"LA police under scrutiny in Michael Jackson death

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-- Your friends at Boston.com"Our "friends, " huh?
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"Los Angeles police under scrutiny in Jackson death" by LINDA DEUTSCH and THOMAS WATKINS, Associated Press | July 3, 2009
LOS ANGELES -- Why didn't police seal the mansion where he had been living? Why were moving vans seen at the home, and were any items removed before police wrapped up their search? Why didn't they get immediate search warrants? Why did they tow away a doctor's car right after the death but not declare the home a crime scene?
Why didn't the MSM asks such questions regarding 9/11 (or the murders of JFK, MLK, and RFK)?
Los Angeles police say proper procedures were followed based on the circumstances officers encountered when they were called to the home at 12:21 p.m. on June 25. A doctor was attending to Jackson and stayed with him when he was placed in an ambulance at 1:07 p.m. There was no sign of foul play....
It's still not known what caused Jackson's death at age 50. The pop star went into cardiac arrest in his bedroom and his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, performed CPR while an ambulance was called, according to Murray's lawyers. Murray has spoken to police and authorities say he is not a suspect, though his actions have come under scrutiny because his own lawyers acknowledge it may have taken up to a half-hour for an ambulance to be summoned.
Why did MARILYN MONROE just dance across my mind?
Jackson had a well-known history of using prescription medications, especially painkillers. Following his death, Cherilyn Lee, a registered nurse who had worked for Jackson, told the AP she repeatedly rejected his demands for the drug Diprivan, also known as Propofol. It's a potent anesthetic used in operating rooms and it would be highly unusual to have it in a private home.
Oh, so NOW Jacko was a DRUG ADDICT!!
What is with the smear job, MSM, unless....
Uri Geller, a former Jackson confidant, said he tried to keep Jackson from abusing painkillers and other prescription drugs, but others in the singer's circle kept him supplied. "When Michael asked for something, he got it," Geller said in a telephone interview from his suburban London home.
One of the key questions is why it took four days for police to issue a search warrant and remove medications from Jackson's home....
He really was murdered to shut him up, wasn't he?
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WTF, readers?
Also related: The Importance of Michael Jackson
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Michael Jackson Knew About Planned Swine Flu Slaughter
Michael Jackson Was Jewish
Michael Jackson Tells The Truth
The case is REMINDING ME of Marilyn Monroe more and more!
"Jackson doctor’s clinic is searched; Manslaughter link reportedly sought" by Juan A. Lozano and Thomas Watkins, Associated Press | July 23, 2009
HOUSTON - Authorities searched the Houston clinic of Michael Jackson’s doctor yesterday and his attorney said they were seeking evidence of manslaughter.
So why did you f*** up the crime scene then?
Police have said little about the investigation, neither confirming or denying the possibility of criminal charges. Los Angeles police and agents with the US Drug Enforcement Administration went through the Armstrong Medical Clinic yesterday for about 2 1/2 hours. Authorities said they were searching for documents.
Dr. Conrad Murray has emerged as a central figure in the investigation. The doctor, who had been recently hired by Jackson, was with him in his mansion and tried to revive him.
And then waited to call for help?
It’s still not known what caused Jackson’s death at age 50. The pop star went into cardiac arrest in his bedroom and Murray performed CPR while an ambulance was called, according to Murray’s lawyers. An autopsy was conducted but results are not expected until next week. The Jackson family had a second autopsy performed and those results also are pending.
Yeah, because THEY THINK he was MURDERED -- and now, so do I!!!!
The LATEST (for you, readers. I'm done covering him):
"Jackson doctor’s home is searched; US agents remove storage containers and envelopes" by Ken Ritter and Oskar Garcia, Associated Press | July 29, 2009
LAS VEGAS - Federal agents searched the home and office of Michael Jackson’s personal physician yesterday in a widening investigation of whether administering a powerful anesthetic as a sleep aid was so reckless that it constitutes manslaughter.
Such charges against a doctor for the death of a patient would be extremely rare. Authorities would have to show there was a reckless action that created a risk of death. After a three-hour search of Dr. Conrad Murray’s large home on the 18th hole of a golf course in a private gated community, Los Angeles police and federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents carried away five or six plastic storage containers and several thick manila envelopes. Across town, authorities searched Murray’s medical offices, Global Cardiovascular Associates Inc., seeking documents....
Murray was present during the search of his home and assisted the officers.... authorities characterize Murray as the target of the investigation, they have stopped short of labeling him a suspect....
Why did you guys f*** up the crime scene?
"Coroner finishes Jackson autopsy; police seal report; Judge approves film deals from final rehearsals" by Alex Dobuzinskis, Reuters | August 11, 2009LOS ANGELES - Coroners have completed the autopsy report on the body of pop star Michael Jackson, but details remained under wraps yesterday as police investigated the cause of the singer’s death and his prescription drug use.
A Los Angeles Police Department spokesman said detectives requested that the autopsy, which includes toxicology tests, remain sealed until their investigation is finished. He could not say when it would be completed and declined to offer details....
Police are looking into why the 50-year-old singer died suddenly of cardiac arrest on June 25.
Numerous news reports have said officials are focused on his use of a powerful anesthetic called propofol to sleep. Police and federal agents have raided several offices of Jackson’s doctors as part of their probe....
--more--"Also see: The Michael Jackson Murder Mystery