"The coronavirus stymies California’s efforts to fight fires with prison labor" by Thomas Fuller New York Times, August 22, 2020
VACAVILLE, Calif. — Prisoners have helped California fight fires for decades, playing a crucial role in containing the blazes striking the state with more frequency and ferocity in recent years.
This past week, though, hundreds of other inmate firefighters were absent from the fire lines. They had already gone home, part of an early release program initiated by Governor Gavin Newsom to protect them from the coronavirus.
At this point, the damn hoax virus is being used as a cover for everything that the Great Re$et entails, totally altering our way of life in order to fit their technological dystopia and fourth industrial revolution.
So most of the great firefighting heroes that are proffered to us by the pre$$ are slave labor convicts? In the most leftist state in the nation?
How hypocritical, and frankly, criminal!
Why that tyrannical governor has not been recalled or tossed from office is beyond me, although it is not. Every event promoted by the pre$$ turns out to be a piece off the agenda, all interlocking like a puzzle, right down to the city mayhem and madness.
The redesign of our way of life into a totalitarian nightmare continues apace, even as it appears to be an on-the-fly fragmentation and seat-of-the-pants operation. That's their deceit as they promote the ultimate agenda that will alter the world -- and us -- forever.
Prison labor will soon be in vogue, what with the COVID camps that are being planned and all. Whoever wins in November, the Soviet Union cull of 90 years ago is the template.
That has highlighted the state’s dependence on prisoners in its firefighting force and complicated its battle against almost 600 fires, many which continued burning across Northern California on Saturday. Experts worry that dry thunderstorms forecast to begin Sunday could wreak more havoc, further stretching the resources needed to fight what are now the second- and third-largest fires in modern state history.
The official explanation over there is lightning strikes (last year it was down PG&E power lines), but something more nefarious may be at work, torching more than 900,000 acres of land and forcing more than 119,000 people to flee their homes.
The fires, whatever the cause, fit the entire plan very well. Forced removal of citizens to temporary safety and shelter.
To critics the prison program is a cheap and exploitative salve, one that should be replaced with proper public investment in firefighting; to others it is an essential part of the state’s response to what has become an annual wildfire crisis. Some have complained that participants were released just when the state needed them most.
Where will that money for public investment come from in the cash-strapped state?
“The inmates should have been put on the fire lines, fighting fires,” said Mike Hampton, a former corrections officer who worked for decades at an inmate fire camp. “How do you justify releasing all these inmates in prime fire season with all these fires going on?”
But not in front of the firing line, right?
Not only that, he says how can you justify not using the slave labor -- in California!
Now I see why politicians are destroying the economy while functioning as a sanctuary state for illegal undocumented.
Newsom’s answer is that prisoners faced another threat. Across the United States there have been 112,436 infections of inmates and correctional officers and 825 have been killed by the virus, according to a New York Times database.
Oh, a NYT databse, whoop-de-doo!
As for the governor, he lets the convicts out so the fires can destroy your home and they can help wreck cities or commit other crimes the pre$$ ignores.
Amerika is so f**ked up right now and perilously close to descending into a totalitarian nightmare because it's so far gone it's almost unfixable at this point.
The only way it gets fixed, ironically enough, is a populist purge of the pedophile ruling cla$$ a la the Soviet Union or France, and that never ends well.
The alternative, of course, is our destruction as a species as we are led like cattle into the inoculation centers, with some bulls in there as well.
Okay, I need to quit slaving away with the alarmed commentary at what I am seeing and stop splashing paint.
In four of the six prisons that train incarcerated firefighters, there have been more than 200 infections each among inmates and staff members, according to the Times. The virus has also affected noninmate firefighters. About 80 are currently in quarantine because of potential exposure to the coronavirus, according to the union representing firefighters.
Potential exposure?
This fraud is being used to perpetrate so much evil it is nearly incomprehensible. The goddamn genocidal ruling cla$$ want us all separated. The easier to kill you, my dear!
Meanwhile, the state fiddles while it burns!
At Delta Camp, an inmate firefighter facility outside Vacaville, an hour’s drive northeast of San Francisco, the number of incarcerated firefighters is down to 55, well below the camp’s capacity of 132. Overall, the state has the capacity to train and house about 3,400 inmate firefighters. Only 1,306 inmates are currently deployed.
The men who were released say they are grateful to be back home.
The state’s main firefighting agency, Cal Fire, says it is overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the fires in Northern California, which by Saturday afternoon had burned through nearly 1 million acres, forcing more than 119,000 people to evacuate and leaving at least five people dead.
That's why I zapped the above statistics, and all of a sudden the weather weapon "conspiracies" don't look so crazy, do they?
Cal Fire, which has deployed 13,700 firefighters, is pleading for more personnel, especially the crews that create the so-called hand lines, the clearings crucial to stopping and slowing down wildfires. Newsom has requested more firefighters from as far away as the East Coast and Australia.
I'm then told the “inmate fire crews are a tremendous resource.”
This coming from the deep-blue Democrat state of California, and that is the way communi$ts view their people!
You are JUST a RESOURCE, fools!
The coronavirus has exposed countless examples of inequality across the nation, has devastated state budgets, and has left tens of thousands of families bereft. The debate over California’s inmate firefighters shows how the pandemic’s consequences have reached deep into unexpected corners of society. In California it has been the difference between having the manpower to save homes from wildfires — or not.
That is without a doubt one of the most sickening and backwards paragraphs I have ever read.
The virus has exposed inequities that were already there, even though it has covered the growing inequities of avarice that are hard to believe (tech stocks and those that own them getting rich and funding all this, enslaving you with the loot they stole from the Treasury), with the "unintended consequence" off out of control fires that are putting people out of their homes and helping reset the climate!
It's devastated state budgets, even though tyrannical government did this over what is now the greatest lie in world history. COVID is a cold, the tests are faulty and fake, the whole goddamn thing is an evil cover for the total surveillance and pharmaceutical tyranny they are planning to bring in along with genetically-modifying vaccines for who knows what evil purpose, probably many. It will depend on the batch you get.
The California prisons department estimates that its Conservation Camp Program, which includes the inmate firefighters, saves California taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year. Hiring firefighters to replace them, especially given the difficult work involved, would challenge a state already strapped for cash.
This is INSANE!
The illegal undocumented are to get free health and welfare benefits, the homeless camps grow, the streets are filled feces with the mentally ill and drug addicts, and yet the state is strapped for cash. I'm sure the political pensions and perks are still being paid for, though!
The larger debate in California is whether the state, which has the largest inmate firefighter program in the country, should be employing prisoners to fight fires in the first place. Incarcerated firefighters in California are paid $1 an hour when they are on the front lines, leading some to describe it as slave labor. They work in treacherous conditions, with six inmate firefighters dying over the past 3 1/2 decades, including one from the state’s female contingent of incarcerated firefighters.
Yeah, turn the issues I raised to a larger debate, and that's California, the moral beacon that lectures the rest of us!
A buck-an-hour, just like what immigrants get for keeping the detention centers clean, if Globe reporting is to be believed.
The system of inmate firefighters was born of necessity during World War II, when many of the state’s firefighters were shipped off as soldiers to Europe and the Pacific. Inmates were deployed to fill their places. Several states, including Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Wyoming, employ prisoners to fight fires, but none have as many as California.
That was a LONG TIME AGO, and one wonders why it was never fixed during the last century (well, we know why$) as well as no attention being brought until now.
Some Californians, including former inmate firefighters, say the program provides a sense of purpose, offering prisoners a chance to prove themselves and the satisfaction of helping others.
“It gave me a sense of direction and a sense of worth,” said Francis Lopez, who spent a year as an inmate firefighter. “There are people high-fiving you, there are big signs saying, ‘Thank you to the inmates for fighting our fires, for saving our homes.’ You see that and you think, ‘Wow, I can do good. I can be a person who is being respected.’”
The hellfire turns them into angels, according to the New York Times!!
Folks, this stuff is literally becoming UNBELIEVABLE!
Lopez, who was released three years ago and now works as a bartender in Fresno, Calif., said the incarcerated fire crews were one of the few parts of the prison system where inmates of different racial backgrounds fraternized. The food, which is prepared by the inmates, was better than in prisons, and they could spend large amounts of time outside. In the winter they worked on flood control projects, but it is the firefighting work that was most harrowing. The scene he witnessed stepping out of the truck at his first fire is indelibly marked into his memory.
I doubt he is working as a bartender these days, unless it's at a house party they are shutting down, and the program broke down racial barriers (pfft) with better food.
“That door pops, you get out, and there are hills all around you and everything is on fire,” he said. “There’s helicopters flying by, dropping pink retardant. There are firetrucks, hoses everywhere, and you’re hearing radio communication. It’s a very, very intense scene.” Like the non-inmate firefighters, they work 24 hours straight, sometimes as long as 48 hours, hiking into remote, inaccessible canyons, charging up steep ridges, all the while carrying gallons of water, survival gear, and their tools.
“We are the guys they send for the most dangerous missions,” Lopez said. “We are given the jobs that the machines can’t do.”
Not for long. AI will rule soon.
His one complaint: Inmates should be given a direct path to a firefighting job once they are released. “At least give him an interview,” he said.
Ricardo Martin, who became an inmate firefighter while serving a seven-year sentence for driving while intoxicated and injuring another motorist in a crash and was released this month, said that even before the coronavirus he chose the program as a way to get an earlier parole and be reunited with his teenage son. Finding a job with a felony conviction on his record will be challenging, said Martin, who was a police officer in Sacramento, for 12 years before he was sent to prison. He is now looking into work with private fire contractors.
I swear to God you can't make this up.
The criminal was a cop and the NYT is waxing for him with this heartwarming story of reuniting with his son as states and governments plan to tear families apart with COVID quarantine restrictions for who knows what evil purposes!
Martin said inmates would appreciate higher pay; when they are not fighting fires they earn between $2.90 and $5.12 per day, according to the prisons department, but what many inmates want most is freedom — an expedited release date. “It’s dirty, hard work and after a 24-hour shift we sleep on the mountain with rattlesnakes and scorpions,” Martin said. “I don’t think anyone is there for the pay.”
At least you have a job, a$$hole, and if it's not about the pay why the complaint?!
It was the pathological lying, wasn't it?
As for the FREEDOM, you will find NO ON the OUTSIDE!
It's a NEW NORMAL NOW in the AGE of COVID, although I'm sure he will feel right at home under house arrest.
There might be a Great Barrier to getting the exhausted and war-weary Australian firefighters to California:
"‘A bit surreal’: the lonely plight of the Great Barrier Reef" by Livia Albeck-Ripka New York Times, August 22, 2020
CAIRNS, Australia — The pandemic has fast-forwarded a looming reckoning for the tropical city of Cairns, the main gateway to the reef and the base for Hosp, a reef guide, and many others whose livelihoods depend on it.
It's "accelerated" a lot of things that the NWO crowd wanted.
Tour operators there were already fighting a perception that the reef is in its death throes, as warming waters cause repeated mass bleaching that has robbed many corals of their vivid colors, but where climate change has been more of a creeping threat to the reef’s survival, and thus to Cairns’ tourism lifeblood, the coronavirus has delivered a hammer blow.
Wouldn't that have helped repair the Earth?
I mean, the lack of motion and mobility has allowed her a breath of air, or so I was told!
After five months of inactivity, the globe must be getting better.
Now this city, so linked with the natural wonder just off its shore that it can scarcely imagine life without the visitors who come in droves, has been forced to confront the prospect that it can no longer depend on tourists.
It's all for the greater good and Great Re$et, so buck up!
The reef will heal and Billy G will be able to see it from his yacht anytime he wants!
Foreign and local travelers, already deterred by last summer’s devastating bush fires and now locked out by Australia’s international and domestic travel bans, have all but vanished, and a $4.6 billion industry built around the world’s largest living structure has ground to a near halt.
The sudden disappearance of visitors feels all the more unreal because the virus itself has barely touched Cairns: The city of 150,000 people in far northeastern Australia has recorded only a couple of dozen cases and has none currently, but there is no escaping the reach of the pandemic.
Its the long arm of the LIE!
“We’d never stopped running before — the global financial crisis, terrorism attacks, airline strikes; you name it, the world has thrown it at us,” said Hosp. “We don’t know if we’ll ever get back to normal.”
You are in the NEW NORMAL NOW!
Complete global tyranny for the benefit of a $elect few!
In Cairns, visitors who usually cram the jetty every morning as they wait to pile onto boats have dwindled from the thousands to a few hundred, leaving operators out of work, boats moored at the dock, and some hotels and restaurants shuttered.
Storefronts on the main drag are for lease, and the esplanade, usually heaving with tourists at dusk, looks like something out of a sleepy beach town.
“It’s been so quiet,” said Heather Forbes, a Cairns resident, adding that because the city had been dependent on tourism for so long, it was difficult to know how to diversify its economy.
“I don’t think anywhere should be solely dependent on one thing,” she said.
It might seem that there was a silver lining in all this, that the exodus of tourists would be a boon for the health of a reef in critical condition, but while the abrupt absence of visiting crowds has had surprising effects in other places — monkeys overrunning a city in Thailand, deer wandering cities in Japan looking for food — the environmental impact of tourism on the reef is negligible, scientists say, especially when compared with climate change.
Another linked together lie exposed, as the climate agenda was getting no traction in the face of the weather. Now we are told the greenhouse gas-saving lockdowns did nothing.
Maybe the reef is suffering from the endless tsunami of radioactive water that is being dumped into the Pacific from long-forgotten Fukushima, 'eh?
The reduction in international travel, and therefore planet-warming emissions, has created only a short-term benefit. The “infrastructure of fossil fuels wasn’t affected,” said professor Terry Hughes, a global expert on coral reefs at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia.
In the end, a prolonged downturn in visits to the reef could actually be detrimental to its well-being.
“Tourism provides a social and economic rationale for why the reef needs to be better protected,” Hughes said.
More unintended consequences, so were told, but it fits in with the overall agenda anyway!
How humbling it must be for the genocidal, psychopathic mon$ters of the ruling cla$$, these unintended consequences.
“I definitely missed the tourists,” Hosp said. “It was very humbling.”
Looks like you are out of a job.
What is surreal is the New York Times soft-pedaling the tyrannical lockdown in Australia -- something that has become an argument between citizen journalists and the sources they trust -- while the Globe is now of the idea that Hurricane Katrina wasn’t a ‘natural’ disaster, and that it happened because of choices that humans had made for decades, according to Horowitz, but it's the ketamine injections during arrests that is drawing new scrutiny from the pre$$.
Maybe you can hide out in the Bolivian woods instead:
"As politicians clashed, Bolivia’s pandemic death rate soared" by María Silvia Trigo, Anatoly Kurmanaev and Allison McCann New York Times, August 22, 2020
TARIJA, Bolivia — So many people were dying that the government’s numbers couldn’t be accurate, but with limited testing, scarce resources, and a political crisis tearing the country apart, the extra lives lost were going largely unrecognized.
New mortality figures reviewed by The New York Times suggest that the real death toll during the outbreak is nearly five times the official tally, indicating Bolivia has suffered one of the world’s worst epidemics. The extraordinary rise in death, adjusted for its population, is more than twice as high as that of the United States and far higher than the levels in Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
That's three for three with the NYT and it's by now over-the-top, jump-the-shark lies.
Whenever reading an American paper, a good rule of thumb is WHATEVER is the OPPOSITE is the TRUTH!
About 20,000 more people have died since June than in past years, according to a Times analysis of registration data from Bolivia’s Civil Registry, a vast number in a country of only about 11 million people.
Tracking deaths from all causes gives a more accurate picture of the pandemic’s true toll, demographers say, because it does not depend on testing, which has been very limited in Bolivia. The mortality figures include people who may have died from COVID-19 and from other causes because they couldn’t get health care.
Telemedicine not working for them?
“This is a very cruel situation that we’re living through,” said Andrés Flores, the country’s chief forensic official who heads the Institute of Forensic Investigations. “We’ve been left completely exposed.”
With a bare-bones health system, a decentralized government and poor infrastructure, Bolivia struggled to contain infectious diseases such as dengue even before the coronavirus arrived, said Virgilio Prieto, an epidemiologist at Bolivia’s Health Ministry, but its ability to respond was undermined by a contested election that led to the ouster in November of the then-president, Evo Morales, a socialist. An interim president, Jeanine Añez, a conservative, stepped in with a promise to govern until elections could be held.
See what $ociali$m leads to?
Not that the conservative opposition is any better.
As with Trump and the Republicans, they are controlled sides of the same coin.
Since then, Añez has announced that she is running for the office — and asked the electoral board to postpone the new vote, saying the pandemic made it unsafe for the population to go to the polls. The rescheduling of the vote from May to October has enraged opposition groups, who see it as an attempt by the caretaker president to cling to power.
Añez defended her approach to the outbreak, saying that her decision to enact a swift lockdown avoided an even greater loss of life.
That can't be proved, and logic says lockdowns cost more lives while compromising immune systems -- and all over a damnable lie!
She also blamed Morales’ party for mismanaging the health care system during its 14 years in office and stifling her plans to boost public spending in the pandemic.
It's time the entire world dumped all their politicians and put them in isolation!
As hospitals ran out of medicines and coronavirus tests, Morales’ allies in Congress passed a law to allow the medical use of a bleaching agent, chlorine dioxide — an unproven and potentially dangerous coronavirus treatment popular among Bolivians.
It must work then.
As we have seen with H¢Q, if it stands in the way of pharma¢euticals profits it is dangerous!
“The pandemic has found us in a very precarious situation, with an inexperienced government and elevated political tensions,” said Franklin Pareja, a political scientist at the San Andrés Major University in La Paz. “This political standoff has a cost in lives.”
In Bolivia’s political center, the La Paz region, five times as many people died in July than in past years, according to the data, a rate comparable with Madrid’s during its worst month.
In the tropical plains region of Beni, more than seven times as many people died as normal, a number surpassing Bergamo, Italy, during its peak.....
Or Cambodia will provide cover:
"Threatened by Facebook disinformation, a Buddhist monk flees Cambodia" by Hannah Beech and Sun Narin New York Times, August 23, 2020
BANGKOK — Under Prime Minister Hun Sen, the Cambodian government has repeatedly used falsified Facebook posts or manipulated audio to defame and imprison politicians, activists, and other human rights defenders.
Facebook has come under fire in the United States for disseminating hate speech and disinformation.
What would you expect coming from the NYT?
It has been criticized for failing to detect Russian influence in the 2016 election, providing a platform for conspiracy theories, and allowing false claims about the coronavirus to proliferate, but its influence is even greater in such places as Cambodia, where the social media platform is the only digital interface for millions of people. Since civil liberties are often constricted in such countries, Facebook can be a powerful tool for autocrats to bolster their grip on the state, even as it provides a rare space for free expression and activism.
The NYT nearly tops itself from above with this paragraph.
They are really talking about AmeriKa and our autocratic governors while extolling and condemning $ocial media at the same time.
The American pre$$ has become complete CRAP!
During his nearly 35-year rule, Hun Sen — a onetime soldier for the genocidal Khmer Rouge and now an enthusiastic Facebook user — has decimated Cambodia’s political opposition. He has cozied up to China, eschewing aid from the West that was conditioned on improving human rights. Many high-profile activists and opposition politicians have been assassinated, their cases rarely investigated properly.....
I had to stop there because of the New York Times' duplicity and disingenuousness.
It's the cozying up to China and his rejection of COVID that gets him this treatment from the NYT as they front for the genocidal globalists behind the COVID plot.
Being an enthusiastic user of FaceFraud will certainly initiate censorship of some kind, and as for political assassinations that were never investigated properly I have only one word for the New York Times: JFK!
It's THEY who are the VIRUS!
Speaking of dictators:
Belarus blocks over 50 news websites amid large protests
Not only am I tired of the $elf-$erving whining of the pre$$, I'm sure they will blame Russia whatever is the matter.
As for the U.S., I'm told that in a secretly recorded audio, President Trump’s sister says he has no principles’ and you can’t trust him -- at least that's what his sister Maryanne Trump Barry said in a conversation secretly recorded by her niece, Mary Trump.
Globe Columnist Michael A. Cohen says Trump’s original sin was his willingness to collude with a foreign power to win election -- even if he did no such thing!
Of course, the friendly dictators in the Middle East merit not one mention in my Globe.
They are more worried about the ability to commit fraud this fall:
House passes bill to reverse changes blamed for mail delays
Mnuchin paved way for postal service shake-up
He da' man!
For those not going the postal route in this year’s election, the Kennedy-Markey race has become a referendum on who is the real progressive while Noah Y. Kim says housing will test white support for Black lives because it's one thing to rally against racism, but will white people finally make it feasible for many more minorities to move into their neighborhoods?
My question is when will they be packed into the $eaport, Brookline, and Newton?
Time to clean up:
"Chinatown cleans up, getting ready for its next act" by Laura Crimaldi Globe Staff, August 22, 2020
Before Massachusetts confirmed its first case of COVID-19 in February, Chinatown had begun feeling the effects of the global pandemic that originated late last year in Wuhan, a city in central China.
First, fear of the illness drove away business and gave rise to anti-Asian racism. Then, the virus infiltrated the neighborhood. On Saturday, dozens of volunteers in face masks and gloves used brooms and trash bags to clean the district and prepare Chinatown for its next act.
I'm also sick of the terminology deployed by the $hit journali$ts at the Globe.
“It feels great to clean up my neighborhood,” said Edlyn Zhang, who has lived in Chinatown for two years.
The cleanup was part of the recently launched campaign, We Love Boston Chinatown, and organized by the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center and the city’s Love Your Block program.
It's all agenda-pu$hing slop or else it wouldn't appear in the Globe.
Volunteers spread out over 13 locations picking up trash, sweeping, weeding, and cleaning the lion statues beneath the Chinatown Gate.
Instead of a one-day gathering, there will be musical performances weekly at the Chinatown Gate, a new mural on Hudson Street, and art installations in storefronts.
So you won't know the shop is permanently closed, huh?
“Chinatown is very resilient whatever the challenge is,” said Ben Hires, chief executive of the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center.
Last summer, visitors flocked to Chinatown on days with pleasant weather, Hires said. On Saturday, the neighborhood appeared busy with people, he said, but many were volunteers at the cleanup event.
“It’s sort of like a ghost town,” Hires said.
The cleanup was a way to boost Chinatown’s spirits, he said.
“It’s also an effort to just show love and support for the residents. They’ve all been stuck inside. They’ve all been experiencing fear to be outside because of the anti-Asian xenophobia. This is just to build up the neighborhood again,” Hires said.
(Blog author sighs, throws up hands, and says to himself I can't read this slop anymore)
Cato Hui, a volunteer from Somerville, said the recovery efforts in Chinatown deserve more attention.
The front page of the B-section in the Bo$ton Sunday Globe isn't enough?
“It’s a really important neighborhood in the Boston area,” said Hui, a biotech engineer. “People here are really hard working and doing what they can to make things work while abiding by safety guidelines.”
The Globe truly is a pre$$ for the elite interests, and arm of the pharmaceutical companies.
That's why is such $hit these days.
Leanne Fan was among a group of volunteers cleaning a lot on Hudson Street, where a new mural will be displayed for “Experience Chinatown.”
Another volunteer, Benjamin Heo of Cambridge, said Chinatown is a strong community.
He shared his pitch for the neighborhood: “Eat here. The food’s good.”
Better eat it while there still is food.

Reagan Chin, 3, left, joined her father, Wendall, and a team of volunteers during Chinatown cleanup day Saturday in Boston (Craig F. Walker/Globe Staff/The Boston Globe)
I wish you could see her chin, and I weep for the children and the world they will live in if the Globe gets its way.
"A vibrant new display is lighting up Boston’s Franklin Park Zoo after dark. “Boston Lights: A Lantern Experience,” an outdoor exhibition featuring large-scale plants and animals made of lanterns had a sold-out opening night on Friday, according to zoo officials. John Linehan, president and CEO of Zoo New England, said the light show offers a new kind of entertainment to individuals feeling restless during coronavirus-imposed restrictions. “Kids were smiling and laughing,” said Linehan, who also noted the show has already attracted first-time visitors to the park. “I think everyone was thrilled to be outdoors.” The light show, organized with the Chinese lantern festival producer Tianyu Arts & Culture Inc., invites viewers to consider the importance of conserving the biodiversity of the planet....."
That was an above-the-fold, page B3 feature, and turn that f**king thing off!
Also see:
Convenience store clerk shot last month in Roxbury robbery dies
The victim was Tanjim Siam, 24, a recent immigrant from Bangladesh, who was taken off life support, and he was someone who looks like them as the Globe rewrites the narrative.
"Two people were arrested after a large fight involving dozens of people broke out late Saturday morning at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard in Boston, State Police said. Around 11:08 a.m., two troopers were working a detail near Massachusetts Avenue and Albany Street when the fight erupted, State Police spokesman David Procopio said in an e-mail. The melee involved an estimated 50 to 60 people, he said. State Police and Boston police responded to the scene and broke it up. “There were a few fights within that group,” Procopio said. Most of the people ran off when troopers and officers arrived, he said. State Police arrested Darrin Doyle, 35, on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon for using a foot, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest, Procopio said. It was not immediately known where Doyle lived, he said. Boston police arrested another person, he said, but he did not know on what charges. “I don’t have info on what may have sparked the fight yet,” Procopio said. Officer Shandra Pinto, a Boston police spokeswoman, confirmed that officers responded to a report of a fight but could not immediately give further information."
They have already been bailed out, thanks to the Globe (looks like they are starting to sweat), and it sure couldn't have been because of the bars and clubs.