"After plummeting, the virus soars back in the Midwest" by Julie Bosman, Manny Fernandez and Thomas Fuller New York Times, August 1, 2020
CHICAGO — First, the Pacific Northwest and the Northeast were hit hardest as the coronavirus tore through the nation. Then it surged across the South. Now the virus is again picking up dangerous speed in much of the Midwest — and in states from Mississippi to Florida to California that thought they had already seen the worst of it.
As the United States rides what amounts to a second wave of cases, with daily new infections leveling off at an alarming higher mark, there is a deepening national sense that the progress made in fighting the pandemic is coming undone and that no patch of America is safe.
That's when I lost interest in this piece of propaganda and scanned the rest.
F**k this.
In Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker sounded an unusually somber note this past week as he delivered a warning that reverberated across the state: Even though Illinoisans had battled an early flood of coronavirus infections and then managed to reduce the virus’ spread, their successes were fleeting. As of Thursday, the state was averaging more than 1,400 cases a day, up from about 800 at the start of July. “We’re at a danger point,” Pritzker said in Peoria County, where the total number of cases has doubled in the past month.
Gone is any sense that the country may soon get a hold of the pandemic.
“There’s a sort of collective tiredness and frustration, and of course I feel it, too — we all feel it,” said County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the top elected official in Harris County, Texas, which includes Houston. “So it’s difficult to know that there’s no real end in sight.”
Except I'm told there is in the very next sentence: a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine that would be available by the end of the year or early 2021.
"The Serum Institute, which is exclusively controlled by a small and fabulously rich Indian family and started out years ago as a horse farm, is doing what a few other companies in the race for a vaccine are doing: mass-producing hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine candidate that is still in trials and might not even work. If it does, Adar Poonawalla, Serum’s chief executive and the only child of the company’s founder, will become one of the most tugged-at men in the world. He will have on hand what everyone wants, possibly in greater quantities before anyone else. His company, which has teamed up with the Oxford scientists developing the vaccine, was one of the first to boldly announce, in April....."
If they are working with Oxford then they are working for Bill Gates.
In US communities that saw improvement in June, such as Milwaukee County in Wisconsin, there was a widespread feeling of relief, said Dr. Ben Weston, the director of medical services for the Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management, but then mask-wearing and social distancing began to relax. “There was a sense of complacency, like, ‘We’re finally beyond this; it’s finally getting better,’” he said. “We were seeing our numbers go down, but the reason is because of physical distancing. It’s because people were being so careful. There was no reason to think that cases weren’t going to rise.”
I'm f**king sick of these liars.
On Thursday, Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, made another attempt to get a handle on the outbreaks in his state, issuing an order that every Wisconsinite wear a mask indoors in public beginning Saturday.
He needs to flip Wisconsin in the electoral college. That's why he did that.
With each passing day it is becoming clearer and clearer that COVID is a LIE and a $CAM.
In California, which has had more than 500,000 coronavirus cases, more than any other state, the reopening has proved disastrous. The state is now averaging more than four times as many cases — 8,500 a day. Los Angeles County and other Southern California counties account for the majority of the state’s infections, but the virus is now everywhere.
That notion was reinforced Tuesday when health officials in one of the most remote parts of the state, Modoc County, which had been the last of California’s 58 counties without a known case, announced that the virus had arrived. That the virus is now present in the evergreen forests of the northeastern corner of the state is testament to its inexorable spread, say the county’s residents. Alturas, the only incorporated city in Modoc County, is so isolated that its high school football team must drive as much as five hours to reach its opponents.
“We all felt very safe for a while,” said Juan Ledezma, the owner of a thrift shop on Main Street in Alturas. “Right now, it’s a little bit scary.”
The Northeast, once the virus’s biggest hot spot, has improved considerably since its peak in April, when the region suffered more than any other region of the country, yet cases are now increasing slightly in New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, as residents move around more freely and gather more frequently in groups.
Of course.
Across the country, deaths from the coronavirus continue to rise. Houston, the fourth-largest city in the country, has been adjusting to a new normal where the only thing certain is that nothing is certain. “I think to a certain extent, we saw a spike because people were fatigued over it,” said Alan Rosen, who leads the Harris County Precinct One constable’s office. “They were fatigued over hearing about it every day. They were fatigued about being cooped up in their house and being away from people.”
What an ingenious way of controlling people!
No certainty at all!
Fear, fear, fear, a fake fraud viru$!!!!
Oddly enough, the sun rose this morning.
People there have been coping with the lulls and peaks of a physical, emotional, fiscal, and logistical crisis from an invisible foe nearly three years after surviving Hurricane Harvey, one of the worst disasters in US history.....
What does this have to do with a f**king hurricane?
Were Texans ordered to where masks?
Were they shutdown?
Were they blocked from travel?
Also see:
"Florida has been a coronavirus hot spot in the United States in recent weeks, and the added menace of a storm ratcheted up the anxiety there as well. State-run virus testing sites were closing in areas where the storm might hit because the sites are outdoor tents, which could topple in high winds....."
You can't come here to escape it:
"Travelers from most other states must quarantine starting this weekend" by Nick Stoico and John Hilliard Globe Correspondent and Globe Staff, August 1, 2020
Starting Saturday, people from some designated other states who come into Massachusetts and fail to quarantine for two weeks could face a $500-per-day fine, as part of an order announced by Governor Charlie Baker late last month.
The order is unconstitutional, but that no longer matters.
My advice to the rest of the country is STAY the F**K OUT of Ma$$achu$etts.
The order, intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19, begins as the state reports an increasing rate of new infections. There have been signs recently that some people are gathering for parties and other large gatherings without taking precautions against the virus.
The travel rules, which were announced July 24, apply to people many people from out of state and Massachusetts residents returning from trips beyond the state’s borders.
It comes as the death toll due to the coronavirus grew by 17 Saturday, the state reported, bringing the total confirmed dead in Massachusetts to 8,406. Confirmed cases of the disease also grew by 290, and reached a total of 110,077, but on its first day, Baker’s new order met with concern from some travelers at Logan International Airport.
I'm tired of their f**king inflated and simulated numbers, readers.
I DON'T BELIEVE a GODDAMN WORD from the pre$$ these days, and for good reason. They have shown themselves to be evil collaborators pushing this agenda.
Katherine Scherer flew in Saturday from San Francisco, and she came prepared with documentation showing she had tested negative for COVID-19, but Scherer, who is 17 and is visiting the Boston area on vacation, was somewhat frustrated when she arrived at Logan and no one asked to see her paperwork.
“I got the document as the government said on its website, but no one asked me for it here,” she said as she sat in the Terminal C baggage claim area. “It seems kind of pointless.”
The first one they talk to is a Joo, huh?
At least she had her paperz, huh?
Ambar Sabino, 26, was prepared to quarantine for two weeks when she arrived in Boston from Los Angeles on Saturday to visit family, but to her relief, her COVID test result came in on her phone mid-flight, and it was negative.
No one on the flight, or in the airport, asked for her document, Sabino said.
“How do they know if I’m complying?” she asked.
Yes, be a good little slave and worry about state compliance.
According to the Massachusetts website, travelers coming from states considered “lower-risk” are exempt from the requirement. People who can document a negative COVID-19 test within the past three days are also exempt.
Those states considered lower risk include the remaining five New England states, along with New Jersey, New York, and Hawaii, according to the state.
Those traveling into Massachusetts from other states must complete a Massachusetts Travel Form available on the state website. Anyone who is over the age of 18 and any unaccompanied minors must have a form filled out.
Failure to complete the form or comply with the quarantine requirement if applicable may result in being fined $500 per day, according to the state.
That i$ the welcome mat they put out.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation and Massachusetts Port Authority launched a campaign to notify travelers about the order when it was announced July 24, Stephanie Pollack, the state’s transportation secretary, said at the time.
She is one of the untouchable $kanks in state government.
That campaign includes signs, electronic messages, and announcements at Logan International Airport, plus train stations, and bus terminals. Airlines and bus companies were asked to notify travelers, and signage was also placed along highways and at rest stops, she said.
The order exempts people from quarantining if they are simply passing through Massachusetts or traveling to connect to an airplane, bus, or train, or pause at a highway rest stop. People coming into the state for medical care, military members, and workers providing critical infrastructure services, are also not required to quarantine, according to the state.
Another group exempted from quarantine are people who regularly commute to a fixed place in Massachusetts to attend school or work, according to the state. It also applies to those who regularly commute out of Massachusetts to a specific place.
This isn't about a viru$ or COVID anymore!
This is about STATE TYRANNY and COMMUNI$M!
Enforcement of the order will rely on the honor system — Baker has said he expects the vast majority of people will adhere to the order.
He expects you to be good little sheeple!
That was the case with Maria and David, who declined to give their last names, as they traveled home to the Cape with their 10-month-old son after spending time in Boca Raton, Fla.
Speaking at Logan Airport, Maria, 20, said they’re aware of the new restrictions and they plan to quarantine once they reach home to avoid any possible fine.
“We’re used to being in quarantine at this point,” she said, and Besi Shehu, 30, who was arriving late Saturday afternoon from Chicago where she had spent the weekend with her 15-month-old daughter, said she was not even aware of the recently implemented restrictions.
Escaping the gun violence that the Globe never covers, are you?
She said she didn’t know about registering with the state or the possibility of a $500 fine for failing to follow restrictions. Nor did anyone mention this on her flight, she said.
“I didn’t know, but I’ll quarantine for a couple weeks,” she said. “I just try to be cautious.”
In recent weeks, clusters of new cases have been connected to large gatherings, including people who attended a football camp in Weymouth, events in Chatham, Chelmsford, and Wrentham, as well as a prom party that attracted 90 in Cohasset. State public health officials are also investigating a cluster of new cases resulting from a party held on a private boat, Baker has said.
That is what really gave the game away, readers. The double-standard hypocrisy proved COVID is a FRAUD!
The sophistry from government and the health experts is, "well, those were outside."
Well, so were Trump rallies but everyone allegedly got sick even though COVID is a racist viru$ that hits minorities 3x as hard. That's the narrative the pre$$ has been promoting.
My question is, if being OUTSIDE is OKAY, why are we required to WEAR MASKS?
Also, why are we NOT ALLOWED to go to the BASEBALL GAMES?
Yup, the STENCH STICK of this $CAM is overwhelming the nostrils!
If the state’s numbers get worse, Baker has said he would have to consider reducing the size of indoor gatherings, which are currently capped at 25 people.
“Things are definitely different because of the virus, but there’s a responsible way to gather,” Baker said during a Friday press conference. “People need to do their part to protect their friends, their families, their neighbors, and their communities.”
F**k you and your guilt trip, you criminal mass murderer!
That's how far Massachusetts has fallen, for 250 years ago this guy would have been tarred, feathered, and tossed in the harbor.
Now, citizens of Massachusetts dutifully obey the tyranny of King Charles.
As airlines lose billions, they’re cleaning and sanitizing as if their lives depend upon it, but "a vaccine may not be enough to help airlines out of their rut. Bloom Consulting found that 35 percent of Americans still won’t travel, even if a vaccine is available. It’s not just the general public that has reservations about flying again. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Market Watch last week that he would not fly, primarily because, at 79, he places himself in a high risk group for contracting coronavirus. The Globe reached out to 15 epidemiologists, COVID-19 researchers, and doctors across the country. All but two said they have no plans to get on a plane in the near future."
I never will again, and you better go by land then:
"Five months after the coronavirus outbreak engulfed New York City, riders are still staying away from public transportation in enormous numbers, often because they are concerned that sharing enclosed places with strangers is too dangerous, but the picture emerging in major cities across the world suggests that public transportation may not be as risky as nervous New Yorkers believe. In countries where the pandemic has ebbed, ridership has rebounded in far greater numbers than in New York City — yet there have been no notable superspreader events linked to mass transit, according to a survey of transportation agencies conducted by The New York Times. Those findings could be evidence that subways, commuter railways, and buses may not be a significant source of transmission, as long as riders wear masks and train cars or buses never become as intensely crowded as they did in pre-pandemic rush hours. If the risks of mass transit can be addressed, that could have sweeping implications for many large American cities, particularly New York, where one of the biggest challenges in a recovery will be coaxing riders back onto subways, buses, and suburban trains — a vast system that is the backbone of the region’s economy....."
It was at that point that I said fuck off while reading.
What did they expect?
Run into their lying arms for safety?
It is telling that these criminal monsters that foisted the COVID shutdown on can't understand why we don't trust them or think anything is safe?
Are they really that myopic?
Also see:
"Imagine getting up in the morning and taking a quick, cheap at-home saliva test that will tell you whether you’re infected with the coronavirus, and to help you decide whether you’re going to head to work, to school, or to grandma’s house. That’s the vision being promoted by experts at Harvard, who say less-sensitive but faster and cheaper tests could be a game-changer at a time when the US testing system is facing challenges. Dr. Ashish K. Jha, faculty director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, said Wednesday in an op-ed in Time, that such tests could be a strong step toward curbing the virus. “If everyone in the United States did this daily, we would dramatically drop our transmission rates and bring the pandemic under control. Schools and businesses could reopen with the peace of mind that infectious individuals had been identified and were staying home.”
In the Globe's lead feature today, they attack the Methuen police chief and call for him to be sentenced to death.
Flipping below the fold we find NO RELIEF AHEAD:
"Just a few months. Just get through the next few months. That’s how many small-business owners approached the coronavirus pandemic in March, when an abrupt shutdown ground the economy to a halt. With a stern mix of patience and thrift, they cut costs, borrowed money, and postponed bills to scrape through spring and summer. By fall, many believed, the worst would be over, but now, as the virus rages still across the United States, it’s becoming increasingly clear the economy won’t recover for many more months. “Everyone was looking forward to fall,” said Greg Reibman, president of the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber, but those hopes are fading, “and that’s really demoralizing.”
What torture are they putting us through!

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressed reporters Saturday in Washington after a three-hour discussion with White House officials (Manuel Balce Ceneta/Associated Press/Associated Press)
What is wrong with that picture?
It's in your f**king face with these criminal hypocrites!
When will the American people finally rise up and say ENOUGH?
I suppose they will cross that bridge when they come to it.
Be sure to say goodbye to family:

Ivanka Trump, right, daughter of and adviser to President Donald Trump, and her husband White House senior adviser Jared Kushner walked on the South Lawn after they arrived with the president at the White House last week (Manuel Balce Ceneta/Associated Press)
They made now much last year, and why did that article not appear in print?
"Data breach at genealogy site has privacy experts worried" by Heather Murphy New York Times, August 1, 2020
GEDmatch, a long-standing family history site containing around 1.4 million people’s genetic information, had experienced a data breach. The peculiar matches were not new uploads but rather the result of two back-to-back hacks, which overrode existing user settings, according to Brett Williams, chief executive of Verogen, a forensic company that has owned GEDmatch since December.
That is NOT OK!
Although the growth of genealogy sites has slowed slightly in recent years, their use by police has increased. After authorities in California used GEDmatch in 2018 to identify a suspect in the decadeslong Golden State Killer case, police departments across the country began to dig through their cold case files in the hopes that this new technique could solve old crimes, and GEDmatch was often their preferred site.
That killer turned out to be a FORMER COP, and with all due respect, I'm sour on this $hit!
Unlike the genealogy services Ancestry and 23andMe, which are marketed to people who are new to using DNA to learn about themselves, GEDmatch caters to more advanced researchers. The site appeals to police because it allows DNA that has been processed elsewhere to be uploaded. Verogen has a long history of working with law enforcement, and the acquisition of GEDmatch further solidified this collaboration.
The genealogy sites are data collection efforts.
In an interview, Williams said he had hired an outside security team and contacted the FBI to see if the agency would investigate. The FBI did not respond to a request for comment.
Who do you think were the hackers?
In a paper published last year, Michael Edge, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Southern California, and fellow researchers warned several genealogy websites that they were vulnerable to data breaches. “Of course, hacks happen to lots of companies, even entities that take security very seriously,” he said.
For many, the presence of fake users in GEDmatch was as alarming as the breach itself. Genealogists know that they cannot trust names or e-mails. They also know that a user can easily upload someone else’s genetic profile, but the breach exposed that behind the scenes, hidden by privacy settings, were all kinds of profiles of people who were not even real.
The giveaway that the matches were not actual relatives was that their DNA was too good to be true, said Leah Larkin, a biologist who runs DNA Geek, a genealogical research company.
People who managed profiles for many clients and relatives repeatedly found that these fake users somehow were displayed as close relatives across the unrelated profiles. Their visible ancestry information reinforced the matches were impossible and suggested the fake profiles had been designed to trick the site’s search algorithm for some reason.
Like all the fake Facebook and Twitter bots.
In Edge’s paper, he warned that it was possible to create fake profiles to identify people with genetic variants associated with Alzheimer’s and other diseases.
Now it definitely looks like a GOVERNMENT OPERATION that is concealed in the shadows!
“If something is just a geeky genealogist messing around, there is no concern,” Larkin said, but it becomes a problem, she said, if users are trying to find people who all share a particular genetic mutation or trait, as Edge cautioned. Such information could be abused by insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies or others, she said.
The breach also reinforced something that genealogists have been saying for years: Mixing genealogy and law enforcement is messy, even when you try to draw clear lines. Until two years ago, the primary DNA databases that law enforcement used for investigations were maintained by the FBI and police.
That changed with the Golden State Killer case in 2018.
For some users, the reason for keeping their profiles private is philosophical. Even if helping law enforcement could mean helping catch a killer, they do not want their genetic information used to incriminate their relatives.....
Oh, look, the tyranny and the police state is an AFTERTHOUGHT to the pre$$!
Where is BLM when you really need them?
"A senior Department of Homeland Security official whose office compiled ‘‘intelligence reports’’ about journalists and protesters in Portland, Ore., has been removed from his job, according to three people familiar with the matter. Brian Murphy, acting undersecretary for intelligence and analysis, was reassigned to a position elsewhere in the department, the people said, on condition of anonymity to discuss a personnel matter. Murphy’s removal follows revelations in The Washington Post that the Intelligence and Analysis Office (I&A) at DHS compiled Open Source Intelligence Reports about the work of two journalists who had published leaked department documents. In a separate intelligence report, the office also analyzed the communications of protesters in Portland. Murphy is a former FBI agent who worked on the bureau’s efforts to combat radicalization. Current and former colleagues have described him as hard-charging and driven and said he has a history of defying managers and bosses....."
Oh, I see, NOW the tyranny of the state is an issue!
F**king $elf-$erving $hit pre$$!
We would be better off without them.
Here is the meme proving that the Color Revolutions the U.S. has foisted have come home to roost:
"Why protest tactics spread like memes" by Tracy Ma, Natalie Shutler, Jonah Engel Bromwich and Shane O’Neill New York Times, August 1, 2020
A video frame captured in Hong Kong in August 2019 shows a group of pro-democracy protesters, smoke pluming toward them, racing to place an orange traffic cone over a tear-gas canister. A video taken nine months later and 7,000 miles away, at a Black Lives Matter protest in Minneapolis, shows another small group using the same maneuver. Two moments, two continents, two cone placers, their postures nearly identical.
Images of protest spread on social media reveal many other matching moments from opposite sides of the world, and they often feature everyday objects wielded ingeniously.
Leaf blowers are used to diffuse clouds of tear gas; hockey sticks and tennis rackets are brandished to bat canisters back toward authorities; high-power laser pointers are used to thwart surveillance cameras; and plywood, boogie boards, umbrellas, and more have served as shields to protect protesters from projectiles and create barricades.
Who leafblows in July?
An Xiao Mina, a researcher at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, has studied these echoes. In summer 2014, when the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong and the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States that followed the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., were taking place, she noted that the protesters spoke a common language, even sharing the same hand gesture characterized by the chant “Hands up, don’t shoot.”
Occasionally, there was even direct acknowledgment between the disparate groups, “as when Ferguson protesters donned umbrellas against the rain and cheekily thanked protesters in Hong Kong for the idea,” Mina wrote in her 2018 book, “Memes to Movements,” but often, she noted, the images’ similarity was unwitting. In their spread, their simultaneity, and their indirect influence on each other, the protest videos had all the characteristics of memes, those units of culture and behavior that spread rapidly online. The same cultural transfer that gives us uncanny cake-slicing memes and viral challenges also advances the language of protest.
Better be the correct meme, though.
“We live in this world of attention dynamics so it makes sense that tactics start to converge,” Mina said. She called the images’ tendency to build on each other “memetic piggybacking,” and noted that everyday items that are subverted into objects of protest are “inherently charismatic.”
In other words, it is a GLOBALIST TAKEOVER!
Franklin López, a founder and former member of Sub.media, an anarchist video collective that has filmed dozens of protests, said that “videos shared through social media and mainstream media reports become rough ‘how-to guides’ on protest tactics.”
“You see peeps in Hong Kong using umbrellas as countersurveillance tools and folks over here will say, ‘Hey, brilliant idea!’ and you’ll see umbrellas at the next militant protests,” he said.
On the topic of direct communication between groups in Hong Kong and the United States, López said: “Texts outlining not only tactics and strategies but reports of what worked and what didn’t are shared and translated, but also talked about in-person events, film screenings, and Internet talks.”
In June, for example, Lausan, a group that formed during the Hong Kong protests that seeks to connect leftist movements in various countries, was a host of a webinar. It provided a forum for Hong Kong and US activists to share strategies.
Katharin Tai, a doctoral candidate at MIT who studies Chinese foreign policy and the intersection of international politics and the Internet, separated information sharing between Hong Kong and the United States into two categories.
One was group-to-group sharing of tactics between the sets of protesters. The second, she said, included the translation of helpful graphics and information — say, which sort of gas masks best protect against tear gas — that are then posted online.
“That’s the less organized way, where they’re just kind of pushing it out into the ether,” she said.
"Microsoft is in advanced talks to buy the US operations of TikTok, the popular Chinese-owned video app that has been a source of national security and censorship concerns, according to a person familiar with the discussions who spoke only on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity to the negotiations. The potential deal would be a victory for both companies, making Microsoft Corp. a major player in the social media arena and providing relief to TikTok and its parent company, Bytedance Ltd., a target of President Trump’s....."
As if Bill Gates and his corporation don't have enough control.
Also see:
China is actively waging a 4th generational, guerrilla proxy war against the U.S.
Yeah, right, China owns the country, not the Joos.
That, folks, is what we called controlled opposition and disinformation!
Egypt’s women are rising up against sexual violence
They are being jailed for TikTok videos, too, according to the Washington Compost.
Iran will expand nuclear program and won’t talk to United States
The piece of $hit report from the New York Times has the Supreme Leader saying, “this old man who is in charge in America apparently used negotiations with North Korea as propaganda.”
"Brazil’s Bolsonaro pressured to fight deforestation in the Amazon" by Ernesto Londoñoand Letícia Casado New York Times, August 1, 2020
RIO DE JANEIRO — Much has changed in the year soon after President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil took office.
Brazil’s worsening reputation on the environment has put in jeopardy two important foreign policy goals: the implementation of a trade deal with the European Union and its ambition to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a 37-country group. Both deals require Brazil to meet baseline standards on labor and environmental policies.
A striking sign of the potential economic damage to Brazil’s interests came in late June, when more than two dozen financial institutions that collectively control some $3.7 billion in assets warned the Brazilian government in a letter that investors were steering away from countries that are accelerating the degradation of ecosystems.
The message has clearly registered within Brazil. The country’s three largest banks announced this past week a joint effort to press for and fund sustainable development projects in the Amazon, and a group of former Brazilian finance ministers and central bank presidents argued in a joint statement in July that the best way to jump-start the economy is by investing in greener technologies, ending fuel subsidies, and drastically reducing the deforestation rate, but the clearest sign of the shifting politics on the issue lies in the fate of Ricardo Salles, Bolsonaro’s environment minister, who is fighting for his political survival amid criticism of Brazil’s growing deforestation.
Oh, look, the BANKS are now PROTECTORS of the ENVIRONMENT!
What a wonderful world we are heading into, huh?
Salles, the face of the Bolsonaro administration’s efforts to weaken environmental protections, was expelled from his party in May over his leadership of the ministry. He is also facing a legal complaint from federal prosecutors who are seeking his removal, arguing that his actions amounted to a dereliction of duty.....
I say cut it all down so Black people can have homes!
Nearly every goddamn article today has been from the sickening New York f**king Times as I'm told NASA and SpaceX are preparing to bring astronauts home in a perilous splashdown, and who really gives a shit?
What's the carbon footprint on all that, anyway?
"Don’t make me choose; As the Sept. 1 primary draws near, I’m increasingly resentful at having to choose between Joe Kennedy III and Ed Markey" by Yvonne Abraham Globe Columnist, August 1, 2020
I like you, Joe Kennedy The Third, but you’re starting to bug me.
As the Sept. 1 primary draws near, I’m increasingly resentful that you’re making me choose between you and incumbent Ed Markey. Until you decided to try and take his place in the US Senate, Massachusetts got to have both of you in Congress, and that was good. I mean, to be honest, neither of you has as much fire and pizzazz as I’d like, but I was enjoying it.
F**king Jooish $kank.
You’re a great advocate for the rights of LGBTQ people. You have a talent for highlighting the moral rot at the heart of Republican attempts to strip access to health care and other rights for ordinary people. You are a deeply decent person.
Markey has been an indefatigable trailblazer on environmental issues for his entire career. America is finally catching up to him on climate change — a global, existential threat that will make this catastrophic pandemic look like playtime. His expertise is enormously valuable, especially if Democrats take the Senate.
It’s not like there’s any real daylight between you and Markey on the issues. Sure, each of you has tried to highlight weaknesses in the other during debates — Markey trying to make voters doubt your progressivism, you questioning his connections to the state. It’s pretty weak stuff compared to the issues that really matter, on which: Twinsies!
And it’s not like you would make the Senate look any more like actual America. The contest between Ayanna Pressley and longtime incumbent Mike Capuano in the 7th Congressional District was a tough one for me to watch too, given that Capuano had clout, and a rabid fervor for progressive causes, but Pressley, a Black woman, has brought a lifetime of experiences around issues of race, gender, and justice to Washington. Congress is the better for it, as is Massachusetts.
Gotta love the double standards, and who cares about policies anymore, huh?
It's the "identity politics" that are destroying this country!
Women and people of color are still woefully underrepresented in Congress. So if our only choice here is to replace one white guy with another, that second guy should be super spectacular, but mostly what I’m hearing from you is that you’d be a better senator than Markey because you’re younger. You’re 39, and Markey is 74. He’s been serving in Congress since before you were born. An ad you put up recently argues that Massachusetts needs “a new generation of leadership with the energy and courage to fight for change.”
I need a change, and I can't think of a better reason to go vote for Joe Kennedy next month!
She is for change, but not really!
Eurie Stamps died in a 2011 police shooting
NAACP volunteers turn out to beautify, celebrate and uplift the city’s Black communities
Yeah, so much for quarantining and all the rest. They must be exempt from COVID.
So what else is going on in the city?
"A Chelsea man is facing a murder charge for the stabbing death of a man in Roxbury, Boston police said Saturday. Cesar Valentin, 34, is expected to be arraigned in Roxbury District Court for the fatal stabbing of Damien R. Hughes, 27, of Boston, police said in a statement. Hughes was found suffering from a stab wound near 112 Southampton St. shortly before 7:30 a.m. Friday. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead, police said. Hours later, Valentin was arrested at 39 Boylston St. at 11:51 a.m., police said. The death remains under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call police detectives at or leave an anonymous tip....."
Yeah, defund the police.
I guess BLM doesn't really care about that life.
"Northeastern University will require all students to be tested three times for the coronavirus in their first five days on campus this fall and to quarantine themselves while awaiting results, the school said. Students will be tested at the Cabot Physical Education Center as soon as they arrive and again three days later and two days after that day, according to a posting Friday on News@Northeastern, the university’s official news service. The rules apply to all students coming to campus, regardless of where they’re coming from or whether they’re living off-campus or in dormitories. Northeastern announced in June that it will let students choose between coming to class or participating online this fall. Students who will be on campus must quarantine themselves after their first COVID-19 test, but if it comes back negative, they will be permitted to end their quarantine immediately, according to the posting. While quarantining, students living in Northeastern housing will be permitted to leave their rooms to pick up food, use the restrooms and showers, or go to medical appointments. After a third negative test, students will be able to attend classes in person and participate in other activities on campus, the university said."
I would pull out of school right now if I were you.
"Several environmental organizations are sharing a nearly $100,000 grant to help improve the health of the ecosystems of Ipswich Bay, Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay. The federal funds will be matched by almost $200,000 in municipal and private contributions, according to the state Office of Coastal Zone Management. Projects funded through this year’s Healthy Estuaries Grants include water quality monitoring, resource management planning, and investigations of estuary habitats. The Center for Coastal Studies will use its portion of the grant to expand its existing water quality monitoring program to include measures of coastal and ocean acidification. The Mystic River Watershed Association will conduct an inventory of environmental conditions in Belle Isle Marsh. The Merrimack River Watershed Council will collect data on water quality and bacteria in the river. Salem Sound Coastwatch will investigate the impacts of docks and piers on seagrass in Salem Sound to ensure protection of an important fish habitat (AP)."
"Health officials in the Cape Cod town are asking the state to make it possible to get results for tests for the coronavirus within 48 hours as a way to help contain its spread. The population of Provincetown has increased in the busy summer tourist season even during the pandemic and because of an increase in owners of second homes working remotely. The town and Outer Cape Health Services recently started testing for asymptomatic hospitality and retail workers, but the test result turnaround time is seven days. “As a rural community that is doing its part, we deserve a shorter turnaround for our proactive testing initiatives,” the Provincetown Board of Health wrote in a letter sent to Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders on Thursday. “We ask that the Baker Administration develop standards for testing turnaround time of not more than 48 hours. With each positive result comes contact tracing, and delaying contact tracing increases the potential for additional exposures.” (AP)."
Why don't you go test and trace the society-destroying protesters and rioters?
"Traffic control measures will be in place as race fans head to and from the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Sunday’s NASCAR Cup Series Foxwoods Resort Casino 310 starts at 3 p.m., meaning the greatest congestion in the late afternoon and early evening. That morning, Route 106 will be one lane northbound and one lane southbound from I-393 to the intersection of Shaker Road. From that intersection to the speedway entrance, there will be two northbound lanes and one southbound lanes. From 3:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., there will beone northbound and two southbound lanes on Route 106. (AP)."
Time for me to race away at this point, as the Globe can shove their ideas and opinions.
GOODBYE, Bo$ton Globe!