"After weeks of criticism, Trump shifts focus to economy, tries to regain his footing" by Zeke Miller, Jill Colvin and Jonathan Lemire Associated Press, April 27, 2020
WASHINGTON — The White House released new guidelines Monday on coronavirus testing and reopening businesses as President Trump sought to regain his footing after weeks of criticism and detours created in part by his sideshows. Trump appeared reluctant to cede the spotlight, with on-off-on plans for a press conference to capture the flurry of action.
I don't even like the guy that much, and his slavish devotion to that Satanic stain in the Middle East gives me little hope; however, the constant ax-grinding has become sooooo tiresome after 3-1/2 years.
As part of the guidelines effort, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new priorities for virus testing, including people who show no symptoms but are in high-risk settings.
The White House unveiled what it described as a comprehensive overview of its efforts to make enough tests for COVID-19 available so states can sample at least 2.6 percent of their populations each month. Areas that have been harder hit by the virus would be able to test at double that rate, or higher, the White House said. Trump and administration medical experts outlined the plan on a call with governors Monday afternoon, and Trump announced that businesses such as CVS would expand access to tests across the country.
“Testing is not going to be a problem at all,’’ Trump said later in the Rose Garden. Many of the administration’s past pledges and goals on testing have not been met.
Monday’s developments were meant to fill critical gaps in White House plans to begin “reopening” the nation, ramping up testing for the virus while shifting the president’s focus toward recovery from the economic collapse caused by the outbreak.
At one point the White House announced there would be no Trump briefing, but he appeared to have other ideas. His insistence on being the star of the daily briefing came as his greatest asset in the reelection campaign — his ability to dominate headlines with freewheeling performances at his daily briefings — was increasingly being seen as a liability. At the same time, private Republican Party polling shows Trump’s path to a second term depends on the public’s perception of how quickly the economy rebounds from the state-by-state shutdowns meant to slow the spread of the virus.
He is so toxic that he is finished if there is an "election."
Btw, I finally saw a clip of him making that statement and he is constantly turning to Birx and getting her confirmation that the information he is relaying is accurate. She set him up!
Days after he set off a firestorm by publicly musing that scientists should explore the injection of toxic disinfectants as a potential virus cure, Trump said he found little use for his daily task force briefings, at which he has time and again clashed with medical experts and reporters. Trump’s aides had been trying to move the president onto more familiar and, they hope, safer, ground: talking up the economy in more tightly controlled settings, but hours after the White House scrubbed the nightly briefing from the official White House schedule, it reversed course.
I've started to doubt all the palace intrigue as reported by my pre$$, sorry.
Spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said briefings would be held later in the week but “they might have a new look to them, a new focus to them.” “We’re entering a phase of looking to reopen the country and with that, the president will be focusing a lot on the economy,” she said.
On the conference call with governors, Trump suggested that many states should consider reopening schools before the end of the academic year, easing the way for parents to go back to work.
“Some of you might start thinking about school openings because a lot of people are wanting to have the school openings,’’ Trump told the governors. The Associated Press obtained an audio recording of the call.
When the AP says it "obtained" a recording of the call, that means it was leaked to them. The word obtained is a self-serving, self-adulating, self-aggrandizing term that makes it seem like the pre$$titute did some shoe-leather work to ferret out valuable information.
As for the schools reopening, forget it.
Among Monday’s announcements was a new “testing blueprint” for states. It includes a focus on surveillance testing as well as “rapid response” programs to isolate those who test positive and identify those with whom they came in contact. The administration aims to have the market “flooded” with tests for the fall, when COVID-19 is expected to recur alongside the seasonal flu.
This is no longer a test, the WAR is REAL!
They are going to pull the same $**t in the fall and commingle seasonal flu with the mythical COVID-19), so you can forget about football and the baseball playoffs (f**k $ports).
Jeremy Konyndyk, a disaster preparedness expert who helped lead the Obama administration response to Ebola, said the Trump administration’s testing plans are well short of what is needed.
Researchers at Harvard have estimated the country needs to be testing a minimum of 500,000 people per day, and possibly many more. Konyndyk said we should be aiming to be doing 2 million to 3 million tests per day. “Over the past month, we’ve doubled or if you want to be really generous tripled the testing capacity in this country. We need to take where we are now and expand it 10-fold,” Konyndyk said.
Even though the tests are contaminated, wildly inaccurate, and turn up false positives more than 75% of the time.
This is all part and parcel of their sick globalist control grid dystopia.
F**king EVIL!!!
The White House argues that the limiting factor for the nation’s COVID-19 testing is no longer the test kits or the chemicals and supplies needed to conduct the tests but rather the availability of resulting samples — either because guidelines on who could be tested are too stringent or because there are not enough health workers able to take nasal swabs.
I don't want a painful nasal swab, especially when saliva tests are more accurate and less invasive.
The CDC also has been working on more detailed guidelines on reopening schools, restaurants, and other establishments. Draft guidelines sent by the CDC to Washington include a long list of recommendations for organizations, such closing break rooms at offices, schools spacing desks six feet apart, and restaurants using disposable plates and menus. The draft guidance was obtained by The Associated Press from a federal official who was not authorized to release it.
That's where my printed paper ended the article, and the last agency I want giving out guidelines for anything it is the CDC.
The web version kept on pumping out hormones:
Some states have started to ease closure orders, and Trump is expected to spend coming days highlighting his administration’s efforts to help businesses and employees. Aides said the president would hold more frequent roundtables with CEOs, business owners, and beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars in federal aid already approved by Congress, and begin to outline what he hopes to see in a recovery package.
Have you noticed who is left out of his roundtables and commi$$ions?
By going along with the guidelines and doing what the monied cla$$ wants, the President is exposed as a carnival-barking con man -- as sad as that is to say.
I get it. He is only one man, but I suspect he never meant to drain the $wamp and all the rest. The entire term has been a $hell game, and now he is sheparding in the sick dystopian future the psychopathic and misanthropic elite are demanding. Sad.
Trump last left the White House complex a month ago, and plans are being drawn up for a limited schedule of travel within the next few weeks, aides said. It would be a symbolic show that the nation is beginning to reopen. The shift comes in conjunction with what the White House sees as encouraging signs across the country, with the pace of new infections stabilizing and deaths declining.
Still, medical experts warn that the virus will continue to haunt the country at least until a vaccine is developed, and they say the risk of a severe second wave is high if social distancing measures are relaxed too quickly or if testing and contact tracing schemes aren’t developed before people return to normal behaviors.
Worries are growing among Republicans and Trump allies over the president’s increasingly erratic handling of the coronavirus crisis. For weeks, Republicans have grown concerned that Trump’s daily briefings were doing him grievous political damage. Though Trump cherished the TV ratings, the modest polling bump he received in the early days of the pandemic has vanished amid a flurry of misstatements and partisan fights.
Has it?
Has it really?
What is with the ceaseless goddamn contradictions and mixed messages, AP?
"With governments making moves toward letting businesses reopen, stocks rallied worldwide on Monday to kick off a busy week for markets. From Rome, Ga., to Rome, Italy, companies are watching as politicians detail plans to ease up on restrictions that were meant to slow the coronavirus pandemic but also erased businesses and jobs. Retail chains, cruise lines, and other businesses whose profits hinge on people leaving their homes jumped to some of Monday’s biggest gains. The S&P 500 climbed 1.5 percent. This week is chockablock with potentially market-moving events, including meetings for several of the world’s largest central banks. Nearly a third of the companies in the S&P 500 are scheduled to report how profitable they were in the first three months of 2020 and, more importantly, perhaps talk about how they see future conditions shaking out. With central banks and governments promising overwhelming amounts of aid for markets, some investors are looking beyond the economic devastation sweeping the world. They’re focusing instead on the potential return of growth as the outbreak levels off in some areas. Treasury yields pushed higher in an indication of less pessimism in the market, but crude tanked again in the latest extreme swing that’s dominated oil markets in recent weeks. Financial companies rose 3.6 percent for the biggest gain among the 11 sectors that make up the S&P 500. They had tumbled earlier on worries about waves of households and businesses defaulting on their loans. The reopening of some businesses in Georgia and other states, along with a slowdown in hospitalizations in the hardest-hit state of New York, helped revive financial stocks. So did a rise in Treasury yields, which mean bigger profits for making loans. The sector is still down 26.9 percent for the year. Retail chains and real-estate investment trusts that own shopping malls also recovered some of their earlier losses as investors looked toward a future where people visit stores again. Even travel-related stocks, which fell before the rest of the market on worries about the coronavirus outbreak, were strong. Stocks of smaller companies jumped more than the rest of the market. With smaller financial buffers, small-cap stocks often get punished more than their bigger rivals when investors are anticipating downturns, but they can also rise faster during rebounds. The Russell 2000 of small-cap stocks rose 4 percent. The market’s big recent gains, though, are built more on hope for improving conditions than on anything certain. Some investors are worried that reopenings of businesses, if done hastily, could lead to a second wave of infections, and many warn that it’s still too uncertain how long this recession will last. “The sense I get is people are not going to be comfortable with life as usual,” said Marc Chaikin, founder of Chaikin Analytics. “It’s a big leap of faith to expect that earnings are going to go back to pre-2020 levels.” Even if the economy is past the worst of its downturn, “it’s going to be a long way back from where we were in 2019,” said Seydl of J.P. Morgan Private Bank....."
Of cour$e, "financial companies had the biggest gain among the 11 sectors that make up the S&P 500"as the u$ury is in full $wing, and why is that Chaikin guy ignoring the mushrooming protests against the tyrannical $hutdown?
Also see:
"Wall Street jostled to a mixed finish Tuesday, as former stalwarts ran out of momentum and some of the market’s most beaten-down stocks turned into winners....."
The lo$ers became winners even as US consumer confidence plunged in April?
Want to get some lunch?
Masks, temperature checks mark ‘new normal’ at restaurants
That article carried a New York Times byline so I sent it back!
"Masks, temperature checks mark 'new normal' at restaurants" by Kate Brumback and Russ Bynum, Associated Press April 27th 2020
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — With staff wearing masks, checking customers' temperatures and using disposable paper place mats, some of the nation's restaurants reopened for dine-in service Monday as states loosened more coronavirus restrictions, but many eateries remained closed amid safety concerns and community backlash.
Restaurants in Georgia and Tennessee and Anchorage, Alaska, welcomed diners back, albeit for a different dine-in experience than before the pandemic forced restaurants to close or limit their services to take-out and delivery. In Louisiana, the governor said restaurants will be allowed to seat people outside starting Friday, though without wait service at the tables.
In Georgia, dine-in service and movie screenings were allowed to resume a few days after some other businesses, including barbershops, gyms, tattoo shops and nail salons, began seeing customers Friday.
“We’re ecstatic to have them back,” said Chris Heithaus, who manages 87 Waffle House restaurants. “A lot of people, I think, want to get back to the new normal, which will be social distancing and all that, but they will be able to eat inside the restaurant.”
At the popular chain known for hash brown breakfasts and its ability to stay open in the face of natural disasters, the “new normal” included employees wearing masks, booths closed to keep customers apart and traditional plastic place mat menus replaced by paper menus.
The endless repetition of that phrase is a social conditioning effort as the medical surveillance tyranny is advanced.
Gov. Brian Kemp announced last week that he would relax restrictions despite health experts’ warnings of a potential surge in infections and disapproval from President Donald Trump.
Trump approved it before disapproving it, a la John Kerry and the Iraq invasion (he was for it before he was against it).
Anchorage began allowing restaurants, hair salons and other retails locations to open Monday, three days after the rest of Alaska began relaxing restrictions. Seating must be limited to 25 percent of capacity, and only members of the same household can sit at a table.
A log with every customer’s first and last name and contact phone number must be maintained by the restaurant and kept for 30 days in case it’s needed for contact tracing. All employees must wear fabric face masks, and customers are encouraged to wear them unless eating.
I've already lost my appetite.
In Tennessee, state officials allowed restaurants to reopen in 89 of Tennessee’s 95 counties starting Monday. At Tony Gore’s Smoky Mountain BBQ & Grill in Sevierville, only a few tables of dine-in guests had come in by Monday afternoon, and each diner — as well as employees — had to have their temperature checked with an infrared thermometer gun.
“Everybody has really been great about that part of it,” restaurant general manager Keith Carter said of the temperature checks. “We figured we would have some people who would be like, ‘That’s kind of weird.’ I think they see that it’s just a precaution.”
In Madison, a small antebellum town in Georgia about 60 miles from Atlanta, the Madison Chop House Grille took similar cautionary steps. The staff put big blue X marks on certain tables and removed chairs to let patrons know they could not sit there. When employees arrive, they have to take their temperature and record it on a white board that’s visible to customers.
Why not make 'em wear a Scarlet Letter instead?
Or a Star of David?!
The restaurant only had about six tables of people for dine-in lunch service, said general manager, Mary Spoto.
“Every customer who’s come in here has thanked us for being open, but unfortunately it was really slow,” Spoto said.
Many other restaurants decided it wasn't yet time to reopen.....
I'm ready to puke anyway, so....
The intrepid Jess Bidgood of the Globe Staff enlightens us to the fact that for restaurants, the long-term damage is all but certain as owners say relief has been an ill-fitting band-aid for an industry with an uncertain future.
If you are wondering why there is no meat on the menu, that is because "the US food supply chain “is breaking,” with millions of pounds of meat set to “disappear” as plants close. Illnesses in the meat-processing industry and shifts in demand after restaurants closed have disrupted the supply chain. Dairy farmers are dumping milk that can’t be sold to processors, broiler operations have been breaking eggs to reduce supplies, and some fruit and vegetables are rotting in fields amid labor and distribution disruptions."
Yes, readers, you READ THAT RIGHT!
A PLANNED FAMINE is to be FOISTED on America come THIS FALL, if not WAY SOONER!
Bill Barr will set things right:
"Barr tells prosecutors to ‘be on the lookout’ for state, local coronavirus orders that may violate Constitution" by Matt Zapotosky Washington Post, April 27, 2020
WASHINGTON — Attorney General William Barr on Monday directed federal prosecutors nationwide to ‘‘be on the lookout’’ for state and local coronavirus-related restrictions that might run afoul of the Constitution and to pursue court action, if necessary.
In two-page memo to US attorneys across the country, Barr wrote that the measures state and local government officials had taken ‘‘have been necessary in order to stop the spread of a deadly disease,’’ but even in times of emergency, the Constitution could not be discounted entirely.
Oh, he is a defender of the Constitution now, is he?
Here is a guy who cleared the criminal Clintons, had Epstein disappear while in federal custody, and what is John Durham up to these days? Remember him?
Barr is there to KEEP the SECRETS!
‘‘Now, I am directing each of our United States Attorneys to also be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens,’’ Barr wrote, adding later, ‘‘If a state or local ordinance crosses the line from an appropriate exercise of authority to stop the spread of COVID-19 into an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections, the Department of Justice may have an obligation to address that overreach in federal court.’’
It's right in front of you, Bill, from the police threatening churches in Mississippi to the tyrannical lockdown orders and advisories across all states that have closed "non-e$$ential" bu$ine$$.
Many states and localities have commanded residents to stay at home, except for essential trips for food and other supplies, and issued other directives meant to stem the spread of COVID-19, the potentially fatal respiratory disease caused by coronavirus. Barr’s memo did not cite specific policies he found objectionable. Justice Department officials have said in recent weeks that Barr is not looking to roll back reasonable restrictions and force the opening of the country, but rather to encourage officials to carefully weigh the necessity of what they are doing.
What a crock!
President Trump has pushed for a rapid reopening of the country — at times unnerving health experts, who fear a rushed resumption of normal life will only lead to more death. He recently tweeted in apparent encouragement of people in Minnesota, Michigan, and Virginia protesting those states’ coronavirus-related restrictions, but Trump has also publicly disagreed with Georgia’s recent decision to allow certain businesses to reopen.
After he approved of it, and what wildly inaccurate models are they using this time?!
Barr wrote that Eric Dreiband, the Justice Department’s assistant attorney general for civil rights, and Matthew Schneider, the US attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, would oversee the effort.
He compared the directive to a similar decree he issued telling prosecutors to prioritize cases of those trying to profit from the pandemic. That memo sparked a significant push among US attorneys to bring coronavirus-related prosecutions.
There have been a couple of busts in those entrapments, 'er, stings(??).
Barr has previously been outspoken about his wariness of aggressive restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus. He told Fox News earlier this month that he considered some of the measures ‘‘draconian’’ and that he would be ‘‘keeping a careful eye on’’ the situation — particularly as April turned to May, and the federal government updated its social distancing guidelines.
‘‘When this period of time, at the end of April, expires, I think we have to allow people to adapt more than we have, and not just tell people to go home and hide under their bed, but allow them to use other ways — social distancing and other means — to protect themselves,’’ Barr said.
Barr repeated some of those sentiments in a more recent interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, saying that ‘‘the idea that you have to stay in your house is disturbingly close to house arrest’’ and cryptically suggesting the federal government might ‘‘have to address’’ cases in which state governors impinge on civil liberties.
Did he go before or after McConnell?
But in both instances, Barr stressed that states have the authority to restrict Americans’ constitutional rights in cases of emergency, and in the more recent interview with Hewitt, he said the federal government was wisely deferring to state leaders.
That paragraph just shredded the entire premise of the propaganda up to this point.
‘‘That can be a messy business, but at the end of the day, the better approach than trying to dictate everything from Washington,’’ Barr said. Barr said the Justice Department has sought to ‘‘jawbone’’ some local officials who have exceeded their authority, but so far it has intervened in only a single lawsuit over coronavirus restrictions, appearing to back a Greenville, Miss., church which had sued over the city’s efforts to shut down drive-in religious services.
Even in that instance, the department did not unequivocally support Temple Baptist Church in its legal statement of interest, though it said the circumstances the church described ‘‘suggest that the city singled out churches for distinctive treatment,’’ which would be unconstitutional.
Our future will be worse than the Nazis.
The department also stressed in its filing that following state and local restrictions was the ‘‘best path to swiftly ending COVID-19’s profound disruptions to our national life and resuming the normal economic life of our country.’’ The city ultimately backed down in the suit.
With a "new normal," of course.
Also see:
"President Trump’s first tweet Sunday came unusually late, popping up a few minutes after noon — hours behind schedule for a president who is often awake and tweeting as the sun rises. ‘‘Happy Birthday to Melania, our great First Lady!’’ Trump tweeted at 12:06 p.m. The celebratory tweet kicked off a long day of tweeting and retweeting that really ramped up at around 2 p.m. when Trump observed, in response to a recent New York Times article, that those who know him regard him as ‘‘the hardest working President in history.’’ Over the next seven hours or so, Trump took aim at everything and anyone he could, unleashing a barrage of more than 30 tweets and retweets that targeted media outlets, high-profile commentators and hosts, and Democrats. He also returned once more to the Russia probe and impeachment, promoting a tweet that accused his political adversaries of ‘‘three failed coup attempts.’’ There tweet went on to suggest that the president's opponents could attempt to "steal the election" by making the novelcoronavirus's impact on human lives seem worse than it really is."
Oh, there is no doubt in my mind that the election will be stolen from him in the mo$t under-handed way, and the tweets are written for him.
"US intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former US officials. The repeated warnings were conveyed in issues of the President’s Daily Brief, a sensitive report that is designed to call the president’s attention to the most significant global developments and security threats. For weeks, the PDB — as the report is known — traced the virus’s spread around the globe, made clear that China was suppressing information about the contagion, and raised the prospect of dire political and economic consequences, but the alarms appear to have failed to register with the president, who routinely skips reading the PDB and has at times shown little patience even for the oral summary, according to the officials. The advisories came during a period now regarded by many public health officials and other experts as a squandered opportunity to contain the outbreak."
Like they did with W. Bush at his ranch in August 2001, right?
What you are looking at above is an attempt by the Deep State intelligence agencies to rewrite history and tar the President of the United States with a lack of response to crisis.
Of course, when he banned flights from China the same agents called him a racist in the pre$$.
Of course, we are getting distortion after distortion and like after lie as the pre$$ pushes simulated death figures while padding the actual counts.
The previous brief replaced this printed pos:
"A Vallejo city official who was seen tossing a cat, and drinking during an online planning commission meeting has resigned, the Vallejo Times-Herald reports. In a Zoom meeting held on Monday, Planning Commissioner Chris Platzer was seen on the lower left-hand corner of the screen saying, "first I would like to introduce my cat," with the feline making a short appearance before being tossed abruptly to the side. In an email, Platzer told the Vallejo Times-Herald on Saturday that he was stepping down immediately and apologized for his actions. "I did not conduct myself in the Zoom meeting in a manner befitting of a planning commissioner and apologize for any harm I may have inflicted," Platzer wrote to the Times-Herald. "I serve at the pleasure of the council and no longer have that trust and backing. I extend my gratitude to those who have supported me during my tenure. I have always felt that serving Vallejo in a voluntary position is honorable because Vallejo is worth serving. We are all living in uncertain times and I certainly, like many of you, am adjusting to a new normalcy." The Times-Herald also reports the commissioner was drinking beer and was also heard making derogatory remarks after the meeting was over. The city council was planning to take up a resolution to remove Platzer."
Here is something that will throw you off balance:
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has expanded its list of possible symptoms of the coronavirus, a step that reflects the broad variation and unpredictability in the way the illness can affect individual patients. Echoing the observations of doctors treating thousands of patients in the pandemic, the federal health agency changed its website to cite the following symptoms as possible indicators of COVID-19, the infection caused by the coronavirus: chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell. Previously it had listed just three symptoms: fever, cough, and shortness of breath. The CDC added the six symptoms earlier this month after new recommendations were issued by an organization of public health epidemiologists that is responsible for defining which infectious diseases are tracked and reported to the agency. The organization, the Center for State and Territorial Epidemiologists, or CSTE, recommended that COVID-19 be considered a nationally reportable illness and gave guidelines about how cases should be defined and identified. The revised CDC list differs somewhat from the symptoms described by the World Health Organization on its website. The WHO says the most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and tiredness."
Figures lie and liars figure, and evil misanthropic psychopaths manipulate numbers!
The NorthernTruthSeeker has it correct:
The COVID-19 Bullshit: Criminals Are NOT Getting Their "Numbers" To Classify This As A Pandemic - So They Are Now Arbitrarily Expanding The Definition Of This Disease (!)
This follows up on the last week where we have seen a number of reports calling into question the official totals as YouTube removes videos from doctors looking at real data.
"In the early weeks of the coronavirus epidemic, the United States recorded an estimated 15,400 excess deaths, nearly two times as many as were publicly attributed to COVID-19 at the time, according to an analysis of federal data conducted for The Washington Post by a research team led by the Yale School of Public Health. The excess deaths — the number beyond what would normally be expected for that time of year — occurred during March and through April 4, a time when 8,128 coronavirus deaths were reported. The excess deaths are not necessarily attributable directly to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. They could include people who died because of the epidemic but not from the disease, such as those who were afraid to seek medical treatment for unrelated illnesses, as well as some deaths that are part of the ordinary variation in the death rate. The count is also affected by increases or decreases in other categories of deaths, such as suicides, homicides, and motor vehicle accidents, but in any pandemic, higher-than-normal mortality is a starting point for scientists seeking to understand the full impact of the disease. The Yale analysis for the first time estimates excess deaths, both nationally and in each state, in those five weeks."
Time to start silencing the whistleblowers with some wet work:
"A top emergency room doctor at a Manhattan hospital that treated many coronavirus patients died by suicide Sunday, her father and the police said. Dr. Lorna M. Breen, medical director of the emergency department at NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital, died in Charlottesville, Va., where she was staying with family, her father said in an interview. Breen’s father, Dr. Philip C. Breen, said she had described devastating scenes of the toll the coronavirus took on patients. “She tried to do her job, and it killed her,” he said. Philip Breen said his daughter had contracted the coronavirus but had gone back to work after recuperating for about a week and a half. The hospital sent her home again, before her family intervened to bring her to Charlottesville, he said. Lorna Breen, 49, did not have a history of mental illness, her father said, but he said that when he last spoke with her, she seemed detached, and he could tell something was wrong. She had described to him an onslaught of patients who were dying before they could even be taken out of ambulances. “She was truly in the trenches of the front line,” he said. He added: “Make sure she’s praised as a hero, because she was. She’s a casualty just as much as anyone else who has died.” In a statement, NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia used that language to describe Lorna Breen. “Dr. Breen is a hero who brought the highest ideals of medicine to the challenging front lines of the emergency department,” the statement said."
Was she murdered or just paid off to disappear because the family's reaction is awfully strange.
Did they put her on a ventilator?
As for being in the trenches, you need to go HERE.
Turns out she shot herself:
"The Supreme Court said Monday that it would not decide what would have been its first decision on the scope of the Second Amendment in almost a decade, finding that New York City’s repeal of the gun control regulation under challenge had made the matter moot. When the court agreed to hear the case, the possibility of such a ruling alarmed gun control proponents, who urged New York City officials to repeal the regulation....."
Don’t look to the Supreme Court to protect you:
"The Supreme Court ruled Monday that insurance companies can collect $12 billion from the federal government to cover their losses in the early years of the health care law championed by President Barack Obama. Insurers are entitled to the money under a provision of the “Obamacare” health law that promised the companies a financial cushion for losses they might incur by selling coverage to people in the marketplaces created by the health care law, the justices said by an 8-1 vote. The program only lasted three years, but Congress inserted a provision in the Health and Human Services Department’s spending bills from 2015 to 2017 to limit payments under the “risk corridors” program. Both the Obama and Trump administrations had argued that the provision means the government has no obligation to pay, but Justice Sonia Sotomayor said in her opinion for the court that the congressional action was not sufficient to repeal the government’s commitment to pay."
The Corporate Court comes together on something!
So who was the dissenter and why?
Time to party!
"At least eight of the 800 members of the Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club have been confirmed to have died of COVID-19, while others may have been killed by the coronavirus, and still more are fighting for their lives, said the club’s board chairman, Jay H. Banks, who also is a New Orleans city councilman. The toll on the club, a mainstay of Mardi Gras parades that was formed more than a century ago in part to provide funeral services to Black people, reflects the outsize impact that the pandemic is having on Blacks, who represent more than 56 percent of Louisiana’s 1,670 coronavirus deaths, the state public health department reported Sunday."
The Jewi$h $upremaci$t pre$$ has begun capitalizing Black (like they do Jewish) while leaving White in lower-case (they think you are subhuman, goyim!).
What about the Women?
"Can estrogen and other sex hormones help men survive COVID-19?" by Roni Caryn Rabin New York Times, April 27, 2020
As the novel coronavirus swept through communities around the world, preying disproportionately on the poor and the vulnerable, one disadvantaged group has demonstrated a remarkable resistance. Women, whether from China, Italy, or the United States, have been less likely to become acutely ill — and far more likely to survive.
Last week, doctors on Long Island started treating COVID-19 patients with estrogen in an effort to increase their immune systems, and next week physicians in Los Angeles will start treating male patients with another hormone that is predominantly found in women, progesterone, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can potentially prevent overreactions of the immune system.
They are LITERALLY attempting to EMASCULATE MEN!
It's the sickening gender confusion agenda attaching itself to COVID-19!
“There’s a striking difference between the number of men and women in the intensive care unit, and men are clearly doing worse,” said Dr. Sara Ghandehari, a pulmonologist and intensive care physician at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles who is the principal investigator for the progesterone study.
She said 75 percent of the hospital’s intensive care patients and those on ventilators are men, and pregnant women, who are usually immunocompromised but have high levels of estrogen and progesterone, tend to have mild courses of the disease.
See: Hyperventilating Over the Sunday Globe
They are literally stealing the air from your lungs!
“So something about being a woman is protective, and something about pregnancy is protective, and that makes us think about hormones,” Ghandehari said.
Oh, Mercy Me!
Let me say that again.
Oh, Mercy Me!
The gender gap in coronavirus survival became apparent early in the pandemic. Reports from China indicated men were dying at higher rates, but the disparity was attributed to higher smoking rates, but the outcomes were consistent in other countries, with men in Italy dying at higher rates than women and men in New York City dying at nearly double the rate of women.
Think about that for a minute.
Up above, the main source of iron and protein for men -- meat -- is being taken away from the American diet, making men -- who offer more physical resistance against the enveloping tyranny -- weaker, leaving the weaker women to defend themselves.
You combine that will the "gender gap" in deaths weighted toward men, and I see an evil, EVIL scheme at hand.
They are killing off your menfolk, ladies, and you need to fight for them now!
Scientists who study sex differences say that both biological differences in immunity, as well as behavioral factors, are at play. Men smoke more almost everywhere, they say; men also wash their hands less. While women appear to have more robust immune systems, these experts say, the causes are complex and multifactorial, and hormones are only part of the picture.
“We see this bias across the life course,” Klein said. “Older men are still disproportionately affected, and that suggests to me it’s got to be something genetic, or something else, that’s not just hormonal.”
You will forgive me if I don't trust Klein(!!) the $cienti$t.
The Stony Brook estrogen trial is recruiting 110 patients who come to the hospital’s emergency room with symptoms like fever, cough, shortness of breath or pneumonia, and who have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are presumed to have the illness, as long as they do not require intubation.
The trial is open to adult men as well as to women ages 55 and older, since they have low levels of estrogen. The Cedars-Sinai study is smaller, with only 40 subjects, all men, half of whom will be a control group. Only hospital inpatients with mild to moderate disease who have tested positive for COVID-19 can participate. (Patients with certain conditions, like a history of blood clots, are excluded for safety reasons.)
The patients will get two shots of progesterone a day for five days. They will be monitored to see if their status is improving, how their needs for oxygen change and whether they go on to require intensive care or mechanical ventilation; their progress will be compared to patients in the control group.
The researchers in Los Angeles are pinning their hopes on progesterone rather than estrogen because research has shown that the hormone reduces pro-inflammatory immune cells and supports those that fight inflammation, Ghandehari said. The hypothesis is that progesterone will prevent or dampen a harmful overreaction of the immune system, called a cytokine storm, and will reduce the likelihood of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Both hormones are believed to be safe, especially when used for short durations.
Believed to be?
The Globe's editorial board is mostly female, and they are hysterically calling to disinfect the White House of quackery by getting rid of Redfield, Fauci, and Birx:

Dr. Deborah Birx listens as President Trump speaks about the coronavirus at the White House on April 23. (Alex Brandon/Associated Press)
That evil bitch looks drunk on power if not literally sloshed!
She is a cancer, folks:
"Blood test helped detect cancer before symptoms, study finds" by Marilynn Marchione Associated Press, April 28, 2020
For the first time, a blood test has been shown to help detect many types of cancer in a study of thousands of people with no history or symptoms of the disease.
The test is still experimental. Even its fans say it needs to be improved and that Tuesday’s results are not ideal, yet they show what benefits and drawbacks might come from using these gene-based tests, called liquid biopsies, in routine care — in this case, with PET scans to confirm or rule out suspected tumors.
This whole f**king thing is a Mass Experiment!
“We think that it’s feasible,” said Nickolas Papadopoulos, a Johns Hopkins University scientist who helped develop the test. Using it along with standard screening methods “doubled the cancers that were detected” in the study, he said, but the test also missed many more cancers than it found and raised some false alarms that led to unnecessary follow-up procedures. It was only studied in women 65 to 75 years old and needs to be tried in men, other ages, and more diverse groups.
Johns f**king Hopkins, pfffft!
“This is not at the place where it could be used today,” said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. “It will need many more studies to demonstrate value,” including whether it improves survival, he said.
Results were published in the journal Science and discussed at an American Association for Cancer Research conference that was held online because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Many companies are working on liquid biopsies, which look for DNA and other things that tumors shed into blood, to try to find cancer at an early stage. This test was invented by Johns Hopkins doctors who formed a company, Thrive Earlier Detection Corp., to develop it with Third Rock Ventures, a biotech finance firm.
Until now, these multi-cancer detection tools have been tested on blood samples from people with and without cancer to estimate their accuracy. The new study was the first “real world” test in routine medical care, following patients through surgery or other treatment to see how they fared.
Martial law under the cover of medicine.
How brilliant!
Nearly 10,000 women 65 to 75 years old with no history of cancer were recruited through the Geisinger Health System in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. That’s because some deadly cancers such as ovarian have no screening test now, and women in this age group have a higher risk for cancer yet are young enough to benefit from finding it early, Papadopoulos said.
If J&J knew, would they tell you?
They were encouraged to continue regular screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies and were given the blood test, which was repeated if findings suggested cancer. If the second test also was suspicious, they were given a whole-body PET-CT scan, an imaging test that costs around $1,000 and can reveal the location of any tumors.
Yeah, don't worry about the radiation that comes with it!
After one year, 96 cancers had been diagnosed. Usual screenings found 24 and the blood test helped find 26 others. The remaining 46 were found because symptoms appeared or the cancer was discovered in other ways, such as an imaging test for a different reason.
Blood testing “made a genuine difference in discovering cancers in a small number of patients,” took seven months on average, and led 1 percent of women to get a PET scan they turned out not to need, Lichtenfeld said.
The blood test helped reveal six ovarian cancers, including one in Rosemary Jemo, 71, a hairdresser and exercise instructor who lives near Hazleton in eastern Pennsylvania.
“I would have never known . . . I didn’t feel anything” before the football-sized tumor was found, she said. Surgeons were able to remove it and she is being monitored now.
Alberto Bardelli, a cancer specialist at the University of Turin in Italy who discussed the study at the conference, called it “extraordinary” and said it shows a way to move liquid biopsies into routine care.
The test still needs to be improved, but “it can become very valuable,” he said.
The research was funded by foundations and government grants. Many study leaders have financial ties to Thrive or other companies related to the work and Johns Hopkins holds some patent rights.
"Over its six years, Thrive has become a quiet force in venture capital. At its helm is Joshua Kushner, the younger son of a New York-area real estate family — his brother is Jared Kushner, who leads the family business and is the son-in-law of Donald Trump — who has carved his own path. Kushner, who began investing while at Harvard Business School, left Goldman Sachs soon after arriving to focus on his venture endeavor, which became Thrive....."
Also see: Be very wary of Trump’s health surveillance plans
Why would that be, WaCompo?
Looks like the KUSHNERS will be THRIVING like COVID-19, huh?
Some companies may seek to market liquid biopsies under rules that allow certain tests to be sold without federal Food and Drug Administration approval.
The FDA has enough on its plate.
"Boston data security company Rapid7 is making a big move into cloud computing with its $145 million deal to acquire DivvyCloud Corp., a Virginia-based firm that helps companies secure data or applications running on remote computer systems. Rapid7 chief executive Corey Thomas said that his company had been in discussions with DivvyCloud for months, and decided to proceed with the deal despite the economic turmoil caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, Thomas said that the pandemic is likely to accelerate the shift toward cloud computing, and the need for better cloud security....."
Also see:
"The coronavirus pandemic is causing Americans to worry more about their finances than health, according to a study by MetLife Inc., the largest US life insurer. Money was the top concern for 52 percent of full-time US workers, compared with 44 percent who were most anxious about physical and mental health, according to a survey of 2,367 respondents polled in early April. About 29 percent of workers are earning less as a result of the pandemic, while 74 percent said their job status had been affected, or was expected to be."
"The pandemic increased sales of Merck medicines during the first quarter as households around the world stocked up, but the drugmaker expects a significant hit this quarter as the full force of the outbreak lands. Merck & Co. anticipates 2020 prescription drug sales will fall by $1.7 billion because the pandemic is keeping many patients with chronic conditions away from their doctors. About two-thirds of Merck’s medicine sales are for injected drugs administered by a doctor, from its blockbuster Keytruda and its portfolio of vaccines, to birth control implant Implanon and an anesthetic used in surgical procedures. The company lowered its outlook for the year Tuesday despite an 11 percent revenue jump and a profit increase of 10 percent in the most recent quarter. It also expects sales of its veterinary medicines to dip by $400 million."
"Breakfast at home and snacking all day during COVID-19 quarantines helped PepsiCo Inc.’s first-quarter sales beat estimates. Executives said on an analyst call that repeated purchases of Quaker Oats and other products show consumers aren’t just stockpiling, but also eating through their pantries at a higher rate. Snack products are also doing well, with Tostitos the big winner. Frito-Lay and Quaker Foods both saw a 7 percent adjusted sales gain."
Are is your after breakfast smoke:
"The owner of High Times is going to start selling marijuana after championing its use in the pages of its magazine for nearly half a century. Hightimes Holding Corp. said Tuesday is acquiring 13 dispensaries from Harvest Health and Recreation, one of the largest multi-state producers and sellers of cannabis in the United States. Hightimes said the cash and stock deal valued at $80 million makes Tempe, Arizona-based Harvest a “significant” shareholder in Hightimes, which is preparing to make an initial public offering of stock. The sale, which includes dispensaries in Oakland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, represents Hightimes’s first foray into the retail business. The company said it will revamp and rebrand the stores, which will be licensed for regional delivery."