of the experiences that have shaped him since he became a young naval officer.
He fell off that line long ago when he VOTED FOR IRAQ!!
Whatever happened to that BRAVE SENATOR who investigated the BCCI BANK scandal and the CONTRA GUN and DRUG RUNNING?
After returning from Vietnam, Kerry testified in 1971 before the Senate Foreign Relations panel, asking, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?’’
Well, THIS ARTICLE is EXPLAINING HOW, isn't it, John?!!!
Then, in 2002, Kerry voted for the authorization to go war in Iraq, but later expressed regrets and blamed the Bush administration for supplying misleading information.
Which is ODD because if I KNEW way back in 2002 that it was a FRAUD -- just a poor Mass. pauper -- then the GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES had to have known and KERRY could have EASILY FOUND out the TRUTH anyway!!!
The fact that HE DID NOT and uses this s***-fooley excuse speaks to the LACK of CHARACTER of this lying scum!!!!
He based his 2004 presidential campaign partly on opposition to the Iraq war.
Pffft! They call that campaign "opposition?"
Now, with Kerry heading the same Senate committee that he appeared before 38 years ago, the decision on Afghanistan brings his public career full circle....
Kerry’s support for Obama’s strategy would disappoint a number of constituents, including Boston University professor Andrew Bacevich, whom Kerry called upon to testify at the Foreign Relations Committee earlier this year. Bacevich, who opposes sending more US troops to Afghanistan, said Kerry should use his role as committee chairman to be the “conscience’’ of Americans and not defer to Obama.
Yeah, that guy HAD HIS SON KILLED in IRAQ! Wonder why the Globe left that out.
How many of KERRY'S KIDS have DIED in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN, hmmmm?
Oh, right, the daughter was just busted for drunk driving!
And HERE is what you will be PAYING FOR, America:
"Afghanistan poses a different battle; US troops find more obstacles than in Iraq" by Denis D. Gray, Associated Press | November 29, 2009

Afghans watched as armored vehicles from the Third Brigade Special Troops Battalion drive along a road near Pul-i-Alam. (Dario Lopez-Mills/ Associated Press)
Hey, who are those people in the photograph?!!
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SHANK, Afghanistan - Veterans of Iraq recall rolling to war along asphalt highways, sweltering in flat scrublands, and chatting with city-wise university graduates connected to the wider world.
Now fighting in Afghanistan, US soldiers invariably encounter illiterate farmers who may never have talked to an American as they slog into remote villages on dirt tracks through bitterly cold, snow-streaked mountains.
Lucky them -- until now!
And what is with the mountains in this age of global warming, 'eh?
“Before deploying here we were given training on language, culture, everything. I thought that since I was an Iraq combat veteran, I didn’t need any of that stuff. I was wrong. Both countries may be Muslim but this is a totally different place,’’ said Sergeant Michael McCann, returning from a patrol in the east-central province of Logar.
Umm, duh, YOU THINK?!!
While their experiences in the two war zones vary, for many soldiers in the field - if not policy makers - the conflict in Afghanistan is one they think may prove harder and longer to win.
Negotiate with WHOEVER is running the place if you want oil pipelines but STOP SHEDDING BLOOD over this!!!
When asked about the many sharp contrasts between Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers and officers involved in combat operations cite the more punishing geography and climate, those focused on development point to the bare-bones infrastructure, and intelligence specialists note the even greater difficulties in identifying insurgents....
In Afghanistan, troops routinely cross passes 10,000 feet and higher, descending into valleys where they say villagers “hibernate like bears’’ for up to five winter months, cut off by the snows.
Snows? In this age of global warming?
On the front end of that, what you DO NOT SEE MUCH ABOUT is that when those SNOWS THAW DOZENS of those villages are WIPED OUT by FLOODS -- EVERY YEAR!!
Hey, what is one more omission, 'eh, readers? MSM can't get to everything!
This almost medieval isolation makes it far more difficult for the Afghan government and coalition forces to spread the aid and information needed to counter the Taliban push while the villagers - mostly illiterate and with little access to radios, never mind television - rely on religious leaders at Friday mosque prayers, or the insurgents, to shape their world view.
Then they are BETTER OFF!! NO TV!!!
And I'm really TIRED of the ELITE INSULTS directed at the Afghans "lifestyle!"
Maybe there would BE NO GLOBAL WARMING (sic) if we LIVED MORE LIKE THEM!!! Of course, that would mean NO CONSUMERISM, CORPORATE PROFITS, or ILLEGAL DRUG INDUSTRY, so....
“When you have a society that can’t read for itself and religious leaders are trusted, they can say whatever they like and people will believe them. It’s hard for the US to penetrate and influence this. In Iraq there are other ways to get the message across,’’ says Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Weiermann Jr., an intelligence specialist, of Fort Hood, Texas....
Why did the NEWSPAPER pop into my head, readers?
Related: Memory Hole: Iraq, Lincoln and Propaganda
Times Too Little, Times Too Late
Pentagon Kicks Reporters Out of Bed
Paralyzed Patsy Can't Talk About Protest
I think I know why now!
Although tribalism plays a major role in Iraq, US troops find it even stronger in Afghan society, making the forging of vital bonds between people and government harder. Loyalty is given first and foremost to the tribe, the government coming at best a distant second.
Sort of like FAMILY before COUNTRY, 'eh, 'murkn?
While counterinsurgency in Iraq had its unique complexities, Weiermann said that in Iraq - about 70 percent urbanized as opposed to 25 percent in Afghanistan - “you can meet and hopefully influence a lot of people in one day. In Afghanistan with its great distances, sparsely populated areas, and rugged terrain you can do far less in the same amount of time.’’ Hence, one reason for the prognosis that Afghanistan will be a longer haul.
Development, which absorbs the US military more than combat and is regarded as key to victory, is also far tougher than in Iraq, which already possessed a solid infrastructure.
"Solid" infrastructure 13 YEARS of SANCTIONS after the U.S. TURNED IT TO RUBBLE on PURPOSE?
Either the MSM is LYING AGAIN or Saddam was NOT GIVEN ENOUGH CREDIT for keeping that place going!
Related: Sunday Globe Censorship: Saddam Told the Truth
You just got your answer, readers!
In Afghanistan, at best a quarter of the population can read, compared with more than 75 percent in Iraq, which had functioning banking, medical, and other systems, however imperfect, through which aid could be channeled.
This is INSULTING, readers!!!
We should GIVE the IRAQIS and the AFGHANS the $$$ and LEAVE -- after PROFUSELY APOLOGIZING for DOING WHAT WE HAVE DONE to them!!!
“Iraq already had the foundation. They just needed the governance piece that would support not just the elite few. In Afghanistan, you are starting at the very beginning,’’ he said.
So WHEN is AmeriKa going to get around to FIXING ITSELF, huh?
And you are also paying for THIS MONSTROSITY, America!!!!
"Afghan detainees held in isolation in secret prison; US military camp exempt from policy" by Alissa J. Rubin, New York Times | November 29, 2009
KABUL, Afghanistan - A US military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes weeks at a time and without access to the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to human rights researchers and former detainees held at the site on the Bagram Air Base.
EVEN HITLER let the RED CROSS IN, AmeriKa!!!!!
The site consists of individual windowless concrete cells, each lighted by a single light bulb glowing 24 hours a day. The former prisoners said their only contact with another human being was at twice-daily interrogation sessions.
Related: Memory Hole: What Four Years of Torture Will Do to an Innocent Man
The jail’s operation highlights a tension between President Obama’s goal to improve detention conditions that had drawn condemnation under the Bush administration and his desire to give military commanders leeway to operate. In this case, that means isolating certain prisoners for a time so that interrogators can extract information or flush out confederates.
While Obama signed in January an order to eliminate so-called black sites run by the CIA, that order did not apply to this jail, which is run by military Special Operations forces. Military officials said as recently as this summer that the secret Afghanistan jail and another like it at the Balad Air Base in Iraq were being used to interrogate high-value detainees. And officials said recently that there were no plans to close the detention centers.
Translation: Obama is WORSE THAN BUSH!!!
Obama told us he was going to END SECRET TORTURE at SECRET SITES!!!
In August, the administration restricted the time that detainees could be held at the secret jails to two weeks, changing previous Pentagon policy....
Like that means anything. Just another lie, right?
Detainees call the Afghan site the black jail.
“The black jail was the most dangerous and fearful place,’’ said Hamidullah, a spare-parts dealer in Kandahar who was detained in June and who, like some Afghans, doesn’t use a last name. “They don’t let the ICRC officials or any other civilians see or communicate with the people they keep there. Because I did not know what time it was, I did not know when to pray.’’
Related: The Torture of Dilawar and Habibullah
The Perversions of Torture
Hanging From the Ceiling in Afghanistan
Closing the Case of Torture in Afghanistan
Bagram: The Guantanamo of Afghanistan
Afghanistan Torture Chamber
Inside Bagram Prison
American Amnesty
Want a reservation for a room, American?
Hamidullah was released in October, after five and half months in detention, five to six weeks of it in the black jail, he said. Although his and other detainees’ accounts could not be independently corroborated, each was interviewed separately and described similar conditions. Their descriptions also matched those obtained by two human rights workers who had interviewed other former detainees at the site. While two of the detainees were captured before the Obama administration took office, one was captured in June of this year.
Obama PICKING UP where Bush left off!
Related: Obama to Refine Bush-Era Torture Techniques
I wonder how that is going.
All three detainees were later released without charges. The three did not say they had been tortured, though they said they heard sounds of abuse and felt humiliated and roughly treated.
Well, THAT is TORTURE in my book!!
Others, however, have given accounts of abuse at the site, including two Afghan teenagers who told The
HOW DARE WE CRITICIZE ANYONE over "human rights," AmeriKa!?
Neither Pentagon nor White House officials would comment publicly because the existence of the site is classified. The black jail is separate from the larger Bagram detention center, which now holds about 700 detainees, mostly in cages accommodating about 20 men apiece.
Cages, huh?
Like you would PUT an ANIMAL in, right?
That center will be closed by early next year and the internees moved to a new larger detention site.
Oh, I'm sure the Afghans LOVE that "liberation!"
In early 2008, military officials acknowledged receiving a confidential complaint from the International Committee of the Red Cross that the military was holding some detainees incommunicado.
AmeriKan MSM does it on its own.
Why not? YOU PAID FOR IT and it was done in YOUR NAME, AmeriKa -- all over a crock of LIES!!!!!!!!!