Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama First Science Officer

Related: Obama Continues the ClimateGate Lie

"Obama pushing science into national limelight" by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press | December 1, 2009

AP's resident enviro-propagandist!

WASHINGTON - He shows a fascination with science, an all-too deliberate decision-making demeanor, an adherence to logic, and some pretty, ahem, prominent ears.

They all add up to a quite logical conclusion, at least for Star Trek fans: President Obama is Washington’s Mr. Spock, the chief science officer for the ship of state....

This is SICK!!! I love Star Trek, but I definitely DO NOT LIKE THIS!

Okay, science officer, explain how fire collapses skyscrapers straight into their own footprint in contravention of the known laws of physics -- for that day only.

Obama was a lawyer, organizer, and author before he turned politician.

Related: Obama Worked For the CIA

So his interest in science wasn’t as obvious until he reached the White House. Now, privately he’s known to relish the ability to call smart people, especially scientists, to come to the White House to talk about their fields.

Really? Has he had Dr. Richard Gage over?

Out in public, Obama turns the Bunsen burner up a notch, playing a combination of high school science teacher and math team cheerleader.

Seth is so witty, isn't he?

Problem is, this is the way they used to write stories about BUSH!

Yes, no change, not one iota!

Last week, the president announced that the White House would hold an annual science fair as part of a $260 million private push to improve math and science education. That was just the latest in a science-heavy fall semester at what sometimes seems to double as the White House Institute of Technology.

No, really, how do those buildings fall at free-fall speed and turn to dust, seriously.

Ever hear of the LAW of CONSERVATION of MOMENTUM?

One October evening, 20 telescopes and an inflatable dome with a three-dimensional tour of the universe were set up on the White House lawn. The occasion was a star party for 150 middle-schoolers that also showcased moon rocks, a couple of astronauts, several astronomers and even two science teachers dressed as Isaac Newton and Galileo.

Yeah, remember what happened to him when he said the earth wasn't the center of the universe? He was a 9/11 truther before there was a 9/11.

The president’s science adviser, former Harvard professor John Holdren, said the party showed Obama “is genuinely and intensely interested in science and technology in a way that goes beyond their practical relevance to meeting national goals.’’

Related: The Climate Engineers

Btw, Holdren is not only nuts, he's also one of the liars.


Oh, here is something else you can explain, bamer!

"’09 hurricane season ends quietly" by Associated Press | December 1, 2009

SAVANNAH, Ga. - The Atlantic hurricane season ended yesterday with barely a whimper: Not a single hurricane came ashore in the United States since June, when the season began. Just nine named storms developed. Only three became hurricanes, and those stayed at sea or weakened before hitting land....

First of all, YOU GOT LUCKY, 'bamer!

Second point: Where are all the COLOSSAL STORMS that were predicted, huh?

Global warming was supposed to be making all this worse. Oh, right, it hasn't been warming for ten years.

The National Hurricane Center had anticipated nine to 14 storms, with four to seven hurricanes....


Happens WAAAAAYYYY too often!


Also read: MSM Still Silent on ClimateGate Crime Against Humanity