‘‘Halting funding for the [WHO] during a world health crisis,’’ said Bill Gates, ‘‘is as dangerous as it sounds.’’ (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File 2018)
Watch this video to get a palpable feel for it.
Remember when they tried to say the face of evil was Cosby?
"Congressional Democrats allege Trump’s move to defund World Health Organization is illegal" by Erica Werner and Timothy Bella Washington Post, April 15, 2020
WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats alleged Wednesday that it would be illegal for President Trump to try to withhold money from the World Health Organization, igniting a dispute that echoed the impeachment showdown over Trump’s delay of security assistance to Ukraine.
How sad it is to see them rise to the defense of that organization.
‘‘The president’s halting of funding to the WHO as it leads the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic is senseless,’’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said in a statement. “We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data. This decision is dangerous, illegal, and will be swiftly challenged,’’ Pelosi said.
We are being fed junk science on this whole thing, and why do the Democrats care more about the globalist agenda than they do about the American citizen?
Pelosi’s comments came a day after Trump declared he would be suspending payments to the WHO in response to the United Nations agency’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Trump’s announcement set off a torrent of criticism from Democrats and international health experts who accused the president of trying to deflect blame from his own mishandling of the situation, while weakening the principal international organization leading the response to the pandemic.
Bill Gates, whose foundation is the second-largest donor to the WHO after the US government, said that the decision was ‘‘as dangerous as it sounds.’’
‘‘Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds,’’ Gates tweeted early Wednesday. ‘‘Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organization can replace them. The world needs @WHO now more than ever.’’
Well, we know why Gates wants them to be funded. They support his vaxx the planet idea and are one of the main vehicles for advancing that goal. For that very reason, I'm glad Trump pulled the funding.
People forget they pulled the same panic back during Obama's first year with the $wine flu $candal.
The announcement looms as a potentially devastating blow to the agency during the coronavirus pandemic, as the US donations make up nearly 15 percent of all voluntary donations given worldwide.
The criticism from Gates, whose foundation has committed up to $100 million as part of the global response to the pandemic, comes as Trump has attempted to deflect blame for the administration’s failure to respond vigorously and early to the deadly novel coronavirus.
I checked the byline and all of a sudden the spin made sense.
Others, such as the American Medical Association, called Trump’s announcement to cut WHO funding ‘‘a dangerous step in the wrong direction.’’
‘‘Cutting funding to the WHO — rather than focusing on solutions— is a dangerous move at a precarious moment for the world,’’ the organization said in a statement. ‘‘The AMA is deeply concerned by this decision and its wide-ranging ramifications, and we strongly urge the President to reconsider.’’
They sure made a point of emphasizing the danger.
While some of Trump’s conservative allies are now focusing on the WHO as complicit in a Chinese coverup of the outbreak, others have urged the president to hold off on moving forward on suspending funding.
That is where the print copy ended, and it turns out the piece is another WaCompost bashing of China via neo-con war-mongering mouthpieces.
It isn’t the first time that Gates has questioned the country’s response to the pandemic. In a TED interview last month, Gates, while not mentioning Trump by name, suggested that the push to relax social distancing to reopen the country was reckless.
He also gave a rather prophetic TED talk in 2015, four years before Event201.
‘‘There really is no middle ground, and it’s very tough to say to people: ‘Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks GDP growth is all that counts,’’’ Gates said. ‘‘It’s very irresponsible for somebody to suggest that we can have the best of both worlds,’’ but Trump administration officials defended the decision to suspend WHO funding, which also won support from some congressional Republicans. ‘‘Cutting off funding at this time is the right move,’’ said Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina. ‘‘This is a critical time for worldwide public health and we cannot afford China apologists running the WHO. I support a suspension of funding by the United States until there is new leadership at the WHO,’’ but the debate on Capitol Hill quickly turned to the president’s authority to take the step he had announced, and shades of the impeachment battle immediately emerged. In the impeachment fight, the US Government Accountability Office determined that the White House had violated the law by delaying funding for Ukraine that Congress had already approved. Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives over the issue in December, and acquitted by the Senate in February.....
Yeah, they should have waited.
Federal government pledges up to nearly $500m to speed Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine
The Feds are in it with him, that's clear.
Limited probe finds no interference in Microsoft’s $10b Pentagon win
So Gates' outfit won the data cloud defense contract over Amazon, 'eh?
He wants to track the virus’s spread with smartphone apps, but I'm told it’s apt to be harder than it looks because of the lack of testing and false-positives even as Apple unveils its latest iPhone, with smaller screen and smaller price (in some ways, there couldn’t be a worse time than a pandemic to introduce a new gadget, but.....)
While on the subject of evil:
"A trial for two associates of Rudy Giuliani charged with using foreign money to make illegal campaign contributions to US politicians to influence policy was postponed Wednesday to February 2021. The men — Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman — pleaded not guilty after their October arrests and are free on bail. US District Judge J. Paul Oetken in Manhattan moved the new trial date from Oct. 5 to Feb. 1 after prosecutors in a letter to the judge cited “disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic’’ and said defense lawyers joined in the request. Giuliani is a former New York City mayor and has served as the personal attorney to President Trump. The men were arrested on charges they used foreign money to make illegal campaign donations while lobbying US politicians to oust the US ambassador to Ukraine. Two others also have pleaded not guilty in the case. The men allegedly made the contributions while Giuliani was trying to get Ukrainian officials to investigate the son of Trump’s Democratic challenger, Joe Biden. Giuliani has said he knew nothing about the donations. Trump’s efforts to press Ukraine for an investigation of the Bidens led the House to impeach Trump, though he was acquitted by the Senate earlier this year."
All you need to really know is that Rudy was using members of the Jewi$h mafia that both sides have accessed in the Ukraine, and any official investigation won't be getting to the bottom of it.
Rudy's evilness comes not just from his warped career, but from the fact that he is the one who presided over the destruction of the 9/11 crimes scene. As a former federal district attorney, he should have known better. Thus he was a collaborator and accomplice in that false flag atrocity. Evil!
Gates: Unelected destroyer of freedom
His accomplice in crime:

“No doubt, areas for improvement will be identified and there will be lessons for all of us to learn,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization. “But for now, our focus – my focus – is on stopping this virus and saving lives.” (Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via Associated Press/File/Keystone via AP)
The guy is apparently a war criminal from Ethiopia who let cholera run rampant a trio of times; hence, he had the qualifications for the job. They are about the health of their world and pocketbook, not yours.
"WHO, world leaders lament Trump cut to US funding" by Jamey Keaten and Maria Cheng Associated Press, April 15, 2020
GENEVA — The head of the World Health Organization on Wednesday lamented the US decision to halt funding for the United Nations agency, promising a review of its decisions while sidestepping President Trump’s complaints about its alleged mismanagement, coverup, and missteps.
Oh, someone is going to shine a light on the globali$t corruption at the agency?
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was on the defensive after Trump announced a halt to US funding that has totaled nearly a half-billion dollars annually in recent years. Trump claimed the WHO had parroted Chinese assurances about how the virus is spread, failed to obtain virus samples from China, and made a “disastrous decision” to oppose travel restrictions as the outbreak spread.
Countries and health specialists around the world expressed alarm at Trump’s move and warned it could jeopardize efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Philanthropists like Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg joined European and African leaders and health specialists who lined up behind the WHO or insisted the United States shouldn’t cut off funding at such a critical time.
Oh, the wonderful "philanthropi$ts" who mean us so well.
While Trump pointed to a US investigation of the UN agency, Tedros stopped short of addressing his complaints directly and said the WHO’s performance in handling the outbreak would be reviewed as part of a “usual process” to ensure transparency and accountability.
“We regret the decision of the president of the United States to order a halt in funding to the World Health Organization,” Tedros said.
The exact fallout from a halt in US funding was far from clear.
Gian Luca Burci, a former legal counsel for WHO who now teaches at Geneva’s Graduate Institute, noted WHO’s tricky task of uniting opposing constituencies: China and the United States have been at odds on a number of issues. “Maybe Tedros went too far,’’ he said, ‘‘but you can see also some of the reasons why he wanted to secure China’s cooperation.”
Trump has repeatedly labelled COVID-19 the “Chinese virus” and criticized the agency for being too lenient on China, where the novel coronavirus first emerged late last year.
Trump is doing that to deflect attention from the fact that the virus -- if it exists at all -- seems to have the hallmarks of a US created bioweapon, like so many strange diseases that pop up on this planet. The rapid spread of the virus would seem too suggest that even more, as well as the coincidental presence of US forces in China around the time of the outbreak. There is also the fact that US scientists we collaborating at the Wuhan biodefense center. The bat soup to human bulls**t is just that.
Outside specialists have questioned China’s reported infections and deaths from the virus, calling them way too low and unreliable. An investigation by the Associated Press has found that a six-day delay between when Chinese officials learnt about the virus and when they warned the public allowed the outbreak to blossom into an enormous public health disaster.
Now the article has devolved into a China-bashing piece of sh**.
The WHO has been particularly effusive in its praise for China, calling on other countries to emulate its approach to curbing the outbreak and repeatedly praising its transparency. Tedros has also heaped compliments on Trump, praising his “great job” in responding to the outbreak last month.
The fawning still wasn't enough.
In Beijing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the country is “seriously concerned” about the US decision.
Aid workers in developing countries worried they might be hit hardest.
“Trump’s decision . . . is pulling the rug out from under our feet at a pivotal moment. It will impact the humanitarian community as a whole,” said Tom Peyre-Costa, regional media adviser for Central and West Africa for the Norwegian Refugee Council. “It defies logic at the height of a global pandemic and will lead to many more deaths.”
If he ends up out a job he can sign up for unemployment like the rest of us.
Worldwide, the pandemic has infected more than 2 million people and killed more than 128,000, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.
That's what the simulated numbers and models say, anyway.
Some global health academics said Trump’s attacks might actually strengthen WHO credibility.
“If Trump was making a great success of the pandemic response in the US, if there were minimal cases and deaths there, that might be different,” said Sophie Harman, a professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London, “but things are getting worse, and that reinforces the need for WHO.”
Is she another quake professor like that Ferguson guy whose models were way off and have been drastically revised downward?
A spokesman for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who this week emerged from intensive care after contracting the virus, declined to criticize either China or Trump.
“The U.K. has no plans to stop funding the WHO, which has an important role to play in leading the global health response,” James Slack said.....
"A 99-year-old British army veteran who started walking laps in his garden as part of a humble fund-raiser for the National Health Service has surprised himself by generating millions of pounds within days. Tom Moore’s family used social media to help him get donations to support health care workers during the coronavirus pandemic as a way to thank the doctors and nurses who took care of him when he broke his hip. Celebrities, fellow veterans, health workers, and many other Britons have rallied behind Moore after the World War II veteran and his family appeared on national television....."
I'm already sick and tired of having "e$$ential" workers being waved in our faces, and have come to resent them.
Also see:
"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday that Canada’s lockdown will last “many more weeks” and warned Canadians if the economy is reopened too soon, all the sacrifices they are making now might be for nothing as the country could see another peak in coronavirus cases. Trudeau urged Canadians to be patient and said for the reopening to occur, there has be rapid testing on a wide-scale basis as well as extensive contact tracing for those who test positive. “We are still a number, a number of weeks away from that,” Trudeau said. His remarks are his strongest yet against loosening economic restrictions too soon. Canada has more than 28,189 confirmed cases, including 1,006 deaths....."
That hypocrite is without a doubt one of the most evil neoliberal creatures walking the planet right now.
"German authorities on Wednesday arrested four suspected members of an Islamic State cell accused of plotting attacks on US military bases in the country. The Tajik nationals were detained in a series of early-morning raids in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the public prosecutor said in a statement. The details released by prosectors indicated that the plans were in motion: The cell had scouted US Air Force bases in Germany and obtained firearms and ammunition. German authorities did not release details of which US air bases were targeted. Tens of thousands of US troops are based in Germany, the biggest presence in any country other than Japan. The suspects are accused of joining the Islamic State militant group in January 2019, having originally planned to travel to Tajikistan to carry out ‘‘jihad’’ before instead turning their sights to targets in Germany. The cell was in touch with senior Islamic State leaders in Syria and Afghanistan, according to German authorities, who said the group also funneled money to the cell through agents in Turkey. The cell had also planned to murder an individual in Germany who had been publicly ‘‘critical of Islam,’’ the statement said. It added that one member of the cell had already spied on the person....."
More Washington Compost narrative-supporting garbage.
"The polar bear would be the last to go. So says a zoo in northern Germany, which drew up a startling contingency plan if the financial strain caused by the government-ordered shutdown because of the coronavirus outbreak did not ease up soon: Slaughter some zoo animals and feed them to others. The director of the zoo, Tierpark Neumünster, about an hour’s drive north of Hamburg, told the German news agency DPA that such measures would be carried out only as a last resort. No information was available on which animals would be slaughtered first and which would be saved under the plan. The zoo, which has about 700 animals, confirmed director Verena Kaspari’s comments Wednesday. It also said that a prized polar bear named Vitus, called the largest polar bear in Germany and standing nearly 12 feet tall, would be spared until it was the last animal standing. The zoo’s drastic proposal appeared to be an attempt not only to call attention to its dire financial situation but also to lay out a blueprint to keep some of its precious attractions during a pandemic the likes of which has not been seen in modern memory. Some zoos have been known to cull healthy animals to prevent inbreeding, and nature preserves occasionally have open hunting season to thin herds, but Tierpark Neumünster’s peacetime proposal is unheard-of, said Jan Bauer, who runs a zoo similar in size, the Tierpark Dessau, 180 miles southeast of Neumünster."
Better get the fire to cook them going:
"On the evening of April 15, 2019, the world watched Notre Dame burn, but one year later, all the tourists are gone, and the streets are empty. Parisians are confined to their homes, as Macron tries to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from overwhelming France’s hospitals and tanking its economy. The world’s attention is elsewhere....."
That's when the Germans do something like invade Poland:
"Polish lawmakers began debating draft laws Wednesday that would impose a near-total ban on abortion, criminalize sex education in schools, and equate homosexuality with pedophilia, revisiting proposals backed by a Catholic group that were shelved after a popular outcry....."
Someone is finally standing up for decency against the agenda of filth and smut.
"Millions of South Koreans wore masks and disposable gloves as they voted in parliamentary elections Wednesday, the highest turnout in nearly three decades despite the coronavirus. The government resisted calls to postpone the elections billed as a midterm referendum on President Moon Jae-in, who enters the final two years of his single five-year term grappling with a historic public health crisis that is unleashing massive economic shock. Exit polls conducted by TV stations indicated that Moon’s Democratic Party and a satellite party it created to win proportional representative seats would comfortably combine for a majority in the 300-seat National Assembly. While South Korea’s electorate is deeply divided along ideological and generational lines and regional loyalties, recent surveys showed growing support for Moon and his liberal party, reflecting public approval of an aggressive test-and-quarantine program credited with lowering fatality rates for the virus compared with China, Europe, and North America. The long lines that snaked around public offices and schools followed record-high participation in early voting held on Friday and Saturday, and defied expectations of a low turnout because of fears of contracting the virus....."
Oh, right, it is the Northern fella who is the evil one.
We have plenty of tyrants back here at home, except we call them governors:
"Imposing a stricter measure to control the spread of the coronavirus, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that he would start requiring people in New York to wear masks or face coverings in public whenever social distancing was not possible. The order will take effect Saturday and will apply to people who cannot keep 6 feet apart from others in public settings, such as on a bus or subway, a crowded sidewalk, or inside a grocery store. “Stopping the spread is everything,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany. “How can you not wear a mask when you’re going to come close to a person?” The new requirements are bound to make face coverings an inescapable and perhaps jarring sight in New York City for the foreseeable future. They could also introduce a level of mutual obligation and civic duty about wearing masks in public that is more firmly established in Asia than in the West. Cuomo said local governments would enforce the order, but he noted that the failure to wear a face covering would not lead to people being ordered out of public transit. He said the state would consider issuing civil penalties to people who failed to abide by the order, but not criminal penalties. “You’re not going to go to jail for not wearing a mask,” he said....."
They are emptying the jails or murderers and rapists!
Weinstein, too!
So what is it, a fine?
"California will give cash payments to immigrants living in the country illegally, Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday, using a mix of taxpayer money and charitable contributions to give 150,000 adults $500 each during the coronavirus outbreak. California has an estimated 2 million immigrants living in the country illegally. They are not eligible for the $2.2 trillion stimulus package approved by Congress last month, which gives cash payments to most Americans plus boosts unemployment benefits by $600 per week. “We feel a deep sense of gratitude for people that are in fear of deportations that are still addressing essential needs of tens of millions of Californians,” said Newsom, who noted 10 percent of the state’s workforce are immigrants living in the country illegally who paid more than $2.5 billion in state and local taxes last year. Taxpayers are kicking in $75 million for the money, while a group of charities has committed to raise another $50 million for a total of $125 million. A group of charities has already donated $5.5 million for the fund, including the Emerson Collective, Blue Shield of California Foundation, the California Endowment, the James Irvine Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and an anonymous donor. Newsom said the money will not be distributed based on income. ‘‘Their personal information will not be required” to get the support, he said. California has been the most aggressive state in the nation when it comes to giving benefits to immigrants living in the country illegally. Last year, it became the first state to give taxpayer-funded health benefits to low-income adults 25 and younger living in the country illegally. This year, Newsom had proposed expanding those benefits to seniors 65 and older."
WTF is wring with that state that won't be opening up anytime soon?
If the kid was born here, he/she is a citizen:
"When Angela Primachenko awoke April 6 from a week-long, medically induced coma, she was disoriented because of all of the medications in her body. Doctors kept her unconscious so that her body could fight a severe case of COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus. ‘‘I just woke up and all of a sudden I didn’t have my belly anymore,’’ she told NBC’s ‘‘Today’’ show from her home in Vancouver, Wash. ‘‘It was just extremely mind-blowing.’’
That conjures up images of extraterrestrial experimentation!
Just wait until he is old enough for school:
"The public health crisis that shuttered schools from coast to coast in March has taken an extraordinary toll on the education system, including admission testing for 11th-grade students who are thinking about college. Without venues for students to gather en masse under the eyes of testing proctors, the College Board this spring has canceled SAT sessions for an estimated 1 million high school juniors who would have been taking it for the first time. Significant disruptions have also hit the rival ACT test....."
What is going to happen when the state funding dries up?
"The Virus Is Vaporizing Tax Revenues, Putting States in a Bind" by Mary Williams Walsh New York Times, April 15, 2020
The ballooning costs of the coronavirus pandemic have put an unexpected strain on the finances of states, which are hurriedly diverting funds from elsewhere to fight the outbreak even as the economic shutdown squeezes their main source of revenue — taxes.
States provide most of America’s public health, education, and policing services, and a lot of its highways, mass transit systems, and waterworks. Now, sales taxes — the biggest source of revenue for most states — have fallen off a cliff as business activity grinds to a halt and consumers stay home.
Personal income taxes, usually states’ second-biggest revenue source, started falling in March, when millions lost their paychecks and tax withholdings stopped. April usually brings a big slug of income-tax money, but this year the filing deadlines have been postponed until July.
“This is going to be horrific for state and local finances,” said Donald J. Boyd, the head of Boyd Research, an economics and fiscal consulting firm, whose clients include states and the federal government.
Many state and local governments have already taken extraordinary measures to protect residents and keep public services running. New York lawmakers gave Governor Andrew M. Cuomo a one-year window to unilaterally cut spending if warranted, as the state faces a shortfall of at least $10 billion in tax revenue.
Yeah, right, they are all bunch of heroes for shutting us down.
In Connecticut, Governor Ned Lamont directed an extra $35 million to the state’s nursing homes so that they could pay retention bonuses, overtime, and other incentives to keep workers on the job as the health crisis worsened. Oklahoma lawmakers authorized Governor Kevin Stitt to tap into the state’s $1 billion rainy-day fund to make up a $415 million budget gap he attributed to delayed income-tax payments.
It must be wonderful to be an "e$$ential" worker.
Even if states are able to stretch their finances temporarily — by trimming budgets, appropriating funds earmarked for other purposes, or passing emergency legislation, as many have done — the economic recovery is expected to be slow. That means tax revenues from tourism, oil and gas drilling, conventions, and other activities are probably not going to bounce back.
They have already begun rewriting the budget here.
“We can’t spend what we don’t have,” Cuomo told the New York Legislature this month. The state is hoping to bridge its revenue gap through a mix of federal aid, loans and cuts.
Companies are unlikely to hire back the millions of workers they have laid off until they can restart normal operations, and some businesses may fold entirely. High unemployment, low consumer demand, and a wave of personal bankruptcies are likely to push up the welfare-related expenses of states — on top of their pandemic-related bills.
The states are going to fail on their obligations, and thus will become failed states.
“It will be very hard to pay for people in nursing homes, and to pay teachers to teach kids when school resumes, and to pay police,” Boyd said, naming three services that are financed in large part by the states and provided by local governments.
The corporate welfare and $ub$idies will still flow, and the breakdown of state governments will simply lead to more centralization and control from the Kremlin, 'er, Moscow, 'er, Wa$hington D.C.
The governors of seven Northeastern states, including New York, said this week that they would coordinate efforts to reopen their economies as the rate of daily infections dropped; the governors of three West Coast states made a similar pact. The governors have been reacting to President Trump’s statements on Monday that he had the ultimate power to decide when to relax stay-at-home orders and other restrictions that states have ordered to slow the spread of the virus.
They are following a script.
Last week, the National Governors Association called on Congress to provide additional fiscal assistance to states to meet budget shortfalls arising from the crisis. “In the absence of unrestricted fiscal support of at least $500 billion from the federal government, states will have to confront the prospect of significant reductions to critically important services all across this country, hampering public health, the economic recovery, and — in turn — our collective effort to get people back to work,” the association’s chairman, Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland, and vice chairman, Cuomo, said in a statement.
They are f***ing us all four ways from Sunday.
Also see: Pileup along icy Chicago expressway sends 14 to hospitals
That doesn't support the narrative and thus only the photograph made print.
"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Thursday extended stay-at-home restrictions through at least through May 15 amid signs the initial wave of the coronavirus outbreak is slowing. Cuomo said Thursday that transmission rates still need to be tamed as he prolonged the restrictions that have left most New Yorkers housebound. The number of people hospitalized statewide has ticked down to around 17,000, far below initial projections, but there are still close to 2,000 newly diagnosed people coming into hospitals daily, Cuomo said. New York recorded 606 COVID-19-related deaths Wednesday, the lowest daily number in more than a week. “This is still continuing at a really tragic, tragic rate,” Cuomo said at a press briefing. The governor said the requirement for New Yorkers to wear face coverings when people are out and close by other people starting Friday will also help fight the outbreak. New York City is getting ready to use 11,000 empty hotel rooms for coronavirus quarantines. Meanwhile, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city is grappling with a projected $7.4 billion loss in tax revenue because of the crisis."
By their own reporting they have crested and flattened the curve, and yet the lockdown has been extended?
It means there is more going on here than COVID-19, AND THAT cover-19 is being used a cover for more nefarious end evil actions.
"An extraordinary number of coronavirus-related deaths appears to have overwhelmed a nursing home in northern New Jersey where police found 18 bodies in what the governor called a “makeshift morgue” on two consecutive days earlier this week. Police got an anonymous tip Monday that a body was being stored outside the home, Andover Township police Chief Eric Danielson said Thursday. When police arrived, he said, the body wasn’t where the tipster had said it was — but they found 13 bodies inside. They were removed Monday night and taken to a hospital in a refrigerated truck. The remains found at the facility are among 68 deaths linked to the home, including residents and two nurses, The New York Times reported. Staffing was adequate, but an extraordinary number of deaths over the weekend had overwhelmed the facility’s resources, a co-owner of the home said via e-mail Thursday....."
Mass graves, refrigerator trucks, all empty, all fiction, but the fear factor is fulfilled.
Get your check yet?
"An immigrant from El Salvador bought a three-bedroom home with a basement for her family. A single mother from Ethiopia sent her daughters to college. A refugee from Sudan bought beds for her boys, new couches, and a dining table. Before the Smithfield pork factory in Sioux Falls became the radiating core of South Dakota’s coronavirus outbreak, with more than 640 cases linked to the plant, it had been a kind of beacon of American prosperity for tens of thousands of employees who landed on the high prairie from Africa, East Asia, and Latin America, but the opportunities were not obtained easily. For more than 100 years, people fleeing war zones and abject poverty have put in long hours at the eight-story plant that churns 24 hours a day alongside the tree-lined Big Sioux River. They worked side by side in front of speeding conveyor belts and behind vibrating electric knives powerful enough to slice through a hog every 30 to 40 seconds. In return, they received wages above the minimum and health benefits that stretched far in a state with a low cost of living, uplifting generations of immigrants who arrived in the United States without formal education or knowledge of the English language. That all appeared to be in jeopardy this week, when the Smithfield plant became the nation’s largest single-source coronavirus hot spot. Its employees now make up about 44 percent of the diagnoses in South Dakota, and researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have traveled there to assess how the outbreak spiraled out of control."
The undocumented agenda-pushing and use of cheap illegal immigrant labor has destroyed the town.
"Forty-four Guatemalans deported on one flight from the United States this week have tested positive for COVID-19, a Guatemala government official with knowledge of the situation said Thursday, amid rising rejection of deportees due to virus fears. Later, Guatemala Foreign Affairs Minister Pedro Brolo told the Associated Press the government had again suspended deportation flights. He did not explain why, but said the move was temporary. The flight with the infected deportees arrived in Guatemala’s capital Monday from Brownsville, Texas, carrying 76 Guatemalans. Three deportees displaying coronavirus symptoms were immediately taken for testing. When one of those tests came back positive more who had been quarantined at the airport were tested and 43 more resulted positive, said the official who had not been authorized to share the information publicly and requested anonymity. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement had no immediate comment on the report but has said in recent days that it screens everyone in its custody and quarantines anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19. The agency said that 100 detainees in its custody have tested positive for the virus, including 17 at a detention facility in San Diego and 12 at one in Batavia, N.Y."
The plane would have landed in England had they been allowed to board:
"The British government announced Thursday that a nationwide lockdown imposed to slow the spread of the new coronavirus will remain in place for at least three more weeks, as health officials said the UK’s outbreak — one of Europe’s worst — was nearing its peak. The lockdown has been in place since March 23. Schools, pubs, restaurants, and most shops are closed, and most people are allowed to leave home only for essential errands or exercise. “We know it’s rough going at this time,’’ said Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who is standing in for Prime Minister Boris Johnson as the British leader recovers from COVID-19, but, Raab said, “we’ve sacrificed far too much to ease up now.” Medical officials say the number of new cases and hospitalizations for the coronavirus in the UK has leveled off, but it’s too early to loosen restrictions on daily life. As of Thursday, 13,729 people had died in UK hospitals after testing positive, an increase of 861 from a day earlier. That number understates the true toll of the pandemic, since it does not include hundreds, and maybe thousands, of virus-related deaths in nursing homes and other settings."
What do you mean the tests are faulty?
"The two Chinese companies were offering a risky proposition: 2 million home test kits said to detect antibodies for the coronavirus for at least $20 million, take it or leave it. The asking price was high, the technology was unproven, and the money had to be paid upfront, and the buyer would be required to pick up the crate loads of test kits from a facility in China, yet British officials took the deal, according to a senior civil servant involved, then confidently promised tests would be available at pharmacies in as little as two weeks. “As simple as a pregnancy test,” gushed Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “It has the potential to be a total game changer.” There was one problem, however: The tests did not work. Found to be insufficiently accurate by a laboratory at Oxford University, half a million of the tests are now gathering dust in storage. Another 1.5 million bought at a similar price from other sources have also gone unused. The fiasco has left embarrassed British officials scrambling to get back at least some of the money."
Better check your mask, too.
"Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has expanded a state of emergency to all of Japan from just Tokyo and other urban areas as the virus continues to spread. Abe also announced cash handouts of 100,000 yen ($930) for each of Japan’s 120 million citizens. He said the expanded state of emergency is aimed at reducing the movement of people and achieving as much as 80 percent social distancing. Abe declared a limited state of emergency on April 7 that covered only Tokyo and six other prefectures deemed at highest risk. He issued a stay-at-home request to people in those areas, but later expanded it to the rest of the country. Abe’s coronavirus response has been criticized for being too slow and too lax. Several local leaders had asked him to include their prefectures in the emergency, while others declared their own states of emergency, in rare moves underscoring their frustration with Abe."
Once the Olympics were postponed, the government cracked down.
"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday ordered the postponement Thursday of a Victory Day parade marking the 75th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s defeat in World War II, an event planned as a lavish celebration that has topped the Kremlin’s political agenda. Speaking in televised remarks on Thursday, a grim-faced Putin said the pandemic makes public gatherings in Red Square too dangerous. The postponement follows Putin’s decision to put off a vote originally scheduled for this month on constitutional changes that would allow him to try to stay in office until 2036, if he desired. The plebiscite and the Victory Day celebrations had dominated the political agenda for months, and a painful decision to delay them followed weeks of procrastination. Putin has ordered a partial economic shutdown until April 30 and recently warned officials to prepare for the “most extraordinary” scenarios of the outbreak as the number of people infected in Russia has grown exponentially."
I don't know what piece of $hit American pre$$ organization that came from, and what does it even matter at this point?
South Korean ruling party wins vote held amid virus fears
Israel edges closer to 4th election as unity talks falter
Oh, I'm on the edge of my seat!
UN envoy expects Yemen cease-fire agreement very soon
I won't be holding my breath regarding "peace" in a war pre$$, and the "arrival of the coronavirus pandemic in Yemen, which reported its first case earlier this month, [adds the the misery of a] conflict that has killed over 100,000 people and created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, leaving millions suffering from food and medical care shortages and pushing the country to the brink of famine."
They left out the world's worst cholera crisis, but I suppose I should be thankful Yemen even made print, huh?
WHO, now Trump’s scapegoat, warned about coronavirus early and often
That's the New York Times running interference for the WHO.
Can't get any more evil than that.
"Facebook will soon let you know if you saw or interacted with dangerous coronavirus misinformation on the site. The new notice will be sent to users who have liked, reacted to, or commented on posts featuring harmful or false claims about COVID-19 after they have been removed by moderators. The alert, which will start appearing on Facebook in the coming weeks, will direct users to a site where the World Health Organization lists and debunks virus myths and rumors. The latest move is part of an unprecedented effort by Facebook, Google, and Twitter that includes stricter rules, altered algorithms, and thousands of fact checks to contain an outbreak of bad information online that’s spreading as quickly as the virus itself. Challenges remain....."
Wow, they are PANICKING because they have been FOUND OUT!
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then we win!
Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project at the Urban Justice Center and a fellow at the Engelberg Center for Innovation Law & Policy at New York University, and Evan Selinger, a professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute of Technology, are of the opinion that tracking coronavirus with smartphones isn’t just a tech problem, while Rebekah Emanuel, the head of Social Entrepreneurship at the Harvard Innovation Labs and board chair of Muso Health and daughter of Rahm Emanuel's brother (and thus a you-know-who) argues that they should use Facebook for coronavirus contact tracing because they are well-positioned to do so.
Biogen joins consortium to gather data on COVID-19
That is where they loosed it in this state, and they are also getting help from Gilead, and I stand corrected.
Microsoft, NBA make deal
It's a "multiyear pact in which the league will adopt cloud computing and artificial intelligence services to personalize games and experiences for its fans. The deal, to build a consumer-focused digital platform, will begin with the 2020-2021 season."
I am so looking forward to the re$urrection of $ports!
Of course, our overlords are $imply well-meaning "philanthropi$ts":
"A coalition of organizations that represent minority-owned businesses is launching an emergency fund to support Black and Latinx-owned businesses that could be particularly vulnerable to financial hardships during the coronavirus pandemic. The group is working with the Foundation for Business Equity, a nonprofit launched in 2017 by Eastern Bank that helps Black and Latinx businesses address racial wealth gaps. The founders of emergency fund have raised $1 million so far and hope to raise $10 million to provide zero-interest bridge loans to eligible minority-owned businesses in the state with revenues of at least $250,000. The loans can range up to $100,000 for two- to three-year terms, require no payments for one year, and come with no prepayment penalties. Initial contributions to the loan pool came from Accordia Partners, the Berkshire Bank Foundation, the Boston Foundation, Cummings Foundation, and Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation."
Get YOUR loan yet?