"Stocks advanced a second straight week as governments began taking baby steps toward reopening their economies and on early signs that science may be gaining on the coronavirus. The Dow Jones industrial average surged 704.81 points on Friday. The last two weeks have seen a swarm of news around health companies seeking virus treatments and governments easing pandemic curbs. The result has been stocks bouncing way up from the recent lows that had ended the 10-year bull market. Markets had been flashing green all day on reports that an antiviral medicine was showing promise. Stat news reported Thursday that severely ill coronavirus patients were responding well to remdesivir, a Gilead Sciences drug, at a Chicago hospital. The trial involved only 125 people and the preliminary results were not peer reviewed, but it was welcome news for investors looking for light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, and the economic recovery that will come with it.“Investors are looking past the economic abyss and accentuating the positives on the health-care front,” said Ed Yardeni, president of Yardeni Research. On Friday, University of Chicago Medicine moved to temper expectations and emphasized that “partial data from an ongoing clinical trial is by definition incomplete and should never be used to draw conclusions about the safety or efficacy of a potential treatment that is under investigation.” Moderna Inc, the Cambridge biotech, soared 15.39 percent to $46.85 after it received $483 million in government funding for its work on a potential vaccine against the coronavirus....."
Thus this sickening plan for global domination goes beyond vaccination for control and surveillance and crashing the economy to usher in a centralized tyranny. It's also to pump up and saturate the evil pharmaceutical with stimuloot to keep their stock prices high. That keep certain cho$en portfolios phat, too.
This is as there are reported glitches in the Chump change checks being deposited by the IRS.
"GOP signals possible movement in business virus aid standoff" by Andrew Taylor Associated Press, April 17, 2020
WASHINGTON — Republicans signaled Friday they are willing to accept Democratic demands for additional federal funding for hospitals as part of an effort to break a stalemate over the Trump administration’s $250 billion emergency request for a small-business paycheck subsidy program that’s out of money.
More money for the bloated and corrupt healthcare conglomerates who have brought us this inefficient $y$tem, with small businesses being held hostage for the extortion.
Whatta country!
House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy said he is also willing to meet a demand by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, to set aside some of the requested “paycheck protection” funding for community lenders, but he said Republicans would draw the line at Democratic demands for additional tens of billions of dollars in additional funding for state and local governments suffering from plummeting tax revenues. McCarthy also said Republicans also want replenishment of another Small Business Administration program that offers disaster loans.
That's the GOP's way of saying f*** you, America!
What a$$holes, and what this does in the end is basically weaken state and local governments to such an extent that the centralized government in Washington D.C. will accrue even more authority.
It's the Hunger Games, folks. We are going to all be regionalized, but without the independence that secession would have brought.
State and local governments were awarded $150 billion last month.
Compared to the $6 trillion the banks and corporations got, that's chump change. That's what, $3 billion a state? Ma$$achu$etts state budget was around $40 billion last time I checked. $3 billion won't fill the coming hole.
Maybe Ma$$achu$etts could lay off all the patronage jobs in the overloaded bureaucracies across the state, as well as the double-dipping and generous health and pension deals they give themselves. Maybe that would help plug the hole.
The House met in a pro forma session on Friday in which no business was conducted. A Senate session quickly adjourned Thursday without any progress. The next meeting of either House or Senate is a Senate session on Monday that could be used for legislative action if all sides agree.
Negotiations are continuing into the weekend and pressure is mounting. At issue is a $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program that is a centerpiece of last month’s massive rescue bill. The program gives grants to businesses with fewer than 500 workers so that they can maintain payroll and pay rent while shutting down their businesses during social distancing edicts, but it has been swamped by businesses applying for loans and has reached its appropriations limit. Frustrated businesses are demanding more help, and pressure is intense on Democrats to deliver more.
The centerpiece of their effort to help is already of out of money!
The American people are getting so f***ing $crewed! They need to come out of their houses and infect the ruling cla$$ before feasting upon their innards.
“They can’t sustain this any longer,” McCarthy predicted, citing unrest among rank and file Democrats like Dean Phillips, a freshman from Minnesota. “Many of these businesses — which together comprise the backbone of our economy — are on the precipice of insolvency. Congress must cast aside partisan affiliations and pass relief for these companies NOW. No delay. No excuses,” Phillips said in a statement. ‘‘This is for our country’s small business owners, their employees, and their families. We simply cannot afford to let them down.”
They have, will.
Meanwhile, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, said more money is needed for widespread, accessible testing for the coronavirus before the economy can be reopened with confidence. “Right now the testing regime is scattershot and totally inadequate for the job that’s needed to get the country back to work,” Schumer said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
Of course. Schumer and the Democrats are on board with this controlled demolition of society.
They have money for everybody but YOU, American.
Why is that?
Republicans counter that plenty of money has already been appropriated for testing.
‘‘In the last month, Congress has given federal agencies up to $38 billion to develop tests, treatments, and vaccines,’’ said Senator Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Senate health panel. ‘‘We should start by using the money Congress has already provided, put politics aside, and work together on more tests with quick results.”
The Capitol is largely shuttered, requiring consensus from all sides for any legislation to pass, and top GOP leaders are vowing to stick closely to Trump’s request despite Democrats’ additional demands.
The Senate is away from Washington through May 4, but it convenes twice each week for pro forma sessions that could be used to pass more coronavirus aid — though only if no senator objects.....
Do you understand what those last two paragraphs infer?
What they are saying is legislation is passing with consensus from all sides even though they are not meeting at all. Not only is that unconstitutional, it smacks of a totalitarian dictatorship.
It's a $ham Republic now. The "legislation" is being passed by corrupt and evil biparti$an leader$hip by acclamation with no recorded vote.
This is the same body that dared to hold a garbage impeachment against the President of the United States so it could protect their demented and perverted presidential election appointee. The president was supposed to be a threat to our national security (more like a threat to theirs) and yet they leave him in town all alone to act, so far at least, as anything but a dictator.
"With the economy bludgeoned by the coronavirus, Americans will have large needs for the foreseeable future, which means the federal government must step in again, in a big way, with stimulus and sustenance dollars. Yes, it will be borrowed money, but that’s not a problem right now. US bonds are a much-desired safe harbor in this worldwide storm, and when the economy recovers, we’ll need to return to a pre-Trump level of budgetary seriousness, but now is hardly the time to worry about that....."
The Globe editorial staff is not only delusional, they are on baord with the evil plan that will soon make dollars worthless.
Related: Don't Happy, Be Worry
Looks like Dickie Neal got the memo:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. (Samuel Corum/The New York Times).
Where is the social distancing, and why isn't the Globe admonishing them?
"Procter & Gamble sales gain on outbreak pantry stockpiling" by Gerald Porter Jr. Bloomberg News, April 17, 2020
Procter & Gamble Co. posted a 6 percent surge in sales, giving a glimpse into panic-buying of toilet paper and cleaning products as the COVID-19 pandemic spread.
Demand for Charmin bath tissue and Bounty paper towels helped drive a double-digit gain in the family care division during the fiscal third quarter, though this was partially offset by the fact that people were buying products like toilet paper in cheaper bulk sizes.
Jon Moeller, chief financial officer, told reporters on a conference call that pantry loading more than offset declining sales in China. He also said he expects habits developed during the outbreak to continue.
We are NEVER going back to "normal" then!
"The coronavirus outbreak has brought China’s extraordinary, nearly half-century-long run of growth to an end — a stark reminder of the enormous task ahead for world leaders trying to restart the global economy....."
The "world leaders trying to restart the global economy" are the ones who intentionally shut down the world economy, New York Times, under orders from their evil ma$ters. Problem, reaction, $olution!
Grocery store shelves around the world have been depleted of items like paper towels and cleaning wipes as people stock up to comply with stay-at-home orders. Other categories where P&G saw big gains were in home care and health care, made up of over-the-counter products like Pepto Bismol.
There could be months of sporadic production suspension, Moeller told reporters, but retail inventory levels should to return to normal as the company rebuilds stock.....
People are shaving less frequently, Gillette.
She can't pay the mortgage, but that's not much of a big deal, is it (article is only four paragraphs long)?
Besides, one flip of the page tells me it's already been paid!
"State Street pledges not to lay off employees during COVID-19 crisis" by Jon Chesto Globe Staff, April 17, 2020
State Street Corp. cut thousands of jobs in high-cost locations around the world last year as its executives continued their hunt for cost efficiencies, but the Boston-based financial services company is taking a much different approach this year, now that it is facing the coronavirus pandemic and all the market volatility that goes along with it, chief executive Ron O’Hanley said in an interview on Friday.
That’s a different approach than the one O’Hanley took last year, starting 2019 with a plan to cut 1,500 jobs in high-cost locations, including Boston. By year’s end, O’Hanley had cut the total employee count by 3 percent, in large part by shaving 3,400 jobs in those high-cost locations through a combination of layoffs and attrition.
On Friday, O’Hanley credited his employees for enabling the company to report a 25 percent increase in net income for the first quarter from a year ago, along with a 4.5 percent increase in revenue to $3.1 billion in the quarter — even as the total value of its assets under management and custody fell somewhat. He said the company benefited amid the market volatility as investors moved into lower-risk investments, triggering a significant volume in foreign exchange trading.
“The work we do is totally essential,” O’Hanley said. “We [handle] the plumbing for the capital markets. Every day we’ve got to perform.”
They are, but not for long as artificial intelligence and other types of advanced software perform the tasks that have long been assigned to high-priced analysts and other white-collar workers!
Yeah, turns out you guys are not as "e$$ential" as you think.
You can go cry to McChrystal:
"City contract with McChrystal Group to guide coronavirus response is worth almost $500,000" by Jeremy C. Fox Globe Correspondent, April 18, 2020
The City of Boston has signed a contract with a consulting firm led by a retired four-star Army general to help guide its coronavirus response at a price tag close to half a million dollars, according to a copy of the agreement, but the city expects to be reimbursed for its payments to the McChrystal Group through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which repays local government expenses for technical assistance on emergency management.
With each day that passes, the COVID-19 crisis looks like a $cam-demic!
It's being used to crash the economy and get loot into the hands of agenda-pushing and well-connected interests and concerns.
On Friday night, a spokeswoman for Mayor Martin J. Walsh lauded the firm for the assistance it has provided.
"We are grateful to have their expertise and guidance as we make critical decisions to keep the residents of Boston healthy and safe through this public health crisis,” Samantha Ormsby, the spokeswoman, said in a statement.
Why would they need a MILITARY CONSULTANT for a HEALTH CRISIS -- unless you were planning to build COVID-19 detention camps?
Walsh announced last month that he was hiring the Virginia-based consulting firm, led by retired general Stanley McChrystal, who once commanded US and international forces in Afghanistan, and that the firm would firm take a look at “every aspect” of city government.
“I am not willing to leave anything to chance when it comes to the safety and well-being of our residents,” Walsh said at the time. “This is uncharted territory.”
Yup, they are destroying the society and our livelihoods for our own safety and well-being.
Such pronouncements carry little weight when they come $elf-$erving liars and political puppets, sorry.
The mayor indicated then that Boston would share the best practices of The McChrystal Group with communities across the state if other municipalities found such insight to be helpful.
Walsh did not then announce the price tag. The city is paying $458,122 for the McChrystal Group’s services through the end of May, with the option of extending the contract at a rate of $229,061 a month. The contract caps city expenditures at $1,145,305.
That's right.
McChrystal gets over a million dollars to "look at “every aspect” of city government(?)," while hospitals are allegedly filling up and PPE is in short supply?
The contract says the consulting firm “will advise and guide Boston’s COVID-19 response systems to plan, direct, monitor and assess response efforts.”
The insubordinate liar profiting of his war service, corruption!
Also see: Walsh outlines how construction might safely resume amid coronavirus
Yeah, God forbid any of that money be used for a health care emergency that doesn't exist. All across the country, the hospitals are quiet except for the dancing routines by nurses!
Oddly enough, that's when the paper turned negative:
GE’s stock humbled again as turbulence hits airline business
That was the first bit of bad news I saw.
"First coronavirus deaths at Bedford VA Medical Center" by Andrea Estes Globe Staff, April 17, 2020
Two veterans died of coronavirus complications at the Bedford VA Thursday night, according to an e-mail sent to employees Friday, the first fatalities from the pandemic at the sprawling medical center that houses several hundred elderly veterans.
That implies and underlying health problem and stat-padding.
VA officials set off alarms among some veterans’ families last week when they summoned two mobile morgues as the number of patients and staff who tested positive for the coronavirus skyrocketed.
Some employees believe the Bedford facility is a poor place to treat coronavirus patients, in part because the buildings are old and poorly ventilated. VA officials said the facility is able to ensure the safety of its patients and employees and is well stocked with protective gear for employees.....
That is how they take care of our veterans, huh?
Of course, years ago there was the scandal where appointment times were forge by the dozens of six-figure administrators while veteran care was neglected resulting in death. The Congre$$ through $17 billion at it to make it go away, and it looks like not much has changed despite the pre$$ dropping the ball.
Is it not rather strange that a mere two months ago that Bedford got a clean bill of health?
"Recent state modeling shows the coronavirus pandemic could claim 4,300 Massachusetts lives, a grim projection that explains the restrictive measures put in place to stop the spread of the virus, but how does that compare to other causes of death on an annual basis?"
If that model holds, the death rate from COVID-19 in Massachusetts relative to the population will be a little over 6/1000ths of 1 percent.
Coronavirus can also attack the heart
So say Harvard Medical School researchers, so now heart attacks can be classified as death from COVID-19.
The diabolical disingenuousness of the globali$t cla$$ is astoundingly EVIL!
Traffic down as much as 80 percent on some roads in Massachusetts
The Globes sees that as a positive thing, and your days of driving are history.
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will take over responding to seal, whale, and dolphin strandings for the New England Aquarium starting May 1, the organizations announced in a joint-statement Thursday. Officials from the aquarium said this change will allow its researchers to focus on rescuing the increasing number of stranded sea turtles in Massachusetts each year. Dr. Charles Innis, director of Animal Health for the aquarium, said researchers aren’t quite sure why there has been more turtle strandings. “The leading theory is that climate change has resulted in warmer water in New England in the summer, which provides good habitat and food for sea turtles," Innis said. “More of them are attracted to this area in the summer, so more of them are getting stuck behind as the weather gets cold in the fall.”
They pull the turtles out of their water and they are freezing to death and yet the article implies the opposite!
I suppose the lies based on $elf-$erving models never stop!
What is it that they say?
Figures lie and liars figure?
They are counting everything as COVID, not undercounting as the evil, lying, agenda-pushing pre$$ throws presumed cases into the totals.
Time to get back to the streets of Bo$ton:
"Two men who were wanted by Boston Police were arrested after one of them allegedly brandished a handgun and led police on a pursuit that began in Braintree and ended in Canton Thursday morning, State Police said in a statement. At about 10:30 a.m., a trooper spotted a silver Ford Edge that was wanted by Boston Police traveling down Interstate 93 northbound in Braintree, State Police said. Boston Police had been called to investigate the vehicle in the area of Bowdoin Street and Draper Street in Dorchester at 10:39 a.m., said Officer James Moccia, a Boston police spokesman. Boston Police had allegedly seen one of its two male occupants brandish a handgun inside the car, State Police said. One of the men had already gotten out of the vehicle and was arrested by Boston Police before the trooper saw the Ford in Braintree. The Ford turned off Interstate 93 at Exit 5A and headed onto Route 28 in Randolph, State Police said. Police lost sight of the Ford once it reached Route 138 at Randolph Street in Canton, but spotted it again on Reed Street shortly after, they said. The driver, Jaumell L. Clayton, 29, had allegedly pointed a handgun at the trooper while he was being pursued, State Police said. Clayton eventually pulled into the driveway of a home on Turnpike Street and fled on foot when multiple troopers, K9 patrols, the State Police Air Wing, and officers from the Boston and Canton police departments surrounded the area, State Police said. Clayton was stopped and arrested by Canton police officers around noon, State Police said on Twitter. Both Clayton and the other suspect, whose identity has not yet been released, will be charged by the Boston Police Department. Police are still searching for evidence related to the incident, State Police said."
What were they doing out of the house, and where will they put them?
"A 43-year-old woman who allegedly struck a family of cyclists and killed a man in Ipswich last month has been cited for motor vehicle homicide and was allegedly texting while driving, officials said Thursday. On March 26, Ryane Linehan, of Ipswich, was driving her 2011 Kia Soul on Topsfield Road when she allegedly struck a family who were riding bikes, Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett and Ipswich Police Chief Paul Nikas said in a statement. George Norris, 58, of Ipswich, died from injuries he sustained in the crash after he was airlifted to Massachusetts General Hospital, prosecutors said. His 19-year-old son and 60-year-old wife also were injured in the crash but survived, officials said. Linehan remained at the scene after the crash and cooperated with officials, the statement said. She was cited for motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation, marked lanes violation, and composing, sending, and reading an electronic message. A clerk magistrate will determine if Linehan will be issued a criminal complaint at a May 18 clerk hearing, officials said."
She will never she the inside of a jail cell:
"Sheriffs, DAs oppose release of alleged gunman" by Jeremy C. Fox Globe Correspondent, April 17, 2020
Law enforcement officials across three Massachusetts counties are trying to block the release of a man who allegedly grabbed a gun and shot a Middlesex deputy sheriff guarding him at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in 2013, as the man allegedly tried to flee custody.
Lawyers for Raymond Wallace, 42, who was charged with armed robbery, say he has tested positive for COVID-19 and that medical issues stemming from gunshot wounds he suffered in the alleged escape attempt and in a 2001 incident when he was shot by Waltham police have left Wallace incapable of harming others.
They argue he should be freed for his safety, and this week a Suffolk Superior Court judge agreed, but prosecutors in Suffolk and Essex counties are trying to block Wallace’s release, and the Essex and Middlesex sheriffs say he remains a threat to public safety.
You be the judge:

Raymond Wallace was photographed by WBZ-TV during a 2011 court appearance. (The Boston Globe).
No, he doesn't look like a threat to public safety.
On Tuesday, Judge Beverly Cannone revoked Wallace’s $1 million bail for the 2013 incident — in which he allegedly attacked two deputy sheriffs, shooting one in the leg with his own gun — and ordered Wallace released on his personal recognizance after a 14-day quarantine for the virus, according to a copy of the release order.
I didn't know you needed to be naive to be a judge.
Based on Wallace’s medical condition, Cannone wrote, “Case not likely to ever be tried.”
So she is prejudging the verdict before the jury, or will COVID make juries extinct?
Suffolk prosecutors “vehemently opposed” the bail reduction based on Wallace’s earlier alleged escape attempt, and have filed an emergency petition with the state’s highest court seeking to block his release, according to statements from District Attorney Rachael Rollins.
Rollins has endorsed the release the release of some nonviolent prisoners and pretrial detainees but has sought to block the release of those she deems dangerous.
“The material risk he poses to public safety far outweighs any claim he is making about his personal health concerns,” Rollins said in a statement Friday.
That is twice now that she has changed her tune.
David J. Grimaldi, a defense attorney for Wallace, said he is trying to get his client released to a rehabilitation facility that would be able to provide better care for Wallace’s chronic medical issues and his coronavirus infection. Grimaldi said Wallace’s injuries have left him debilitated.
“He’s had multiple surgeries and complications from his surgeries,” Grimaldi said. “He’s had half of his pancreas and stomach removed. He’s had a portion of his diaphragm removed. He’s had to have multiple surgeries to repair bleeding in his gastrointestinal area.”
All that tax loot wasted on his health care while law-abiding citizens are denied!
SJC eases ballot requirements in face of coronavirus
That's music to someone's ears:
"Boston Symphony Orchestra announced a series of cost-saving measures on Friday, including pay reductions for musicians and furloughs for full-time staffers. The news followed a steady stream of BSO concert cancellations due to the global COVID-19 pandemic....."
Hit a $our note there.
I hope they have a dog at home, and on a more positive not, I added Fellowship of the Minds back to my blog roll because of the cats.
Boston schools and teachers union strike deal on remote learning
The only ads in today's Globe were two full-page $elf-$erving $elf-promotions regarding a Globe fund for healthcare workers. It's going to cost a lot to buy their silence on this fraud.
Maybe they could ask this guy for a donation:
"Bill Gates, at odds with Trump on virus, becomes a right-wing target" by Daisuke Wakabayashi, Davey Alba and Marc Tracy New York Times, April 17, 2020
In a 2015 speech, Bill Gates warned that the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people.
That speech has resurfaced in recent weeks with 25 million new views on YouTube — but not in the way that Gates probably intended. Anti-vaccinators, members of the conspiracy group QAnon, and right-wing pundits have instead seized on the video as evidence that one of the world’s richest men planned to use a pandemic to wrest control of the global health system.
It goes beyond getting control of the global health $y$tem, and we all must have hit a nerve for the New York Times to rise to his defense.
Gates, 64, the Microsoft co-founder turned philanthropist, has become the star of an explosion of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus outbreak. In posts on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, he is being falsely portrayed as the creator of COVID-19, as a profiteer from a virus vaccine, and as part of a dastardly plot to use the illness to cull or surveil the global population.
Go tell it to Vladimir Putin, New York Times.
Just when you think a new$paper couldn't get any lower, the New York Times sinks again.
It's a false portrayal even though it is from his own mouth!
Every time the guys get found out the New York Times starts hollering conspiracy theory!
The wild claims have gained traction with conservative pundits like Laura Ingraham and anti-vaccinators such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Gates has emerged as a vocal counterweight to President Trump on the coronavirus. For weeks, Gates has appeared on TV, on op-ed pages, and in Reddit forums calling for stay-at-home policies, expanded testing, and vaccine development. And without naming Trump, he has criticized the president’s policies, including this week’s move to cut funding to the World Health Organization.
If the Times actually looked in the mirror, they would see how evil they are.
Misinformation about Gates is now the most widespread of all coronavirus falsehoods tracked by Zignal Labs, a media analysis company. The misinformation includes more than 16,000 posts on Facebook this year about Gates and the virus that were liked and commented on nearly 900,000 times, according to a New York Times analysis. On YouTube, the 10 most popular videos spreading lies about Gates posted in March and April were viewed almost 5 million times.
Looks like we are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the people, so be prepared for them to pull the plug on the true alternative media over this.
Gates, who is worth more than $100 billion, has effectively assumed the role occupied by George Soros, the billionaire financier and Democratic donor who has been a villain for the right. That makes Gates the latest individual — along with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading US infectious disease expert — to be ensnared in the flow of right-wing punditry that has denigrated those who appear at odds with Trump on the virus.
Fauci is a flat-out liar, and they will not be playing basketball or football any time soon because a single, undetected case of coronavirus could multiply into infections across the league, but they are all simply frontmen for the top of the pyramid.
“Bill Gates is easily transformed into a health-related meme and figure because he’s so well known,” said Whitney Phillips, an assistant professor at Syracuse University who teaches digital ethics. “He’s able to function as kind of an abstract bogeyman.”
This is especially true since Gates has sharpened his comments about the White House’s handling of the coronavirus in recent weeks.
“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” he wrote in an opinion column in The Washington Post on March 31. “The choices we and our leaders make now will have an enormous impact on how soon case numbers start to go down, how long the economy remains shut down, and how many Americans will have to bury a loved one because of COVID-19.”
How many of those loved ones are being neglected and murdered?
Mark Suzman, chief executive of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates’s main philanthropic vehicle, said it was “distressing that there are people spreading misinformation when we should all be looking for ways to collaborate and save lives.”
Yeah, the word "philanthropist" confers a Godly goodness to them so just go along with the plan.
Never mind how ruthlessly they made their billions, and now the New York Times has been outed as their enforcer!
Gates, who founded Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1975 and built it into a software behemoth, has largely devoted his time to philanthropic endeavors since he stepped back from the company in 2008. As of 2018, the Gates Foundation had a $46.8 billion endowment, making it one of the world’s largest private charitable organizations.
That is where the print copy cut it.
Through a representative, Gates declined to be interviewed.
The foundation has worked to distribute vaccines in developing countries, advocated family planning through greater use of contraceptives, and funded the development of genetically modified crops. Those efforts have prompted unfounded accusations that Gates was hurting the world’s poor with unnecessary drugs and harmful crops while trying to suppress the global population.
In other words, Gates has his elbows into all the globalist projects.
His disdain for Trump, whom he has met several times, has also become public. In 2018, footage surfaced of Gates recounting how Trump needed help distinguishing HIV, which refers to the human immunodeficiency virus and causes AIDS, from HPV, which is the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection.
“Both times he wanted to know if there was a difference between HIV and HPV, so I was able to explain that those are rarely confused with each other,” Gates said to laughter in comments to his foundation.
The condescending elitism comes across in all his interviews as he insults the President of the United States.
Going off script a little, but “vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans. Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines......"
That is who Trump should have listened too.
The enemy of my enemy, no?
In January, when the coronavirus began spreading, the Gates Foundation committed $10 million to helping medical workers in China and Africa. In February, Gates weighed in on the illness, warning in The New England Journal of Medicine that COVID-19 was behaving like a once-a-century pathogen.
Just like at the Event201 simulation at Johns Hopkins only a few months before.
Why hasn't the Times mentioned that?
In addition to writing the Washington Post op-ed, he called for more and equitable testing in a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session last month. This month, Gates appeared on “The Daily Show” and said his foundation would fund factories for the seven most promising potential vaccines.
Noah didn't challenge Gates at all, just like all the other subservient pre$$titutes.
On Wednesday, the Gates Foundation said it would commit $250 million — up from an earlier pledge of $100 million — to slow the disease’s spread.
"The World Health Organization has cautioned countries like Denmark against reopening their societies too quickly for fear of reviving the pandemic before it is properly stamped out, but the medical reasoning is more contested....."
Who is contesting the medical dogma we are receiving?
"Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said coronavirus social distancing efforts are still insufficient a day after he expanded a state of emergency to the entire country. Abe asked Japanese in a speech Friday evening to stay home to save lives as infections surge in the nation’s capital. He said the situation in Tokyo is “severe” with a record 201 new coronavirus infections in one day, bringing the capital’s total to almost 3,000. Abe expanded the emergency in a bid to reduce the movement of people during Japan’s “golden week” holidays in May. Nationwide, Japan has about 9,900 cases, including about 700 from a cruise ship quarantined near Tokyo, with 160 deaths. Meanwhile, Abe urged the international community to rally around the World Health Organization and said the body’s problems should be addressed once the coronavirus outbreak is contained. His comments came after President Trump said this week he would halt payments to the WHO, accusing the organization of failing in its basic duty to control the coronavirus and taking China’s claims ‘‘at face value.’’
About those Chinese claims:
"China raises coronavirus death toll by 50 percent in Wuhan" by Amy Qin New York Times, April 17, 2020
China on Friday raised its coronavirus death toll by 50 percent in Wuhan, the city where the outbreak first emerged, amid accusations that the government had concealed the extent of the epidemic.
Officials placed the new tally at 3,869 deaths from the coronavirus in the central Chinese city, an increase of 1,290 from the previous figure. The number of cumulative confirmed infections in the city was also revised upward to 50,333, an increase of 325.
The move appeared to be a response to growing questions about the accuracy of China’s official numbers and calls to hold the country responsible for a global health crisis that has killed more than 142,000 people and caused a worldwide economic slowdown.
What if they are?
What if China took the opportunity to get us to destroy ourselves?
What if it was simple pneumonia and air pollution along with 5G, and COVID is a myth with the biolab weapon a limited hangout?
What if?
China has been criticized as having initially mismanaged and concealed the extent of the epidemic, although it ultimately seemed to tame the virus. Recently, as other countries have grappled with their own outbreaks, Chinese officials have come under even greater pressure to explain how exactly the epidemic unfolded in Wuhan.
“They are on the defensive, clearly,” said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a professor at Hong Kong Baptist University and an expert on Chinese politics. “It’s an uphill battle now for China to improve its image.”

A medical worker prepared to check the temperature of a photojournalist before a COVID-19 coronavirus test in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on Thursday. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images).
That there will not do it.
Many countries are probably underreporting their official tallies of infections and deaths, due to problems with testing and the speed with which the virus has overwhelmed public health care systems.....
More like over-reporting.
Also see:
Brazil swears in health chief to help combat spread

Funeral workers lifted an empty coffin destined for victims of COVID-19 at the Joao Lucio Hospital in Manaus, Brazil. (Edmar Barros/Associated Press/Associated Press).
"The government of Belarus announced a mass community cleanup event next Saturday that will be attended by hundreds of thousands of state employees despite the growing coronavirus outbreak. The announcement on Friday came as health officials reported the country’s coronavirus caseload surpassing 4,200, which is twice more than a week ago. Saturday community clean-ups are a Soviet tradition revived by the country’s leader Alexander Lukashenko. Every year, these events attract hundreds of thousands of government officials and employees of state-run companies."
God have mercy:
"The walls and golden domes of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra — or the ‘‘Monastery of the Caves’’ — have stood for centuries in the center of the Ukrainian capital, but now they’ve been breached by a deadly intruder: the novel coronavirus. One of the centers of Orthodox Christianity has been transformed into one of Ukraine’s hot spots of the coronavirus pandemic. It is also a cautionary tale of how, just a month ago, warnings about the virus’s spread were seen by some as overblown. Authorities at the monastery — renowned for its extensive system of catacombs dating from the 11th century — were initially slow to react to warnings that the virus was spreading. Kyiv officials say more than 100 monks and others at the monastery have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, and at least two have died. By comparison, Kyiv and its surrounding region have registered some 600 cases and 11 fatalities, and Ukraine as a whole has 4,161 cases and 116 deaths."
That is what happens to anyone who casts doubt on the official story, like BoJo and Gobert.
"A leading public health expert said Friday that Britain likely has the highest coronavirus death rate in Europe due to what he described as “system errors,” while the government defended its record in responding to the pandemic. Anthony Costello, director of the Institute for Global Health at University College London, said the UK “could see 40,000 deaths” by the time the first wave of the country’s outbreak is over. The British government reported that as of Thursday, 13,729 people had died in UK hospitals after testing positive for the coronavirus. The number does not include hundreds, and maybe thousands, of virus-related deaths in nursing homes and other settings."
Before this all started the Imperial College said 2.2 million Americans and 570,000 Brits would die. Now those projected deaths have been revised drastically downward to the tunes of 20,000 Brits.
Are those the "system errors" he is talking about?
Speaking of those devils:
"Africa could see 300,000 deaths from the coronavirus this year even under the best-case scenario, according to a new report released Friday citing modeling from Imperial College London. Under the worst-case scenario with no interventions against the virus, Africa could see 3.3 million deaths and 1.2 billion infections, the report by the UN Economic Commission for Africa said. Even with “intense social distancing.” under the best-case scenario the continent could see more than 122 million infections, the report said."
Why should anyway put any faith or belief in one of their studies?
They think Africans are that stupid?
I mean, the French do, but....
"It appears that Captain Tom Moore is the hero Britain so desperately needs right now. Last week, the 99-year-old veteran set himself a goal to raise money for Britain’s widely cherished but chronically underfunded National Health Service during the deadly coronavirus outbreak. He set up a fund-raising page and decided to walk the 82-foot length of his garden back and forth 100 times, using his walker for support. As of Friday, Moore had raised $23 million for Britain’s health care system....."
Maybe you would like to reflect on that for a moment?
South Korean court to re-open case on abusive vagrant facility
The case relates to the enslavement and abuse of thousands of people at a vagrants’ facility in the 1970s and 1980s.
Almost 25,000 to be freed under Myanmar prisoner amnesty
Mass amnesties on the holiday are not unusual, though the number this year was the highest in recent memory.

Arriving on a bus, prisoners were welcomed by their family members after being released from the Insein prison during a presidential pardon in Yangon, Myanmar on Friday. (Thein Zaw/Associated Press/Associated Press).
What is wrong with that picture, and what does Myanmar know that we do not?
Michael Cohen is among prisoners to be released because of virus
Judge denies Stone’s request for new trial
She is a Clinton judge, so.....
Look who is out on the front street:
"Trump encourages protests in states with stay-at-home orders, alarming governors" by Michael D. Shear and Sarah Mervosh New York Times, April 17, 2020

Cars paraded in front of the Governor's residence during a "Liberate Minnesota" protest in St. Paul, Minn., on Friday. (Evan Frost/Minnesota Public Radio via AP/Minnesota Public Radio via AP).
WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday openly encouraged right-wing protests of social distancing restrictions in states with stay-at-home orders, a day after announcing guidelines for how the nation’s governors should carry out an orderly reopening of their communities on their own timetables.
In a series of all-caps tweets that started two minutes after a Fox News report on the protesters, the president declared, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” and “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” — two states whose Democratic governors have imposed strict social distancing restrictions. He also lashed out at Virginia, where the state’s Democratic governor and Legislature have pushed for strict gun control measures, saying: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”
Echoed across the Internet and on cable television by conservative pundits and ultraright conspiracy theorists, his tweets were a remarkable example of a president egging on demonstrators and helping to stoke an angry fervor.
His stark departure from the more bipartisan tone of his announcement Thursday night suggested Trump was ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic, and choosing instead to divide the country by playing to his political base.
That is the way the New York Times sees it. This is the second half of the interference they ran for Gates.
In another series of tweets Friday, Trump returned again to the kind of rank partisanship that has characterized much of his time in office, rekindling a fight with Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, only days after heaping praise on him, by saying that the state’s chief executive should “spend more time ‘doing’ and less time ‘complaining.’ ”
The retort came after Cuomo said that New York could not fully reopen its economy without more widespread testing and help from the federal government. Even before Cuomo had finished speaking during his televised daily briefing, Trump lashed out, tweeting, “We built you thousands of hospital beds that you didn’t need or use, gave large numbers of Ventilators that you should have had, and helped you with testing that you should be doing.” He said Cuomo owed the federal government a thank-you.
“First of all, if he’s sitting home watching TV, maybe he should get up and go to work, right?” Cuomo responded in real time. “Second, let’s keep emotion and politics out of this, and personal ego if we can. Because this is about the people.”
The governor added that he had already repeatedly thanked the federal government for its aid.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do — send a bouquet of flowers?” Cuomo said.
Related: New York face-covering rule on; stay-home order extended
That is more like a bag of scitte.
In unveiling guidelines Thursday evening at the White House that governors could use to decide when it was safe to phase out restrictions, Trump had taken a more measured tone, emphasizing that “we are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time.”
The guidelines recommended lifting the restrictions in three phases once states experience 14 days in which testing is available, the number of cases declines, and hospitals are not overwhelmed. In Phase 1, some businesses could open but schools would remain closed. In Phase 2, more people could return to work while continuing social distancing, and by Phase 3, most of American life could return to something close to normal, but the president’s message to governors that “you’re going to call your own shots” quickly gave way to a more strident one by Friday.
Trump’s call for liberation from social distancing rules followed protests around the country as protesters — many wearing red “Make America Great Again” hats — congregated in packed groups around state capitols to demand that restrictions be immediately lifted and to demonize their Democratic governors.
In Michigan, protesters waved banners in support of Trump and protested Governor Gretchen Whitmer by chanting, “Lock her up.” In St. Paul, Minn., a group calling itself “Liberate Minnesota” rallied against stay-at-home orders in front of the home of Governor Tim Walz, demanding he “end this lockdown!” In Columbus, Ohio, protesters crowded closely together as they pressed up against the doors of the state’s Capitol.
What Trump needs is a radio talk show.
By embracing the backlash to the coronavirus restrictions, Trump is tapping into a powerful well of political energy as he seeks reelection this year. The president is also trying to deflect anger about his response to the virus away from him and toward Democratic governors, who he hopes will shoulder the blame for keeping the restrictions in place and for any deaths that occur after states reopen.
They already have the blame in my book.
The pressure to reopen the economy comes amid skyrocketing jobless claims and an unemployment rate that is approaching 17 percent, higher than any mark since the Great Depression. On Friday, several governors began responding to that pressure by taking their first, tentative steps toward loosening the rules about work, school, and socializing.
In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, said that by next Friday all retail establishments, not just grocery stores, could operate what he called “retail to go” services in which customers pick up items or have items delivered, but do not physically go inside to shop.
Parks will reopen Monday, but visitors will be required to wear face coverings and follow social distancing rules, while schools would remain closed for in-person instruction for the rest of the school year.
“Opening Texas must occur in stages,” Abbott said.
In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine, another Republican, said that as businesses reopen, they will have to enforce 6-foot distancing, mask-wearing, and staggered arrival and lunch times.
Elsewhere, cities and states and corporations took other steps. In Florida, the mayor of Jacksonville announced that beaches and parks would reopen Friday, as long as visitors practiced social distancing. In Washington state, where the virus first emerged and shut down life for weeks, Boeing announced plans to resume commercial airplane production and bring about 27,000 employees back to work, many as soon as next week.
Also see: Fla. governor OK’s opening some beaches, parks
In Vermont, the governor gave the green light to property managers, real estate agents, and some construction crews to return to work, but said they must comply with social distancing and mask-wearing, but frustration continued to mount over the lack of widespread testing for the coronavirus.
Questions about testing dominated a contentious, hour-long conference call between Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic senators Friday as the lawmakers pressed administration officials on the availability of testing and on other specifics, according to senators and other officials who were on the call.
Liz Warren was in on the call as she carves out a big role in a moment of crisis and twerks her grift.
At one point, the normally mild-mannered Senator Angus King, a Maine independent, told Pence and other administration officials that the government’s failure to develop a national testing regimen was a ‘‘dereliction of duty’’ and declared that ‘‘I have never been so mad about a phone call in my life.’’
Nearly a third of 200 blood samples taken in Chelsea show exposure to coronavirus
They caught it at the bodega, according to Zoe Greenberg of the Globe Staff:

Claudia Market's previous owner and employee of 25 years Angel Baez, left, spoke with customer Ruby Pena, 10, while her mother, Jazmin Ochoa smiled nearby. (Erin Clark/Globe Staff).
Lottery tickets and cigarette sales are high, but where is the SOCIAL DISTANCING?
Since there is now mask shaming in Bo$ton, you better put one on if you are in the city.
"The governor of Mississippi pleaded with his state’s residents Friday to have more patience with stay-at-home and business closure policies, at a time when leaders of many states are struggling to balance the restrictions with fierce calls to restart the economy. ‘‘I have to ask you for one more week. One more week of vigilance. One more week of sheltering in place,’’ said Governor Tate Reeves, according to the Mississippi Clarion-Ledger. ‘‘We need one more week to break the back of our enemy,’’ but Reeves also reminded his state of his desire to end restrictions as the crushing economic loss during the pandemic further snowballs. The state has experienced a 14,000 percent spike in lost jobs, he said Thursday on Twitter. ‘‘This is insane — the bleeding has to stop. Lives depend on this as well. Please pray for wisdom as we consider all options,’’ he said. ‘‘Our people can’t take much more.’’
"Four employees of a major poultry producer’s operations in rural southwest Georgia have died after becoming infected with the coronavirus, a company spokesman said Friday. Tyson Foods spokesman Gary Mickelson said three of the employees worked at the company’s chicken processing plant in Camilla, while the fourth person worked in a supporting job outside the plant. He declined to say how many workers there have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the new virus. American workers who process the nation’s meat have proven especially susceptible to the new virus, as they work shoulder-to-shoulder on production lines. Several US plants have closed because of outbreaks, including a large plant owned by Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls, S.D., that produced roughly 5 percent of US pork before it was shut down after more than 500 workers became infected."
"If Margit Buchhalter Feldman had not lied about her age to the Nazis, the 15-year-old would have been murdered with her family at Auschwitz. In fear of joining her parents and nearly 70 family members who died in the gas chambers, Feldman, a Hungarian teen known only to the Nazis by the ‘‘A23029’’ tattoo on her left arm, told them she was 18 and was assigned to forced labor. After she was liberated in 1945, Feldman, who could still picture ‘‘big heaps and mounds of dead bodies laying all around,’’ moved to the United States, where the Holocaust survivor made a life of her own in New Jersey. Years later, she eventually turned to teaching young people about the millions who died during the atrocities of the Holocaust. Feldman, who dedicated her life to educating children about the Holocaust, died of complications from COVID-19 on Tuesday, one day before the 75th anniversary of her liberation."
What timing, huh?
They had some celeb TV doctors examine her.
That's what put her health at risk.
"Two weeks ago, AdviniaCare at Wilmington was being readied to serve as a COVID-19 recovery center where coronavirus patients could recuperate under a plan from Governor Charlie Baker. Now, the facility is the state’s latest deadly hot spot in the outbreak....."
“It’s overwhelming and depressing,” is the
new coronavirus
and the "patients who died in Wilmington were in end-of-life care when they were infected and had orders requiring that they not be resuscitated or intubated. It was the latest example of COVID-19 tearing through a facility where people live and work in close quarters, and on Friday, Baker and Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh once again urged residents to keep up the fight against the virus by adhering to social distancing rules. Baker said health experts have urged states to wait until infections and hospitalizations decline for two weeks before considering efforts to resume normal life."
Simon Johnson, Kate Kellogg, and Retsef Levi, professors at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, opine on how to reduce coronavirus deaths in nursing homes.
The overnight snowfall didn't make print because such a thing negatively impacts the narrative.