"Trump Embraces Fringe Theories on Protests and the Coronavirus" by Peter Baker, New York Times | Aug. 30, 2020
WASHINGTON — President Trump unleashed an especially intense barrage of Twitter messages over the weekend, embracing fringe conspiracy theories claiming that the coronavirus death toll has been exaggerated and that street protests are actually an organized coup d’état against him.
They have been to a great extent, 94% in fact.
The Times reaction is very telling, for it is like that of one caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
In a concentrated predawn burst, the president posted or reposted 89 messages between 5:49 a.m. and 8:04 a.m. on Sunday on top of 18 the night before, many of them inflammatory comments or assertions about violent clashes in Portland, Ore., where a man wearing the hat of a far-right, pro-Trump group was shot and killed Saturday after a large group of Trump’s supporters traveled through the streets. He resumed on Sunday night.
I'm not sensing a lot of empathy from the New York Times on that, are you?
Almost feels like they are happy as they obsessively monitor the tweet machine.
In the blast of social media messages, Trump also embraced a call to imprison Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York, threatened to send federal forces against demonstrators outside the White House, attacked CNN and NPR, embraced a supporter charged with murder, mocked his challenger, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., and repeatedly assailed the mayor of Portland, even posting the mayor’s office telephone number so that supporters could call demanding his resignation.
I would be able to take him more seriously had he prosecuted and imprisoned the Clintons
One of the most incendiary messages was a retweet of a program from the One America News Network, a pro-Trump channel that advances extreme theories and that the president has turned to when he feels that Fox News has not been supportive enough. The message he retweeted Saturday night promoted a segment accusing demonstrators of secretly plotting Trump’s downfall.
“According to the mainstream media, the riots & extreme violence are completely unorganized,” the tweet said; “however, it appears this coup attempt is led by a well funded network of anarchists trying to take down the President.” Accompanying it was an image of a promo for a segment titled “America Under Siege: The Attempt to Overthrow President Trump.”
Yup, he definitely hit an agenda-pu$hing nerve there, and it's right out in the open with all the corporations donating to their own de$truction per Great Re$et protocol.
Trump likewise reposted messages asserting that the real death toll from the coronavirus is only around 9,000 — not nearly 183,000 — because the others who died also had other health issues and most were of an advanced age.
“So get this straight — based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus,” said the summary of an article by the hard-line conservative website Gateway Pundit that was retweeted by the president, denigrating his own health advisers, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and Dr. Deborah L. Birx.
The post was a distortion of data available on the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which reports that 6 percent of coronavirus fatalities list only the virus on the death certificates. For other deaths, the patients had an average of 2.6 other conditions or causes of death. The statistics do not mean that they did not die because of the virus, but help explain who is most vulnerable to it, but Trump also retweeted a message calling for Mr. Cuomo to be locked up because of the high death toll from the coronavirus in New York nursing homes earlier in the pandemic.....
Okay, I want to stop here and note that now the New York Times is calling the CDC conspiracy theorists!
So Trump cites their own data and gets crucified by the piece of shit New York Times, which then proceeds to get into semantic word games regarding the 2 or 3 other conditions that were responsible for their passing with the disassembling statement that somehow they death tolls were inflated because they were vulnerable.
They talk about distortion of data when they are lead distorters.
Exhibits A and B:
U.S. Coronavirus Cases Top 6 Million
India's daily cases set records, as world's tally hits 25m
That was a day after they admitted that the caseloads have been amplified and inflated, as have the levels of infectiousness.
The level of deceit, duplicitousness, and disingenuousness makes the WMD lies look tame given the genocidal intentions behind the project the Times is pushing with such fervor.
At that point, didn't want to read anymore at that point and that is basically where my print edition ended although the Times went on:
“#KillerCuomo should be in jail,” said the message by the actor James Woods, a strong supporter of the president’s, and the president even “liked” a tweet that offered support for Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter who has been charged with homicide after two demonstrators were shot to death in Kenosha, Wis. “Kyle Rittenhouse is a good example of why I decided to vote for Trump,” the tweet said.
Cuomo responded on his own Twitter feed a few hours later, pointing to the Trump administration’s failure to contain the pandemic. “The White House has learned nothing from COVID,” Cuomo wrote. “National threats require national leadership. It’s been 6 months without a national strategy on testing or mask mandate. Only the federal government has the power to go to war with COVID. They are failing and the nation suffers.”
For his part, Biden issued a statement condemning the violence in Portland as “unacceptable” regardless of one’s political views and criticizing Trump for trying to raise the temperature rather than lower it. “What does President Trump think will happen when he continues to insist on fanning the flames of hate and division in our society and using the politics of fear to whip up his supporters?” Biden asked. “He is recklessly encouraging violence. He may believe tweeting about law and order makes him strong — but his failure to call on his supporters to stop seeking conflict shows just how weak he is.”
The latest social media outburst by the president came just days after he accepted the nomination for a second term in an election in which he has been trailing for months. Trump sought to capitalize on any momentum generated by the Republican National Convention, posting a series of tweets asserting that he is actually leading in polls.
There was one somewhere that had Trump ahead 48-45, and Zogby has him at 52, but it's better off you be reassured by the same polls that failed four years ago:
A new poll by Morning Consult, however, showed that Trump had narrowed Mr. Biden’s lead but that the president still trailed. The survey, conducted on Friday, the day after the conclusion of the Republican convention, found Biden ahead 50 percent to 44 percent, a six-point lead compared with the former vice president’s 10-point advantage a week ago after his own convention. Another poll by Yahoo News and YouGov likewise showed Biden’s lead shrinking to six percentage points, down from nine points.
So Trump got the bounce Biden did not!
That is because the thing looked normal and without the silly masks.
A post-convention bounce is typical in presidential years but it does not always last, and an ABC News-Ipsos poll showed that Trump did nothing to improve his own standing with voters, only 31 percent of whom reported a favorable view, roughly the same as before the Republican convention.
I think you can throw ABC-Ipsos in the trash!
More skewed, narrative-$upporting pu$h polling no doubt.
Democrats, however, are growing more concerned that Trump is successfully using violence in the streets after police shootings of Black Americans to energize his own supporters and tar Biden and his party as weak on law and order.
That's why Don Lemon pleaded for them to stop, but it's too late now. These things have a life of their own, and the genie is out of the bottle.
In that vein, many of Trump’s Sunday morning tweets focused on the violence in Portland, where the shooting death of a man exacerbated an already tense situation. The man was wearing a hat with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in the Portland area that has clashed with protesters before.
Ever notice the Marxist rioters are never referred to as far-left?
They just mostly peaceful.
Trump repeatedly assailed Mayor Ted Wheeler of Portland for resisting federal help and delighted in showcasing a peaceful protest held at the mayor’s own home on Friday, even retweeting a post accusing Wheeler of “committing war crimes.” Rather than calling for calm, Trump seemed to justify aggressive action against demonstrators by his supporters.
“The big backlash going on in Portland cannot be unexpected after 95 days of watching and incompetent Mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing,” Trump wrote, as he retweeted a journalist’s post reporting that Trump supporters were firing paintballs and pepper spray, including at the reporter. “The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer. The Mayor is a FOOL. Bring in the National Guard!”
His call for martial law doesn't work for me, nor does the whining of the pre$$ that helped promote all this as they damn near accuse Trump of incitement!
Wheeler responded at a news conference, blaming the president’s “campaign of fear” for the violence that has afflicted cities. “Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first time in decades that America has seen this level of violence?” he said. “It’s you who have created the hate and the division. It’s you who have not found the way to say the names of Black people killed by police officers even as people in law enforcement have, and it’s you who claimed that white supremacists are good people.”
Trump plans to travel on Tuesday to Kenosha, where emotions have been raw since the police shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back seven times, leaving him paralyzed. The president’s trip has caused concern that he could inflame the situation. He made no comment on the shooting for days until he was asked about it on Friday in an interview with WMUR of New Hampshire during a visit to the state.
“It was not a good sight,” he said. “I didn’t like the sight of it, certainly. I think most people would agree with that, but we’ll be getting reports in very soon, and we’ll report back.” His Twitter comments on Kenosha, however, have focused on restoring order in the streets.
Why in the world is he going there?
He could be shot, for God sakes, and that is the last thing this country needs!
Pinned on another lone gunman patsy, no doubt, and probably a leftist like Oswald.
Cancel the trip, Mr. President, and stay safe. It has nothing to do with supporting him, it is just a recognition that deeper forces would be behind such a move and much like in JFK's day, half the country will cheer at an absolute tragedy for this nation. I stated many times over the years that despite my loathing of Bush and Obama, the last thing I wanted to see was an assassination.
The president’s string of Twitter messages paused on Sunday morning before he headed to his golf club in Virginia, where he was greeted by a handful of protesters, including one dressed as a grim reaper holding a sign that said “183K,” referring to the number of people in the United States who have died from the coronavirus.
It's actually 9,000 -- unless you consider the CDC fringe conspiracy theorists and liars.
He then picked up his phone again in late afternoon after returning to the White House, resuming his criticisms of Wheeler (“a weak and pathetic Democrat Mayor!!!”), Biden and other Democrats. “The Radical Left Democrat Mayors, like the dummy running Portland, or the guy right now in his basement unwilling to lead or even speak out against crime, will never be able to do it!” he said in one more message.
Yeah, put the phone down.
In fact, throw it away so they can't trace you.
U.S. Will Revive Global Virus-Hunting Effort Ended Last Year
It's New York Times, and the important takeaway was this:
"The government agency that let Predict die last October has quietly created a $100 million program with a similar purpose as Predict, but it has a different name. The new program, set to begin in October, will be called Stop Spillover. Predict, which was started in 2009 as part of the Obama administration's Emerging Pandemic Threats program, was inspired by the 2005 H5N1 bird flu scare. Predict was run by the United States Agency for International Development, which is an independent foreign-aid agency overseen by the State Department. Predict was an odd fit for USAID, experts said. Unlike the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the National Institutes of Health, the agency is not normally a home to cutting-edge science."
The whole world knows AID = CIA, so it was under that rubric which Obama placed it, and as we say with the neocon OSI, they do this all the time. To hide a program under fire, you change the name. They are never eliminated.
Just because I don't want the president shot doesn't mean I support the policies:
"In Israel, Kushner Says 'Stage Is Set' for Mideast Progress" by Josef Federman, Associated Press | August 30, 202
Jerusalem (AP) -- White House adviser Jared Kushner on Sunday trumpeted the recent agreement by Israel and the United Arab Emirates to establish diplomatic relations as a historic breakthrough and said “the stage is now set” for other Arab states to follow suit.
It's as clear as Black and white, isn't it?
Appearing alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, Kushner spoke a day before he is to join a senior Israeli delegation on the first commercial flight from Israel to the UAE. The flight holds great symbolic value and is a key step in what is expected to be full normalization between Israel and the UAE.
The Aug. 13 announcement makes the UAE just the third Arab country to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, and the first to do so in over 25 years. It reflects a shifting Middle East in which shared concerns over Iran have overtaken traditional wall-to-wall Arab support for the Palestinians.
“Today obviously we celebrate a historic breakthrough for peace,” Kushner said, adding that the deal will create “previously unthinkable” economic, security and religious cooperation. “While this peace agreement was thought by many to be impossible, the stage is now set for even more," he said, claiming he has heard optimism throughout the region since the deal was announced. “We must seize that optimism and we must continue to push to make this region achieve the potential that it truly has," said Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and chief Mideast adviser.
That is rather ominous and frightening.
So when does the attack on Iran begin?
Israel and the UAE have moved quickly to cement their ties over the past two weeks. Almost immediately, they opened direct phone lines, and Cabinet ministers have held friendly phone conversations.
On Saturday, the UAE formally ended its commercial boycott of Israel, although the two countries have quietly conducted business for years, but so far, predictions by Israeli and American officials, including Kushner, that other Arab countries would follow the UAE have not yet materialized.
So this "peace deal" doesn't really mean much and just put out in the open what was going on for years, and yet the pre$$ acted like it was a big breakthrough!
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo toured the region last week, stopping in Sudan, Bahrain and Oman — three countries widely seen as candidates to establish ties with Israel — but appeared to leave empty-handed.
The flurry of U.S. diplomatic activity comes as the Trump administration presses ahead with ambitious plans to promote Arab-Israeli rapprochement even in the absence of a settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which had long been seen as a prerequisite for Israel to reach peace deals with all of its Arab neighbors.
The UAE deal gave the Trump administration a welcome foreign-policy victory ahead of November's presidential election. Facing a tough reelection battle, the White House is eager to build on that momentum.
Gulf Arab countries, which like Israel share deep animosity toward Iran, have shown an increasing willingness to make back-channel ties with Israel public.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the agreement with the UAE would bring “unbridled” trade and opportunities. “You will see how the sparks fly,” he said.
He is on top of the world, and have you noticed how coverage of the Beirut blast has completely faded?
Trump unveiled a Mideast plan in January that has been rejected by the Palestinians, who say it unfairly favors Israel.
Oh, yeah, them.
The Palestinians seek the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip — areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war — for an independent state. The Trump plan offers them limited autonomy in 70% of the West Bank, leaving Israel in overall control of the territory, and a symbolic presence on the outskirts of Jerusalem, while handing Israel control of the city’s sensitive holy sites.
That's the thing. He's behind Israel 100 percent. Whatever they want, they get.
Netanyahu said the deal with the UAE proves the Palestinians no longer have a “veto” over regional peace. The Palestinians have accused the UAE of treason. “If we have to wait for the Palestinians, we will have to wait forever," Netanyahu said. "As more Arab and Muslim countries join the circle of peace, the Palestinians will eventually understand their veto has dissipated and they will be hard pressed to stay outside the community of peace.”
Aren't they isolated enough as it is?
This revealing photo came with the article:

Benjamin Netanyahu and Jared Kushner make joint statements in Jerusalem, Aug. 30
(Debbi Hill/Pool UPI via AP)
GRAND OPENING -- Palestinian boys stood near a hotel being opened in the West Bank city of Bethlehem with the help of an elusive British graffiti artist Banksy. The hotel, which sits next to a mural-covered separation barrier built by Israel, has nine rooms packed with work by Bansky. The owner is calling it the "hotel with the worst view in the world."
The fact that the New York Times is praising him unfortunately calls into question his credentials as controlled opposition.
Literally on their knees begging.
Montenegro opposition claims election victory in tight vote
"Like many governments around the world, France and Britain want to reopen schools starting Tuesday to reduce the learning gaps between rich and poor students that were worsened by the virus lockdown this spring, and to get parents back to work and revive the ailing economy. French doctors published an appeal Saturday saying that the government’s anti-virus measures for schools aren’t strict enough. They urged masks for children as young as six and a mix of online and in-person schooling. Currently, French schools are set to resume largely as normal, but with masks required all day for everyone 11 and over and some restrictions on movements and gatherings....."
That is not "largely as normal."
South Korea is supposed to be the model:
"South Korea has reported 299 new cases of the coronavirus as officials placed limits on dining at restaurants and closed fitness centers and after-school academies in the greater capital area to slow the spread of the virus. The 17th consecutive day of triple-digit daily increases brought the national caseload to 19,699, including 323 deaths. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 209 of the new cases came from the capital of Seoul and nearby Gyeonggi province and Incheon, a region that had been at the center of a viral resurgence this month. Health authorities have ordered churches and nightspots to close and shifted more schools back to remote learning nationwide as infections spiked in recent weeks. For eight days starting Sunday, restaurants in the Seoul metropolitan area will be allowed to provide only deliveries and takeouts after 9 p.m. Franchised coffee shops like Starbucks will sell only takeout drinks and food while gyms and after-school academies will be shut to slow the viral spread in the region."
Looks like a second wave lockdown, doesn't it?
We will soon be under the most sever lockdown of all:
"The Australian state of Victoria has recorded 114 new coronavirus patients and 11 more deaths. The fatalities bring the death toll from the virus in Victoria to 524 and the Australian total to 611. It follows 94 new patients on Saturday, which was the first day since July 5 that patients had dropped to double digits. Melbourne residents will be subjected to two more weeks of restricted movement, including a nightly curfew. Restrictions across Australia’s second largest city are due to expire on September 13 but will be reduced gradually rather than removed completely. Health officials have indicated that recommendations for face masks could remain in place for several more months."
Try like a year, and go watch the on the ground video report for as long as as it stays up (with great thanks to the Greencrow) as the pre$$ soft sells the outrageous tyranny on display down under.