White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx spoke during a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing (Manuel Balce Ceneta/Associated Press).
So that is what EVIL looks like, and is she giving us all the finger?
"Birx says US has entered ‘new phase’ of pandemic as cases, deaths rise" by Derek Hawkins and Marisa Iati The Washington Post, August 3, 2020
Deborah Birx, the physician overseeing the White House coronavirus response, warned Sunday that the United States had entered a “new phase” of the pandemic and urged people to take extreme health precautions as infections and deaths rise sharply throughout the country.
Birx did not rule out an estimate from former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb that virus deaths could top 300,000 by the end of the year, saying "anything is possible." Such an outcome would be far less likely, Birx said, if people practiced social distancing and avoided large gatherings.
You mean like city destroying protests?
This was clipped from the article and totally scrubbed from the web, and the rest has been almost completely rewritten.
WTF, huh?
She recommended that people living in communities where cases are surging should take extra precautions if they live with someone who is especially vulnerable.
"If you have an outbreak in your rural area or city, you need to really consider wearing a mask at home, assuming that your positive if you have individuals in your home with comorbidities," such as respiratory problems or diabetes.
Birx emphasized the significance of asymptomatic transmission and said that the White House coronavirus task force was working to make sure Americans in affected communities understood the risk.
My response to that is this, and why would they cut and scrub that paragraph, huh?
Birx has faced mounting criticism over her handling of the coronavirus response after The New York Times reported last month that her optimistic outlook on the pandemic's trajectory helped justify reopening decisions that preceded new outbreaks.
She is the scapegoat, so to speak, and here is the other evil creature:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Sunday that she did not have confidence in Birx. "I think the president is spreading disinformation about the virus, and she is his appointee," Pelosi said in response to a question from ABC News's Martha Raddatz. "So I don't have confidence there, no."
Birx defended her decisions in responding to the crisis. "I have tremendous respect for the speaker. I have tremendous respect for her long dedication to the American people," she told CNN, before adding that she has "never been called Pollyannaish or nonscientific or non-data-driven."
Oh, look a cat fight.
Birx’s remarks came after another week of grim signs that the country's pandemic response was failing as the US economy fails to build on signs that it had started to recover, and as millions of Americans continue to wait for an economic relief package that would restore their expired unemployment benefits.
It's one crap paragraph after another. Times, Post, doesn't matter. All $hit.
Birx and Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, have warned 20 states in the Sun Belt, the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest that the virus spread is accelerating within their borders. While Birx said mitigation efforts have helped in some places, she stressed that people need to practice strict social distancing and wear masks. Birx also raised concerns about the virus spreading within multigenerational households, urging people in those settings to "really consider" wearing masks inside their homes.
She says this as the protests rage unabated.
That proves that the MSM, the medical profession, the government have all sold us down the river. MD's and big pharma are one and the same, and they are soon going to COME and REMOVE YOU FROM YOUR HOMES like the SOVIETS did!
Part of the plan is impoverishing you:
Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin made clear in separate interviews Sunday that they remain far apart on a deal. Pelosi said the administration continued to resist a public health strategy to attack the virus. Mnuchin defended the administration's response and said Democrats' demand for $1 trillion in new state and local aid was a non-starter.
"Top Trump administration officials and lawmakers cautioned Sunday that a deal over a new relief package to help people and businesses weather the coronavirus crisis remained elusive even as the debate over the details of the aid was set to take center stage in the coming week. “We still have a long ways to go,” said Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, who is negotiating on behalf of the administration, on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “I’m not optimistic that there will be a solution in the very near term.” He continued to push for Democrats to agree to a stand-alone measure that would restore the weekly federal jobless benefits, which expired Friday, as a way to continue providing relief, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is expected to again meet with administration officials Monday, reiterated that she would reject a so-called skinny bill in favor of a sweeping package that includes a national health strategy to counter the spread of the virus and extend the full $600-a-week unemployment benefit. “We have to defeat the virus, and that’s one of the contentious issues that we have to deal with yet,” Pelosi said on ABC’s “This Week.”
Pelosi is blocking aid money to citizens so she can get her goddamn agenda through, so remember that come November.
You won't be getting any more "aid" from the government, readers. That's part of the plan as these two repulsive political parties $ymbiotically blame each other.
Banks and large corporations got their trillions, though, and all the corruption in the SBA and PPP programs is now down the proverbial rathole!
The stalled negotiations followed another week of grim signs for the country's pandemic response. The seven-day average for new coronavirus-related deaths rose in nearly half of states over the past week, pushing the national death toll past 150,000 and prompting health experts to warn that the trend was unlikely to reverse anytime soon.
"Overall, what this tells us is that now that deaths have started to increase, we can expect them to increase for several more weeks," Ellie Murray, an epidemiologist at Boston University, told The Post. "We cannot afford to pretend everything is fine and heading back to normal."
The use of that last word in this insanity is offensive at this point.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's most recent analysis of pandemic fatalities shows weekly reports of new deaths increasing over the next month, with 5,000 to 11,000 new deaths projected in the third week of August. The national death toll could climb to more than 168,000 by that time, with a top estimate of 182,000, according to the CDC's review.
That is going to the narrative as they phony up and distort the numbers.
Amid the rise in deaths, President Donald Trump struck an optimistic note on Sunday, tweeting, "USA will be stronger than ever before, and soon!"
That f**king goddamn idiot!
No one is buying the con job anymore, a$$hole!
Trump and other prominent Republicans have continued to promote the drug hydroxychloroquine as a solution to covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, despite evidence that it does not help patients recover.
The evidence is the exact opposite, and the fact that they are keeping the drug from you shows how evil they are and how deep the pharmaceutical industry has control of this government.
Asked Sunday about hydroxychloroquine on NBC News's "Meet the Press," Adm. Brett Giroir, the official in charge of the administration's testing efforts, stressed that the drug was not an effective treatment.
"At this point in time, there has been five randomized controlled, placebo-controlled, trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine," Giroir said. "So, at this point in time, we don't recommend that as a treatment. There's no evidence to show that it is."
And anyone who claims the contrary will have their video taken down by JouTube.
Right below that piece was this:
Can state’s disease-tracking system catch simmering coronavirus clusters?
Yeah, sure!
The tracing isn't working.
Looks like more lies and disinformation to make you think surveillance agenda that is part of COVID isn't being applied.
Meanwhile, this is the lead feature at the top of the page:
Minority riders cited more often for skipping fares on MBTA
Blacks SHOULD ride for free, and that's the end of the ride as the passengers exit masked and heads-down.
This was their lead story:
As pandemic continues, some colleges reverse course on reopening
Of course they are; those places will need to be repurposed as COVID extermination camps, or have you not been paying attention.
"Downtown’s surreal, empty scenes convey a haunting omen" by Tim Logan Globe Staff, August 2, 2020
It’s not like there is no one around. People still trickle in and out of office buildings, though the relatively high percentage who are wearing shorts suggests a more relaxed dress code inside. Tourists still stare at their maps. Construction workers still linger on lunch break, but there is no escaping the depressing reality: The normally bustling center of a city that just months ago brimmed with life, today feels like some lesser place. A place left behind, or suspended in amber, but, of course, it’s not. Cities are never static. The massive Winthrop Center project aside, the construction boom continues. Boston’s skyline changes by the day, even if no one’s sure what or who might fill those towers rising above the streets, but some small businesses — pummeled by the pandemic — are slipping away, almost unnoticed. An Au Bon Pain on State Street, cleaned out and gone. A hair salon on Summer Street, never coming back.
Unnoticed because this rank-rot $hit media is for the most part ignoring it.
Beyond that, what is being describe above is what happened 100 years ago in the Ukraine as the "construction boom continues" and the sick, evil, genocidal globalists our political leaders have thrown in with continue to remake the society as they want it.
WAKE THE FUCK UP, citizens of Bo$ton!
Others are in survival mode, trying to adapt to a radically changed city. Many restaurants have added outdoor seating, erecting concrete barriers to claim parking spaces, hoping to woo diners while the weather’s good. Their efforts, however, are just a short-term solution, said Bessie King, who along with her mother owns Villa Mexico on Water Street.
There are signs of life, too, sometimes in the sort of transgressive ways that would be impossible in busier times. A young couple getting romantic outside Boston Public Market. A handful of teenagers on stunt bikes popping wheelies down Congress Street in the middle of the afternoon. A man — he’d give his name only as his Instagram handle, @savagefreespirit — riding a motorized skateboard around the State Street Orange Line platform at morning “rush hour,” blaring the “Flintstones” theme song from his phone. “I’m having fun,” he said. “Everything feels OK,” but back by South Station, some people wonder how much longer everything will feel OK.
Will the INSULTING SLOP from the Globe EVER END?
A couple was getting romantic, huh?
Were they wearing masks and distancing?
What about the kids?
Yeah, everyone is having fun and feels OK.
What a crock of $hit!
Ed Boyer has watched business at his High Street candy store — Au Chocolat — fade by the month. The corporate accounts buying gifts, the workers buying snacks, they’ve mostly vanished. No telling when they’ll be back. Boyer’s not sure he’ll make it past Valentine’s Day. He opened his store in 1991; he has weathered recessions.
“They were nothing like this,” he said, and he has lived in Boston since 1974, long enough to remember downtown as a poorer, dingier place than it has become in recent years, before the Combat Zone gave way to fancy apartments, when South Station was, as Boyer put it, “a pit.” He worries that if big companies and their workers don’t return, Boston could easily go back in that direction, erasing the progress of the last 20 years, losing not just the hip hotels and swanky restaurants, but the solid jobs they provide, and the taxes that pay for schools and social services.
“All that money was coming from this business district,” he said. “What are you going to do if that collapses?”
You will have what the Globe is pushing for: COMMUNI$M!
It's Ukraine 2.0 as Jim Stone says, and fuck Bo$ton. I hope you got more than you f**king bargained for by going along with this, assholes!
F**k your stinking f**king city!
Another Tsarnaev trial is the last thing Boston needs
Awww, am I supposed to have sympathy for them?
Flipping the page finds this as the National Lead:
SpaceX capsule and NASA crew make 1st splashdown in 45 years
The co-lead:
A weakened Tropical Storm Isaias lashes virus-hit Florida
Marines halt search for 8 missing troops, all presumed dead
8 dead and at least 19 wounded in weekend Chicago shootings
The Globe must be reading me.
Chicago looks like Mexico, and why wouldn't it?
Mexico arrests Santa Rosa de Lima cartel chief ‘El Marro’
As Genoa inaugurates new bridge, the feeling is bittersweet
White House steps back from Trump suggestion about delaying the election
RNC disputes claim that renomination will be closed
Tata withdraws from Pentagon post consideration
That should quiet things down, and that brief replaced this one:
Clock is ticking on Trump comeback as early voting nears
Who cares who wins in the fall, but what about the Supreme Court?
Ginsburg waited 4 months to say her cancer had returned
That's the brief ending.
Daughter of RFK seeks family heirloom from ‘Hickory Hill,’ but current owner won’t give it up
I love RFK, but is that really a newsworthy item tying up so much space?
Why wasn't that a brief?
Time to plant a seed:
"A federal agency said it had identified 14 types of plants from unsolicited packages of seeds that appeared to have been mailed from China, revealing a “mix of ornamental, fruit, and vegetable, herb and weed species.” Among the plant species botanists have identified so far: cabbage, hibiscus, lavender, mint, morning glory, mustard, rose, rosemary, and sage, according to the US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Doyle Crenshaw of Booneville, Ark., said he had planted some of the unsolicited seeds he got. Crenshaw said he called the Arkansas Department of Agriculture and officials were set to come this week to dig up the plant that grew from the unsolicited seeds. The federal inspection agency said evidence indicates the packages are part of a “brushing scam” in which sellers send unsolicited items in hopes of increasing sales. Although the risk is low for some nefarious outcome, like introducing an exotic species in the United States or some form of biological warfare, recipients of the mailings should not plant the seeds, said Art Gover, a plant science researcher at Penn State University. These seeds can be troublesome because they can introduce problematic weeds and diseases, he said......"
The ma$$ media made it sound like a Chinese plot, and what is being described above is something that happened in Stalin's Soviet Union and it led the famine killing millions.
What briefly grew:
Philippines virus cases top 100,000 in ‘losing battle’
Australian state declares disaster, imposes curfew
I'm waiting for the Max Igan video regarding that (also watch this video and read this post).
Top Cabinet official tests positive as India cases rise
S. Africa infections reach 500,000, but leader hopeful
They are going to be guinea pigs for Baal GateZ (credit for that goes to an outstanding citizen journalist).
Scientists study virus outbreaks among minks
The $cienti$ts wonder if the animals got infected and whether they can spread it to people.
They just jumped the f**king shark!
Muslims worldwide mark Eid festival amid pandemic
May God look after them.
"The pastor of a Catholic church who urged people not to ‘‘cower in fear’’ of the coronavirus has contracted the disease that it causes, prompting District of Columbia health officials to tell about 250 staff members and parishioners to self-quarantine for two weeks. City health officials did not respond to questions Sunday about whether they had contacted parishioners and told them to quarantine before Friday, or whether other members of the church have tested positive for the virus. The virus has surged in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia in recent weeks, after declining sharply in June. Officials attribute the spike to the increase in gatherings after a prolonged shutdown this spring, and have expanded mask restrictions and urged people to maintain their distance from others, especially while indoors....."
Of course!
Critics get COVID and churches must be shut down even as social justice protests rage.
Once again, we are devolving into Soviet Union stuff!
Btw, if indoors is the issue, why can't we go to the baseball games (not that I would want to; I hate $port$ now and never even bother looking at that section anymore)?
Parents need assurance for school opening, Cuomo says
When is New York going to jail that criminal, mass-murdering thug?
Debate begins for who’s first in line for COVID-19 vaccine
You can all go ahead of me!
Barron Trump’s private school to stay closed for now
Who cares?
McEnany heckles the press. Is that all?
It is a New York Times attack on her, saying she failed to divert attention from coronavirus, and weren't they the ones complaining when Sanders stopped holding them?
This piece of invisible ink didn't appear in print, and one can $ee why:
Scientists worry about political influence over vaccine project
More New York Times $hit, as the whole process has been blatantly political, and anyone who expects Trump to save them should know that "the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, who is helping to steer the reelection campaign from the White House, is a regular participant in meetings of a board formed to oversee the vaccine effort, along with Dr. Deborah L. Birx, the White House coronavirus coordinator; and others interviewed Dr. Moncef Slaoui, a pharmaceutical industry veteran, and orchestrated his appointment as chief scientific adviser despite concerns within the FDA about conflicts of interest because of his financial ties to two companies that are developing a vaccine. Rather than being bothered by the conflict, Kushner and others reasoned that it took someone with such industry experience to oversee the effort."
Put them all to death now.
A voyage of discovery about home
The opinion piece is allegedly a "bucolic, and heartening, reminder of what is possible when politics transcend short-term self-interest in favor of long-term thinking for the public good."
Thinking of the public good sounds great, but when you realize the Communi$t agenda that is at the bottom of it, it becomes downright evil! Individual rights are the bedrock of this country!
Who is making the mask rules?
Evil authority and government who are making it up as they go along.
Now go out and protest:
Portland protests see fewer clashes after federal agents stand down
Washington Compost $hit there.
Imprisoned for nearly 50 years, man convicted of murder as a teen is free, seeks new trial
He took a flying leap:
A skydiver’s prosthetic leg fell off while jumping from a plane
"Travelers at Logan International Airport Sunday questioned the lack of enforcement of the state’s new travel order intended to limit incoming cases of COVID-19, as they tried to comply with it....."
Is there no light at the end of the tunnel?
Quack, quack:
‘Make Way for Ducklings’ sculptor turns her anger over pandemic into a new work
New pro-Kennedy super PAC set to launch ad barrage
Well, the Globe has made it clear who they have endorsed, and the coverage reflects it.
Must have been all the ads Markey bought and put in the paper.
Mass. tech firms say they’ll redouble efforts to hire Black and Latino workers
Even if they are under-qualified, and is this country ever going into the crapper.
NH startup is bringing diversity to the tech industry
Dermatology faces a reckoning
The Globe is actually arguing that the lack of darker skin in textbooks and journals harms care for patients of color.
Are you f**King kidding?
Who are the REAL RACISTS, huh?
Pompeo says Trump will take broad action on TikTok and other Chinese software
Meanwhile, all the talk is that Lord & Taylor is seeking bankruptcy protection after a turnaround effort faltered amid the pandemic -- which is odd because page A7 carried a full-page ad by L&T.
More hot air:
UK to ditch ‘outdated’ planning rules to speed construction
Now the buildings will fall after the fire, and why is it still standing after what happened on 9/11?
Apple asks UK store landlords to halve rent
What, they aren't making enough money?
Bitcoin surpasses $12,000 then tumbles in wild weekend action
Worthle$$ currency, just like your dollar.
GoodRx files for US IPO, report says
At least some things are $till normal.
"The advertiser boycott of Facebook took a toll on the social media giant, but it may have caused more damage to the company’s reputation than to its bottom line. Many of the companies that stayed away from Facebook said they planned to return, and many are mom-and-pop enterprises and individuals that depend on the platform for promotion. The boycott complicated planning for advertisers....."
Oh, so the whole boycott was a $ocial ju$tu$ $ignaling, huh?
Time to expel the gas and end this piece of shit post.
7-Eleven Owner to Buy Marathon’s Speedway Unit for $21 Billion
Still plenty of loot out there, huh?