"Most Mass. students will be required to get the flu vaccine this year" by Kay Lazar, Felicia Gans and Nick Stoico Globe Staff and Globe Correspondent, August 19, 2020
In what is believed to be a first in the nation, Massachusetts on Wednesday mandated that nearly all students under the age of 30 get a flu vaccine by the end of this year amid fears that concurrent outbreaks of influenza and COVID-19 in the fall could overwhelm the state’s health care system.
The overwhelm the system was the same bull they sold you last spring, and now they are rolling it out again. I type in disbelief at all this and the evil that is bring it upon us all.
The mandate, hailed by public health experts nationwide, requires the vaccination for anyone 6 months or older in child care centers, preschool, kindergarten, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities, unless they have a religious or medical exemption, are home-schooled, or are a higher education student living off campus and taking remote-only classes.
Elementary and secondary students whose schools are pursuing remote-only models this fall are not exempt.
The monsters want to shoot your kids up with more of their toxic poisons, and I'm struggling to do these blogs. This is raw, and for lack of a better term, truly satanic evil that is confronting us. The best-case scenario would simply be another pharmaceutical scam, but it's gone way beyond that, and the worst case is the kidnapping of kids and destruction of families for elite pedophile rings that seem to operate in plain sight these days. The masking, the distance, this insane torture of the kids, the test everybody gospel, leads to a very dark place (picks up speed about 10 minutes in). The fact that the Globe is lauding the monsters is even more disturbing, for they have been on board from the start. I don't know how the workers or the owners live with themselves. How can they look at themselves in the mirror? They see their monstrous form as a work of beauty and art, thinking they will be saved and brought forward to the new paradise with all its guilt? Are they that bereft of conscious? If so, they are inhuman and have probably always been.
State officials said that requiring the vaccine is “an important step to reduce flu-related illness and the overall impact of respiratory illness” during the COVID-19 pandemic. In New England, flu season usually begins in the fall and lasts through March.
Not this year, though.
COVID broke all the rules!
That's a tell, folks!
Talking science, not $cience!
“Every year, thousands of people of all ages are affected by influenza, leading to many hospitalizations and deaths,” said Dr. Larry Madoff, medical director for the state health department’s Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences. “It is more important now than ever to get a flu vaccine because flu symptoms are very similar to those of COVID-19 and preventing the flu will save lives and preserve healthcare resources.”
Yeah, we know. That's what last years flu was dressed up in as $cum like you fiddled and f**ked with the damn numbers.
Massachusetts has about 1 million children enrolled in K-12 schools, according to state records. About 81 percent of those age 17 and younger received a flu shot in the 2018-19 year — the highest rate in the nation — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
There are another half-million attending colleges in Massachusetts, and the new mandate could prove challenging for health officials to enforce, especially among the sizable number of students who travel here from other states and countries.
Don't let your guard down for one minute, readers. Neither they or the Globe are to be trusted, not anymore. Never again, in fact, after all this. A forthright, on-your-knees confession with contrition might ameliorate the situation for you.
Keri Rodrigues, founding president of Massachusetts Parents United, an urban parent advocacy organization, said that while she favors more vaccination for students, the state’s mandate must be followed by a clear plan and resources to see it through.
“Parents are already under enormous pressure and anxiety and are dealing with a lot,” she said. “I’m just hoping our elected officials have a robust plan and a big check to make sure this happens.”
She is a parent's advocate?
With friends like her, who needs enemies!?
Health care leaders applauded the new rule, saying it will help relieve already burdened hospitals. As students return to schools and colleges, hospitals are also thinking about the arrival of seasonal respiratory viruses. Whenever there is a bad flu season, hospitals fill up. Now they will have to make room for COVID-19 patients, as well.
I'm sick of the lies regarding the burden hospitals (millions of layoffs during the $camdemic but big paydays for the CEOs and others) as they make terrorist threats regarding a regular flu season.
For the record, I do not discount the release of a bioweapon in September at some point when most kids are forced to return to the schools. That would fulfill the second simulation function demanded by the WHO, the deliberate release of a far more lethal pathogen -- probably by "terrorists," who would be whichever group the government feels most threatened by at this stage. There really is only one group left, and they just so happen to have the guns, too.
“The upcoming flu season is of major concern to our healthcare providers, which are already working around the clock to prepare for a second wave of COVID-19,” Steve Walsh, president of the Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association said in a statement.
We never seemed to come out of the first, and if there is a second wave then all the politicians failed, their policies destroyed us, and they in turn should be destroyed by divine intervention if necessary.
“We appreciate the Baker administration’s proactive focus on areas like classrooms, where a flu outbreak could further harm the health of our communities and overwhelm our hospitals,” he said. “Just like wearing a mask and social distancing, getting a flu shot is a simple but powerful way to help our healthcare community through what will be a very challenging fall.”
I'm also sick of the guilt trip by these evil f**kers!
Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, said science shows children transmit more flu virus than adults and for longer periods of time, making this flu mandate critical, especially amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“We know that children have the distribution franchise for the influenza virus in the community. They spread it among themselves and bring it home,” Schaffner said.
The Massachusetts flu vaccine mandate is “distinctly unusual and wonderful,” he said.
I'm going to be sick because of this agenda-pushing monster because not everyone agrees and families would be filled with it and that is not what we are seeing in the empirical science and data. The flawed tests that are used to detect coronavirus only show the presence of viral genetic material, not live virus, and it doesn’t indicate how infectious a person is, but Dr. Mark R. Schleiss, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at University of Minnesota Medical School, called the study “very useful” and “nicely done,” confirming other recent research about “the importance of children in the dissemination and spread of COVID-19,” and said it is “biologically plausible” that children with high viral loads would transmit the illness, but Dr. William V. Raszka, Jr., a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine, who coauthored a commentary which appeared in another journal, Pediatrics, where he is associate editor, saying that children rarely transmit COVID-19 and the study does nothing to change his thinking. “Just because you find virus in the nose doesn’t mean children are infectious,” he said of the research that was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Massachusetts General Hospital, and private donors.
That's why the Globe skews and suppresses such things, because it doesn't fit the pre-approved narrative and agenda. Instead we get crap like a coronavirus survivor marking their 105th birthday with family visit at Boston rehab center with a beer amidst the hyperventilating about COVID and the hateful destruction of love by the mon$ters li$ted above and there political and public health puppets (up your schnoz with a cotton swab), ouch!
The Immunization Action Coalition, a Minnesota nonprofit that tracks vaccination regulations nationwide, said that while a handful of states require flu vaccines for childcare and preschool-aged children, none have mandated it for nearly all students.
Now, some public health experts hope other states will be inspired to follow Massachusetts’ lead.
I'm sure they will because it's always the first that makes it easier for the rest.
You would know that if you studied the history of racism in America.
“Every state looks to see what their peer states are doing and each state tries to learn from another,” said Dr. Howard Koh, a former Massachusetts public health commissioner who was an assistant health secretary in the Obama administration.
“This [mandate],” Koh said, “is how change occurs.”
Not mass protests in the streets demanding $y$temic change?
I don't know how much longer I can read these sick f**ks in the Bo$ton Globe anymore, I'm sorry. They are evil monsters.
Tom Scott, executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, said the flu-shot requirement made sense, noting that reducing the chances of students becoming sick could also decrease false alarms about possible COVID infections.
“I think there is merit to having kids protected as much as we can,” he said.
Jabbing a needle into them and injecting them with an unknown toxic stew isn't the way to teach them, monster!
Doreen Crowe, president of the Massachusetts School Nurse Organization, said in a statement that the organization “supports preventative measures to keep children healthy, safe, and ready to learn.”
“It will be important for school districts to collaborate with health care providers and local boards of health to insure students are in compliance with the new flu vaccine requirement,” she said.
Will they have to salute and pledge allegiance to the new medical fascism, too?
Massachusetts already has a program that pays for local health departments and school districts to buy and administer flu shots for children 18 and younger who rely on state-funded health insurance, and Rodrigues, the parent advocate, said it is imperative now to ensure those resources are going to communities of color and lower-income areas, which have been hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Forget the race issue, this is no longer a race issue, this is an issue of kidnapping and extermination no matter your color (I'm sure whites will be targeted again).
Officials need to ensure that “health centers have the vaccine, the supplies they need and that they can handle the surge of parents that will need to meet this requirement,” Rodrigues said, adding that it could serve as a trial run to make sure the COVID-19 vaccine is available and providers are prepared when it is released.
Truly sickening. They know those wanting their conception is dropping by the day, so they mandate it!
The state must also make its information clear and accessible to those communities, she added, because Black Americans are among the most skeptical of the safety of vaccines, recent surveys have shown.
It's because of Tuskegee, isn't it?
The rule is also likely to encounter resistance from elements of the population who oppose vaccines for themselves or their children.
The Globe has a blind spot for them because they didn't talk to anyone that feels that way.

A nurse held a flu vaccine (Dina Rudick).
Looks harmless, doesn't it?
If you don't want the school doing it you can bring him/her to the pharmacy:
"Pharmacists in all 50 states are now allowed to give childhood vaccinations under a new directive aimed at preventing future outbreaks of measles and other preventable diseases. Alex Azar, head of the US Department of Health and Human Services, took the step using emergency powers he has during the coronavirus epidemic, which was declared a public health emergency. The directive announced Wednesday will temporarily preempt restrictions in 22 states starting this fall. The move is designed to help prevent vaccination rates from falling during the pandemic, Azar said. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report said orders for childhood vaccines from doctors’ offices plummeted in late March and early April as their offices closed or saw fewer patients, raising concerns vaccination rates would fall."
Failing that, they will literally come to your home!
(under the skin, 'er, fold)
I'm sure it will be more than a thread of concern in this article:
"As teachers unions rally against a return to classrooms, critics see little effort to improve virtual school" by Bianca Vázquez Toness Globe Staff, August 19, 2020
The president of the state’s largest public teachers union tallied up its recent wins in an online meeting with thousands of members earlier this month: Schools around the state will start later. State funding won’t be cut. Worcester, Swampscott, Lawrence, and many other districts will open remotely.
As the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped and redefined the discussion around how best to educate the state’s children, the state’s three influential teachers unions have played a key role in elevating health concerns related to reopening, including pointing out that many schools have inadequate ventilation systems and advocating for the state to provide masks and testing.
They have harnessed the anger and fear of their nearly 140,000 members to fight against Governor Charlie Baker’s calls for students to go back to in-person schooling, but several observers say in their single-minded emphasis on safety, the unions have missed an opportunity to lead the conversation on how kids will actually learn this fall — regardless of where. The unions are accused of using the crisis to advance their longstanding agenda against education reform: calling to suspend standardized testing, opposing the use of technology for learning, and not committing to enough time with students during the spring’s remote learning experiment.
I was getting on the teachers for that earlier, but now I'm sorry and apologize.
Yes, they are using this crisis to push their agenda; however, by insisting the kids stay remote they are in fact protecting them fro the predators they must know are in their midst.
For union leaders Merrie Najimy of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, Jessica Tang at the Boston Teachers Union, and Beth Kontos at the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts, the battle lines are familiar. While the union campaign to keep school buildings closed affects teachers more universally, it in some ways mirrors previous and long-running disputes with the Baker administration over school funding and the proliferation of charter schools.
So when Baker announced Tuesday that nearly 70 percent of districts plan to bring students back to in-person classes in some capacity, it was simply the latest salvo.
“No decision is final until it’s final. We’re going to make it different,” Najimy said during the MTA meeting earlier this month, during which the union provided a script for educators to call parents and tell them how the in-person school experience would be inadequate with social distancing rules and a sterile environment, “and we’re going to make it final,” but some say advocacy that does not focus on improving education carries some political risk.
“Unions ... need to put their best face forward and show the public that they can deliver high quality public education through this period,” said Paul Toner, senior director of national policy for Teach Plus, which runs leadership training programs for teachers, and former head of the MTA. Otherwise, Toner said, “they’re putting themselves in jeopardy.”
Yeah, just put on a happy face!
For their part, union leaders have said remote learning will be different this time.
The MTA, AFT Massachusetts, and the BTU proposed overhauling the curriculum this fall to include ethnic studies to address concerns raised by the Black Lives Matter movement. They also proposed injecting more so-called “project-based learning” into lessons, allowing students to choose the topics and angles they pursue along with a focus on teaching children how to manage their emotions, show empathy, and set goals, “but the state,” she continued, “has to shoulder the responsibility for providing the necessary resources to make it work in the pandemic. The state needs to step up and do its part. They have to take the responsibility to upgrade the buildings so that we can get back into them as soon as possible.”
"The coronavirus pandemic may have crushed the tourism industry in Italy this year — delivering a significant blow to the country’s economy — but Italians say that should not give tourists who do come a free pass to run amok among the country’s cultural treasures....."
They are toppling statues of Columbus, who is to be erased from history.
This summer, school and state leaders took a wait-and-see approach to reopening schools. Governments were “paralyzed,” said Brad Marianno, assistant professor of educational policy at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Without clear direction and polls showing many residents, especially people of color, were uncomfortable sending their children back to brick-and-mortar school buildings, the unions stepped into the void with their own research and experience.
“Absent another interest group or organization that can really step up to add a second voice to this conversation, the teachers unions voice will tend to win the day,” said Marianno. “Particularly in situations where decisions have to be made quickly.”
Filled with self-importance is he?
Teachers worked in their own communities to talk to concerned parents and school committees about the state of school buildings and their ventilation systems — or lack of them. Many teachers fear that the often-decrepit heating and ventilation systems are inadequate for removing the microdroplets of the virus that can linger in the air.
“We’ve always had buildings that have had issues ... mold, rodents,” said Kontos, whose union represents teachers in Boston, Chelsea, Salem, and Springfield, among others, “but now it’s life or death.”
Not a concern before, never a shutdown and home school pooh-poohed, didn't care until now cuz of COVID, but I'm told educators are now “giving themselves more work in a harder situation in order to keep everyone else healthy and safe.”
Is there no limit to the insulting lies they tell?
Long opposed to the tests — Kontos readily admits she’s “always hated the MCAS” — teachers now argue that test prep during the pandemic will add stress and boredom to an already challenging environment, with results that won’t arrive until they’re of little practical use, but some observers see the move as a way to reignite old battles with education reformers and avoid responsibility for what students learn during the pandemic. “Now’s not the time to be launching an attack on accountability and reformulating that whole system,” said Reville, who acknowledged the test might not be necessary or possible this year.
Who cares about that test when they want to test for COVID?
The MTA has also come out against using videos and software such as Khan Academy and i-Ready to help deliver, reinforce, and assess student learning.
“It’s a little bit hypocritical to be calling for all remote learning in the public arena,” said Toner, while also rejecting education technology. “That technology is what’s going to get people through this,” he added.
It will be all we are left with, and who wants to live in that kind of world?
I don't, and I weep for the kids who will literally be in a living hell.
Learning software, says Najimy, will never be as responsive to students as teachers are. “Those online platforms are transferring the decision making of the educator to the machine. ... They don’t don’t know anything about the student, or why the student is performing the way they’re performing.”
Observers hope teachers might be more flexible when it comes to negotiating how students learn this fall. “If we can’t show that we’re nimble enough to pivot, adapt, and provide high quality service remotely, then people are going to increasingly migrate away,” said Paul Reville, professor at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education and former state education secretary, ”and that’s going to put the public education system as we know it out of business. It’s in everybody’s interest to figure out how we deliver the best possible response to this fall, no matter what it takes, by all means,” he added.....
Then they will just go into the far safer learning pods.
Now roll up that sleeve, kid!
"Dozens of housing activists, teachers, and parents joined forces on the steps of the Boston Public Schools’ central office in Roxbury Wednesday to advocate for stronger eviction protections and to oppose reopening schools for in-person instruction this fall....."
You need a zoning change to get out of there because they ain’t hiddin’ it anymore!
Ready to be tested?
"Colleges should rethink using standardized test scores for admissions, major counselors’ group says" by Valerie Strauss Washington Post, August 19, 2020
The task force says it's time for change so hold on to your butts!
It’s time for colleges and universities to rethink their use of standardized test scores as a factor in admissions during and after the coronavirus pandemic, a report by the world’s largest postsecondary counseling and admissions group says.
That test is the least of your concerns, kids.
A task force of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), an organization with nearly 14,000 members, said relying on standardized text scores may exacerbate inequities in admissions, and it noted that over time, the ‘‘founding purposes and assumptions behind these exams’’ has changed.
The report, titled ‘‘Ensuring All Students Have Access to Higher Education: The Role of Standardized Testing in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond,’’ does not flatly say SAT and ACT test scores should not be used, but it makes clear the time had come for change. It also says the test-prep industry once scorned by the testing agencies has become a billion-dollar business and is ‘‘creating added equity challenges and calling into question the reliability of test scores as true measures of student abilities.’’
Since the pandemic began early this year, many institutions of higher education have said they would not require an SAT or ACT for students applying to enter in fall 2021 — and some announced multiyear pilot programs. Even before the pandemic there had been a strong test-optional movement, but this year saw an unprecedented surge of schools suspending the requirement as the College Board and ACT Inc. have had to cancel multiple administrations of the exams.
The National Center for Fair and Open Testing (FairTest), a nonprofit organization that works to end the misuse of standardized tests, has maintained a list of colleges and universities that have dropped the use of ACT or SAT scores for admissions over time, and research has shown over time that standardized test scores are most strongly correlated to socioeconomic factors and are not predictive of college success, despite counter statements by the College Board and ACT Inc.
The NACAC task force began its work a year ago, before the pandemic, but incorporated the effects of it on college admissions in the final report, noting that schools this year have had a chance to reflect on their admissions policies.
‘‘After we emerge from the covid-19 pandemic and related restrictions, we cannot simply ‘go back to normal,’ ’’ the report says. ‘‘The tenuous grasp we hold on many of our habits and policies has been further loosened and we must adapt if we are to continue to fulfill our duty to the public good.”
These guys are communi$t to the core!
These guys are communi$t to the core!
The Return of College Chaperones
They were needed at Drake University:
"Drake University has sent home 14 students who disobeyed the Iowa college’s ban on parties, Dean of Students Jerry Parker said in a message to the campus community. As US colleges report clusters of coronavirus cases linked to parties both on and off campus, some are taking a tough stance on any rule breakers. Drake says that anyone who attends a party will be banned from campus for at least two weeks. That includes students living in dorms, who must relocate at their own expense. Hosts of off-campus parties will potentially face consequences for violating the university’s Code of Student Conduct. “I want to be crystal clear: we are serious and we will not hesitate to take the necessary actions to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19,” Parker wrote."
Just be glad they aren't isolating you in a quarantine center, and the totalitarianism is so bad the kids can't even kick a ball in the front yard around anymore:
"For 133 years, through world wars, the Great Depression, global epidemics, and the somber aftermath of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Boston Latin School and the English High School of Boston have gathered on Thanksgiving Day to play football. Not this Thanksgiving, however, in the cursed year of the COVID-19 pandemic. High school football, one of the state’s hallowed traditions, will not be played this fall as the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association, acting on guidance from state agencies, made history Wednesday by canceling interscholastic competition in the sport. No Friday night lights. No marching bands on crisp October afternoons. Gridirons will be barren and spirits low, no more so than on Thanksgiving, typically an indelible day of community and family reunions, touchdowns and turkey....."
The article continued in the $port$ section so I never saw the rest, and you ‘‘don’t realize how important sports are to us until it’s taken away from us,” although what I miss are real sports with fans not bubble $port$ so billionaires can continue to get fat on TV contracts that are propped up by the taxpayer-funded stock market.
Related: Putting Youth Sports on Ice
One might even say a deep freeze, but at least that will kill the bugs and sharks in the lagoon that is across the street as summer draws to a close.
"Deaths in Florida from the coronavirus surpassed 10,000, while teachers and state officials argued in court over whether in-person schools should reopen this month. Florida reported 174 deaths on Wednesday, bringing the total confirmed deaths to at least 10,067 — the fifth-highest death toll in the nation. The state reported an additional 4,115 confirmed coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 584,047. The positivity rate for coronavirus testing in Florida has averaged about 11.4 percent during the past week. There were 5,351 patients being treated for the disease in Florida hospitals on Wednesday, down from peaks above 9,500 patients in late July. Meanwhile, Florida’s largest teacher’s union is seeking an injunction from a judge in Tallahassee to stop schools from reopening by Friday."
They are literally coming for your blood:
"Last week, just as the Food and Drug Administration was preparing to issue an emergency authorization for blood plasma as a COVID-19 treatment, a group of top federal health officials, including Dr. Anthony S. Fauci intervened, arguing that emerging data on the treatment was too weak, according to two senior administration officials. The authorization is on hold for now as more data is reviewed, according to H. Clifford Lane, the clinical director at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. An emergency approval could still be issued soon, he said. Donated by people who have survived the disease, antibody-rich plasma is considered safe. President Trump has hailed it as a “beautiful ingredient” in the veins of people who have survived COVID-19, but clinical trials have not proved whether plasma can help people fighting the coronavirus."
Like with H¢Q, government steps in against effective treatments because it rips the rug out from the evil agenda.
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government's top infectious disease expert, underwent surgery Thursday to remove a growth from his vocal cord that was causing his notably raspy voice. Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, has become the nation's leading scientific voice on the coronavirus pandemic, giving regular public advice via media interviews and webcasts, most recently one on Wednesday afternoon. Polyps are bumps that can form on the vocal cords and cause hoarseness. Fauci has been open about his, saying in an interview with the Economic Club of Washington this spring that he had an irritated throat after a bout of winter flu that never got a chance to heal. “I probably have a polyp there,” he said at the time, adding that “the only way you're going to make it get better is to keep your mouth shut, but that's not in the cards right now.”
They say the Lord works in mysterious ways, and I think we all just saw one.
"New York City on Tuesday released more than 1.46 million coronavirus antibody test results, the largest number to date, providing more evidence of how the virus penetrated deeply into some lower-income communities while passing more lightly across affluent parts of the city. In one ZIP code in Queens, more than 50 percent of people who had gotten tested were found to have antibodies, a strikingly high rate, but no ZIP code south of 96th Street in Manhattan had a positive rate of more than 20 percent. Across the city, more than 27 percent of those tested had positive antibody results. The borough with the highest rate was the Bronx, at 33 percent. Manhattan had the lowest rate, at 19 percent. The data is likely to renew discussion about whether some neighborhoods or communities in New York City may be nearing herd immunity — the point at which enough people have immunity that the virus is no longer able to spread widely within a community."
I'm sure herd immunity has already been achieved, but such a thing would collide with the lying, agenda-pushing pre$$ narrative so they will quickly stray.
Time to check your knowledge of geography:
"Venezuelan officials are denouncing people who may have come into contact with the coronavirus as “bioterrorists” and urging their neighbors to report them. The government is detaining and intimidating doctors and specialists who question the president’s policies on the virus, and it is corralling thousands of Venezuelans who are streaming home after losing jobs abroad, holding them in makeshift containment centers out of fear they may be infected. President Nicolás Maduro has tackled the coronavirus much as he has any internal threat to his rule: by deploying his repressive security apparatus against it. In commandeered hotels, disused schools, and cordoned-off bus stations, Venezuelans returning home from other countries in Latin America are being forced into crowded rooms with limited food, water, or masks, and they are being held under military guard for weeks or months for coronavirus tests or treatment with unproven medications, according to interviews with the detainees, videos they have taken on their cellphones, and government documents. In one major city, San Cristóbal, governing party activists are marking the homes of families suspected of having the virus with plaques and threatening them with detention, residents said. In another city, Maracaibo, police are patrolling the streets in search of Venezuelans who reentered the country without official approval. Local opposition politicians whose constituencies register an outbreak say they are threatened with prosecution. The government’s heavy-handed approach may be keeping more people at home and slowing the virus’s spread, but it is also discouraging those who may be sick from seeking help. That, in turn, is making the pandemic even harder to fight, doctors in Venezuela said. The true scope of the pandemic in Venezuela, a country that stopped releasing health statistics as basic as infant mortality years ago, is nearly impossible to determine, but with 20 top officials reporting that they had tested positive and some doctors warning that their hospitals were near capacity, the situation may be far worse than the official tally of 288 deaths in a country of about 30 million people suggests. Doctors and journalists who have questioned official statistics say they have been threatened. At least 12 Venezuelan doctors and nurses have been detained for making public comments on the coronavirus, according to medical unions."
It's the equivalent of getting censored by JooTube and fired from your job here, and why does Venezuela now look like AmeriKa and New Zealand:
"New Zealand appeared to be gaining control over a coronavirus outbreak in Auckland after just five new community infections were reported Wednesday. A sixth infection was found in a quarantined traveler who had returned from Qatar. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said 500 more military personnel would be deployed to quarantine hotels as the nation looks to reduce the number of private security guards it employs and tighten its border. Meanwhile, in a case that has been closely followed by law students but is likely to have few real consequences, a New Zealand court has found that the government overstepped its legal authority in the early stages of a seven-week lockdown by ordering people to stay home, but then remedied that nine days later by issuing a more explicit health order. The High Court in Wellington concluded that the government did have the authority to order a full lockdown, but at first didn’t use the right legal mechanisms."
So much for the courts in the "free" West!
"South Korean health workers have found more than 600 coronavirus infections linked to a Seoul church led by a vocal opponent of the country’s president, as officials began restricting gatherings in the greater capital area amid fears that transmissions are getting out of control. Vice Health Minister Kim Gang-lip said Wednesday that health authorities are also seeking location data provided by cellphone carriers while trying to track thousands who participated in an antigovernment protest on Saturday, which worsened the virus’s spread. The march was attended by members of the Sarang Jeil Church and its ultra-right pastor, Jun Kwang-hun, who has been hospitalized since Monday after testing positive. Kwon Jun-wook, director of South Korea’s National Health Institute, said 623 cases have been linked to church members after the completion of some 3,000 tests. Police are pursuing around 600 church members who remain out of contact."
"South Korea threatened “maximum” criminal penalties and arrests for people who impede the government’s disease-control efforts, as it reported 324 new cases of the coronavirus on Friday, the highest daily total since early March. A new outbreak spreading from Sarang Jeil Church in Seoul, the capital city of 10 million people, has raised fears of mass transmission across South Korea. Once proud of its earlier successful fight against the virus, South Korea has reported triple-digit daily increases in cases for eight consecutive days. Although most of the new cases have been found in the Seoul metropolitan area, many other cities have also reported cases, indicating that the outbreak was spreading to the rest of the nation. Health officials were also seeking to test all of the thousands of people who joined an anti-government rally in downtown Seoul last Saturday, after dozens of participants, including church members, tested positive. The church has been one of the most vocal conservative critics of President Moon Jae-in and has often organized large anti-government protests in recent months. So far, 732 cases have been traced to the church."
COVID is PURELY POLITICAL, and if you can't see it you are blind!
The problem is, ALL GOVERNMENTS are IN ON IT:
"Iran surpassed 20,000 confirmed deaths from the coronavirus on Wednesday, the health ministry said — the highest death toll for any Middle East country so far in the pandemic. The announcement came as the Islamic Republic, which has been struggling with both the region’s largest outbreak and the highest number of fatalities, went ahead with university entrance exams for more than 1 million students. Iran is also preparing for mass Shiite commemorations later this month. Meanwhile, Lebanon reached 10,000 confirmed cases Wednesday after recording nearly 600 new infections. The small country of more than 5 million continues to see the number of new cases accelerate, a surge made worse by the colossal blast that hit the Lebanese capital on Aug. 4. Iran suffered the region’s first major outbreak, seeing top politicians, health officials, and religious leaders in its Shiite theocracy stricken with the virus. It has since struggled to contain the spread of the virus across this nation of 80 million people, initially beating it back only to see it spike again beginning in June."
Of course, if you are a Branch Covidian and useful idiot, God's grace shines upon you.
"Lebanon started a two-week lockdown Friday as COVID-19 cases continued to surge in the aftermath of the devastating Aug. 4 explosion in the capital of Beirut that killed more than 170 people and displaced hundreds of thousands of others. Nearly 11,000 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Lebanon this year, with around half confirmed since the explosion. Cases were rising steadily before the blast but increased dramatically in the past two weeks, as public health experts warned that the crisis was likely to intensify transmission. After the blast earlier this month, the World Health Organization said that more than half of Beirut’s health centers were “nonfunctional,” and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that the chaotic aftermath of the explosion “has caused many COVID-19 precautionary measures to be relaxed, raising the prospects of even higher transmission rates and a large caseload in coming weeks.” On Thursday, an additional 605 people tested positive for the virus, according to the Ministry of Health. Under the terms of the lockdown, a curfew will be in place from 6 p.m. each evening until 6 a.m. the following day. Restaurants, clubs, and nonessential shops have also been ordered to close."
The damn numbers don't add up as Lebanon goes into lockdown, and the bomb blast is now being blamed for transmission rates as the furor dies down and investigation, such as it is, is ignored.
"The World Health Organization’s Europe office said it has begun discussions with Russia to try to obtain more information about the experimental COVID-19 vaccine the country recently approved. Last week, Russia became the first country in the world to license a coronavirus vaccine when President Vladimir Putin announced its approval, but the vaccine has not yet passed the advanced trials normally required to prove it works before being licensed, a major breach of scientific protocol. Russian officials claimed the vaccine would provide lasting immunity to COVID-19 but offered no proof. Catherine Smallwood, a senior emergency official at WHO Europe said that the agency had begun “direct discussions” with Russia and that WHO officials have been sharing “the various steps and information that’s going to be required for WHO to take assessments.” The WHO’s Europe director, Dr. Hans Kluge, said that the agency welcomed all advances in vaccine development but that every vaccine must submit to the same clinical trials. Russia’s vaccine has so far only been tested in a few dozen people."
Finally, a government trying too do an end run around these monsters, thus the haranguing amidst laughable pre$$ complaints about speed and safety. Such evil hypocrites.
As for China:
"Hong Kong will roll out voluntary coronavirus tests for all citizens over a period of two weeks starting on Sept. 1, Carrie Lam, the city’s pro-Beijing leader, said on Friday, crediting the Chinese government for making the large-scale testing possible. The mainland authorities will provide staff and services to testing laboratories, Lam said. The free, one-time testing program has raised privacy concerns among Hong Kong’s activists and residents, who fear it could lead to the harvesting of DNA samples. The local government, grappling with public distrust after a year of protests, has denied the accusation. One-hundred and fifty swabbing stations will be set up across Hong Kong for the citywide program, the South China Morning Post reported."
They are a mirror image of AmeriKa, despite the pre$$'s implicit criticism!
"At least 41 schools in Berlin have reported that students or teachers have become infected with the coronavirus not even two weeks after schools reopened in the German capital. Daily Berliner Zeitung published the numbers Friday and city education authorities confirmed the figures to the Associated Press. Hundreds of students and teachers are in quarantine, the newspaper reported. Elementary schools, high schools, and trade schools are all affected, the paper wrote. There are 825 schools in Berlin. The reopening of schools and the possible risks of virus clusters building up in educational institutions and then spreading beyond to families and further into society have been a matter of great concern and it’s an issue that’s hotly debated in Germany. Education in Germany isn’t in the hands of the federal government, but under the auspices of the country’s 16 states and thus there are many differing COVID-19 rules in place depending on each state, especially when it comes to wearing masks. While some states are still on summer vacation, others have been back to school for about two weeks."
I thought the Germans were smarter than that.
They are acting like scaredy cat Frenchmen:
"France’s president insisted Thursday that the country will send millions of students back to school starting Sept. 1, despite the biggest weekly spike in confirmed coronavirus cases since the height of its national outbreak in March and April. President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also pledged during a news conference that European nations would work more closely in the coming weeks to coordinate virus protection measures and vaccine supplies. A wave of chaotic border closures followed when the virus first swept the continent. France’s national health agency reported 4,771 new infections Thursday, and more than 18,000 new cases over the past week — the biggest weekly rise since April. Authorities attributed the increase to summer vacation parties and family gatherings, and to workplace clusters emerging as people returned to their jobs from a strict lockdown. Concerns are mounting among teachers and parents in France that schools won’t be able to keep the virus at bay with children in classrooms. A leading teachers’ union asked the government this week to delay starting the school year. “The return to school will happen” in the coming days, Macron said. “We will not bring our countries to a halt, but we will have to learn to live with the virus.”
Or not.
"The number of coronavirus cases in England increased by more than a quarter in the week through Aug. 12, underscoring the risks facing Boris Johnson’s government as it tries to boost economic activity without triggering a new peak in the pandemic. The UK Department of Health reported 6,616 new cases during the period, a 27 percent rise, even as the total number of people tested fell by 2 percent. Positive cases rose by 34 percent, the biggest rise since the government began its test and trace program at the end of May. Johnson’s ministers have been steadily reopening parts of the British economy, and are trying to shift the focus toward dealing with new outbreaks with targeted local lockdowns rather than national measures, but there is little margin for error. The government has pledged to reopen all schools in England in September, a measure a top medical official has suggested may require restrictions to remain in place in other parts of the economy."
I don't blame you kids for losing interest in the bullshit because I sure am.
"India has conducted 3 million tests for the virus, but specialists have urged increasing its testing capacity greatly, given India has the world’s second-highest population of 1.4 billion people. It has the third-most cases in the world, behind the United States and Brazil, and has the fourth-highest number of deaths behind the United States, Brazil, and Mexico. India’s lockdown imposed in late March began easing in May and is now largely being enforced in high-risk areas....."
"African governments should accelerate the reopening of schools, the World Health Organization has urged, saying that youths will suffer from prolonged closures due to the pandemic. Poor nutrition, stress, increased exposure to violence and exploitation, and teenage pregnancies are among the problems faced by students remaining out of school in sub-Saharan Africa, WHO officials warned Thursday. Many governments closed schools as part of measures to limit transmission of the virus. Some reopened and then had to close again when virus cases broke out in the schools. This has hurt school feeding programs, which provided meals to more than 10 million children in Africa. Online learning is almost impossible, as 80 percent of students don’t have access to the Internet and electricity can be unreliable....."
What a$$holes! They create the fear and panic with their fake pandemic, and then can't understand why we didn't rush into their arms.
What the WHO is doing here is feigning concern about famine and such. They are like a wolf in the fold, ready to jab.
These aid programs are how they obtain access to poor, destitute people, so pay attention Americans. You are looking at your future when you look at Africa.
"Dozens of journalists have died from COVID-19 in Peru since the pandemic began, in the highest reported death toll of media workers from the new coronavirus in Latin America, according to journalists’ groups that are monitoring available data. As in many countries, the coronavirus has hit virtually all sectors of society and areas in Peru. But emerging data on fatalities among journalists show Peru’s is among the highest in the world, although it is extremely difficult to confirm in many cases how they got sick. On Wednesday, a Catholic priest held a virtual Mass at a church for 22 journalists — 19 men and three women — that the College of Journalists of Lima said had died in the Lima area alone. At least 82 reporters in Peru died from the disease between March 16, when Peru imposed a lockdown because of the health crisis, and Aug. 17."
I'm sorry, but I'm sick of the self-serving whining from my pre$$.
F**k them!
Back here at home, the colleges who fed you garbage care how you feel at bottom:
"Among colleges’ many fall worries: students’ mental health" by Laura Krantz and Deirdre Fernandes Globe Staff, August 4, 2020
As colleges prepare elaborate plans for socially distanced classrooms and extra cleaning procedures this fall, their students have been stuck at home, already grappling with one major yet invisible effect of the pandemic — the toll on their mental health.
They sure are doing a number on your kid's head!
Ever since campuses abruptly cleared in March, most students returned to their parents’ domain, sometimes a stressful environment, and many still don’t have a clear picture of what fall will look like. Freshmen will arrive on campuses where it will be harder to make connections with classmates. Seniors will face a solemn year and graduate into the worst job market since 2008.
Wait until you get back on campus. Then the stress really begins!
“I’m so deflated,” said Juliette Barry, 21, a rising senior at Boston University. “I don’t have much passion or motivation.”
Barry said it’s been difficult to feel excited about going back to school this fall. The energy and passion she traditionally gets from her classes and extracurricular activities have been sapped by the pandemic.
She’ll occasionally break into tears during texts and video calls with her friends.
Oh, another college snowflake!
Barry, a film and advertising major, says she knows that people have lost their lives and loved ones to the pandemic and that many others are facing more challenging situations, but she is also trying to come to grips with anxieties about her future.
Self-absorbed skank.
Studies conducted over the past few months have captured the widespread effect of the pandemic on college students’ well-being during a critical time in their adolescent development.
Eighty percent of students reported that COVID-19 has negatively affected their mental health, and one in five said their mental health significantly worsened, according to a survey by Active Minds, a national organization devoted to student mental health.
The pandemic has increased students’ stress and anxiety and left them feeling disappointed, sad, lonely, isolated, and financially set back, the survey found. Most students also reported that self care has become more difficult because their routines have been thrown off, and they struggle to get enough physical activity or connect with others.
If they really cared about kids they wouldn't have gone along with the hellish COVID fraud.
Sarah Lipson, a professor at the Boston University School of Public Health who studies college student mental health, [and her] team surveyed students this spring about the pandemic and found that financial stress, a predictor of student mental health, was significantly affected by the pandemic.
Why is it always Joos behind the agenda and in my pre$$?
The study also found that 60 percent of students said the pandemic made it more difficult to access mental health care. Meanwhile 41 percent of students reported that they witnessed race-based discrimination as a result of the pandemic. Students also reported that their weakened mental health hurt their academic performance.
Lipson said the fact that the COVID-19 crisis comes during these students’ college years makes the toll particularly heavy. Mental health treatment is especially important during college years, she said, because it is often the age of onset for lifetime mental illness. The longer people go without treatment, the more difficult it can be, but because many courses will be virtual and social activities curtailed this fall, there will be fewer adults such as coaches or RAs who might notice someone struggling. Professors will likely be the only ones who see students on a regular basis, albeit virtually.
One rising senior at Boston College from North Carolina described her devastation when her plans for summer and senior year fell apart.
She was in the second round of interviews for an internship in Washington, D.C., that she hoped would lead to a job after graduation. Instead, she found herself at home, trying to work as her younger brother slurped cereal and everyone crowded the WiFi.
COVID saved you from this perverts!
“It felt like a regression back to high school,” said the student, who asked not to be named. “How much power do my parents have over me? What are the house rules?”
Poor girl!
She still has little idea what the fall will look like or what her post-graduation job prospects might be like. She struggles with anxiety triggered by uncertainty and transitions.
“That’s exactly what COVID is,” she said.
(Blog author is just shaking his head at this idiocy)
Colleges, which even in normal times are known for having weeks-long wait lists to see a counselor, have begun to anticipate a greater need. Boston College has added more clinicians to its staff this year, said Craig Burns, director of University Counseling Services. The school has also added an online mental health awareness module for new students to complete before the fall semester, he said.
Northeastern University, which has faced shortages of mental health counselors in the past, last year implemented a new system officials believe will help even more during the pandemic. The service is a free phone number students can call from anywhere in the world that immediately connects them to a mental health clinician who can assess their needs.
Over the f**king phone?
Global medical tyranny and totalitarianism is the future!
After the initial call, the clinician helps the student connect with ongoing services wherever they are living.
“Our goal this year is to make sure more and more people use it, and more and more people know about it,” said Madeleine Estabrook, senior vice chancellor for student affairs at Northeastern.
On many campuses around Boston, students have also organized themselves to help each other access mental health services. Active Minds, a national organization, has chapters on most campuses in Boston.
Mary Moskowitz, a rising third-year at Northeastern, and vice president of that school’s Active Minds chapter, said she has seen more student groups than ever discussing mental health online in recent weeks.
“Everybody is having anxiety about the pandemic and their financial status and not seeing friends, and going back in the fall,” Moskowitz said. “Wrapped up in all those logistics is an incredible amount of anxiety.”
You know what would help alleviate the stress?
"Millions of women and girls globally have lost access to contraceptives and abortion services because of the pandemic. Now the first widespread measure of the toll says India with its abrupt, months-long lockdown has been hit especially hard. Several months into the pandemic, many women now have second-trimester pregnancies because they could not find care in time. Across 37 countries, nearly 2 million fewer women received services between January and June than in the same period last year, Marie Stopes International says in a new report — 1.3 million in India alone. The group expects 900,000 unintended pregnancies worldwide as a result, along with 1.5 million unsafe abortions and more than 3,000 maternal deaths. Those numbers “will likely be greatly amplified” if services falter elsewhere in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, the organization has said. The World Health Organization this month said two-thirds of 103 countries surveyed between mid-May and early July reported disruptions to family planning and contraception services. The United Nations Population Fund warns of up to 7 million unintended pregnancies worldwide. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, supply chain disruptions, the massive shift of health resources to combat COVID-19, and fear of infection continue to prevent many women and girls from care."
Oh, the birthing boom must be an unintended consequence of the fraud and I'll bet the genocidal Billy G is furious!
Fuck away, kids!
"Northeastern warns students: Don’t even think about parties" by Laura Krantz Globe Staff, August 21, 2020
In an effort to preempt a COVID-19 outbreak among students this semester, Northeastern University on Friday sent stern e-mails to 115 freshmen — and their parents — warning them against partying.
The e-mails were sent to students who responded to a poll posted on social media by another student that asked if students planned to party when they got to campus.
“It has been brought to our attention that on a social media platform you have indicated an intent to gather in large groups and engage in parties while disrespecting numerous government and university restrictions,” the letter began.
“This is unacceptable, will not be tolerated, and presents a danger to your health and the health of our community,” it said.
These sanctimonious f**kers stealing your fun!
Time to transfer somewhere else!
Northeastern is one of several large colleges in Greater Boston, along with Boston College, Boston University, and Tufts University, that has begun to bring students back to campus for the fall semester, which will be taught partially online and partially in person.
The schools are under enormous pressure to ensure that students do not cause outbreaks of the virus in Boston, where the case count is still relatively low.
Several city councilors and neighbors who live around the schools have urged the colleges to conduct classes all online instead, but the schools have pushed forward with their reopening plans. Elsewhere in the country, college parties have begun to lead to outbreaks and shutdowns, like at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
They can't wait to start kidnapping your children for the elute sex rings!
To prevent a similar debacle, Northeastern is also setting up a confidential tip line for reporting off-campus behavior that does not follow health and safety guidelines, according to a university spokeswoman. She said school employees will “redouble” their efforts to monitor and respond to “unacceptable student behavior” in the neighborhoods around the campus.
They have a SNITCH LINE with GESTAPO to back it up (with all due respect to the Gestapo, who never dreamed off things like this).
The letter that Northeastern sent to the freshmen and their parents said that as a result of indicating on social media that they plan to attend large parties, the freshmen will have to provide a written response to the letter, stating that they will abide by the Northeastern code of conduct.
Now we are getting into Nazi territory.
I wonder if they will teach you that at Northeastern.
Students who do not comply with the terms outlined in the letter will have their admissions rescinded, the letter said.
“It is our hope that you will acknowledge the harmful impact your behavior has had on our community and commit instead to becoming a productive and responsible participant in our efforts to Protect the Pack, have a safe semester and a healthy learning experience,” said the letter, signed by Madeleine Estabrook, senior vice chancellor for student affairs.
Shove your goddamn guilt trip, f**ker!!
In a phone interview Friday, Estabrook said a student who ran the Instagram account that conducted the poll offered to give up the names of those who had responded that they did plan to party.
What a GOOD LITTLE SNITCH, and maybe someone will beat the shit out of them.
She said the university contacted those students and their parents to impress upon them the gravity of the situation.
"I want people to understand and the university wants our community to understand that we are taking it extremely seriously," she said in a phone interview.
A few Northeastern students are already living on campus, but most will begin to move in August 29, she said. Many off-campus students are already in Boston. So far, Estabrook said, off-campus students have been complying with the testing regimen.
Are they doing the fist salute of fealty, too?
One question on the minds of students and those who live around the school is what might force Northeastern to once again close its campus.
Estabrook said there is no single metric that would trigger a return to all-remote classes. She said the school will be monitoring a number of factors including the number of positive cases, the health of front-line workers at the university, the number of cases in the city of Boston, government regulations, and advice from epidemiologists.
“There is not one trigger that will be the trigger that says we have to go remote,” she said.
I would get as far away from that place as I could, kids.
"Airbnb is banning house parties worldwide as it tries to clean up its reputation and comply with coronavirus-related limits on gatherings. The San Francisco home sharing company will limit occupancy in its rental homes to 16 people. It may offer exceptions for boutique hotels or other event venues. Airbnb said it may pursue legal action against guests and hosts who violate the ban. Last week, for the first time, Airbnb took legal action against a guest who held an unauthorized party in Sacramento County, Calif. Airbnb has always prohibited unauthorized parties, and the company said nearly 75 percent of its listings explicitly ban parties, but after a deadly shooting at a California Airbnb rental last Halloween, the company has taken multiple steps to crack down on parties. Five people were killed in the shooting, which happened during an unauthorized party. In July, Airbnb banned US and Canadian guests under age 25 with fewer than three positive reviews from booking entire homes close to where they live. It expanded that policy to the United Kingdom, Spain, and France last week. Airbnb said it also plans to expand a hotline for neighbors to report unauthorized parties."
The freedom-stealing totalitarianism is everywhere, and Airbnb will soon be no more.
What you kids are limited to in the future is 1 drink a day, and that will be delivered to your door.
Hey, look on the bright side: no more hangovers!
So much for bagging a drunk $kank:
"Actress Lori Loughlin sentenced to 2 months in college admissions scam case" by Travis Andersen Globe Staff, August 21, 2020
Hollywood star Lori Loughlin received a two-month federal prison sentence Friday in the “Varsity Blues” college admissions cheating case, which upended the career and reputation of an actress who rose to prominence playing Aunt Becky on the hit sitcom “Full House.”
“I have great faith in God, and I believe in redemption,” said a somber Loughlin, 56, in her first public comments on the case during her sentencing hearing in US District Court in Boston, held remotely via Zoom. “I am truly, profoundly, and deeply sorry. I am ready to face the consequences and make amends.”
Loughlin and her husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, 57, who was sentenced to five months in prison, paid bribes totaling $500,000 to get their two daughters into the University of Southern California as phony crew recruits, even though neither rowed competitively. Last fall, USC said the daughters were no longer enrolled in the school.
Loughlin, her voice halting at times, told Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton, “I made an awful decision” in going along with the scheme and “allowed myself to be swayed from my moral compass.”
What moral compass?
She is a creature of Hollywood!
Before he handed down Loughlin’s sentence, which both prosecution and defense had agreed to recommend under terms of a plea deal, Gorton said he believed she was remorseful, but the judge also expressed exasperation at Loughlin’s stunning fall from the heights of celebrity to an impending stint behind bars.
“Here you are, an admired, successful professional actor” with a healthy family and “more money than you could possibly need,” Gorton said. “A fairy-tale life — yet you stand before me a convicted felon.”
What a moralizing a$$hole, and dare I say a sexist $hit!
Loughlin and Giannulli are both due to report to prison on Nov. 19.....
Meanwhile, the Bail Fund is letting out rapists and murderers because of COVID!
Jack Dorsey gifts $10 million to BU’s Center for Antiracist Research
That's odd, for he is an alum of Dartmouth so maybe someone should test him.

Medical workers took down personal information from those arriving to take a COVID-19 test at a testing location (Erin Clark/Globe Staff).
"The death toll from confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Massachusetts rose by 13 to 8,670, state officials reported Friday, and the number of confirmed cases climbed by 431, bringing the total to 115,741. The number of positive cases reported was higher than in recent days, but also reflected a total of 26,758 new individuals tested, one of the highest totals reported by the state in a single day. More than 2 million coronavirus tests have been administered since the beginning of the pandemic. Governor Charlie Baker said this week that testing numbers have gone up consistently since the spring and early summer....."
Then cases will also rise if you accept their false narrative, and I was also told that "three of the four key metrics the state is monitoring for the reopening dropped in Friday’s report, while the seven-day weighted average of positive coronavirus tests was at 1.2 percent Friday, the lowest number reported since the surge," so why are we still under onerous restrictions?
"Mass. to provide rapid mobile coronavirus testing this fall to school districts that need it" by Felicia Gans and Naomi Martin Globe Staff, August 20, 2020
Massachusetts will form a rapid-testing mobile unit to respond to schools with suspected clusters of coronavirus cases to prevent outbreaks from exploding undetected, Governor Charlie Baker announced Thursday.
This is F**KING EVIL!
They are using COVID for the diabolical test, kidnap, and vaccine plot, and King Baker is one of the top lieutenants!
The testing, which will produce results in 15 minutes, will be available by Sept. 1 for schools where multiple students or staffers have tested positive, officials said.
Then why is the Globe promoting the home test kit this morning?
All of a sudden hey have plenty of tests!
With two weeks to go before schools start reopening for the fall, Baker is urging school districts to return as many students as possible to brick-and-mortar classrooms. Baker said the rapid mobile testing units, together with careful state monitoring of community-level risk and a litany of other safety precautions, should ensure most school districts can do so safely. He said in-person school worked far better for students than remote learning.
“We need to commit to the science — we believe we have — but we also need to commit to the kids,” Baker said.
He is a disgusting figure, and do the opposite of whatever he says.
The announcement was hailed by teachers’ unions, parents, epidemiologists, and school officials, though parents and school officials said it might have come too late to affect districts’ back-to-school plans, and teachers’ unions, which have been pushing for regular and universal testing of public schools, said the rapid response mobile units were not enough to guarantee a safe environment.
They do guarantee a frightening environment come September.
“It’s not a comprehensive plan in itself to send in this coronavirus outbreak SWAT team,” said Beth Kontos, president of the American Federation of Teachers-Massachusetts. “The NBA, the White House — they have this rapid testing for everyone. Our students, their families, and our educators deserve it too.”
Baker also announced the state’s “Stop the Spread” initiative, which offers free testing for anyone interested at 20 sites, was extended to Sept. 30. It was previously slated to end in mid-August.
Would you take a free turd in a bag?
State officials said the mobile rapid-testing units would respond when health authorities suspect transmission has occurred at a school and at least two students or staffers develop COVID-19 within two weeks in a class, cohort, or grade. Baker said they weren’t meant to be a substitute for testing of sick students and staff, who he said should stay home and get tested independently if they experience COVID-19 symptoms.
The unit responds when health authorities SUSPECT something?
School districts must consult with public health officials before requesting the rapid testing.
That way everyone knows about it!
Federal health authorities don’t recommend testing all students and staff, said Marylou Sudders, the state health and human services secretary, adding: “We see this as a response to schools concerned about cluster development.”
Would you trust her if she showed up at your door?
Whether the testing initiative will give districts new confidence to offer more in-person learning remains to be seen.....
Don't take the chance, keep your kids home and defend them with your lives!
What's with all the bracelets, Chuck, and where are the masks?
The Globe says here’s the criteria Mass. schools have to meet to use the state’s rapid mobile coronavirus testing, and what it looks like:

A woman received a COVID-19 test while visiting a testing location at Brigham Health-Brookside Community Health Center in June (Erin Clark/Globe Staff)
They tell you it won't hurt a bit.
Baker says 16 communities have moved from moderate to low risk for COVID-19
I've seen enough of him today for the sight of him is making me ill, and the Globe will tell you why East Boston’s coronavirus infection rate is higher than the rest of the city.
Also see:
Superintendent Brenda Cassellius gets solid marks
Her second job review will be a lot tougher than the first as the all Boston Public Schools will start the school year remotely so you better be in front of your laptop when class starts.
The Globe says it is time for a crash course in tools and skills that will make this a little bit more manageable as the remote start draws a mix of praise and ire from parents because of the lack of good child-care.
Have the sick bastards realized they have gone too far, or is COVID the cover for kidnapping kids for elite pedophile sex rings?
Speak of the devils:
"Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said parents who do not want to follow his health mandate by requiring their children to wear masks when returning to school are “a little bit irrational.” The Republican said students without face coverings should not return to classrooms and should instead take part in online school or homeschooling during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, The Salt Lake Tribune reports. The comments follow confirmation by Herbert's office Wednesday that K-12 students and staff who refuse to wear masks without a legitimate medical exemption can be charged with a misdemeanor under his mandate....."
It's irrational to wear one, dips hit, and the Globe ignored the protest against him.
Now about those flu shots:
"Flu shot mandate for Mass. students leaves many questions unanswered" by Kay Lazar and Felice J. Freyer Globe Staff, August 20, 2020
The state’s new first-in-the-nation rule mandating flu vaccines for students under age 30 is drawing nearly as many questions as plaudits from health and education leaders who said the initiative will help curtail illnesses, but they’re uncertain how it will operate or be enforced.
Why are we always first in the worst subjects?
The regulation, announced by the Baker administration Wednesday, requires the vaccination for anyone 6 months or older in child care centers, preschool, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities, unless they have a religious or medical exemption, are home-schooled, or are a higher education student living off campus and taking remote-only classes.
Students are required to be vaccinated by the end of the year. And state Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders said Thursday the rule will be permanent going forward, requiring such flu shots annually.
It's a RULE, NOT a LAW, although I'm sure our stinking legislooture will approve it being the servants Big Pharma that they are.
Officials are worried that coronavirus may surge again in the fall when more schools and businesses reopen, and they fear concurrent outbreaks of influenza and COVID-19 could overwhelm the state’s health care system. By mandating the vaccines for students, officials hope to ease the burden on health workers because fewer flu cases means they will spend less time discerning whether coughs and fevers are the flu or coronavirus.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and the pre$$ will claim it, true or not.
Remember when they told you -- based on $hit models -- it would take 15 days to flatten the curve so the hospitals wouldn't be overrun, and they never were overrun and yet here we are, still under restrictions and lock down.
“I would hope people would understand this is an important part of how we continue to fight the [corona]virus here in Massachusetts,” Governor Charlie Baker said Thursday at a State House news briefing. “The more people who get the flu shot don’t get the flu and don’t wind up in the ER.”
I really despise this f**ker now.
Under the flu vaccine mandate, elementary and secondary students whose schools are pursuing remote-only models this fall are not exempt. About 30 percent have opted for a remote-only start, raising questions about how such school districts might enforce the vaccine mandate remotely.
“If you are fully remote, I don’t know how you would account for students,” said Tom Scott, executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents. Scott said his organization received a short briefing from the Baker administration just before the new rules were announced, but is awaiting guidance from the state on how this will work.
They say call DCF!
So, too, is the Coalition for Local Public Health, whose members include local health departments, which are typically relied on for community flu clinics, coronavirus contact tracing, and a host of other responsibilities.
“We were told there would be sufficient vaccine to implement this order,” said Carlene Pavlos, executive director of the Massachusetts Public Health Association, a member of the coalition.
I hope there isn't enough, and how much is this going to cost citizens and taxpayers as tax revenues dry up because of the panic? They going to fine us all to fund it?
Massachusetts has about 1 million children enrolled in K-12 schools, according to state records. About 81 percent of those age 17 and younger received a flu shot in the 2018-19 year — the highest rate in the nation — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
There are another half-million students attending colleges in Massachusetts, which suggests the state will need thousands more doses to cover those now mandated to get flu shots.
“The federal government bought a ton of extra flu vaccine this year specifically because they would like to see states work to enhance and extend the number of people who actually get the flu shot,” Baker said.
As if they KNEW something was going to happen!
Many colleges already host annual flu clinics for faculty, staff, and students, though most students don’t usually opt for a shot, said Richard Doherty, president of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts, but because state law already requires all newly enrolled full-time college students under age 21 to get a meningococcal vaccine, and colleges require proof of that vaccination at enrollment, Doherty said it would probably be fairly easy for them to tack on the annual requirement for the flu shot.
Another shot, no problem, says the monster, and the lack of kids getting them before proves they aren't all dumb!
“It sounds to me like it would be a manageable assignment for schools,” he said, but a vocal antivaccination group has launched a petition, calling on the state health department and state lawmakers to repeal the new flu vaccination mandate. Health Choice 4 Action, which says it has more than 17,000 signatures on its petition, is planning a rally against the mandate later this month at the State House, although Massachusetts may inspire other states to institute a similar flu vaccine requirement, so far they don’t seem to be ready to take that step.
The Globe is hoping others follow suit, and what is interesting is the Globe print version ended before the italics, meaning they completely censored the good people who oppose this monstrous madness.
I doubt the petition will get anywhere in this state, but at least they are fighting back!
Rhode Island, which ranks second to Massachusetts in the percentage of children vaccinated against the flu, is one of a handful of states in which child care and preschool students and staff are already required to get the shot. “Right now we are exploring different ways that we can help ensure that our flu vaccination rates are as high as possible for older students as well,” said Joseph Wendelken, spokesman for the Rhode Island Department of Health. Those measures include community flu clinics and offering flu shots at COVID-19 testing sites.
It's a full on blitz, and the Globe gave all of one paragraph to those opposed.
How balanced, and it wouldn't;t really matter if they gave the antivaxxers a full article for I'm sure it would be written with implied derision and insults in the sloppiest way possible.
Av Harris, spokesman for the Connecticut Department of Public Health, said no decision has been made about a flu shot mandate, but the state has a federal grant to encourage flu vaccination. “We will soon be up with a major media campaign promoting flu vaccination statewide in multiple languages,” he said in an e-mail.
Why is a big, mind-manipulating, media sell job necessary for something that should be self-evident?
If the products were safe and worked, they wouldn't need one!
I've got a finger for him!
"The state’s new flu shot mandate has sparked a lot of questions about how it will work, who will enforce it, and whether the state even has enough doses to cover everyone who will be required to get vaccinated. On Wednesday, Massachusetts mandated that nearly all students under age 30 get a flu vaccine by the end of this year amid fears that concurrent outbreaks of influenza and COVID-19 in the fall could overwhelm the state’s health care system. The regulation requires the vaccination for anyone 6 months or older in child care centers, preschool, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities, unless they have a religious or medical exemption, are home-schooled, or are a higher education student living off-campus and taking remote-only classes. We asked the state Department of Public Health how this new initiative will work, and who will enforce it. Here are their answers....."
They said the "enforcement of child care requirements is done by the Department of Early Education and Care. Enforcement of K-12 and post-secondary institutions is done at the local level (either local health department or local school district), and the Department of Public Health is confident that there will be adequate supplies of flu vaccine this season to meet the increased demand of this new requirement. Pediatric practices are working to update their office vaccination protocols to allow for the vaccination of their patients with both flu and other routinely recommended vaccines. In addition, DPH is working with local health departments to provide them the necessary guidance and tools needed to implement public flu clinics in their communities this year. Pharmacies are also another location that will provide flu vaccines for children this year. DPH will be rolling out a public awareness campaign and developing alternative options to administer flu vaccines in the coming weeks."
The pediatricians are complicit in this whole mess, making them monsters beyond belief and imho, criminals, as the pre$$ and state make a hellish push to jab us all.
May God damn them for all eternity!