BRUSSELS — Runaway coronavirus infections, medical gear shortages, and government inattention are woefully familiar stories in nursing homes around the globe, but Belgium’s response offers a gruesome twist: Paramedics and hospitals sometimes flatly denied care to elderly people, even as hospital beds sat unused.
Belgium went into lockdown March 18. Dozens of nursing home residents had already died. Three days later, Jacqueline Van Peteghem, a 91-year-old resident at the Christalain home, was sent to UZ Brussel, a nearby hospital, where she was tested for COVID-19. Her test came back positive.
The Doyens assumed Van Peteghem would remain hospitalized for treatment and to prevent the disease from spreading to other residents, but her symptoms stabilized, and Steve Doyen, Christalain’s co-owner, said that a hospital doctor declared her healthy enough to return to the home.
No one can be certain if Van Peteghem’s return was the reason, but COVID-19 infections in the home increased. Residents began dying. Van Peteghem, who initially survived the virus, died last month.
By late March and early April, hospitals quietly stopped taking infected patients from nursing homes.
The policy — officially it was just advice — took shape in a series of memos from Belgian geriatric specialists.
“Unnecessary transfers are a risk for ambulance workers and emergency rooms,” read an early memo, signed by the Belgian Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics and two major hospitals.
The gerontology society says that its advice — drafted in case of an overwhelmed hospital system — was misunderstood. The society is not a government agency, doctors there note, and it never intended to deny hospital care for the elderly, but that is what happened.
It is impossible to know how many deaths were preventable.....
The criminal pre$$ is trying to cover state murder with the incompetence canard, something that has been so played!
The planned cull of our beloved elderly has occurred across this planet, and nowhere more so than the state of New York under the mass-murderer Cuomo.
Nursing This Blog Home
Baker Has Blood on His Hands
He comes in a close second, that creature of the healthcare indu$try, and the Globe has washed off the blood and dried his hands for him with their lack of follow-up and coverage. The Spotlight has been shut off.
Also see:
"Belgium’s prime minister put the brakes on the country’s coronavirus exit plan Monday with a set of drastic social distancing measures aimed at avoiding a new general lockdown as local authorities in the province of Antwerp imposed a curfew amid a surge of COVID-19 infections. Speaking after an urgent meeting of the national security council, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmes said that from next Wednesday contacts outside every household will be limited to the same five people over the next four weeks, as the so-called “social bubble” now applies to a house and its occupants and not to individuals. Belgian residents are currently allowed to meet with 15 different people per week. “Our aim is clear — avoid another full lockdown,” Wilmes said. After a sharp decline of infections, Belgium has witnessed a surge in confirmed cases over the past three weeks. According to figures released Monday, the number rose 71 percent from July 17-23 compared with the previous 7 days, with 47 percent of the cases detected in Antwerp province. Belgium, a country with 11.5 million inhabitants, has been particularly hard hit by the virus, with more than 66,000 cases and 9,821 deaths."
That's a fatality rate of what, 0.0854 percent?
A country was locked down and its economy destroyed over that?
This isn't about COVID anymore, it's about restricting movement and gatherings as a prelude to complete global tyranny.
"Hundreds of health care workers rallied in British cities on Saturday, demanding that the Conservative government acknowledge their hard work and dedication during the coronavirus pandemic with a hefty pay increase. In London, demonstrators — most wearing masks and observing social distancing — marched to the gates of Downing Street, the home and office of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, chanting, “Boris Johnson, hear us shout! Pay us properly or get out!” Britain’s medical workers have been hailed as heroes during the pandemic by both the government and the public, but some say a decade of public spending cuts by Johnson and previous Conservative prime ministers has left the state-funded National Health Service struggling to cope....."
What, the hero worship and applause not enough for the criminal collaborators?
"People in Britain must wear masks in most indoor settings starting Saturday as the country tries to squash a rise in coronavirus infections that has followed the easing of lockdown measures. England and Scotland now require face-coverings in most indoor spaces, including places of worship, museums, cinemas, banks, and libraries. They were already mandatory in shops and on public transit. A swath of northern England has been put under tougher restrictions that bar households from mixing, after a surge in infections that authorities blame partly on people meeting up in homes and pubs. Britain’s official coronavirus death toll stands at more than 46,500, the highest in Europe."
Didn't the criminal modeler Ferguson say it would be half-a-million, and why is the pre$$ ignoring the downward revisions?
"Near UK’s busiest port, Brexit hopes are layered in asphalt" by Stephen Castle New York Times, August 8, 2020
MERSHAM, England — The fields around the quiet village of Mersham, just 20 miles from the white cliffs of Dover, are a vision of idyllic English countryside. Lush, green trees sway above rolling acres of golden wheat. The spire of a 13th-century church looms on the horizon, but soon, something far less charming could mar this pastoral vista: a 27-acre parking lot with hundreds — even thousands — of idling trucks. If Britain’s exit from the European Union causes the chaos many fear, up to 2,000 vehicles headed for France could be held at a time here in an asphalt Brexit purgatory.
Four years after Britons voted narrowly to leave the bloc, the implications of that decision are dawning on some of those who live in an area where support for Brexit was strong. The parking area is widely being called the “Farage Garage” — a reference to Nigel Farage, the nationalist politician who was one of the loudest voices for Brexit.
“The noise and pollution would be huge, particularly if this is a 24-hour facility,” said Liz Wright, an elected council member in the local municipality, Ashford, looking out over the site officially known as MOJO on a recent sunny morning. “This has happened so suddenly and without any consultation,” added Wright, a Green Party member who voted to leave the European Union in 2016 — as did six out of 10 people here — but said she did not expect this to be the result.
I have no sympathy for Greens anymore seeing as the climate change and global warming agenda is intricately tied to the Great Global Reset being rolled out. The genocidal globalists want a paradise to roam around in after we are all gone.
Back then, Leave campaigners dismissed their opponents’ predictions of more bureaucracy and disruption to trade across the English Channel as “project fear.” Now, in the southeastern region that calls itself the “garden of England,” that fear has taken on a very real, tarmac form.
Once again, the pre$$ pushing fear.
F**k them.
Brexit supporters have made confident pronouncements that the new system will barely slow the flow of goods, but if it goes wrong, it could do serious damage to Britain’s economy and to the bucolic life here.
Local people who wanted to stay in the European Union feel vindicated, even if they are reluctant to crow about it.....
I had to stop reading there because the endless New York Times rot is too offensive.
Once you get across the channel you will need to mask up:
"The glamorous French Riviera resort of Saint-Tropez began requiring face masks outdoors Saturday, threatening to sober the mood in a place renowned for high-end, free-wheeling summer beach parties. More French cities and towns, especially in tourist areas, are imposing mask requirements as the country’s coronavirus infections creep up again. More than 2,000 new infections were reported on Friday — the country’s biggest single-day rise since May. As of Saturday, wearing a mask outdoors was also compulsory in some crowded parts of Marseille, France’s second-largest city. Paris will apply similar measures in the most crowded areas of the capital starting on Monday. France has already made mask-wearing mandatory in all indoor public spaces nationwide."
If you like looking like a stupid slave, go ahead, put on the mask when outside, and speaking of ports:
"Clashes erupt in Beirut at blast protest as Lebanon’s anger boils over" by Ben Hubbard and Mona El-Naggar New York Times August 08, 2020
BEIRUT — Clashes between demonstrators and security forces raged near Lebanon’s Parliament on Saturday at a protest fueled by the vast public anger over the death and destruction caused by a huge explosion in Beirut’s port on Tuesday.
Many Lebanese see the blast, which sent a shock wave through the capital that destroyed entire neighborhoods and killed at least 154 people, as the latest and most dangerous manifestation of the corruption and negligence of the country’s political elite.
They still don't officially know who or what did it.
The clashes turned the streets near the Parliament building into battle zones, where demonstrators pulled down metal and concrete barricades blocking access to the area and threw rocks at the security forces, who fired back with volleys of tear gas.
Why did Portland just cross my mind?
Large crowds also gathered to demonstrate in the central Martyrs’ Square nearby, where protests demanding the removal of the country’s top politicians have flared since last fall. Many said it was anger at what they had lost in the blast that drove them into the streets.
See: Beirut Blast Brings Call For Regime Change
“I lost my house, my car, my job; I lost friends,” said a protester, Eddy Gabriel, who carried a photo of two neighbors who had died in the blast. “There is nothing to be afraid of. Everything is gone.”
That is why we will all be out there soon.
Lebanon was already grappling with an array of crises before Tuesday’s explosion. Protests against the political class have continued to flare as the economy has sunk, banks have refused to give depositors access to their money, and unemployment and inflation have soared.
Anger at Lebanon’s political class has been building since last fall, when protests toppled a prime minister, but the explosion, and indications that it was rooted in governmental neglect, have pushed tensions to the boiling point.
The blast injured 5,000 people and pushed at least 250,000 from their homes. The prime minister has vowed to investigate the blast and hold all those who were behind it accountable, but many Lebanese remain skeptical that justice will be done.
You can count me among them. The government will find a few scapegoats to blame because they have no interest in getting to the bottom of it. They can't admit an attack because they would look weak and would immediately be out of power.
President Michel Aoun on Friday said the blast could have been caused by a bomb or “foreign interference,” without providing details or evidence. In a televised speech, Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hezbollah, the powerful militant group and political party, denied his group had any connection to the chemicals, the blast, or the port.....
That's about as far as they can go, and this is all about removing that list group from the Lebanese political system. It's so damn obvious at this point, and who will benefit?

Black smoke and tear gas darken the evening sky during a protest at Martyrs’ Square on Saturday in Beirut (Getty Images).
There are still bodies in the streets.
Also see:
"Police said Sunday they arrested more than a dozen Israelis in countrywide protests the previous night that drew thousands of people in a growing and persistent show of force against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his handling of the coronavirus crisis. Thousands of people demonstrated outside Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem and hundreds gathered in a seaside park in Tel Aviv, demanding Netanyahu’s resignation and slamming his response to the crisis. For the first time since the wave of protests began weeks ago, hundreds also assembled outside Netanyahu’s private home in the upscale coastal town of Caesarea, where heavy security greeted them. Demonstrators across bridges and intersections waved black flags, the symbol of one of the movements behind the protests that is demanding Netanyahu’s ouster. The protests are emerging as among the biggest challenges to Netanyahu’s lengthy rule since demonstrations over the cost of living in 2011 drew hundreds of thousands to the streets. They come following what critics say is Netanyahu’s fumbling of the coronavirus response and in the shadow of Netanyahu’s corruption trial, which resumed earlier this month."
Then, BOOM!
"Bison, wild horses bring biodiversity to ex-army base" by Karel Janicek Associated Press, August 8, 2020
MILOVICE, Czech Republic — Wild horses, bison, and other big-hoofed animals once roamed freely in much of Europe. Now they are transforming a former military base outside the Czech capital in an ambitious project to improve biodiversity.
You need to let nature take its course and stop f**king with it.
Where occupying Soviet troops once held exercises, massive bovines called tauros and other heavy beasts now munch on the invasive plants that took over the base years ago.
The animals are turning the former Milovice base 22 miles northeast of Prague into a miniature version of the steppe that once rolled across the continent.
Wiped out in the wild, the animals now have the chance to live together again in relative freedom. Conservationists deployed them at Milovice five years ago. Now they hope to enlarge the sanctuary by one-third to some 890 acres this year.
Unlike the humans!
The animals’ task is to improve biodiversity among local plants by eating invasive ones while saving endangered species, said Dalibor Dostal, the director of European Wildlife, an organization behind the project.
“It’s a miraculous change,” Dostal said. “Nobody expected that the whole process would go ahead so fast and the area would change so much in just a few years.”
He said the large animals are as key in preserving the ecosystem ‘‘as trees are for forests.”
I agree with that. Animals are our cousins and are sentient beings that deserve our respect.
David Storch, an environment professor at Prague’s Charles University who was not involved in the project, agreed.
He said the project is “absolutely unique” because it shows that nature can be preserved not only by protecting it from human activities but also by actively shaping it with the big-hoofed animals.
I'm going to get hoofing because I simply cannot continue to read this blatant, people-hating, agenda-pushing propaganda.
The selection of the animals was based on the experiences of conservationists in various countries.
Domestic animals such as sheep were ruled out because they would feed on endangered plants as well. Mechanical cutting of the invasive plants is too costly.
While invasive grasses are a delicacy for wild horses, European bison and tauros prefer bushes, creating an ideal partnership.
The invasive plants began to grow after the Soviet troops who stayed on after the 1968 Soviet-led invasion of then-Czechoslovakia finally withdrew from the base in 1991.
Former military bases are considered places with great biodiversity, the conservationists said, because soldiers’ activities simulated the impacts of hoofed animals.
The Czech project includes tauros that were transferred from the Netherlands, where a cross-breeding program aimed at coming close to the original species, the aurochs, started in 2008. That wild ancestor of today’s cattle became extinct in the 17th century.
Wild horses were transported from Britain’s Exmoor National Park, while European bison came from several reserves in Poland.
The project now has herds of 27 European bison, 25 aurochs, and some 70 wild horses.
The animals move freely on the pastures on the former military base year-round. With water sources available, they are able to care for themselves, even in winter.
Animals have always been able to care for themselves, and they are FREER than YOU, human!
The landscape quickly saw signs of transformation. Flowers started to dot the area as early as the second year of the project as the large herbivores reduced the tall, dense invasive grasses.
Today, the whole area changes its colors over the course of the year, depending on what flowers are in bloom.
The most precious is the star gentian, also known as cross gentian. The blue flower is now flourishing at Milovice, more than anywhere else in the country.
The former base also has become abundant in other animals and insects. The Adonis blue, a butterfly, has been spotted there for the first time since 1967.
“If we give nature a chance, if we give it time and space, it can take care of many things,” said Miloslav Jirku, a biologist with the Czech Academy of Sciences who has been involved in the project from the start.
“At the very beginning, I thought that lots of species that used to be here in the 1990s would have to be returned artificially. Today, a number of them are already here without us doing anything about it.”
Related: Chernobyl’s human-free zone teems with wildlife
Remember that series a world without humans?
Talk about predictive programming!
These are the sick, misanthropic f**ks that are behind the "environmental" movement.
Also see:
"Serbia has reported a record number of daily cases of the new coronavirus. Health authorities said Sunday that 467 people have tested positive for the virus in the past 24 hours, the highest number since the start of the outbreak. They said eight people have died. Epidemiologist Darija Kisic Tepavcevic said, however, that there is reason to be optimistic because there have been fewer people in need of hospitalization. Serbia has confirmed 23,730 cases of the virus while 534 people have died of COVID-19 in the country of some 7 million people."
That's a fatality rate of what, 0.0007 percent?
And for that, the Serbian society has been locked down despite protests!
Meanwhile, in Spain:
"Nightclubs, bars, and beaches — some of Spain’s most beloved summer venues — are facing new lockdown restrictions after turning into coronavirus hot spots, and some European nations are warning citizens not to visit the country. The northeast regions of Catalonia and Aragón host the three most worrying virus clusters in Spain, prompting authorities to tighten restrictions in Barcelona, in a rural area around Lleida, and in Zaragoza that were relaxed only a month ago when Spain had its devastating outbreak in check. Britain put Spain back on its unsafe list beginning Sunday, announcing hours earlier that travelers arriving in the UK from Spain must now quarantine for 14 days. Norway also ordered a 10-day quarantine for those returning from the Iberian Peninsula. France and Belgium are recommending that travelers ditch plans to spend their summer vacations in Barcelona and its nearby beaches, which have seen crowds too massive to allow for social distancing. Tui, the UK’s biggest tour operator, said Sunday it had cancelled all flights due to depart to mainland Spain until Aug. 9, but it has maintained flights and travel packages for trips to Spain’s Balearic and Canary Islands. Travelers were caught off guard by Britain’s move — even UK Transport Minister Grant Shapps is on holiday in Spain. “I think that it is extreme. If you only come for one day, no way,” José González, a Spaniard heading to his home in London, said at Madrid’s airport. “We will have to see what happens next. We will have to respect it and that’s that. You can’t do anything else.” Spain reported more than 900 new infections Thursday and Friday as authorities warned that the country, which lost at least 28,400 lives before getting its outbreak under control, could be facing the start of a second major onslaught. Catalonia ordered all nightlife venues to close for 15 days and applied a midnight curfew on bars in and around Barcelona and Lleida, hours after French Prime Minister Jean Castex urged French citizens not to visit Catalonia due to the upticks in new infections."
It's the same in France and Germany, as MD James Todaro asks is the pre$$ just going to ignore the fact that Sweden never issued stay-at-home orders, kept schools open, didn't close businesses and the general public does not wear masks?
The answer is yes, for the media will NEVER tell the truth because they're criminally complicit to the bone.
OK, kids, get out your maps and point out to me where are these countries:
"Brazil is approaching the grim milestone of 100,000 confirmed deaths from COVID-19. That comes five months after the first reported case in a nation of 210 million, which has not shown signs of slowing the disease. Brazil has reported an average of more than 1,000 daily deaths from the pandemic since late May. The Health Ministry on Friday reported a total of 2,962,442 confirmed cases and 99,572 deaths — tolls second only to the United States. As in many countries, experts believe both numbers are severe undercounts due to insufficient testing. The non-governmental group Rio de Paz placed crosses and a thousand red balloons on the sand on the famed Copacabana beach on Saturday. “It’s very sad. Those 100,000 represent various families, friends, parents, children,” said Marcio Silva, 55, who lost his children in the pandemic and joined the tribute."
Readers, the exact opposite is the truth and the tests return 80% false positives.
That's the sad part, and for the record, President Bolsonaro is one of the few world leaders to call out this scam, thus the abusive treatment in the agenda-pushing pre$$.
"South Africa’s COVID-19 response is marred by corruption allegations around its historic $26 billion economic relief package, as the country with the world’s fifth-highest number of COVID-19 cases braces for more. President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced a wide-ranging investigation into claims that unscrupulous officials and private companies are looting efforts to protect the country’s 57 million people. South Africa is seen as the best-prepared of any country in sub-Saharan Africa for COVID-19, but years of rampant corruption have weakened institutions, including the health system. In October, the head of the government’s Special Investigating Unit said fraud, waste, and abuse in health care siphoned off $2.3 billion a year. The unit is already investigating more than 20 cases of corruption related to the COVID-19 relief money, spokesman Kaizer Kganyago said. South Africa now has more than 434,000 confirmed virus cases — well over half of the continent’s total — and more than 6,600 deaths."
Just goes to show that changing leaders means nothing. Now the South Africans are victims of their own race.
Look out, America!
"Even in the best of times, many Muslims scramble to afford a sheep to slaughter on Eid al-Adha, a display of faith that can amount to an entire month’s income. Now, the financial pressures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic are straining families across Africa even more as they prepare for the Islamic holy day. From Morocco to Senegal to Nigeria, the important religious tradition of purchasing a ram is simply beyond financial reach for some this year. And even those who can afford a sheep are getting smaller ones since prices in some parts of the continent have doubled compared with last year. As families cut back, hawkers who sell fancy carving knife sets to drivers stuck in traffic also are doing less business for Eid al-Adha, which will be observed Friday. The tailors who sew elaborate holiday boubous and vendors who sell barbecue grills by roadsides are hurting, too. During Eid al-Adha, or the festival of sacrifice, Muslims commemorate the prophet Ibrahim’s test of faith by slaughtering livestock and animals and distributing the meat to the poor. It’s also a time when families gather to prepare and enjoy a large feast, and many typically shell out for new outfits for the whole family."
I'm sorry, that's a continent.
"India reported more than 50,000 cases for the first time in 24 hours on Thursday, taking the national total to 1,583,792. The number of recoveries from the coronavirus also crossed 1 million as the recovery rate of 64.4 percent continues to improve. The Health Ministry reported another 775 deaths, driving total fatalities to 34,968. India has the world’s third-highest caseload after the United States and Brazil. The reported deaths in India, however, mark a far lower fatality rate at 2.23 percent than in the other two countries."
No numbers coming out of Pakistan, dammit.
"Indonesia announced Monday that its confirmed coronavirus cases have surpassed 100,000, the highest amount in Southeast Asia. Cases continue to rise across the world’s fourth-most populous nation as testing remains sharply limited and businesses continue to reopen. The health ministry announced 1,525 more cases on Monday, bringing the country’s confirmed total to 100,303. While neighboring countries imposed lockdowns and closed their borders, Indonesia’s leaders attributed an apparent early success with the pandemic to prayer and took few precautions against the virus’s spread across the vast archipelago nation until the first official cases were confirmed in early March. As the virus began to quickly spread — especially in metropolitan areas — the government instituted a lockdown in six regions of the country. Those restrictions began to be slowly lifted in early June."
Now for Down Under:
"Australia’s Victoria state recorded 10 deaths overnight from COVID-19, its highest daily toll amid a continuing surge in coronavirus cases. State Premier Daniel Andrews said Sunday that the deaths included seven men and three women. A man in his 40s became one of the youngest COVID-19 fatalities in Australia. There were 459 new infections, the 21st-straight day of triple-figure increases. The fatalities bring Victoria’s toll to 71 and Australia’s national tally to 155. A total of 228 people are hospitalized in Victoria, including 42 in intensive care. Victoria processed 42,973 tests on Saturday, Andrews said, “far and away the biggest testing result that we’ve seen on a single day.”
That toad is the worst tyrant in the world as of right now.
"Australia’s coronavirus hot spot, Victoria state, will make masks compulsory statewide after reporting a record 723 new cases on Thursday. Masks have been mandatory in the state capital, Melbourne, and a neighboring semirural district for the past week. Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews said the measure will be extended starting Sunday. Residents around the city of Geelong will not be allowed to have visitors in their homes from late Thursday. The 723 new cases and a daily record 13 deaths exceeded the previous record of 532 cases on Monday. Melbourne and neighboring Mitchell Shire are halfway through a six-week shutdown, which Andrews said could be extended. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the weekslong lockdown was not giving the desired results. He said the additional restrictions, while necessary, will come at an impact to the economy, ‘‘but equally not containing these outbreaks will have that effect also,” he said."
Then the POLICY has FAILED and a tighter lockdown only avoids herd immunity and freedom.
Madness in Melbourne
They have turned a once great city turned into police state hell.
The New Normal is Complete Isolation and Total Dehumanization
That's straight from the scene, but at least Australia is suing Google over its use of personal data.
"Vietnam on Sunday reimposed restrictions in one of its most popular beach destinations after a second person tested positive for COVID-19, the first locally transmitted cases in the country in more than three months. Da Nang authorities in central Vietnam banned gatherings of more than 30 people in public places as well as all sport, cultural, and religious events in the city of 1.1 million. Theme parks, beauty salons, bars, and clubs were also ordered shut. On Sunday, a 61-year-old man was confirmed to be infected, a day after a 57-year-old tested positive for the coronavirus. Both are in critical condition and require life support."
I would expect nothing less from a Communi$t nation as Vietnam recorded its first COVID-19 death after having been lauded for their failed approach.
"North Korea locked down the city of Kaesong near the border with South Korea after finding what could be the country’s first official COVID-19 case there, state media reported Sunday. North Korea’s Central News Agency announced ‘‘a critical situation in which the vicious virus could be said to have entered the country’’ after a suspected patient returned from South Korea by illegally crossing the border last week. Coronavirus test results were described as ‘‘uncertain,’’ but the person was still put under quarantine while health officials launched an investigation on those who might have come in contact with the individual in Kaesong, the state media report said. If confirmed, he or she would be North Korea’s first official COVID-19 patient in a country that has remained ‘‘virus free’’ according to Pyongyang authorities. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un convened a Politburo meeting on Saturday over ‘‘the dangerous situation in Kaesong City that may lead to a deadly and destructive disaster,’’ state media said."
No surprise there, either. They want to keep everyone out.
"The coronavirus pandemic “continues to accelerate,” with a doubling of cases over the last six weeks, the World Health Organization chief said Monday. WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said 16 million cases have now been reported to the United Nations health agency, with more than 640,000 deaths worldwide. Tedros will convene on Thursday WHO’s emergency committee, a procedural requirement six months after the agency’s declaration of a public health emergency of international concern, made on Jan. 30 for the coronavirus outbreak. The panel will advise him on the pandemic. “COVID-19 has changed our world,” he told reporters from WHO’s Geneva headquarters. “It has brought people, communities, and nations together — and driven them apart.” He cited some factors that have proven effective in some countries, including political leadership, education, increased testing and hygiene, and physical distancing measures. “We are not prisoners of the pandemic. Every single one of us can make a difference,” Tedros said. “The future is in our hands.”
He means theirs, not yours, as he cries crocodile tears.