Relatives of Pakistani Christians mourned their deaths in Gojra yesterday. The attacks began Thursday following reports that a copy of the Koran had been defiled. Officials said eight people were killed by a mob incited by a radical Islamist group. (K.M. Chaudary/ Associated Press)
"Usually, Muslims and Christians live together peacefully.... Christians make up a tiny minority of Pakistan's population of 160 million people, who are predominantly Sunni Muslim.... the two communities generally live peacefully.... Christians... generally live in peace with their Muslim neighbors."
(Easy, big fella; blog editor is struggling to compose himself right now)
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
WHICH GROUP ABOVE ALL OTHERS benefits when Christians and Muslims are at each others' throats?
Please see my Pakistan files to see how dreadful the Globe has been in reporting this U.S.-driven calamity the last few weeks.
Just when you think the false-flagging agenda-pushing couldn't reach a new level.
Paper started me with this:
"Suspect in bombing at hotel is arrested
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani police arrested an activist from an Al Qaeda-linked militant group on suspicion of involvement in a suicide attack on Islamabad’s Marriott Hotel last year that killed 55 people, police said yesterday.... (Reuters)."
Who Benefits From the Pakistan Attack?
Videos of Pakistan Attack
Who Were the "Terrorists" That Bombed the Marriott?
Another Terrorist Attack in Pakistan by U.S and India
Because You'll Believe Anything: Unknown Terrorist Group Claims Responsibility For Marriot Bombing
Web added this:
"Muslim, Christian clashes leave 6 dead
ISLAMABAD - Hundreds of rioting Muslims attacked Christians in eastern Pakistan yesterday, burning and looting homes in a rampage that killed six Christians, including a child, and wounded 10 others in the latest violence against minorities in the conservative Muslim country.
Oh no, there is and WAS NO NEED!!!!
This STINKS! How and WHO could have started this?
The unrest started late Thursday, when members of a banned extremist Muslim organization began torching Christian homes in a village in the Punjabi city of Gojra after allegations that a Koran had been defaced, Federal Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti said. Violence flared again yesterday, when shots were fired on a peaceful Muslim rally passing by a Christian neighborhood, said local minister Dost Mohammad Khosa. It was unclear who fired the shots, he added (AP)."
Maybe my local will give me more details:
"Pakistan mobs kill Christians; Six died, 10 were hurt as Muslims rampaged in Punjab province in the country's east" by Asif Shahzad, Associated Press | August 2, 2009
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Hundreds of rioting Muslims attacked Christians in eastern Pakistan yesterday, burning and looting their homes in a rampage that killed six Christians, including a child, and injured 10 others in the latest violence against minorities in the conservative Muslim country.
The unrest started late Thursday, when members of a banned extremist Muslim organization began torching Christian homes in a village in the Punjabi city of Gojra after allegations that a Quran had been defaced, Federal Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti said.
Violence flared again yesterday, when shots were fired on a peaceful Muslim rally passing by a Christian neighborhood, said local minister Dost Mohammad Khosa. It remained unclear who fired the shots, he said....
Yup. Local beats the Globe again! That's sad, readers.
My little pooper local is BETTER than the big-city war paper. That's why the Globe is in the shape it is in.
Television footage showed baton-wielding crowds running through the streets, blocking traffic and a railway line. Furniture lay jumbled outside blackened and burning homes, while a group of people rushed a man with burn injuries through the streets on a hand-pulled wooden cart. Gunfire could also be heard.
Authorities said the six people killed included a child and four women. Bhatti said that about 40 Christian homes had been burned since Thursday.
I'm in tears because WE WOULDN'T DO THAT to a KORAN!!!!!!
The Christains I know would NEVER DO THAT!!!!!!!
Kamran Michael, provincial minister for minorities, said the situation remained tense into the night, though police had dispersed the mob. He said negotiations were under way among government officials, representatives from the minority community, and the villagers.
Michael said he feared the death toll could rise as crews cleared the debris of burned houses.
Paramilitary troops were sent to Gojra to help police control the situation, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said, amid allegations that police had failed to respond quickly enough to prevent the violence from escalating.
OH STINK!!!!!!!!!! Here we GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!
They DON'T PROTECT BHUTTO, etc, etc, etc!!!!
"Usually, Muslims and Christians live together peacefully. There have been some miscreants involved in this incident. We are investigating that," Malik said.
Christians make up a tiny minority of Pakistan's population of 160 million people, who are predominantly Sunni Muslim. Although the two communities generally live peacefully, Muslim radicals have periodically targeted churches and Christians....
Muslim radicals, huh? Like "Al-CIA-Duh?"
Strange how this s*** only starts AFTER WE GET OUR CIA ASSETS on the GROUND, eh?
"The religious riots . . . are frightening, where Islamic religious zealots have taken the law into their own hands," Mehdi Hassan, deputy head of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, said in a statement.
WHO put out a BOGUS RUMOR?
"Islamic militants from outside the village [have] created an atmosphere of fear and [have] destroyed and burnt property using firearms and explosive," the statement said, and urged authorities to intervene to save the lives of Christians in the area.
You SEE? It has to be "Al-CIA-Duh," doesn't it?
Then on Monday the Globe rolls this out?
"Pakistan police file charges against cleric" by ASSOCIATED PRESS | August 3, 2009
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani authorities lodged a criminal case yesterday against a cleric who helped negotiate a failed peace deal with the Swat Valley Taliban, suggesting the government is determined not to negotiate again with the militants.
US put its foot down, huh?
So the Pakistanis STABBED a PEACE-SEEEKING PREACHER in the back, huh?
Sufi Muhammad, father-in-law of Swat’s notorious Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah, is accused of aiding terrorism, sedition, and conspiring against the government, Swat police Chief Sajid Mohmand said. The charges carry a minimum penalty of life imprisonment and a maximum of death.
Looks like NO ONE will be wanting to talk with that CRAP GOVERNMENT, either!
Disgusting. MURDER THEIR OWN PEOPLE for us over a LIE!!!!
The case suggests Pakistan is moving away from its past willingness to negotiate with militants, but could also be a way to pressure Muhammad to reveal any information he has about the location of the Swat Valley Taliban’s leaders, who have evaded capture despite a three-month military offensive.
Why don't they just TORTURE HIM?
Pakistani troops still skirmish with militants in the valley although the offensive is winding down.
Need I even say it?
Some 2 million people fled Swat and the wider region in the early weeks of the offensive, but hundreds of thousands have been returned over the past two weeks.
After a while, the lying s*** shovel doesn't make you angry, it just makes you sad because you realize that SO MANY BEAUTIFUL PAKISTANI PEOPLE are SUFFERING!!!! It's over 3 milion, liars, and the camps are a horrid existence.
The cleric helped negotiate a peace deal in February that imposed Islamic law in the valley, which the United States had warned could turn the region into a safe haven for insurgents. The pact collapsed in mid-April after Taliban militants infiltrated a district south of Swat, and the military launched its offensive.
The pact was never given a chance, and I really wonder which CIA case officer was managing those "insurgents."
Mohmand, the police chief, said seven of Muhammad’s aides, including two killed in a clash between militants and the army, were also named in the case. Muhammad, who was arrested last Sunday near the northwestern city of Peshawar, must appear before a court within 15 days to be formally charged, Mohmand said, but noted there are still no functioning courts in Swat. Mohmand said authorities would seek a legal opinion to determine whether the case could be moved to Peshawar if no Swat court is up and running in time.
The charges stem from comments Muhammad made during an April speech in which he condemned democracy and elections and said Pakistan’s constitution was un-Islamic.
“It is tantamount to threatening the sovereignty of Pakistan,’’ Mohmand said.
But it's okay for US leaders to stick a hand up your asses and make you drop bombs on your own people?
Isn't firing Predator missiles into hillside villages a violation, puppet?
Hanh? Can't hear ya.
The speech revolted many people in Pakistan, leaving even some hard-line Islamist political party leaders silent, and it was considered to be an important factor in shifting public opinion against the Taliban.
That's such a lie!
See: Pakistan Losing Public Support Against Taliban
If that were true, why is the Pakistan government all worried about the refugees, etc. I don't even know where to begin; I just know I'm sick of this lying slop from the AmeriKan MSM!
Try this one: Slow Saturday Special: Submerged Missile Strike
The Swat police chief said authorities were confident they had enough evidence to prove the charges against Muhammad. “We have recordings of all of his speeches where he had instigated masses against the government of Pakistan and its institutions,’’ Mohmand said..
Lesson learned; don't ever cut a deal with government.
And NOW the Globe gets around to the agenda-pushing slaughter!
"Christian Pakistanis shut their schools; Protest follows deadly attacks" by Asif Shahzad, Associated Press | August 4, 2009
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani Christians were closing their schools across the country for three days starting yesterday to protest the killings of eight members of their community by Muslims, violence that drew condemnation from Pope Benedict XVI.
Aaaah, go tell it to Israel, Pope!
Hundreds of Muslims, allegedly spurred on by a radical Islamist group, stormed a Christian neighborhood in the eastern city of Gojra on Saturday, burning dozens of houses after reports surfaced that some Christians had desecrated a Koran.
I'm smelling a REAL ROTTEN STINK, America!!!!
Six Christians died in the flames, while two were killed by gunshots as police did little to stop the attackers.
Is that just the jew media trying to get all us Christians over here ready to invade Pakistan for Jesus? Or did the Pakistanis have their own reasons? Takes attention away from Swat and the surrounding butchery, doesn't it?
Christian leaders and Rana Sanaullah, the Punjab law minister, said an initial investigation had debunked the Koran defilement rumor....
Christians make up less than 5 percent of Pakistan’s 175 million people, and they generally live in peace with their Muslim neighbors. Extremists, however, have made Christians and other minority religious groups a target. Earlier this summer in the Kasur area, a group of Muslims set fire to dozens of Christian homes, according to local news accounts.
Why do I smell "Al-CIA-Duh" in those smoldering remains?
Shi’ite Muslims, also a minority when compared with the Sunni sect of Islam, are also often targeted, although Sunnis, too, have been targeted in the past by Shi’ite extremists. But the antiminority phenomenon seems to be getting worse as the Taliban militancy has gained strength in Pakistan.
That does it! I dind't want to do it, but now you made me!
How many times I gotta put this up?
"Something of a catchall term for loosely affiliated insurgents without a singular command structure. Often, the Afghan government favors the phrase 'enemies of the state' (New York Times July 24, 2007)."
"The Taliban is growing and creating new alliances not because its sectarian religious practices have become popular, but because it is the only available umbrella for national liberation," says Pakistani historian and political commentator Tariq Ali. "As the British and the Soviets discovered to their cost in the preceding two centuries, Afghans never like being occupied."
Also see: Afghanistan's Other Government
And today, readers?
"More and more, people here look back to the era of harsh Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, describing it as a time of security and peace."
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I'm so offended by the AmeriKan MSM and its bullshit!
Also see: How I Came to Love the Veil
Now I know that is Afghanistan, but we are talking about an artificial border drawn by the British who NEVER ASKED the PASHTUNS what THEY THOUGHT!!!!!!!
Consider this:
"They sat in one girl’s home telling their story, their faces uncovered only because no man was present. But when Mohammed Matloob, the father of one of the girls, walked into the room, the other three quickly pulled their head scarves over their faces. His daughter, Nagina, 16, ordered him to leave the room, which he did, with a surprised shrug."
Aren't the children beautiful?

Tomas Munita for The New York Times Hameeda Sarfraz, in the dark burqa, teaches Islamic religious lessons to children in her village, about 50 miles north of Islamabad, Pakistan.
Oh, what LIES we have been told about Muslims by our Muslim-hating Zionist AmeriKan MSM, Americans!!!!!!
Honestly, I'm tired of the MSM lying? Aren't you, AmeriKa?
Are you sick of half-truths and Muslim-hating lies from your jewspapers yet, America?
"The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997."
Well, I SURE CAN as long as the KILLING STOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please read: Pashtun Hospitality
Minority Rights Group International, a watchdog organization, lists Pakistan seventh on the list of the world’s 10 most dangerous countries for minorities, after Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Burma, and Congo.
What, Israeli-occupied Palestine didn't make the list?
Christians and other minority religious groups also are especially vulnerable to discriminatory laws, including an edict against blasphemy that carries the death penalty for derogatory remarks or any other action against Islam, the Koran, or the Prophet Muhammad.
Anyone can make an accusation under the law, and it is often used to settle personal scores and rivalries.
Yeah, those Muslims are barbarians according to my jewspress, so we should just go kill 'em all, right? Pffft!
The latest attacks on Christians began Thursday following reports that a copy of the Koran had been defiled. Hundreds of Muslim protesters set fire to several Christians’ houses in the first two days, but the violence reached its peak Saturday. Officials have blamed the attacks on a banned Sunni Muslim extremist group, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan.
Never heard of 'em, and that usually means.... sigh
“This is not the work of Muslims. A group of extremists have exploited the situation,’’ Sanaullah told a group of Christians after the funeral prayers for the deceased Sunday night. “I also want to appeal to both the communities to remain calm. Please do not become a tool in the hands of some miscreants.’’
Oh, I AGREE with ALL THAT!!!!!
Shahbaz Bhatti, the federal minister for minorities, said yesterday the government will rebuild the burned homes and offer financial assistance to victims. Bhatti criticized the slow response by police and promised they will be held accountable.
Government almost sounds GUILTY, doesn't it?
He also said a weeklong celebration of minority rights planned for later this month is canceled.
What? Muslims celebrating minorities? NO FRIKKIN' WAY!!!!!!!!!
Now the party is ruined, cui bono?
Gojra is in Pakistan’s Faisalabad region, which is dotted with hard-line Islamist schools.
Curioser and curioser, huh?
Also yesterday, Pakistan’s Supreme Court adjourned a hearing on whether to detain a man suspected to have played a role in last year’s attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai. The court did not set a date for another hearing, leaving Hafiz Saeed free.
Gee, they mention Mumbai so often in the war sheets I'm surprised this wasn't the lead.
So Pakistan freed a "terrorist," huh?
AmeriKan MSM Pinning Mumbai on Pakistan Patsies
Amerikan MSM Fingers Israel for Mumbai Attacks
Also see:
U.S. Talking to Itself in Talks With Taliban
The Israeli-India Terror Shop
Pakistan now a free-fire zone:
"No one could explain how the officer had known what was in the coffins or under the burkas, but it was said of him that he could see through a hill and tell what the enemy was doing on the other side."
Nor could they explain all the dead women and civilians charged to the mass-murdering exercise based on lies. Must have been a "mistake."