Like everything else, they only start them up; no follow up.
[In yet another incident of militants attack near ISI offices, but do not actually hit the militant-supporting spy agency. In a replay of the last alleged attack upon the spy agency in Peshawar, militants opened fire on a nearby traffic checkpoint with rocket-propelled grenades, seemingly focused on the police block, rather than the building. The same pattern, bombing checkpoints near ISI buildings, was seen in the alleged attack upon ISI HQ in Lahore, in May. This is exactly what is to be expected from a militant-supporting spy agency that is putting-on a fake war for American viewers. Each time they do this, Western media screams "militants attack ISI," when all the people of Pakistan know it to be a lie. Such is the nature of our war based on lies.] -- source
"Attack on Pakistan intelligence office kills 12; Strike follows bombings that left 49 dead" by Khalid Tanveer, Associated Press | December 9, 2009

Pakistani soldiers examined a crater caused by the bomb explosion in Multan yesterday. More than 40 people were hurt. (Khalid Tanveer/Associated Press)
MULTAN, Pakistan - A team of militants launched a gun, rocket, and suicide attack on an intelligence office in central Pakistan yesterday, killing 12 people in a strike that showed the insurgents can hit deep in the heart of the country.
The raid in Multan signaled the relentless determination of militants, despite being pressured by a major army offensive in one of their Afghan border havens. It came a day after twin bombings at a market in the eastern city of Lahore killed 49....
Related: Pakistan Picks Up the Pace
Yesterday’s blast ripped the facades off several buildings in a part of the town largely reserved for government and security agencies. Also damaged was the apparent target of the blast, a building housing an office of Pakistan’s most powerful spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence.
Senior police officer Agha Yusuf said at least three militants in a car carried out the attack. One of them first fired a rocket and an automatic weapon at a police checkpoint. Then the men drove the car to the intelligence agency and detonated it. He said security force members were among the 12 dead.
The commentator I linked sure nailed that, didn't he?
And you already know how I'm feeling about my Amerikan MSM.
Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq claimed responsibility for the attack in a conversation with a reporter in the Waziristan area of the Afghan border region. The attack came as US Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited nearby Afghanistan, where he said Washington was ready to work more closely with Pakistan to fight the militants. “The more they get attacked internally . . . the more open they may be to additional help from us. But we are prepared to expand that relationship at any pace they are prepared to accept,’’ he said.
And CUI BONO, eh?
Related: You Have to Get Up Pretty Early in the Morning to Fool a Pakistani
Also see: Iran is Paranoid
We use it against them to advance the agenda.
The United States has waged its own campaign of missile strikes against insurgent targets in the border region. The latest suspected airstrike destroyed a car carrying three people in a village near Mir Ali, a main town in North Waziristan. The identities of the three dead were not immediately known, said two intelligence officials. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
Most militant attacks in recent weeks have been directed at security forces, though several have targeted crowded public spaces such as markets, apparently to create public anger and increase pressure on the government to call a halt to the South Waziristan offensive.
"Pakistani officials have blamed such attacks on the Taliban, but the group has reportedly denied being behind at least some of the blasts, making it more difficult for the government to convert public anger into greater support for the war."
WHO is behind the attacks on civilians?
And one week later?
"Suicide blast kills 33 in central Pakistan; Bombing occurs before visit by Admiral Mullen" by Khalid Tanveer, Associated Press | December 16, 2009

People gathered yesterday near a crater in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan. The bomb exploded near a market and a politician’s home. (Saleem Raza/Associated Press)
DERA GHAZI KHAN, Pakistan - A suicide attacker detonated a car bomb in a market close to a politician’s home in central Pakistan yesterday, killing 33 people and showing the increasing reach of Taliban militants in the nuclear-armed nation.
The blast came shortly before the top-ranked US military officer arrived in the Pakistani capital for scheduled talks with the country’s powerful army chief about the ongoing military offensive against militants in the northwestern region, near the Afghan border. The insurgents, who are linked to Al Qaeda and militants fighting US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, want to topple the US-allied government in Pakistan and install a hard-line Islamist regime.
I've had it, readers. Had it with the lying, Muslim-hating, agenda-pushing, war-promoting AmeriKan *ewspress. Those last two paragraphs are so loaded with lies one doesn't even want to begin.
Maybe they just want to MILITARY ASSAULTS STOP, 'eh?
Under heavy Western pressure, the Pakistani Army launched an offensive against the Taliban’s main stronghold of South Waziristan in October. The militants have retaliated with an onslaught of bombings that have killed more than 500 people, most of them civilians.
This article is such a piece of garbage propaganda it is really making me sick.
And how many people have the U.S. and Pakistan slaughtered in their offensives and missile strikes?
Yesterday’s attack in the Punjabi town of Dera Ghazi Khan badly damaged the lawmaker’s house and nearby shops and buildings, including a mosque and bank. It was unclear whether the bomber was targeting the home of the politician, who was not there, or the market. The dead and most of the injured were people shopping or working at the market. As night fell, people searched debris for survivors. “The whole market has collapsed,’’ said Raza Khan, a local resident. “There is smoke and people running here and there.’’
Rescue official Natiq Hayat said 33 people were killed and 60 wounded. Government official Hasan Iqbal said the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber. The attacker had packed the car with about 900 pounds of explosives, senior police officer Mohammad Rizwan said.
"Now stop and think here for a moment. All revolutions depend on public support. Revolutionaries try to first win the people before they take on the government. So, no revolutionary goes out and murders civilians in cold blood. Did Washington and his men just mow down a marketplace of their fellow colonials for the heck of it? No, they did not. Washington and the Founding Fathers knew that their revolution to build a new country needed the support of those who would live in that country. This is true for every revolution in history. Therefore, these acts of terror being blamed on the insurgency must all be fakes, committed by intelligence agencies working for the governments to be blamed on the insurgents in order to destroy public support for the revolution." -- Wake the Flock Up
The lawmaker whose home was hit, Zulfiqar Khosa, is a senior member of the Pakistan Muslim League-N party, which is in charge of the Punjab government but is in the opposition in the federal government.
The militants have staged several attacks in Punjab, far beyond the northwestern tribal regions bordering Afghanistan. Dera Ghazi Khan district is in Punjab but borders the country’s other three provinces....
So says the lying U.S. MSM, and WE NO LONGER BELIEVE THEM!!
Iqbal said he doubted the house was the target, speculating that the attacker simply wanted to spread terror in the town.
I'm having trouble breathing the mound of shit is so high in here.
Militants have mostly targeted security forces in recent months, but lawmakers and court buildings also have been attacked. There have also been at least three bombs in crowded markets, apparently aimed at causing civilian casualties and undercutting public support for the army offensive.
And CUI BONO again, readers?
Later yesterday, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised Pakistan’s military campaign in South Waziristan, but he said ahead of his visit that he would take up concerns about what he called increasingly close collusion between militants and terrorists on both sides of the Pakistan- Afghanistan border. Mullen visited immediately on the heels of General David Petraeus, the US general in charge of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
The NOOSE is TIGHTENING, Pakistanis!!!