Monday, October 18, 2010

Boston Globe Tooth Brush

Tap water tastes like s***! 

SPRINGFIELD — Massachusetts, the birthplace of public health, has long led the nation in disease-fighting crusades, vaccinating children at high rates and crafting antismoking campaigns exported around the world.  

Yup, we are a nice little liberal laboratory for social experimentation. 

But it ranks 36th when it comes to providing residents with fluoridated water.

Nearly 150 cities and towns that could add the substance don’t, a state study released this year found — even though fluoridation is hailed by disease specialists as one of the 10 seminal public health triumphs of the past century.

Voters in Springfield, Worcester, and elsewhere have repeatedly, and sometimes resoundingly, thwarted bids to put fluoride in their water, rejecting the entreaties of dentists and health directors that the chemical prevents rotten teeth.  


Related: Study shows flouride may not help teeth at all

Fluoride Causes Premature Births, Brain Degradation, Bone Loss, Cancer, and Hormone Disruption

Fluoride Linked to Arthritis, Study Shows
50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation

It's why the Europeans stopped doing it.  


Deborah Burns, as gregarious as she is passionate, remembers the pair of pumps she ruined one Election Day nearly three decades ago as she trod a sidewalk at a polling station here, evangelizing on behalf of fluoride in the water.

“Some people listened,’’ she recalled, “but a lot of people were saying we were trying to poison them, poison their children, poison the water.’’ Her side lost.

Burns was training to be a dental hygienist back then. Now, she runs the No Tooth Left Behind clinic, where students arrive with mouths cratered by three, four, even five cavities. It is, she said, the legacy of poverty and a lack of fluoridated water.

In the past, fluoridation has been used by critics to evoke the specter of sinister forces and communism and Dr. Stangelove. 

When the INSULTING CORPORATE MEDIA starts throwing around slurs like that, or citing "conspiracy theories" you know you have STRUCK CLOSE to the TRUTH!   

Also see: Getting Some in Guatemala 

Will they ever stop poisoning and experimenting on us all? 

Forget the national health care if it is these monsters in charge.

Today, the debate — especially in New England, with its don’t-tread-on-me ethos — is just as likely to pivot on perceptions of individual choice versus collective good, which fueled earlier debates over seat belt laws.

The battle has percolated for so long that the two sides are like a bickering couple whose positions have hardened beyond compromise....   


Ever hear of that ethos, busybodies and Boston Globe? 

An arc of cities and towns extending south of Boston and onto Cape Cod don’t fluoridate their water, nor do most in Western Massachusetts....   

I guess we's rubes are smarter than youse, Bostons.

The absence of fluoridated water in so much of Massachusetts dismays health officials, who at the same time feel constrained by the tradition of local rule....   

Well, TOO BAD!

Fluoridation foes base their opposition on both health concerns and issues of personal liberty. There is, they argue, fluoride in toothpaste, fluoride in mouthwash, fluoride treatments that dentists can order.

“We support the voluntary use of fluoride — we’re not sitting around saying we don’t want people to have good oral health,’’ said Linda McLaren, president of Massachusetts Communities for Pure Water, which leads the charge against fluoridation. “That’s really where our heart is: the right of citizens of this state and everywhere to choose what they want to put into their own body.’’  

Yeah, what is so hard to understand about that?

But their arguments frequently go beyond that.

You know, as if they were selling an invasion of a sovereign nation over lies.

They point to a controversial Harvard University study from five years ago that found a potential association between fluoride exposure and an extremely rare bone cancer in boys, although not in girls.  

And they can have the arthritis if they live, great! 

Maybe the ROWS and ROWS and ROWS of CANDY in EVERY STORE in AmeriKa is the PROBLEM, huh? 

And they also note that federal disease trackers have discovered an increase in fluorosis, a childhood condition that results from too much fluoride and that can cause tooth discoloration.... 

Say cheese, kiddo!


Globe only brushed once?