Related: Obama Says Bush Was Right
Here is your Sunday morning, BG/NYT puff piece on the newest war-criminal-in-chief:
"How the president’s decision-making on Afghanistan war plan evolved" by Peter Baker, New York Times | December 6, 2009
WASHINGTON - He was haunted by the human toll as he wrestled with what to do about the eight-year-old war....
The economic cost was troubling him as well....
When the history of the Obama presidency is written, that day with the chart may prove to be a turning point, the moment a young commander in chief set in motion a high-stakes gamble to turn around a losing war....
"The top US commander in Afghanistan said yesterday that the Afghan government and its international partners should use the coming 18 months to convince the Taliban they can’t win"
See: NATO Knuckles Under to U.S. in Afghanistan
Even though THEY are WINNING -- with OUR HELP!!
The three-month review that led to the escalate-then-exit strategy is a case study in decision-making in the Obama White House - intense, methodical, rigorous, earnest, and at times deeply frustrating for nearly all involved.
It was a virtual seminar in Afghanistan and Pakistan, led by a president described by one participant as something “between a college professor and a gentle cross-examiner.’’
Obama peppered advisers with questions and showed an insatiable demand for information, taxing analysts who prepared three dozen intelligence reports for him and Pentagon staff members who churned out thousands of pages of documents.
Oh, he's SO DIFFERENT from the last guy -- even though he makes the SAME POLICY CHOICES!!!
This account of how the president reached his decision is based on dozens of interviews with participants as well as a review of notes some of them took during Obama’s 10 meetings with his national security team. Most of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, but their accounts have been matched against those of other participants wherever possible....
Both the MSM and NYT so diligent about the fact-checking here. What an insult.
The White House suspected the military of leaking details of the review to put pressure on the president.
Which the press then dutifully carried with their "anonymous sources."
The military and the State Department suspected the White House of leaking to undercut the case for more troops.
And then they get nearly everything they wanted?
Guess who lost that leak battle?
The president erupted at the leaks with an anger advisers had rarely seen, but did little to shut down the public clash within his own government....
They LEAD to WARS!!!!!
You now, like the LAST GUY WE HAD in the OFFICE!!!!
Speaking of which:
"Little resistance as US begins Afghan offensive; Mission aims to disrupt Taliban in Helmand province" by Deb Riechmann, Associated Press | December 6, 2009

Marine Corporal Joseph Kelly of Virginia, from the 2d MEB, 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, patrolled near Khan Nashin in the volatile Helmand province on Friday. (Kevin Frayer/Associated Press)
Small confession: I wept this morning upon seeing that little girl. I look at that family an I just pray they survive the coming years.
I don't want to kill them anymore, world. I despise this war-criminal government I live under, and am so disappointed in the new decider.
KABUL, Afghanistan - About 1,000 Marines and 150 Afghan troops launched the first US-led offensive in Afghanistan since President Obama announced a new war plan last week, Afghan officials said yesterday.
American and Afghan troops have met little resistance since Operation Cobra’s Anger started, with the goal of disrupting Taliban supply and communications lines in the strategic Now Zad Valley of Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, Marine officials said.
Oooh, catchy name!!!!
Notice how these things are always announced with great fanfare, covered for a day or two, and then it all goes away again.
Then we will be told the surge succeeded, blah, blah, blah, same lies over and over again!
Daood Ahmadi, spokesman for the governor of Helmand province, said 11 Taliban fighters have been killed and five captured. The Afghan Defense Ministry said seven militants were killed and two captured. No coalition deaths were reported. Hundreds of Marines were dropped behind Taliban lines Friday by helicopters and MV-22 Osprey aircraft. A second, larger Marine force pushed northward from the Marines’ main base....
Seems like an AWFUL LOT of SOLDIERS for such a SMALL TALLY, huh?
See: Boston Globe Censorship: Troops Outnumber Taliban
Yeah, HowTF are we LOSING, anyway?
Zad was one of the largest towns in Helmand until fighting drove away the 30,000 inhabitants. Now the area is a major supply and transportation hub for Taliban forces that use the valley to move drugs, weapons and fighters south toward major populations and to provinces in western Afghanistan. In August, US forces launched “Operation Eastern Resolve II’’ in the Now Zad Valley to help provide security for the Afghan presidential elections and disrupt enemy activity in the area.
There is another neat name! War criminals sure are creative, huh?
Pelletier said the latest offensive was launched before the reinforcements arrive because it was the best time to limit the militants’ freedom of movement in the area. “We have sufficient forces to clear this area, especially when you consider that our number of Afghan partners has almost quadrupled since July,’’ Marine spokesman, Major William Pelletier said....
I never like that kind of talk.
Elsewhere, three Taliban militants were killed Friday during a gunbattle with Afghan National Police at a checkpoint in Nimroz Province, provincial Governor Ghulam Dastagir Azad said yesterday. Five other militants and five police officers were wounded in the clash in the Khash Rod district. NATO reported that a joint Afghan-international security force detained a handful of militants yesterday in Logar province, including an individual linked to senior leadership in the province who allegedly was helping militants move and train in the area.
Well, I guess they would know since he is working for them.
The joint security force targeted a compound near the village of Sejawand in the Baraki Barak district of Logar in eastern Afghanistan and recovered AK-47 rifles, pistols, fragmentation grenades, and chest racks fully loaded with AK-47 magazines, NATO said.
Gee, I wonder where they got those:
U.S. Talking to Itself in Talks With Taliban
Militants' possession of Israeli arms raises questions
It sure does!!!The expansion of the Afghan defense is important because the success of Obama’s new war plan is linked to Afghanistan’s ability to recruit, train and retain security forces that can eventually take the lead in defending the nation....
What BULLS*** that last paragraph is!!!!
Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain has said the Afghans have vowed to deploy 5,000 members of the new Afghan army corps to Helmand, to be partnered by British troops next year....
Is that what you Brits want?
While Obama set July 2011 as the date for the beginning of a US withdrawal, he said it would happen “taking into account conditions on the ground.’’
Related: Obama's Open-Ended War
How very BUSH-LIKE of the NEW DECIDER!
So how are the MISSILE STRIKES in PAKISTAN going, 'bamer!
"Accidental blast at store kills three
PESHAWAR - An accidental explosion ripped through a store in northwestern Pakistan yesterday, killing three people and rattling nerves in a city repeatedly targeted by militants. Officials initially said the blast in a commercial district was caused by a car bomb, but investigators found no trace of explosives. Police later said it was an accidental explosion that went off in a shop with paint stored inside. The exact cause was still unclear (AP)."
And we should believe a knee-jerk government instantly hollering suicider because (cui bono)?
See what I mean, readers?
Yeah, that brings up a lot of questions:
Wave of Catastrophic Accidents Sweep Over Russia–Coincidence or Plot?
Update: Medvedev demands tougher fire codes after deadly club blaze
Related: "Al-CIA-Duh" Back in the U.S.S.R.
Yeah, WTF?
And if you think I am believing my newspaper's version of anything, well....
"The destabilization of Pakistan is engineered to make it difficult, if not impossible, for Russia to re-supply Iran by land in case of an impending US/Israeli attack against Iran. The escalation of drone attacks in Pakistan by the US, coupled with coming US sanctions against Iran, makes it far more likely that we will see some kind of military confrontation against Iran next year." -- Wake the Flock Up
Interesting -- and quite likely correct -- take.
That's also the REAL REASON behind the TROOP INCREASE!
Also related: U.S. Senate Starts Split From Pakistan