Jeff Stein and Erica Werner of the Washington Compost say he is challenging Congress’s constitutionally mandated control of spending (looks like they impeached too soon) as the deplorable cretin Pelosi is playing hardball, according New York Times.
Time to start processing ballots even if you don't vote:
"Census Bureau dropouts complicate door-knocking efforts" by Mike Schneider Associated Press August 08, 2020
ORLANDO — Bob Garick, 54, a software development director who is between jobs, was looking forward to being a field supervisor during the door-knocking phase of the 2020 Census, but as the number of new coronavirus cases in Florida shot up last month, he changed his mind.
With widespread home visits for the 2020 Census set to begin next week, the Census Bureau is losing workers like Garick to pandemic fears. The attrition could complicate the bureau’s plans to ramp up efforts to reach the hardest to count communities, including minorities and immigrants, on a shortened schedule.
Oh, that's why there is such concern in the pre$$.
Oddly enough, the stories of minorities and immigrants also fill my history books.
Door-knockers started heading out last month in six areas of the country in a test-run of the most labor-intensive part of the 2020 Census, and their ranks increased with each passing week as more locations were added, but next week, the full army of 500,000 census-takers will be in the field for the first time, knocking on the doors of more than a third of US households that haven’t yet responded to the once-a-decade head count.
They don't trust government, and for good reason.
The census helps determine how $1.5 trillion in federal spending is distributed and how many congressional seats each state gets.
It's always all about the $$$ in my pre$$. That's why they are advancing this agenda.
Bureau officials acknowledge that they’ve had door-knockers, also known as enumerators, come to training but then not show up for work. The door-knockers wear cloth face masks and come equipped with hand sanitizer and cellphones.

Pandemic fears are causing some who have trained to be census enumerators to not show up for work (LM Otero/Associated Press).
Get the f**k off my property, you gargoyle!
“We are seeing folks who are a little hesitant because of the COVID environment,” Deborah Stempowski, the Census Bureau’s assistant director for decennial programs, told a conference of data users last week.
Is this an unintended consequence of the plannedemic fraud, or part of the program?
Other non-COVID factors are also playing a role. Some enumerators are uncomfortable with the technology, as iPhones have replaced the clipboards of censuses past. The pandemic has forced training to be held mostly online and there’s less in-person interaction with supervisors should enumerators need help, Stempowski said.
Concerns about attracting door-knockers forced the Census Bureau to raise its hourly wage: Enumerators in the highest-paying cities can now earn $30 an hour.
Holy $hit!
That's taxpayer loot as they block your chump change check!
In a joint statement, the bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that participation in 2020 Census interviews presents a low risk of virus transmission since census-takers will be wearing masks, maintaining a 6-foot distance, and conducting interviews outside as much as possible.....
It really becomes maddening, folks, when you read all this double standard f***king garbage coming from these unholy bastards.
Can't go to the ball game, though!
Are you ready for the dumbest presidential debate in history (and hopefully the last if you are Joe Biden), and who really gives a damn?
Will it be safe to vote, and does it even matter?
"The Voting will end Nov. 3. The legal battle probably won’t" by Peter Baker, Nick Corasaniti, Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman New York Times, August 08, 2020
(Blog editor groans at the byline)
The stormy, once-in-a-lifetime Florida recount battle that polarized the nation in 2000 and left the Supreme Court to decide the presidency may soon look like a high school student council election compared with what could be coming after this November’s election.
Imagine not just another Florida but a dozen Floridas. Not just one set of lawsuits but a vast array of them, and instead of two restrained candidates staying out of sight and leaving the fight to surrogates, a sitting president of the United States unleashing ALL CAPS Twitter blasts from the Oval Office while seeking ways to use the power of his office to intervene.
The possibility of an ugly November — and perhaps even December and January — has emerged more starkly in recent days as President Trump complains that the election will be rigged and Democrats accuse him of trying to make that a self-fulfilling prophesy.
The "ugly" election will be the least of our concerns the way things are going. It's overlay important to the pre$$ for their own $elfi$h reasons, and serves as distraction for the rest of us. They call it political theater for a reason.
With about 85 days until Nov. 3, lawyers are already in court mounting preemptive strikes and preparing for the larger, scorched-earth engagements likely to come. Like the Trump campaign, Joe Biden’s campaign and its network of Democratic support groups are stocking up on lawyers, and Democrats are gaming out worst-case scenarios, including how to respond if Trump prematurely declares victory or sends federal officers into the party’s strongholds as an intimidation tactic.
They gaming it out like the $camdemic was during Event 201?
This stuff has reached the level of abominable insult.
The emerging battle is the latest iteration of the long-running dispute over voting rights, one shaped by the view that higher participation will improve the Democratic Party’s chances. Republicans, under cover of dubious or unfounded claims about widespread fraud, are trying to prevent steps that would make it easier for more people to vote and Democrats are pressing more aggressively than ever to secure ballot access and expand the electorate, but that clash has been vastly complicated this year by the challenge of holding a national election in the middle of a deadly pandemic, with a greater reliance on mail-in voting that could prolong the counting in a way that turns Election Day into Election Week or Election Month, and the atmosphere has been inflamed by a president who is already using words like “coup,” “fraud,” and “corrupt” to delegitimize the vote even before it happens.
Well, when you don't want to see something it is easy to dismiss it as dubious or unfounded, and the vote has already been delegitimized. Elections in AmeriKa are f**king farce!
Btw, where are those WMDs in Iraq, NYT?
I mean, if we are talking about dubious claims and such.
The battle is playing out on two tracks: defining the rules about how the voting will take place, and preparing for fights over how the votes should be counted and contesting the outcome.
“The big electoral crisis arises from the prospect of hundreds of thousands of ballots not being counted in decisive states until a week after the election or more,” said Richard Pildes, a constitutional scholar at New York University School of Law.
If the candidate who appears ahead on election night ends up losing, he said, it will fuel suspicion, conspiracy theories, and polarization.
The term "conspiracy theories" -- coming as it does from an unabashed and brazen liar like the NYT -- has lost all meaning. They throw it around so often they might as well admit it's a lame-ass smear and slander against those who have a brain and don't gobble up the shit they shovel on a daily basis.
Some flash points have already emerged:
• A long-troubled Postal Service, now run by a Trump megadonor and seemingly overwhelmed by the prospect of delivering tens of millions more votes cast by mail with an administration resistant to providing substantial new funding.
• Concern among Democrats that Trump or Attorney General William Barr could use their bully pulpits to raise loud enough alarms about voter fraud to lead sympathetic state and local officials to slow or block adverse results.
• Fights over whether mailed ballots should be counted if received by Election Day or simply postmarked by Election Day, not to mention what to do if the post office does not postmark them at all.
• Fights over the use of drop boxes to return ballots and the number of polling places for in-person voting amid the risk of disease.
• Fights over whether witnesses should still be required for absentee votes in a socially distant moment and what to do if signatures do not match those on file.
Democrats and their allies, led by Marc Elias, the general counsel of the Democratic National Committee, are seeking to expand voting options, particularly through mail-in voting. They have active litigation in numerous battleground states, pursuing relief on deadlines, signature and witness requirements, among others.
Remember the old phone banks?
Now they will have ballot banks where Democrat workers fill out mail-in ballots.
As for those voting Trump, into the trash with them!
Republicans said their own court efforts were aimed at preventing Democrats from changing the rules in the middle of the game.
“People are viewing it as an attack on vote-by-mail,” said Justin Riemer, the chief counsel for the Republican National Committee, but in fact, he said, “it’s by and large protecting the safeguards that are in place.”
Republicans need to get their heads out of their asses on all this, or they are going to end up in the same camp with me -- unless they are in on it, of course.
Some Democrats even express fear that Trump would send federal agents into the streets as he did in recent weeks in Portland, Ore.
He won't be able to wait that long.
Below that article was one from the same source (gag) regarding who is helping pedo Joe choose a running mate:
"Chris Dodd, an insider from Biden’s past, is helping him make important choice" by Matt Flegenheimer, Rebecca R. Ruiz and and Sydney Ember New York Times, August 08, 2020
My initial reaction was OMFG!
Vice President Joe Biden knew how to flatter an old friend.
He had been sitting in the Oval Office in May 2014, in his telling, convening privately with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Barack Obama when another commitment demanded his attention: Christopher Dodd, the former Connecticut senator turned movie industry lobbyist, was expecting Biden imminently at a trade conference nearby.
The vice president said he bid the chancellor farewell.
“Angela Merkel looked at me like, ‘What in the hell is he talking about?’ ” he recounted a short while later, talking up Dodd’s clout before his colleagues at the Motion Picture Association of America.
The vice president noted the “rumors,” dating to their time as legislative peers, that Dodd “controlled” him despite Biden’s Senate seniority.
“I’ve given new life to those rumors,” he joked.
This isn't funny, it's gross.
Six years later, Biden would appear to be doing so again. With the biggest decision of his long campaign life looming — choosing a running mate before accepting the Democratic presidential nomination in less than two weeks — he has tasked Dodd with helping to lead the selection process.
The choice is about comfort and trust for Biden, his friends and allies say: Dodd, a fellow septuagenarian Irish Catholic from the Northeast, has known Biden for decades and is intimately familiar with the corridors of power. As a legislator, Dodd was regarded as canny and effective by bipartisan consensus, traits that could serve him, and the former vice president, well in a role that necessarily entails seeking agreement from disparate groups, yet his involvement in 2020 has struck some Democrats as curious, at minimum, from the moment it was announced in April. As Biden pledges to name a woman to the ticket and works to convince progressive voters that he hears their calls for wide-scale change, he has elevated, in Dodd, a Washington uber-veteran long trailed by allegations of personal and financial indiscretion.
He is basically giving the progs the finger, and despite all the swirl and whirl of change, he we are.
Criticisms of Dodd, lobbed quietly in some Democratic circles for months, spilled into open view late last month after Politico reported that Dodd had privately complained about a lack of “remorse” from Senator Kamala Harris of California, a top vice presidential contender, over her attacks on Biden when she ran for president last year.
Oh, that is why she isn't getting it.
Yeah, you still hazta be an obedient slave when it comes to the party of slavery, the Democrats.
Amazing how all that has been distorted, obfuscated, and omitted by the Democrat pre$$!
While former staff members have defended Dodd as a champion of women and he issued a statement saying the remarks as reported “do not represent my view on Sen. Harris,” some younger Democratic women have accused him of conveying a retrograde vision of female political ambition. “The 1980s called,” tweeted Jess O’Connell, a former top adviser to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, “and wants Sen. Dodd back,” but then, so did Biden, a fact as reflective of his political instincts as any vice presidential pick he might make.
(Blog editor throws hands in the air)
In many ways, Biden, who is often publicly wistful about a bygone era of Senate harmony, has identified in Dodd a kind of avatar of the Washington he loved, when lawmakers got along and the chamber retained a sheen of statesmanship. He once called Dodd his “single best friend” in Congress, but in naming Dodd one of four selection committee co-chairs, Biden has also revived examinations of his friend’s own checkered résumé.
Like the Anita Hill days, Joe?
This includes a politically damaging controversy over whether Dodd received preferential treatment on Countrywide loans. A Senate ethics panel cleared him of serious wrongdoing in 2009 but scolded him for not taking greater care to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
That massive swindle and scandal and Dodd's VIP treatment due to his personal connections gets all of one f**King paragraph, and superficial and shallow one at that!
His clubby colleagues exonerated him to preserve the image of the chamber, so what else is there to $ee?
There was also a long-standing accusation that Dodd participated in an episode of sexual misconduct involving a waitress and Senator Edward M. Kennedy, his close friend, in the mid-1980s.
I'm sure there were more than that.
Tales of Dodd’s womanizing as a then-unmarried senator were so legion that veterans of Capitol Hill at times invoked his name in private last spring after Biden faced his own accusation of sexual assault.
Oh, but HE is a CHAMPION of WOMEN!
C'mon, Democratic ladies!
Are you that far gone in TDS?
Yes, there were lawmakers who had a reputation for lasciviousness, they allowed, but Biden was not one of them. He was no Chris Dodd.
No, he is worse.
Joe Biden’s Disturbing Groping of Young Girls and Women
Makes you want to say yuck, and don't worry, she wasn't creeped out so it's okay.
Both men reached the Capitol in their early 30s — Biden as a senator, Dodd as a congressman until his promotion in 1981 — growing into caucus eminences and collaborators.
Dodd and Biden found themselves at last on divergent professional paths after their twin 2008 campaign failures.
What I remember most regarding that campaign was a fly landing on Dodd during one of the debates -- proof positive that the guy is LITERALLY a PIECE of SHIT!
People think flies are merely insects, but the truth is they are rather perceptive creatures.
Biden became vice president. Dodd became a lame duck, though not before co-writing what is his most cited legislative legacy: the Dodd-Frank regulatory overhaul of 2010, expanding federal oversight of the financial system.
I was told the the legislative triumph capped a 30-year Senate career, and it was a complete and utter failure.
The Globe's congratulations are already going out to whoever is the choice, and the Globe to let the world watch the 2020 election and the United States should give access to international election monitors to fully evaluate our electoral process (to give the Biden robbery legitimacy, no doubt).

A poll worker processed ballots from this week's primary election in Washington state (Ted S. Warren/Associated Press).
I don't know how they are going to be able to see anything.
Trump’s plan for reelection: thievery
So says Cohen(sigh), a Globe columnist, where the EXACT OPPOSITE is the TRUTH!

Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III and Senator Edward J. Markey bumped elbows after their June debate in Springfield (Matthew J. Lee/Globe staff via AP, Pool/file).
Seeing as the Globe and the teachers endorsed Markey, go Kennedy!
"Administration officials defend executive action on pandemic relief" by Emily Cochrane and Alan Rappeport New York Times, August 9, 2020
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s attempt to provide coronavirus relief in the absence of a broad congressional agreement resulted in confusion and uncertainty Sunday for tens of millions of unemployed Americans and countless businesses seeking aid after critical benefits lapsed.
With infections of the coronavirus in the United States exceeding 5 million Sunday, Trump administration officials were on the defensive a day after the president’s executive actions, at times contradicting one another as they sought to explain how the measures would work and how quickly Americans could see any form of relief.
In a series of television appearances Sunday, they insisted that Americans would receive the aid promised by Trump, including a $400 weekly supplement to unemployment checks, but that funding will be contingent on agreement from state officials, who are already struggling amid budget shortfalls caused by the economic crisis and the siphoning of aid from a federal fund for disaster relief in the middle of what is expected to be an active hurricane season.
The series of measures Trump signed Saturday were intended to revive unemployment benefits, address an eviction ban, provide relief for student borrowers, and suspend collection of payroll taxes after two weeks of talks between congressional Democrats and administration officials failed to produce an agreement on a broader relief package, but the patchwork of moves was less significant than what the president described in his news conference, and the plan appeared unlikely to have immediate, meaningful impact on the sputtering economy, in part because it provided no direct aid to struggling businesses.
Because Congress has the constitutional authority to allocate federal spending, Trump — who has frequently turned to unilateral action — is likely to need congressional agreement, and legislation, to deliver additional financial relief to American families and businesses. Democrats swiftly criticized Trump’s actions as an example of executive overreach, saying the measures offered thin support for struggling Americans. The Democrats called for talks to resume.
Trump’s top economic advisers were on the defensive on the Sunday talk shows as they sought to justify the president’s authority to bypass Congress, which retains the constitutional power of the purse, to redirect billions of dollars. They argued that Democrats, who first approved a $3.4 trillion stimulus package in the House in May, were unwilling to compromise, particularly on sending additional aid to state and local governments.
Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, called on Pelosi and Schumer to consider a more narrow package. “What we should do is get things done for the American public now, come back for another bill afterward,” Mnuchin said on “Fox News Sunday.
He insisted White House lawyers approved the moves as legal and dared Democrats to take the White House to court to stop money from being released to jobless Americans, but there was some acknowledgment that the measures could face legal challenges and were not as potent as congressional action.
A number of critical provisions are also left unaddressed without a broader deal, including a lapsed federal program for small businesses, another round of stimulus checks, and aid to schools confronting the beginning of the academic year, along with the funds for state and local governments reeling from the toll of the pandemic.
White House lawyers had been crafting the executive actions over the past two weeks. By Friday, Trump was eager to sign the payroll tax order, according to a senior administration official, but after his legal team said it was not ready, he opted to do so Saturday at his Bedminster golf club.
Among the most complicated measures is the president’s intention to revive lapsed weekly federal unemployment payments of $600 through the repurposing of other federal funds, including from a pot of disaster relief aid, to create a $400-a-week bonus payment. That payment, however, is contingent on states providing $100 per week and establishing an entirely new program — called “lost wages assistance program” — to distribute the aid, but states are also facing plunging revenues because of the pandemic. They have already struggled to allocate the original $600 payment because of overwhelmed and often antiquated systems, and some experts warn the revised benefit could last for only five weeks.
Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, argued that states would be able to support the demand for $100 a week given that billions of dollars allocated in the $2.2 trillion stimulus law in March had not yet been spent, but while Mnuchin said Sunday that states could waive the $100 addition and payments could start “immediately,” Kudlow said the payments could take a few weeks.
The effect the moves will have on the economy appears to be meager compared with the previous law and the broader package that was under discussion, and it comes as job growth is showing signs of slowing.
The need for additional fiscal support from the government is clear, economists say, despite the fact that Democrats and Republicans are divided on how much money is needed and where to deploy it.
“Another support package is really incredibly important,” Charles Evans, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
It also remains unclear whether Trump’s decision to suspend the payroll tax through December, deferring payments, would have any immediate effect. His push to suspend the tax has faced significant objections from both parties.
Many companies are likely to decline to stop withholding money for payroll taxes since it is uncertain that they will ever be waived, but Mnuchin rejected suggestions from Democrats that deferring payroll taxes would lead to cuts in Social Security or Medicare benefits. The money that supports those programs would be backstopped by a transfer from the Treasury general fund, he said.....
That was the Globe's front-page lead, while this was it's National Lead:
"Puerto Rico halts primary voting in centers lacking ballots" by Dánica Coto Associated Press, August 9, 2020
SAN JUAN — Puerto Rico on Sunday was forced to partially suspend voting for primaries marred by a lack of ballots as officials called on the president of the US territory’s elections commission to resign.
The primaries for voting centers that had not received ballots by early afternoon are expected to be rescheduled, while voting would continue elsewhere, the commission said.
“I have never seen on American soil something like what just has been done here in Puerto Rico. It’s an embarrassment to our government and our people,” said Pedro Pierluisi, who is running against Governor Wanda Vázquez, to become the nominee for the pro-statehood New Progressive Party.
Meanwhile, Vázquez called the situation “a disaster” and demanded the resignation of the president of the elections commission.
“They made the people of Puerto Rico, not the candidates, believe that they were prepared,” she said. “Today the opposite was evident. They lied.”
The president of her party, Thomas Rivera Schatz, along with the president of the main opposition Popular Democratic Party, held a joint press conference and said they agreed the remaining primaries should be held on Aug. 16. Other politicians argued that the entire primary be scrapped and held at another date. An incredulous Schatz noted that there were still trucks with ballots inside parked at the commission’s headquarters as they spoke there.
Hundreds of frustrated voters who wore the required face masks and braved a spike in COVID-19 cases were turned away from centers across Puerto Rico, as officials told them that no ballots were available.
The situation infuriated voters and politicians of all stripes as they blamed Puerto Rico’s elections commission and demanded an explanation for ballots reaching only a handful of voting centers by the afternoon.
Meanwhile, officials from the island’s two main parties scrambled to find solutions as they urged voters to still show up at centers that remained open.
One of the most closely watched races on Sunday is that of the pro-statehood Progressive New Party, which pits two candidates who served as replacement governors following last year’s political turmoil. Vázquez faces Pierluisi, who represented Puerto Rico in Congress from 2009 to 2017.
Pierluisi briefly served as governor after governor Ricardo Rosselló resigned in August 2019 following widespread street protests over a profanity-laced chat that was leaked and government corruption.....
The Puerto Ricans should know better than anyone that, yes, racism is a public health crisis (living in Boston while Black means regularly feeling unsafe, anxious, and tired), so be sure to fill out that census.
Also see:
"A shooting in Washington, D.C., early Sunday left at least one person dead and 20 people wounded, authorities said. Christopher Brown, 17, was pronounced dead at a hospital after the shooting, Peter Newsham, chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, said at a news conference Sunday. An off-duty police officer was shot and in critical condition, “struggling for her life,” the chief said. She has been an officer with the department for one year, he said. The other injuries were not life-threatening, he said. One of the injured was a 17-year-old, and the rest were adults, he said. The shooting happened shortly after midnight between the Anacostia River and Fort Circle Park in the city’s southeast quadrant and appeared to have involved at least three people opening fire from separate points at the same time, Newsham said. The site of the shooting was “some kind of a social gathering” with food being served, music playing, and hundreds of people present, he said. The organizers of the event did not have a permit, he said. A police spokesman earlier Sunday said the event appeared to be a block party. Newsham called the shooting an “isolated incident” in a “very safe community.” A motive for the shooting remained under investigation. It was not clear why the off-duty officer was at the gathering, the chief said. Tyrone Parker, executive director of the Alliance of Concerned Men, an organization that works to end youth violence and has its office on the block where the shooting happened, said the gunfire was “sort of out of the blue” for the community. “We’ve had some challenges but nothing to the magnitude of this,” he said. “People are hurt. It’s awful.” Muriel Bowser, mayor of the District of Columbia, said the party was in violation of coronavirus restrictions that prohibit gatherings of more than 50 people."
Btw, you only need a permit in communist countries like the former Soviet Union, American.
Here are their black-shirted shock troops:
"A fire inside a police union building led authorities in Portland to declare a riot and force protesters away from the offices as violent demonstrations continue in the city that had hoped for calm after federal agents withdrew more than a week ago. Rallies had been held earlier in the afternoon and evening throughout the city, including at Peninsula, Laurelhurst, and Berrydale parks, local media reported. Police said a group from Peninsula Park marched to the Portland Police Association building, which is about 5 miles north of the federal courthouse that had been the target of nightly violence earlier this summer. The Portland Police Association is a labor union that represents members of the Portland Police Bureau. A group of demonstrators broke into the building, set the fire, and were adding to it when officers made the riot declaration just after 11:30 p.m., police said. Video shot by a journalist, and surveillance video from inside the building obtained by the police department, shows smoke and flames arising from inside the building. Officers formed a line and used flash bangs and smoke canisters to force the protesters several blocks away. Demonstrators congregated at Kenton Park, where they were again ordered to disperse. Most of the crowd had left by 2 a.m., police stated. Since George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, protests over racial injustice and police brutality have occurred nightly for more than 70 days....."
How did three Marxist-inspired women who began BLM dupe the entire country?
Well, not the entire country:
"Three people were arrested and another cited after fights broke out at a Colorado pro-police rally that attracted counterprotesters, authorities said. The “Back the Blue” rally drew hundreds of people outside the Fort Collins Police Department Saturday afternoon. After counterprotesters arrived, the demonstrations devolved into “multiple physical disturbances,’’ Detective Erin Feit told The Denver Post. Video footage of the conflict showed members of the pro-law enforcement crowd walking toward counterprotesters who were backing away in a residential neighborhood a few blocks from the rally. The pro-police demonstrators outnumbered the counterprotesters, and fights broke out as the two sides moved into a grassy area between houses, video footage shows. It was not clear how the fights began, but the recordings show about a dozen people wrestling and fighting in a ditch. A person in a red shirt is shown using an American flag mounted on a pole to spear and pin to the ground a person dressed all in black. One man swings what looks to be a baton, striking at another man. The footage shows police arrive within minutes and detain at least two people. The people arrested and cited were aligned with both the pro-police group and the counterprotesters....."
They came to the ‘wrong city, boys and girls,’ and I'm not taking their account of the instance at face value.
So the police saved the antifa thugs, huh?
"Twelve protesters in Kentucky’s largest city were arrested Saturday night after they blocked roadways, surrounded vehicles, shot paintballs, and destroyed property, police said. Police announced later Sunday that due to more aggressive behavior in the last week, including Saturday, officers will no longer allow protesters to continue demonstrating in the streets and in caravans. Beginning Sunday night, all pedestrians must stay out of the streets and neither cars nor pedestrians will be allowed to block intersections for any length of time, police said in a statement. Those who don’t follow the new rules could be cited or arrested, the statement said. Protests were held much of Saturday in Louisville, including an anti-eviction demonstration and a separate rally calling for action against the police officers involved in shooting Breonna Taylor the night she was killed in her apartment, the newspaper reported. Taylor, a Black woman, was shot multiple times March 13 when police officers burst into her Louisville apartment using a no-knock warrant during a narcotics investigation. No drugs were found....."
That's the problem with what the leftist thugs have done; it now gives authority carte blanche to shut down all protests.
Thanx, antifa thugs!
The police have been doing things like that for years, and NOW the pre$$ finally gives a damn!
"Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio, who last week tested positive for the coronavirus, then negative and then negative again, said on CNN on Sunday that his roller-coaster ride should not be reason for people to think “that testing is not reliable or doesn’t work.” His first test result was a positive, when he was screened with a rapid testing method Thursday before President Trump arrived in Ohio for campaign appearances. The Republican governor was given an antigen test made by Quidel, one of two companies that have received emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for virus antigen tests. These tests, while fast and convenient, are known to be less accurate than PCR tests, which were used to retest DeWine twice Thursday and once more Saturday. All three PCR tests turned up negative, confirming that DeWine was not infected with the virus."
The first thing that came to mind was Stafford, and this is more evidence that their tests are $hit!
“I don’t think that DeWine’s results were surprising, per se,” said Andrea Prinzi, a clinical microbiologist and diagnostics researcher at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Colorado. “We know that the performance of antigen testing is not as accurate as PCR testing.” The Ohio governor’s experience, however, may raise concerns about how much states will rely on antigen tests as they seek to augment the forms of testing, like PCR, that are in short supply or that are mired in laboratory backlogs, unable to generate results in a timely fashion to help assess caseloads and dole out treatments. Mr. DeWine, a Republican, is one of seven governors who announced last week that they were banding together to buy 3.5 million rapid coronavirus tests, including antigen tests, to ramp up production."
The PCR tests are garbage, too, folks.
This whole thing is a damn scam!
Ready to laugh?
"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday dismissed President Trump’s executive orders as “laughable’’ and another chapter in the federal government’s botched response to the coronavirus as he praised New Yorkers for mostly good behavior that has reduced the infection rate in his state. The Democrat was particularly critical of Trump’s Saturday announcement that states must pay part of $400 weekly unemployment insurance benefits. He told a telephone news conference that Trump’s plan was likely to cost New York state $4 billion. “The concept of saying to states, you pay 25 percent of the insurance, is just laughable,’’ Cuomo said. “It’s just an impossibility. So none of this is real on the federal side. This is going to have to be resolved.’’
It's Cuomo who is the laughingstock of America right now, that mafioso-like thug!
He wants to BUY the RICH a DRINK, huh?
Meanwhile, Cuomo praised New Yorkers for driving down the rate of infections in the state so low that only .78% of 65,812 tests performed Saturday came back positive. He said the 131 individuals in intensive care units also represented the lowest number since the early days of the health crisis. “It’s great news,” he said. It was not all good though. Another seven deaths were recorded. Similar praiseworthy numbers also were reported in Nassau County, another one-time coronavirus hot spot where County Executive Laura Curran said only 27 of 5,314 people tested on Saturday were positive, representing a half-percent rate of positive tests. She said that although one death was reported — the first in two weeks — there were only 38 hospitalized patients with 10 in intensive care and only two on ventilators. Cuomo tried to keep the pressure on local authorities to enforce rules meant to keep crowds from performing at bars and restaurants. He said state police and state liquor authority inspectors were filling gaps in local enforcement by issuing 26 citations to bars and restaurants Saturday, including 16 in Queens. “C’mon Queens,” he said, continuing the folksy style that has made him a frequent personality on the national coronavirus stage. He also called out the New York Police Department, saying it needed to “step up and help in New York City.” Cuomo’s comments came as Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told a news conference that Trump’s executive orders “do not come close to solving New York’s problems.” “Meet with us,” he urged Republicans, saying Democrats will drop a trillion dollars from their demands if Republicans raise what they’re willing to spend by a trillion dollars."
Readers, he is NOT a SERIOUS PERSON -- as well as being a MASS-MURDERER for stuffing sick COVID patients into the nursing homes.
"Rapper Kanye West’s presidential effort has largely sputtered since he formally filed to run as an independent candidate representing the ‘‘Birthday Party’’ in July. He has held just one campaign rally last month in North Charleston, S.C., where he appeared onstage wearing a bulletproof vest and broke down in tears, prompting his wife, Kim Kardashian West, to post messages on Instagram asking for the public’s ‘‘compassion and empathy’’ as he struggles with bipolar disorder, but in at least five states, Republican activists and operatives — including some who have publicly supported Trump and a lawyer who has worked for his 2020 campaign — have been involved with efforts to try to get the rapper on the November ballot, according to an examination by The Washington Post of public filings and social media posts. Their involvement raises the specter that his candidacy is being propped up by a GOP-driven effort to siphon votes from presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Trump told reporters this past week he had ‘‘nothing to do’’ with helping West get on the ballot but added that he likes West ‘‘very much.’’ Jason Miller, a senior campaign adviser, also said the Trump campaign was not involved in helping West get on the ballot, but rather than discouraging the effort to put another competitor on the ballot, Miller added that he believes West’s efforts on behalf of prison sentencing reform have been ‘‘admirable.’’
I'm not a big fan of Kanye; however, the pre$$ ridicule and whining about siphoning votes from Biden is disgusting.
Btw, the people who watch Fox vote so Trump won't even need to siphon votes, and speaking of spoilers, the Globe gave this sellout op-ed space.
Now look at this sophistry from one of the most duplicitous and disingenuous creatures alive:
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday the threats of interference in the US presidential election from Russia and China are not equal, pointing to a more serious risk with Moscow’s efforts to boost President Trump’s reelection bid. “They’re not equivalent,” said Pelosi, a California Democrat. “Russia is actively 24/7 interfering in our election. They did so in 2016, and they are doing so now.” She urged intelligence agencies to “put more information out there” on the specific nature of the threats. An intelligence report last week said Russia was already using a “range of measures” to undercut Trump’s Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, and promote Trump with misinformation on social media. The statement Friday by William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, also said that China does not want Trump to win a second term and has accelerated its criticism of the White House, and that Iran is also hoping Trump will lose. Pelosi said trying to equate China and Russia on the threat of foreign election interference doesn’t tell the story. “The Chinese, they said, prefer Biden — we don’t know that, but that’s what they’re saying, but they’re not really getting involved in the presidential election,” she said. Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, said Sunday that the United States is taking any threat to US elections seriously. He said that China has engaged in cyberattacks and phishing “with respect to our election infrastructure.”
Biden says he will invade Russia via Alaska, if elected, and here is a one-fingered salute to Pelosi.
What a joy it would be to see her lose the House.
Would be a political earthquake:
"An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 that struck North Carolina near its border with Virginia on Sunday morning was the area’s largest in over a century, the US Geological Survey said. The earthquake struck about 2 miles southeast of Sparta, N.C., a town about 100 miles north of Charlotte, shortly after 8 a.m. local time and was felt as far south as Atlanta and as far north as Baltimore, according to reports made by the public to the agency. The earthquake was the region’s largest since one of 5.2 magnitude struck in 1916 in the nearby Great Smoky Mountains. A 5.8-magnitude earthquake in 2011 that struck Mineral, Va., about 200 miles northeast of Sunday’s earthquake, is the largest one on the East Coast in recent history....."
I think the hand of the Good Lord is trying to send Democrats a message.
Time to hit the beach:
"A pandemic has rearranged American life and transformed this slice of vacationland splendor into something more sober....."
Paul Gaunt, a 56-year-old caricature artist who has been at work in Hampton Beach for 29 of his 35 years, says “I don’t like it. I can’t wait until it’s over,” and I have bad news for him. It is never going to be over unless the American people rise up and throw off this tyranny.

Kara and David Hartnett on Hampton Beach's main drag. Nothing has prepared them for the coronavirus, which has shaded this summer like no other (Jonathan Wiggs/Globe Staff).
If only they could buy back their own stock, huh?
"Warren Buffett is betting on brighter prospects for his Berkshire Hathaway Inc., which spent a record $5.1 billion buying back its own stock in the second quarter. Buffett sought to seize on a bigger discount to the S&P 500 during a quarter, when the conglomerate’s operating businesses held up better than expected. Buffett said in May that he was keeping cash high to be prepared for any direction the pandemic might take, but as he searched for undervalued assets to spend billions on, he gravitated to his own company’s shares. Edward Jones analyst Jim Shanahan estimated that Berkshire repurchased about $2.4 billion more of its stock in July. Berkshire’s 10 percent drop in operating profit wasn’t nearly as precipitous as the 27 percent decline expected by some analysts. Buffett piled into his company’s stock as Class A shares fell 1.7 percent and Class B shares were down 2.4 percent in the second quarter. Berkshire had its biggest net sales of stocks in more than a decade."
That produces no goods at all, but it does keep BH's stock price artificially high!
Speaking of those who sell stock:
"Mall operator Simon Property Group has been in talks with Amazon about turning some empty mall spaces formerly occupied by anchor tenants like J.C. Penney and Sears into Amazon fulfillment centers, Dow Jones reported, citing people familiar with the matter. The discussions started before the pandemic, including the idea of buying out occupied space from retailers in some cases. Amazon has also been in talks with multiple mall landlords about putting its coming grocery-store chain in J.C. Penney locations, a person familiar with the matter told Dow Jones, though it couldn’t be determined if that included Simon malls. It wasn’t clear how many stores are under consideration by Amazon, and it’s possible an agreement won’t materialize, the newswire said. Simon’s stock has fallen 58 percent so far this year. It’s partnering with Brookfield Property Partners to bid jointly for J.C. Penney, which filed for bankruptcy protection in May. If Simon rents space as fulfillment centers, it would probably accept a considerable discount, Dow Jones said, but other tenants might not be pleased: Fulfillment centers don’t draw foot traffic to malls, and an agreement could help make Amazon even more competitive."