"Trump v. Putin: A vaccine manhood contest" by Peter Baker New York Times, August 12, 2020
Just when you think the New York Times couldn't go any deeper into the gutter -- after sitting on Weinstein for 14 years and ignoring Epstein right under there noses -- they do:
American scientists hope this is one time that President Trump really does believe it is all just a Russian hoax.
As President Vladimir Putin of Russia triumphantly declared on Tuesday that his country had produced the world’s first coronavirus vaccine, public health specialists in the United States worried that Trump would feel compelled to compete in a pharmaceutical manhood contest by hastily rolling out his own vaccine even before it is fully tested.
The New York $limes cites expert Margaret Hamburg, a Food and Drug Administration commissioner under President Obama, but I would prefer to cite a different author:
"..... The PerpZ are currently at a loss what to say in response. If they attack the Russian vaccine...that might undermine what little trust there is in ANY vaccine in the West [only about 50%]. They can't accuse Russia of not going along with the scam-demic...because, on the surface it is. Russia has given the world an alternative to Baal GateZ and his Moderna scambola. Russia has literally cut GateZ off at the pass he was travelling through -- ....."
Read the rest of the "New Normal" News: Russia Cuts Baal GateZ off at the Pass HERE.
The announcement in Moscow roiled the international quest to stop the pandemic in what had already developed into a geopolitical race among the world’s biggest powers. The Russian vaccine, approved without the sort of extensive trials typically required in the West, may work, American scientists said, but if it does not, the rushed process could pose dangers not just for Russians but also for many others if Trump seeks to match the supposed achievement prematurely.
All of a sudden, the genocidal $cienti$ts are concerned about safety!
You would think they would be cheering the results, but nooooooooooo!
But if!
The search for a vaccine has already been caught in a whirlwind of pressures as the Trump administration scrambles to develop a drug to combat a virus that has killed more than 165,000 Americans. Two pharmaceutical companies have moved to Phase 3 trials in the United States, the final stage of testing before a vaccine can be approved, but scientists have expressed concern that the trials would be short-circuited by Trump’s desire for a political win before the general election Nov. 3.
Now that is odd because Bill G came out and said the FDA was the gold $tandard in regulation and was beyond pre$$ure, and this whole roll-out with the very fine military, as he says, isn't going to be a political win for his base that opposes it. He's with them and a charlatan.
The White House has said that data, not politics, will govern the decision to approve a vaccine, although Trump has repeatedly linked his Operation Warp Speed to the campaign calendar. He has suggested that a vaccine could be rolled out by Election Day even though scientists said it would take until early next year to complete the trials.
“We’re doing very well in everything including corona, as you call it,” Trump said in an interview Tuesday with radio host Hugh Hewitt. “but let me just tell you, we’re getting to an end. We’re getting to, and the vaccines are ready to rock. We’re going to be very close to a vaccine. We’re ready to distribute.”
I imagine some out there are ready as well when it comes time for self-defense.
Good luck.
At a news briefing later in the day, the president offered no comment on Russia’s announcement but made a point of boasting about the “tremendous progress” on an American vaccine and asserted that “we’re moving very close to that approval.”
“Operation Warp Speed is the largest and most advanced operation of its kind anywhere in the world and anywhere in history,” he said, his competitive juices on display.
Putin saw no need to wait for more expansive testing in Russia, where the medical system is not considered as rigorous as in the United States, despite the prospect that it may not work as advertised or may even prove unsafe, but in doing so, he put Trump in an awkward position given the friendship between the two men.
It's not Trump in the awkward position, it is the $ini$ter pharmaceuticals, the Gaits Octupu$, and agenda-pu$hing pre$$.
“Judging from Trump’s history of seeming deference to Putin as well as an ongoing personal desire for a ‘win,’ Trump may wish to replicate at home what he sees as a Russian vaccine triumph,” said Monica Schoch-Spana, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
JH is one of the leaders of the plannedemic $imualtion and the go-to $ource for death and case totals!
David Kramer, a Russia scholar at Florida International University and a former assistant secretary of state under President George W. Bush, said Trump should use the moment to put his desire for better relations with Russia to the test.
“Aside from arms control, fighting the virus would be one issue where we and Russia should work together and not be another source of competition,” he said. “The speed with which the Russians have found a vaccine has to raise concerns, however, and risks exacerbating the level of distrust between our two sides if it does not work or even does harm.”
I think the W. Bush administration officials are the LAST GROUP you want to take advice from after what they did.
They messed up his hair:
"The US Energy Department proposed easing water efficiency requirements for shower heads Wednesday following multiple complaints from President Trump about how low water flow is impeding his ability to properly wash his hair. Trump has railed against shower heads that go “drip, drip, drip,” as well as low-flow toilets and faucets among other appliances......"
It's from Bloomberg News, amazing!
First it was the mask-shaming, now this.
In age of COVID fear and di$infe¢ting $anitiZation, they are criticizing him for being clean and not having oily hair:
"Mauritius says it is seeking compensation from the owners of a Japanese ship that spilled oil after it grounded in the shallow waters off the Indian Ocean island nation, while urgent efforts continue to pump out the remaining fuel....."
This is for the birds, readers, because that is all they are talking about:
Black women with natural hair face bias in job seeking
This is the confirmation (her hair is straight), and she says nasty, nasty boys, don't ever change:
"Kamala Harris crystallizes Trump’s view of women: They’re ‘nasty’ or housewives" by Katie Rogers New York Times, August 12, 2020
WASHINGTON — In the hours since Senator Kamala Harris joined the Democratic presidential ticket, President Trump has responded by sorting women into two categories: the good “suburban housewife” he believes will vote for him, and nasty women who have not shown him or his political allies a sufficient amount of respect.
Race-based attacks soon followed. On Wednesday morning, after his allies on Fox News had spent the evening comparing Harris, who is of Jamaican and Indian descent, to racist tropes including “timeshare salesmen” and “payday lenders,” Trump crowed that the American “suburban housewife” — a racist euphemism for white women wary of minorities moving into their neighborhoods — would be on his side in November.
On matters of race and gender, Trump has always believed that indulging his instincts has elevated his political brand, but just as public attitudes on racism have shifted, threatening to turn Trump and his embrace of the Confederacy into a living relic, his views on American women — particularly the suburban ones — are similarly anachronistic, according to data compiled by Lyman Stone, a research fellow at the Institute for Family Studies who studies population, suburban stay-at-home wives make up only about 4 percent of the US population.
FYI, the Institute for Family Studies is a conservative "$tink tank."
In a more detailed look at the data, the Bureau of Labor reported in 2019 that the labor force participation rate for women with children under the age of 6 was 66 percent. For mothers with children ages 6 to 17, the labor force participation rate was 77 percent.
If Trump rolls this thing out and makes it mandatory, that is what he will be, as the pre$$ cites a comparison that has no basis in reality given what has happened in the economy.
The damn pre$$ is acting like everything will soon be "normal" again!
They are IN$ANE!
Pollsters, referencing the president’s problem with alienating some supporters with his comments on race and gender, have long said that Trump can’t afford to lose the key group of largely white and largely suburban women who helped him win the presidency in 2016, but in June, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showed that 66 percent of suburban women disapproved of the job Trump is doing.
Will he dump Pence for Haley (better keep Pence. She looks nuts!)?
Celinda Lake, a veteran Democratic pollster, said in an interview Wednesday that the picture has darkened even further for the president among white suburban women as the coronavirus pandemic drags on, throwing more of them into uncertainty over the economy and forcing them to choose between sending children back to school or keeping them home.
“If he’s relying on that group to save him, he better get a life jacket,” Lake said of white suburban women. “They like safety, they like security, but they think that Trump’s lack of a plan, poor leadership, of not listening to experts have made things more dangerous for their families. Even the white non-college-educated suburban women are turning against him, and these are some of the women who are put under the most pressure when it comes to his mishandling” of the coronavirus response, she added.
That may be reassuring to other Globe readers, but it's the same sort of self-delusion they had back in 2016. Lake willfully ignores the shape of the cities when citing the safety and security issue, as well as the silent majority that will vote on election day come hell or high water.
Let's all hope Trump doesn't need a bulletproof vest after what happened at the pre$$ conference the other day.
As Trump insulted Harris on Tuesday, he peppered his usual misogynistic “nasty” trope with more name-calling, referring to her as the “meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful” member of the US Senate.
With that, Harris joins a group of women Trump feels have not been adequately compliant.....
Speaking of rea$$urances:
"Harris a reassuring choice among Boston business executives; Local leaders cite senator's pragmatism, experience as a strong match with Biden's centrist instincts" by Larry Edelman and Jon Chesto Globe Staff, August 12, 2020
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s newly minted running mate, as California’s attorney general, did push back on Wall Street after the 2008 financial crisis, threatening to drop out of a national settlement over mortgage-lending abuses. She wrangled a bigger payout for California residents. During her presidential run, she proposed to tax financial transactions such as stock and bond trades and end foreign tax shelters to fund her universal health care plan.
Well, that is a rather $exi$t and dehumanizing way to start.
I accept the fact that the Globe $cum and cretins have internalized their master's values and terminologies, but that is taking it to an in-your-face level.
Minted, like a doll or a coin or a dollar.
Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s newly minted running mate, as California’s attorney general, did push back on Wall Street after the 2008 financial crisis, threatening to drop out of a national settlement over mortgage-lending abuses. She wrangled a bigger payout for California residents. During her presidential run, she proposed to tax financial transactions such as stock and bond trades and end foreign tax shelters to fund her universal health care plan.
Well, that is a rather $exi$t and dehumanizing way to start.
I accept the fact that the Globe $cum and cretins have internalized their master's values and terminologies, but that is taking it to an in-your-face level.
Minted, like a doll or a coin or a dollar.
She was a cosponsor of Sander’s Medicare for All bill in 2019, but after drawing flak during the primary campaign she backpedaled, proposing a 10-year phase-in period and allowing consumers a choice between public and private Medicare plans.
As a presidential candidate, Harris backed the Green New Deal, legalization of marijuana, investing $100 billion in Black home-ownership programs, and forgiving student debt for borrowers making less than $100,000 a year. All are mainstream Democratic ideas.
Perhaps her most progressive economic proposal was the Livable Incomes for Families Today Act, which would provide working- and middle-class families with a refundable tax credit of up to $500 a month.
Jim Rooney, chief executive of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, said he expects opponents may try to brand a Biden-Harris ticket as “far left,” but he doubts that tag will stick with much of the business community.
“I don’t think there’s evidence to that effect,” Rooney said. “Joe Biden’s history is more of a centrist, a practical guy. Senator Harris, from what I know about her, is middle-of-the-road, pragmatic as well.”
For some business leaders, picking Harris, a child of immigrants, could be helpful toward restoring the country’s international reputation as a place that is welcoming to newcomers.
They want cheap foreign labor in the midst of massive American unemployment and suffering!
"Singapore’s government says most foreign workers can now resume work as their dormitories have been cleared of COVID-19 after months of lockdown and virus testing. People living in the crowded dormitories were the bulk of Singapore’s 55,353 cases. Only 27 deaths have been recorded in the city-state. The Ministry of Manpower said in a statement late Tuesday that all the dormitories have been cleared, except for 17 standalone blocks, which serve as quarantine facilities. It said all foreign workers living in the dormitories have either recovered or tested as virus-free, except for 22,500 workers in isolation."
They really got you in a sling, don't they?
Colette Phillips, an Antigua native who runs a communications firm in Boston, said “It sends a very strong message: It says to the world, ‘America is back,’” and amid the recent Black Lives Matter protests, companies of all sizes are examining how to diversify their boardrooms and C-suites.
You mean back in the back of a Cadillac, number one with a bullet and a power pack?
“The business community, and particularly our business community, is very focused on making progress on race,” said Micho Spring, New England president of the public relations firm Weber Shandwick. “The right tone at the national level will be recognized as incredibly important to achieve that,” Spring added, saying she was speaking for herself and not Weber Shandwick.
Must we be $old $omething when it should be self-evident?
Why do they have to fool us?
"Singapore’s government says most foreign workers can now resume work as their dormitories have been cleared of COVID-19 after months of lockdown and virus testing. People living in the crowded dormitories were the bulk of Singapore’s 55,353 cases. Only 27 deaths have been recorded in the city-state. The Ministry of Manpower said in a statement late Tuesday that all the dormitories have been cleared, except for 17 standalone blocks, which serve as quarantine facilities. It said all foreign workers living in the dormitories have either recovered or tested as virus-free, except for 22,500 workers in isolation."
They really got you in a sling, don't they?
Colette Phillips, an Antigua native who runs a communications firm in Boston, said “It sends a very strong message: It says to the world, ‘America is back,’” and amid the recent Black Lives Matter protests, companies of all sizes are examining how to diversify their boardrooms and C-suites.
You mean back in the back of a Cadillac, number one with a bullet and a power pack?
“The business community, and particularly our business community, is very focused on making progress on race,” said Micho Spring, New England president of the public relations firm Weber Shandwick. “The right tone at the national level will be recognized as incredibly important to achieve that,” Spring added, saying she was speaking for herself and not Weber Shandwick.
Must we be $old $omething when it should be self-evident?
Why do they have to fool us?
Boston developer Richard Friedman said he met Harris about 20 years ago when he was building a hotel in San Francisco and the city’s mayor at the time, Willie Brown, was dating Harris. When she dropped out of the race, he threw his support behind Biden.
“She is more liberal than he is,” Friedman said, a major Democratic fund-raiser, “but I don’t think that will be a factor. She’s going to be a team player.”
Did he participate in the orgies or just use it as blackmail, and who gave Willie the heads up on 9/11?
Did he participate in the orgies or just use it as blackmail, and who gave Willie the heads up on 9/11?
Also see:

Tribune Publishing Company says it's closing the newsrooms of five newspapers, including the Daily News in Manhattan, the Orlando Sentinel, and The Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Md (Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press/Associated Press).
Also see:

Tribune Publishing Company says it's closing the newsrooms of five newspapers, including the Daily News in Manhattan, the Orlando Sentinel, and The Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Md (Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press/Associated Press).
That is the last you will see of her on the cover of the Daily News, and that leads to the front-page, above-the-fold garbage:
Biden formally introduces Harris as Democratic ticket goes after Trump
The byline read Katie Glueck and Thomas Kaplan of the New York Times when my print copy was WaCompo piece of crap, and I'm not wasting my time finding it when they are sparkling in delight with the pick in a process that was in many ways unlike any other vice-presidential search in memory (not that Biden can remember it), nor will I waste it on Globe whiners as they stick a stake in the blood-drinking(?) Redstone, may he burn in hell.
The byline read Katie Glueck and Thomas Kaplan of the New York Times when my print copy was WaCompo piece of crap, and I'm not wasting my time finding it when they are sparkling in delight with the pick in a process that was in many ways unlike any other vice-presidential search in memory (not that Biden can remember it), nor will I waste it on Globe whiners as they stick a stake in the blood-drinking(?) Redstone, may he burn in hell.
The Globe would certainly never do that to children, right?
This whole thing has been all about them and their safety and protection from a "viru$" that doesn't seem to affect them nor do they seem to pass it along, etc, etc., so their predatory protectors can get their claws into them, and yeah, it IS personal!
Maybe this will put them at ea$e:
"Bristol Myers seeks to diversify its clinical trials with a $300m pledge" Bloomberg News, August 12, 2020
Bristol Myers Squibb Co. will train hundreds of racially and ethnically diverse clinical investigators and set up trial sites in underserved communities as a part of a multimillion-dollar push to improve the way it serves minorities.
The combined $300 million in commitments is part of a broad five-year effort to expand the diversity and inclusion efforts announced Wednesday by the pharmaceutical company and its foundation. A primary focus will be improving diversity in clinical-trial participation, CEO Giovanni Caforio said.
I'm $ure there i$ nothing to worry about and all in your be$t intere$t$.
Now roll up your $leeve.
The drug industry has long received scrutiny for the underrepresentation of Black and Latino participants in clinical trials. Recent racial-justice protests across the United States have sharpened such criticisms. The diversity gap was again brought to light by news that while COVID-19 has disproportionately affected communities of color, studies of potential treatments and vaccines have thus far relied on largely white test pools.
Everyone suffered side effects and got sick, and I have only one thing to say to minorities: Tuskegee!
“The inequalities brought to the surface by COVID, together with the social events that have happened over the last few months, we understood it was a turning point,” Caforio said. “We decided it needed to be a turning point for us, as well.”
Millions have been impoverished by this $camdemic while the billionaires and Big Pharma get rich beyond their wildest dreams of avarice, and now they want to turn us all -- regardless of color -- into their damn test subjects.
Bristol Myers, based in New York City, will take a ground-up approach by training and developing 250 racially and ethnically diverse clinical investigators through a five-year fellowship program. The company’s top executives believe that will ultimately lead trial participants to better reflect the composition of the country, and lead to better outcomes for those with a high burden of disease.
They have already announced plans to leave the city as they construct a medical tyranny under cover of skin color!
“There is a really critical element of trust that can be built through a relationship with a diverse investigator,” Caforio said. “That could really significant long term impact, particularly for a Black patient, or someone who has not had well-organized free access to health care system.”
Yeah, your own race will $ell you into the $laughterhouse!
Bristol Myers will institute 25 percent more trial centers in underserved communities spanning urban and rural America in 2021, according to chief medical officer Samit Hirawat. “Where a patient lives should not dictate whether they can participate in a clinical trial or not,” Hirawat said.
Bristol Myers, which closed on the largest pharmaceutical deal in history with the $74 billion acquisition of Celgene Corp. in November, is also seeking to improve its internal diversity. It set a target of doubling the executive representation of Black and Latino US employees by 2022. That’s up from 8 percent of the current top leadership. The drug maker, which achieved gender parity in its workforce in 2015, will also seek to expand gender parity at the executive level globally in the same time frame.
It will be a Black, 'er, Brave New World, huh?
This has reached the point of absurdity, readers, and we need to have the political courage to end qualified immunity for the poison-pu$hers known as the pharmaceutical indu$try and put them in jail without the possibility of parole.
Kentucky attorney general meets with Breonna Taylor’s family
REI to sell new headquarters outside Seattle
It's another example of how the pandemic is causing companies to overhaul their real estate needs, and their new offices will be less centralized with more remote working.
No prosecution for many arrested Portland protesters
The new policy announced Tuesday recognizes the outrage and frustration over a history of racial injustice as a result, and at least several hundred people arrested over the past few months will not face criminal prosecution because “the protesters are angry . . . and deeply frustrated with what they perceive to be structural inequities in our basic social fabric, and this frustration can escalate,” said Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt.
So that justifies sacking cities?
Now imagine the reaction if it had been "racist right-wingers" that were angry and frustrated.
They would be getting pilloried as the communi$t left called for a totalitarian police state complete with re-ejookhazion camps.
Speaking of angry protests sacking cities:
"A massive blaze that destroyed a hotel project under construction in downtown St. Paul was arson, authorities said. Investigators concluded the Aug. 4 fire was intentionally set after investigating the scene, reviewing video footage, and talking to witnesses. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sent members of its National Response Team to assist in the investigation. Investigators are continuing to work on the case....."
I bet it will never be solved.
Ga. city OK’s moving pavilion where slaves were sold
Going to move them up to Faneuil Hall for sale.
Former test administrator to plead guilty in college scam

FILE - In this March 25, 2019, file photo, Niki Williams, right, a college entrance exam administrator, arrives at federal court in Boston to face charges in a nationwide college admissions bribery scandal. Prosecutors said Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020, that Williams, a former employee of the Houston Independent School District, will plead guilty to accepting bribes to help rig students' test scores (Photo: Steven Senne, AP).
It's not the raci$m and $exi$m that is $y$temic, America, it is flat-out $elf-$erving ruling cla$$ corruption no matter what their color, and I'm not interested in any whining from them if they didn't read the fine print.
N.J. governor gives districts option for all-virtual classes
The policy shift comes as the state’s powerful teachers union called publicly for the first time for an all-virtual start to the school year.
The place will soon look like Germany:
"Germany’s government urged citizens Wednesday to keep their guard up and stick to public health guidelines, as new infections hit a three-month high and schools reopened in the country’s most populous state. Germany’s response so far has widely been seen as successful in slowing the spread of the pandemic efficiently and quickly, but Health Minister Jens Spahn said smaller and mid-sized outbreaks have occurred in almost all regions, largely driven by travelers returning from abroad and people partying or having family gatherings....."
Requests for police transparency met with ‘silence,’ ACLU claims in lawsuit
What is with the ACLJoo, anyway?
Freedom and Liberty have been eliminated and there has not been one lawsuit filed regarding the unlawful and unconstitutional lockdowns that are a massive violation of all our civil rights, no matter what race!
The only conclusion one can draw in judgement of them is that they are nothing but a divisive organ of lawfare serving certain cho$en intere$ts.
I'm sure they will defend this guy, though:
Former Boston police union president charged with indecent assault on a child
No wonder the pedophilia isn't prosecuted and pre$$ fails to investigate. The sickening perverts exist at all levels of society and authority.
Man arrested in shooting death of teen in Manchester, N.H.
Isaiah Rivera-Perez was arrested in Tewksbury on Tuesday in connection to the July 14 shooting death of 17-year-old Jaden Connor in Manchester, N.H. (Tewksbury Police Department).
He was arrested fleeing from the scene, and his condition is chronic:
"Long after the fire of a Covid-19 infection, mental and neurological effects can still smolder" by Elizabeth Cooney, STAT | August 12, 2020
Early on, patients with both mild and severe Covid-19 say they can’t breathe. Now, after recovering from the infection, some of them say they can’t think.
Even people who were never sick enough to go to a hospital, much less lie in an ICU bed with a ventilator, report feeling something as ill-defined as “Covid fog” or as frightening as numbed limbs. They’re unable to carry on with their lives, exhausted by crossing the street, fumbling for words, or laid low by depression, anxiety, or PTSD.
As many as 1 in 3 patients recovering from Covid-19 could experience neurological or psychological after-effects of their infections, experts told STAT, reflecting a growing consensus that the disease can have lasting impact on the brain. Beyond the fatigue felt by “long haulers” as they heal post-Covid, these neuropsychological problems range from headache, dizziness, and lingering loss of smell or taste to mood disorders and deeper cognitive impairment. Dating to early reports from China and Europe, clinicians have seen people suffer from depression and anxiety. Muscle weakness and nerve damage sometimes mean they can’t walk.
I need to have my head examined for continuing to read this rank-rot $hit!
I need to have my head examined for continuing to read this rank-rot $hit!
“It’s not only an acute problem. This is going to be a chronic illness,” said Wes Ely, a pulmonologist and critical care physician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center who studies delirium during intensive care stays. “The problem for these people is not over when they leave the hospital.”
It's where the 5G was turned on, wasn't it?
It's where the 5G was turned on, wasn't it?
Doctors have concerns that patients may also suffer lasting damage to their heart, kidneys, and liver from the inflammation and blood clotting the disease causes.
This as they tele-examine you and delay needed screening and treatments.
F**king 21$t-century medical mafia!
This as they tele-examine you and delay needed screening and treatments.
F**king 21$t-century medical mafia!
No one can yet tell patients with neurological complications when, or if, they’ll get better, as doctors and scientists strive to learn more about this coronavirus with each passing day. Their guideposts are the experience they’ve gained treating other viruses and delirium after ICU stays, sparse results from brain autopsies, and interviews with patients who know something is just not right.
They f**king locked down a world over something they don't even understand?
They f**king locked down a world over something they don't even understand?
Fred Pelzman, who practices internal medicine in New York City, fell sick with Covid-19 in March but has yet to recover fully. He doesn’t have his wind back, or his normal sense of taste and smell. His patients who have had Covid-19 are suffering from varying degrees of depression, anxiety, or Covid fog. One can’t do simple math calculations in her head any more. Others don’t feel as mentally sharp, struggling to find the right words to say. His colleagues tell him their patients, too, dread being reinfected with the virus.
I'm starting the hyperventilate because of the reinfection canard and lie.
If you had a cold, 'er COVID, then you have remnants in you that their faulty tests detect as COVID again and again -- and look joo they chose as an example!
I'm starting the hyperventilate because of the reinfection canard and lie.
If you had a cold, 'er COVID, then you have remnants in you that their faulty tests detect as COVID again and again -- and look joo they chose as an example!
“It’s hard to separate the physical from the psychological score, and we know they are intimately related,” he said. “It’s hard to separate the Covid-19 signal from the social justice upheaval and global warming and politics and the pandemic and anxiety of just being, you know, isolated and working at home and economic turmoil and all the rest.”