[This creepy little puke from So. California pops-up every time the CIA/terrorist mission changes. The last time was in S. Waziristan around Wana. When the US needed to pad the "al Qaida" body count for its controversial Predator attacks, they claimed that he had been killed in N. Waziristan. His blaming the ISI and CIA for the terror strikes in Pakistan should, therefore, discredit the charge, however, that's not the way that disinformation works. Disinformation always takes the form of lies resting on a small foundation of truth. The idea for this little CIA/Mossad tool is to discredit investigations into agency fingerprints on Pakistan's terrorist attacks. He shows-up now to demonstrate the danger represented by the new "American homegrown jihadists," who come to Pakistan. It's all part of the show, folks.] -- source
"Al Qaeda denies killing civilians in Pakistan; Claims Pakistani, US forces behind deaths of 50"
CAIRO - Al Qaeda issued a new English-language video yesterday denying that it was behind a series of bombings in Pakistan that have killed hundreds of civilians, calling such attacks un-Islamic.
US-born Al Qaeda operative Adam Gadahn, who commonly delivers the organization’s English messages, said the extremist network was being framed for the bloodshed by the US and Pakistani intelligence services....
As the commentator above noted, PUT OUT the TRUTH through a DISCREDITED SOURCE so it WILL NOT BE BELIEVED!!!
Plus it will tar all those who type such things, 'eh?
“The mercenaries of the ISI, RAW, CIA, or Blackwater are the real culprits behind these senseless and un-Islamic bombings,’’ he added. The ISI and RAW are the Pakistani and Indian intelligence agencies, respectively, while Blackwater is the private security firm - now called Xe Services - whose involvement in the killings of Iraqi civilians have tarnished its reputation throughout the Muslim world.
Related: You Have to Get Up Pretty Early in the Morning to Fool a Pakistani
Yeah, THEY KNOW, readers!
More than 500 people have died in a slew of attacks in Pakistan that began in October, just as the Pakistani Army started waging a ground offensive against the Taliban network in South Waziristan, a tribal region bordering Afghanistan.
A single truck bomb in the northwest city of Peshawar killed more than 100 people at a market that sells mostly women’s clothes and children’s toys. More recently, twin bombs at a market in Lahore killed nearly 50.
Agenda-pushing false flags of which the MSM is proud.
Pakistani authorities have laid blame for the recent spate of attacks on the Taliban or their affiliates, which include Al Qaeda and other local militant groups....
"Pakistani officials have blamed such attacks on the Taliban, but the group has reportedly denied being behind at least some of the blasts, making it more difficult for the government to convert public anger into greater support for the war."
WHO is behind the attacks on civilians?
In a transcript of the video released by the SITE Intelligence Group, a Washington-based monitor of militant websites, Gadahn told Pakistanis their real enemies are secular regimes, corrupt police, judges, and tribal nationalists.
See: Jewish Media Group, SITE, is the first to release another Islamic threat video
In Pakistan, where conspiracy theories are rife, support for militancy has recently taken a downturn, and anti-Americanism is widespread, Gadahn’s message may have resonance.
Related: Pakistanis See Conspiracies
If they are real and there, of course you see them!!!
After the market blast in Peshawar, many Pakistanis expressed disbelief that Islamist groups could have attacked other Muslims in such a manner. And in some corners of the Pakistani media, Blackwater has increasingly been floated as a culprit in nefarious events.
Of course, even if true the AmeriKan MSM would never reveal those agenda-pushing black ops.
Gadahn grew up in Los Angeles and moved to Pakistan in 1998, according to the FBI. He is said to have attended a Qaeda training camp six years later as a translator and consultant.
How come we are NOT GIVEN his REAL NAME, MSM?
Al Qaeda’s media arm, al- Sahab, is increasingly using English-language videos to address Muslims in Pakistan who are unlikely to speak Arabic. Gadahn’s message specifically addressed Muslims in south Asia, including India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Yup, ADAM PEARLMEN live from Langley!!!

Al Qaeda’s media branch, al-Sahab, provided a video in English of Adam Gadahn denying responsibility for Pakistan killings. (Intelcenter)
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
"Al-CIA-Duh" School in Somalia
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
"Al-CIA-Duh," yup!What do you mean there is no Al Qaeda?
You mean Al Qaeda doesn't even exist?
Yeah, I guess they COULDN'T BE RESPONSIBLE for the killings just like the kid says!!