"Bush’s last-ditch military push has been used as inspiration, if not a blueprint, by President Obama.... Bush’s surge paved the way.... The three officials emphasized the successes of the previous administration’s surge"
I truly feel sorry for the American people. They were so happy and thought they had done such a good thing when they "elected" this man. Their disappointment is immeasurable.
"Obama team now talking surge; Afghan strategy mirrors what president opposed in Iraq" by Farah Stockman, Globe Staff | December 3, 2009
WASHINGTON - Three years after Barack Obama strongly rebuked President Bush’s surge of US troops to Iraq, Obama dispatched top administration officials to Capitol Hill yesterday to defend a surge of his own.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Navy Admiral Michael Mullen, faced sharp questions from both Republicans and Democrats about whether their plans to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan could succeed. Time and time again, they responded with a common refrain: It worked in Iraq.
"When asked about the many sharp contrasts between Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers and officers involved in combat operations cite the more punishing geography and climate, those focused on development point to the bare-bones infrastructure, and intelligence specialists note the even greater difficulties in identifying insurgents"
Yeah, but DON'T LET the FACTS get in the way!!!
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Gates referenced Iraq more than a dozen times, signaling that Bush’s last-ditch military push has been used as inspiration, if not a blueprint, by President Obama’s military advisers. When Gates, who helped orchestrate Bush’s surge, was asked what success in Afghanistan would look like, Gates said: “I think the end state in Afghanistan looks a lot like Iraq.’’
Translation; We are going to be LIED TO about Afghanistan just like we were LIED TO about IRAQ!!!
I hate to tell you, folks, but BUSH'S SURGE FAILED!!!
He described success as the transfer of security to local authorities, including tribal militias, as long as they are hostile to Al Qaeda. Gates said Afghanistan’s most peaceful areas could be handed over as soon as July of 2011, while “at the very same time [we could] have extraordinarily heavy combat going on in other provinces around the country, which is exactly what we saw in Iraq.’’
As if that is OVER and DONE!!!!
Later, he said that once security is reestablished, Afghans themselves could seek a speedy US departure - just as Iraqis did.
I am SO SICK of HEARING that S*** CARROT!!!
Left unsaid was the fact that Obama and many of his current advisers initially opposed Bush’s surge in Iraq. As a senator, Clinton suggested a cap on US troops there in 2007. Obama, also a senator at the time, sent out an e-mail in December 2006 titled “Escalation is not the answer.’’
Obama said in the message:
“Our soldiers are not numbers to add just because someone couldn’t think of a better idea. We must not multiply the mistakes of yesterday, we must end them today.’’
Related: Why Americans Must Die in Afghanistan
If he was really interested in not repeating mistakes he would be pulling out!
Tuesday night, Obama announced not only the sharp increase of soldiers in Afghanistan to prevent the country from falling into Taliban hands, but the intention to start bringing troops home in July of 2011.
Don't mind that thumping you here. It's just George Orwell rotating in his grave.
Yup, we ESCALATED so we could leave! Nice try, Obama!
A White House spokesman did not return a call last night requesting a comment on whether Obama’s views on the Iraq surge had changed, and whether he used it as a model for his current strategy. Bush’s decision to send 20,000 additional troops to Iraq in 2007 was deeply unpopular. But it is widely credited for helping to bring the country from the brink of civil war, although a separate effort to recruit former Sunni insurgents also contributed to the drop in violence.
Have you HAD ENOUGH of the LYING!!!?
And one year from now, the AmeriKan MSM will be telling you the same thing about Afghanistan -- true or not!
Peter D. Feaver, a Duke University professor who helped shape Bush’s surge as a member of his National Security Council staff, said the Obama administration should have used his previous opposition as a powerful argument to convince fellow Democrats to support his surge now. He said Obama’s speech missed an opportunity to do that. “He could have said, ‘Look, some people think this will not work. I understand their skepticism. I was skeptical about the surge in Iraq, but I was wrong,’ ’’ Fever said. “There is no crime in being wrong.’’
And they WERE NOT WRONG! Any other country would be IN CRISIS!!!
Michael Rubin, a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said that Bush’s surge paved the way for Obama’s requests today. “We would not even be having this discussion if the [Iraq] surge had failed,’’ he said. “Despite Obama’s 2007 statements that it had failed, by summer 2008, Obama had come around, perhaps not openly, but enough to purge his campaign website of his previous criticism of the surge.’’
What, Mr. Transparency?
A former Obama adviser, who asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak publicly, said that Obama took three months to decide to increase troops in Afghanistan because he wanted an exit strategy in the plan - something that Bush resisted in Iraq because he thought it would signal weakness.
Related: Obama's Open-Ended War
Hey, at this point, what is ONE MORE MSM DISTORTION and LIE, huh?
Indeed, Obama’s decision to announce a date for starting a withdrawal along with the surge drew the sharpest questions from senators yesterday. Senator Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut Independent, called the reference to July 2011 the most controversial aspect of Obama’s speech. In another exchange, John McCain of Arizona, a Republican, asked: If commanders on the ground determine that sticking to that date would jeopardize the mission, “will we do it anyway?’’
Connected just as they were during the campaign.
Gates responded that the administration would carry out a full review in December of 2010 to see if the strategy is working. Gates initially said that the July date for the next year was firm, but later in the hearing said the president “always has the option to adjust his decision.’’
In response to a similar line of questioning by Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, Clinton said: “I do not believe we have locked ourselves into leaving.’’
The three officials emphasized the successes of the previous administration’s surge....When Senator John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, asked whether Obama’s new strategy would include reconciliation with some Taliban, Clinton noted that General Stanley McChrystal, the top US commander in Afghanistan, had hired General Graeme Lamb, a retired British general “who was instrumental’’ in reconciliation work in Iraq, to advise him.
The only senator who appeared keen to highlight the twist of history was Graham, who asked the three: “As you were debating what to do, did all of you realize this is the last, best chance America has to get it right in Afghanistan?’’
They all responded, “Yes, sir.’’
Then Clinton offered that it was sad it had taken so long. Graham responded: “It would have been sad to have lost in Iraq. It would have been devastating.’’
Readers, I am SICK of this CRAP being passed off as "news."
How sad for America that it's newspapers are such s***.
And how do American feel about all this?
"In poll, majority of young adults disapproves of US troop buildup in Afghanistan" by Andrew Ryan, Globe Staff | December 4, 2009
A poll out yesterday suggests that, overall, Americans support Obama’s new Afghanistan strategy - but just barely. The USA Today/Gallup survey found that 51 percent favor the plan, while 40 percent oppose it....
What BULLS***!!!
Related: Americans Want Out of Afghanistan
Yeah, it is up to about 70% now, but that never stopped the MSM from putting out shit-skew polls!!
Because THOSE NUMBERS do NOT ADD UP, folks!!!!
In another poll out yesterday, two-thirds of young adults oppose sending more US troops to Afghanistan, according to a national poll released yesterday by the Harvard University Institute of Politics that suggests fissures in a key demographic that helped President Obama capture the White House.
And if THEY are opposed....!!!!
The survey also indicated that a majority of people ages 18 to 29 disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy, health care, Iran, and the federal budget deficit.
They RECOGNIZE BETRAYAL when they see it!
But the president remains popular among young adults, with 58 percent of those surveyed approving of his job performance. That dichotomy marks a shift that brings the younger generation more in line with older members of the electorate. “They are beginning to look more and more like their parents,’’ said Bill Purcell, director of the Institute of Politics, which has been studying the attitudes of young voters since 2000. “They still have faith in the president as their leader, but they are now disagreeing with him on specific issues.’’
Not anyone I know, and I live in Massachusetts!!!
People are BUMMED OUT by the GUY!!
The poll found that 55 percent of the young adults surveyed disapproved of how he has handled Afghanistan. Obama’s marks for the economy and health care were slightly better, with 52 percent saying they disapproved of his performance on each issue.
Readers, he is UNDER 50% with THIS GROUP so HOW CAN HE BE ABOVE 50% overall?!!
Then THROW THIS in the MIX and ask yourself HOW America SUPPORTS his SURGE (and I will tell you how at the end of this post):
"Isolationism growing in US, poll says" by Associated Press | December 4, 2009
WASHINGTON - Americans are turning away from the world, showing a tendency toward isolationism in foreign affairs that has risen to the highest level in four decades, a poll out yesterday indicated.
Almost half, 49 percent, told the polling organization that the United States should “mind its own business’’ internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own, the Pew Research Center survey suggested. That’s up from 30 percent who said that in December 2002.
But 51% are FOR Obama's ESCALATION!!
The results of the survey appear to conflict with President Obama’s activist foreign policy....
Yup, SURE DO!!!
Thirty-two percent of the poll respondents favored increasing the number of US troops in Afghanistan, while 40 percent favored decreasing them. And 46 percent of those polled said it was somewhat or very likely that Afghanistan would be able to withstand the radicals’ threat.
Oh, ONLY 32% favor sending troops here, huh?
So HOW IS IT that America SUPPORTS the SURGE, readers?
The AmeriKan MSM LIES!!!!!!