And Webb went over there and got him, huh?
Before you read the current accounting of MSM deceptions and slop, please see the chronology of such lies:
Skinny-Dipping in Burma
Burmese Skinny Dipper Takes Towel
Tossing Suu Kyi Into the Lake
Burmese Case Gets More Bizarre
It's nice knowing that I was never fooled from the start.
Please watch: Video: Lies which justify war to see how RIDICULOUS is THIS COVER STORY!!!!
Related: Burma Has the Bomb
Wooooooaaaaaahh!!!!!Globe reading me?
"Nobel Peace laureate sentenced in Burma; World leaders decry verdicts for Suu Kyi, American" by Seth Mydans, New York Times | August 12, 2009
You know, Suu Kyi is Burmese for CIA, right?
BANGKOK - A court in Burma sentenced the pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to 18 months of additional house arrest yesterday, ensuring that she would remain in detention, with limited communications, through a parliamentary election scheduled for next year.
The sentencing stoked the anger outside Burma over the continued detention of a woman who has become a symbol of nonviolent resistance around the world.
Related: Dalai Lama Defends Suicide Bombers
I know it is painful, readers; however, the guy is a CIA asset. That explains why the college loved the guy, and the overwhelmingly positive coverage that guy gets in the AmeriKan MSM!
Playing up a moment of suspense, the court first sentenced Suu Kyi, 64, to three years of hard labor for violating the terms of the house arrest, where she has spent 14 of the past 20 years. Moments later, in what may have been meant as a conciliatory gesture, it reduced the sentence and sent her home from the prison where she had been held since the trial began three months ago.
The case stemmed from a strange and now notorious incident in which an American adventurer swam across a lake on May 3 and spent two days at her villa, claiming that he had come to save her from assassination.
Oh, he's an "ADVENTURER" now, huh?
Related: Occupation Iraq: Iranians Capture AmeriKan Spies
Makes you wonder HOW HE GOT INTO the COUNTRY and WHY HE DID THIS TWICE, doesn't it?
And DOESN'T the LIE stink?!
The American, John Yettaw, 53, was sentenced to seven years of prison and hard labor for breaching the rules of her house arrest and for violations of immigration law and local ordinances. Yettaw, who had suffered recently from what were described as epileptic fits, was removed from the courtroom immediately after his sentence was read....
Human rights groups and foreign governments called Suu Kyi’s conviction “reprehensible,’’ “shameful,’’ “brutal,’’ and “monstrous,’’ and repeated their demand for the immediate release of her and an estimated 2,100 other political prisoners.
Tell it to ISRAEL and the 11,000 PALESTINIANS they have locked up in their torture chambers. This is why I no longer put much faith in western human rights orgs. SELECTIVITY, thus PUSHING an AGENDA!
Speaking in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, where she is traveling, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said: “She should not have been tried. She should not have been convicted. We continue to call for her release.’’ The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, called on the junta to “immediately and unconditionally release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and to engage with her without delay as an essential partner in the process of national dialogue and reconciliation.’’ The European Union said it would seek to impose new economic sanctions, and Britain demanded an arms embargo.
Look at ALL the GLOBALISTS GANGING UP on poor little Burma!
Sanctions have been largely symbolic over the years as Burma has continued to trade with China and its neighbors in Southeast Asia.
Looking composed and engaged after the verdict was read, Suu Kyi, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, thanked the two dozen foreign diplomats in the courtroom for their support and, according to one, said, “Hopefully we can work closely together for the peace and prosperity of my country and the rest of the world.’’
Yeah, she's a globalist tool and asset.
I'm glad to see she is looking better, although that has been very erratic, 'eh, MSM?
"Myanmar’s Suu Kyi denounces conviction" by Associated Press | August 13, 2009
RANGOON, Myanmar - Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi called the verdict returning her to house arrest “totally unfair,’’ but remains cheerful and alert, her lawyer said yesterday.
Four of her lawyers were allowed to visit the Nobel Peace laureate at her lakeside home for an hour to discuss an appeal of her conviction Tuesday on charges of violating the terms of her previous house arrest.
Yeah, that's some prison.
A Myanmar court found Suu Kyi, 64, guilty of sheltering an uninvited American visitor....
Her defense had contended that it was the responsibility of the police guarding her house to keep out intruders....
Why didn't you turn him in when he showed up?
The conviction, though expected, drew sharp criticism from world leaders and human rights groups, as well as promises of new European Union sanctions against Myanmar. Her detention will keep her from participating in the junta’s planned elections next year, the first polls since 1990, when her party won overwhelmingly but was not allowed to take power.
The UN Security Council’s five permanent members met at UN headquarters in New York yesterday but failed to reach agreement on how to respond to the verdict in Suu Kyi’s case.
The pro-democracy leader has been detained for 14 of the past 20 years for nonviolent political activities, but this was the first time she faced a criminal trial.
Okay, now THIS is what is in my PRINTED SUNDAY PAPER, readers:
RANGOON, Burma - Stung by international outrage over the trial of Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s ruling generals agreed yesterday to hand an American prisoner involved in her case to a visiting US senator.
Senator Jim Webb, a Virginia Democrat, was also granted an unprecedented meeting with the junta chief and was allowed to hold talks with Suu Kyi, the first foreign official permitted to see the Nobel Peace laureate since she was sentenced to 18 more months of house arrest Tuesday.
American John Yettaw, who was sentenced to seven years of hard labor for swimming uninvited to Suu Kyi’s lakeside house in Rangoon, will be deported today, Webb said in a statement from his Washington office.
Translation: Webb won the release of the CIA MAN!!!!!
The impending deportation indicates ‘‘good relations between the two countries and hope [that] these will grow,’’ Yettaw’s lawyer, Khin Maoung Oo, said. Webb echoed the sentiment. ‘‘It is my hope that we can take advantage of these gestures as a way to begin laying a foundation of goodwill and confidence-building in the future,’’ he said in the statement.
Oh, well, that ABSOLUTELY STINKS -- but it DOES EXPLAIN a LOT!
Suu Kyi has been detained for 14 of the past 20 years, and a global groundswell of international pressure to release the 64-year-old opposition leader has kept the impoverished military-ruled country under sanctions in recent years. While Washington has traditionally been Burma’s strongest critic, applying political and economic sanctions against the junta, President Obama’s new ambassador for East Asia, Kurt Campbell, recently said the administration is interested in easing its policy of isolation.
But, but, but... they are BUILDING a NUCLEAR BOMB!
The regime has shown no sign it will release Suu Kyi before next year’s general elections, which critics say will perpetuate the military’s decades-old rule, but the response to Webb’s visit appeared to show the junta is sensitive to international censure.
That's BULLSHIT!!! After 30+ years NOW they are sensitive?
Easing up of BANKING SANCTIONS like the Koreans got from Clinton?
‘‘If the Americans can get the generals to see that their country’s interest is reflected in taking interest in reconciliation, releasing . . . Suu Kyi, and holding free and fair elections, that would be very helpful,’’ said John Sawyers, Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations. ‘‘It’s important to have some measure of engagement, as well as real pressure on the regime,’’ he told BBC Radio 4.
Michael Hammer, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said officials in Washington had seen reports about Webb’s trip and were ‘‘keeping up with the developments, including the impending release of American citizen John Yettaw.’’
Suu Kyi was driven from her residence to a nearby government guest house in Rangoon for her 40-minute meeting with Webb. She was later driven back to her rundown, lakeside home. Webb described his talk with the democracy advocate as ‘‘an opportunity . . . to convey my deep respect to Aung San Suu Kyi for the sacrifices she has made on behalf of democracy around the world.’’
She's CIA!!!!
Earlier yesterday, Webb held talks with Senior General Than Shwe, the reclusive military council chief who had never met a senior US official. Webb may have been given the green light for the meetings to mitigate the torrent of international criticism against Burma after Suu Kyi’s trial.
Same as the Korean situation.
In July, authorities barred UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon from meeting with Suu Kyi during a two-day visit.
‘‘I think we have seen the worst of military behavior, and it seems to me that the rulers may have sent some important signals,’’ said Josef Silverstein, a professor emeritus at Rutgers University.
‘‘Having spoken and no one, neither in China nor Russia, having applauded, it seems to be that the soldier-rulers have started to backtrack,’’ he said, referring to Burma’s two key allies who have also called for Suu Kyi’s release through a UN Security Council resolution.
--more--"Now THIS is what I pulled of the WEB on SATURDAY NIGHT!
Why the CENSORSHIP, Globe?
"Senator meets Suu Kyi, wins American's release
YANGON, Myanmar -- .... Webb arrived in Myanmar's capital, Naypyitaw, on Friday, just days after the world condemned the ruling generals for convicting Suu Kyi of violating the terms of her house arrest by allowing Yettaw to stay at her home for two days.
Activists have complained that the visit -- the first by a member of the U.S. Congress in more than a decade -- conferred legitimacy on a brutal regime, but the Obama administration gave the Virginia Democrat its blessing. Webb, a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran, is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's East Asia and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee.
In a letter to Webb, dissident groups warned the junta would use the senator's trip for its own ends. "We are concerned that the military regime will manipulate and exploit your visit and propagandize that you endorse their treatment on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and over 2,100 political prisoners, their human rights abuses on the people of Burma, and their systematic, widespread and ongoing attack against the ethnic minorities," the letter said. Daw is a term of respect for older women in Myanmar.
Reflecting a similar wariness, a spokesman for Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy said the party "has no interest in Jim Webb because he is not known to have any interest in Myanmar affairs." He did not elaborate. State TV has heralded Webb's arrival, featuring his meetings with the country's leaders in Saturday's broadcasts.
Yettaw, who is to fly out with Webb on a military aircraft bound for Bangkok on Sunday, was being held at Insein prison, notorious for torture of political prisoners and ordinary criminals.
Sort of like Burma's GITMO, huh?
Yettaw's lawyer said his client, who suffers from epileptic seizures and other ailments, had been well treated.
He got a lawyer?
At Suu Kyi's trial, Yettaw of Falcon, Missouri, testified that he swam to Suu Kyi's home to warn her after he had a vision that she would be assassinated.
Swam a lake despite being an epileptic, huh? He had "visions?"
He was convicted of helping Suu Kyi to violate the terms of her house arrest. Some of Suu Kyi's supporters have referred to the 53-year-old Yettaw as a "fool," but his lawyer, Khin Maoung Oo, described him as "a compassionate, considerate and loving person" who had hoped to save Suu Kyi's life.
Is that a BIG ENOUGH PILE of BULLSHIT for you, Amurkn?
I can see why the Globe wouldn't have wanted to put that up.
"If it's true, of course I'm extremely happy and we're ecstatic," Betty Yettaw told The Associated Press, referring to reports that her husband would be freed. When reached by phone Saturday morning, she said she had yet to receive any official notice.
This is the article the Globe carried on Sunday afternoon.
Do you think it will make my Monday paper?
"Myanmar release of US man could thaw relations" ny Ambika Ahuja, Associated Press Writer | August 16, 2009
BANGKOK --Myanmar freed an ailing American whom it had sentenced to seven years of hard labor and handed him to an influential U.S senator on Sunday, a move that could help persuade Washington to soften its hardline policy against the military regime.
Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia, who secured John Yettaw's freedom, said he believes years of sanctions have failed to move the Southeast Asian country toward democratic reforms or talks with detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Webb said he would discuss his conclusions and recommendations with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and others on his return to Washington. He declined to speculate on what the Obama administration -- which is reviewing its policy toward Myanmar -- would do. Webb can rally support for changes to U.S. policy in Asia as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's East Asia and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee.
Webb flew with Yettaw to Bangkok on Sunday afternoon. Yettaw had been held at Insein Prison in Myanmar's biggest city Yangon since his arrest in early May. The 53-year-old American was apprehended as he swam away from Suu Kyi's lakeside residence, where he had sheltered for two days after sneaking in uninvited. He was convicted last week of breaking the terms of Suu Kyi's house arrest and related charges, and sentenced to seven years in prison with hard labor....
Observers widely believe Yettaw's intrusion into Suu Kyi's home gave the junta a legal pretext to keep the Nobel laureate incarcerated through next year's general election.
As if this somehow was some sort of plot by the Burmese government?
Pfffffttt!! Is there NO END to the amount of bulls*** they think we will eat?
Yettaw testified that he had a vision that Suu Kyi was at risk from assassins, and visited her to warn her. A pale and haggard-looking Yettaw had to be assisted as he walked off the small plane on arrival in Bangkok. He smiled and flashed 'I love you' in sign language to waiting reporters. He did not respond to questions.
He's a CIA SPY, folks!!! That's why the ELABORATE COVER STORY!
Myanmar state television said Sunday night that Yettaw, from Falcon, Missouri, was freed on humanitarian grounds because of his health. He reportedly suffers from diabetes, epilepsy and asthma and was hospitalized for a week during the trial after suffering seizures....
Critics of Myanmar's military regime expressed disappointment at the latest developments.
Aung Din of the U.S. Campaign for Burma, a Washington-based pro-democracy group, said Yettaw's release was a gift to Webb from Than Shwe for opposing sanctions, and promoting engagement and increased U.S. business activities there....

John Yettaw of Falcon, Missouri, steps from the plane as he arrives in Bangkok on a US government plane in this image taken from TV Sunday Aug. 16, 2009. Yettaw was imprisoned in Myanmar for sneaking into the home of detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi flew out of Myanmar Sunday after a visiting US Senator Jim Webb won his release. (AP Photo/APTN)
I say TOSS HIM BACK in the LAKE!!!!