The official explanation is shoddy storage of explosives, and as usual, official explanations don't hold much water and seem to be a cover by governments.
Take a second to look at this, because I also see the brief flash just before the explosion.
Now read this:
"BEIRUT SUFFERS DEVASTATING 9/11-LEVEL ATTACK—Who did it and Why?" August 4, 2020
WHO? MOSSAD did it.
WHY? ISRAEL has repeatedly threatened to remove Hezbollah from Lebanon by any means necessary
~~~ End of Story ~~~
*Click on the above photo to enlarge.
Not one, but two enormous explosions rocked Beirut today. When there are 2 bomb attacks, just like there were on 9/11, you know the terrorist attack has Israel’s fingerprints all over it. (See two explosions clouds in the photo below.)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This picture taken on August 4, 2020 shows a general view of the scene of an explosion at the port of Lebanon’s capital Beirut. – Two huge explosions rocked the Lebanese capital Beirut, wounding dozens of people, shaking buildings and sending huge plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. Lebanese media carried images of people trapped under rubble, some bloodied, after the massive explosions, the cause of which was not immediately known. (Photo by STR / AFP)
This terrorist attack was predicted yesterday
SOTN was sent an email yesterday, Monday, August 3, by an experienced Russian investigator and Israel research historian which stated the following:
“Attention: An Israeli citizen journalist recently
explained that Israel is ready to start a war with
two countries [Lebanon & Iran]. The Israeli military
is moving soldiers, tanks, etc. Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu is currently charged with three crimes,
and he can be jailed soon if found guilty. He wants
to start a new war, and instead of going to prison he
has hopes of becoming an Israeli hero messiah who
would exterminate Hezbollah and other ‘enemies’
of Israel.”
The same email also included the following 32-minute video that goes into great detail about what Israel has planned for the Middle East between now and the U.S. election.
‘Israel started to move’ — Ariel (Video)
Plausible Deniability
As always, Israel’s MOSSAD conducted this 9/11-level bombing operation in such a way as to plead plausible deniability to the world community of nations. After all, the Zionists who control the Modern State of Israel have been directly responsible for every single major terrorist attack on planet Earth since September 11, 2001.
INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE CONFIRMS: 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and “Mossad Job”
Photos of Explosion
Clearly, the various photographs reveal a thermonuclear explosion that could only have been detonated via an expertly planned terrorist operation. While ammonium nitrate may have been the primary explosive, the signatures of the initial detonation and mushroom explosion reflect a clear-cut thermonuclear blast.
Both the white dust cloud and fire red burst show below reveal that a complex weapon was utilized. The evolution of the explosion from beginning to end also demonstrates that this black operation was carried out by highly professional, military-trained bomb experts.
For example, the following photo shows an initial high, narrow red cloud that’s a dead giveaway for thermonuclear explosion.
As for the extraordinary damage caused by this horrific terrorist attack, the photos below only offer a glimpse of what is taking place on the ground in Beirut at this moment.
Mossad executed this attack as a HUGE warning to Hezbollah not to threaten Israel with the hundreds of missiles that have been installed over years not very far from Tel Aviv.
It was also an outright threat directed at Iran. If Israel is so reckless to blow up Beirut, they would easily carry out a similar op in Tehran. In point of fact, Iran has been the target of several suspicious fires and explosions over the past month. Each of them has Netanyahu’s fingerprints.
Netanyahu is the Zio-Anglo-American Axis point man in the Middle East right now. In fact, he has been indicted for three separate cases with the explicit purpose of coercing him to launch a full-scale attack on Iran. But first Netanyahu’s hidden masters want him to neutralize Hezbollah in Lebanon; hence, the world has just witnessed this horrendous terrorist attack … against innocents who have nothing to do with Israel’s enemies.
Bottom Line: This type of terrorist operation is how Israel always goes after innocent men, women and children to compel a targeted nation-state to give into their odious demands. (Remember 9/11!) However, it is never the people of Israel who are behind these never-ending atrocities; rather, it is the Neocon Zionists who are strategically positioned throughout the Zio-Anglo-American Axis. See: BEIRUT BOMBING: Partial Nuclear Detonation (Videos)
State of the Nation
August 4, 2020
"Lebanon SITREP: Letter from a Lebanese friend" by The Saker, August 04, 2020
This was just sent to me by a good Lebanese friend:
Huge disaster, investigation underway, on face value was caused by utter negligence, corruption and incompetence of Lebanese state, but I am one of those that has been stressing that the enemies could have exploited this state negligence and corruption to trigger this disaster through sabotage. Few simple reasons for this, including:
a) this disaster completely serves current US-Israeli efforts to pressure Lebanon economically to bow down to their demands
b) the site of the explosion, Port of Beirut, was the transit through which 50-80% of Lebanon’s commodity and trade needs were met
c) the explosions struck wheat reserves stored there as well, exacerbating the dire economic situation and inflation further
d) Israeli officials few days ago were warning the Resistance that if they struck Israeli army targets (a response to recent Israeli crimes by Resistance was imminent), Lebanon’s infrastructure will be targeted
e) one year ago exactly Israel’s ambassador to UN said at the Security Council that the Port of Beirut had become ‘Hezbollah’s Port’. Lebanese ambassador said this was a direct threat to Lebanon’s civilians and security
f) last but not least, the 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate (that exploded) were reportedly stored there 6 years ago, and they have been described as a ticking time bomb considering the irresponsible way that they were stored. Is it really coincidental that this ticking time bomb goes off today, at the worst possible moment for Lebanon (Country is falling on all levels, coronavirus, US siege at its peak etc)?
So, while initial reports have said this disaster was caused by the utter negligence, corruption and lack of accountability of Lebanese state institutions, an official investigation is currently underway, and the Resistance will certainly be doing its own investigation, because there was no worse possible time for this disaster to occur to Lebanon than today. Sabotage by the enemy must remain a strong possibility (though actually proving that may be difficult).
"President Trump suggested the explosion was the result of an attack. He said he consulted with military generals and that “they seem to think it’s an attack, a bomb of some kind,” however, a senior US official said, “Everything I’m seeing thus far points to a tragic accident.”
I saw the news conference when he said that as he was blathering on about how great the U.S. response has been to COVID while telling us the vaccine will be ready soon.
Also see and read:
Re-creating Great Depression will Give FDR-like Democrat Sweep to Complete Power?
The Elitists Are Risking Their Lives to Maintain Lockdowns
Coronavirus poll: Number of Americans who plan to get vaccinated falls to 42% — a new low
Sex with strangers during COVID-19 pandemic
Israel says it hit bombers on Syrian boundary
That was yesterday, and Israel has been bombing all across the region the last few months with little if any coverage from my joo$media.
Iran abducted California man while in Dubai, family says
That's who is in the Isra-hell crosshairs.
"The Israeli military says it will launch a coronavirus command this week meant to assist in reducing Israel’s surging infections. Working with the Health Ministry, the military says the command will try to streamline testing, contact tracing, quarantine orders, and other elements of pandemic control in a bid to bring down infections. The military was enlisted last month after a new coronavirus czar said it would be best placed to handle the logistics of combating the outbreak. Israel largely contained its first outbreak in the spring but has seen a surge in cases over the summer. It now has one of the world’s highest daily infection numbers adjusted for population."
I put that up for two reasons. 1) it is further proof that COVID is a complete hoax and being used for other purposes, and 2) it is a WARNING to the ISRAELI PUBLIC that Netanyahu is going to use the "contact tracing" to ELIMINATE his POLITICAL ENEMIES!
How odd. I now find myself aligned with Orthodox Jews and others who reject Netanyahu -- proving that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!
It is HUMANITY against the FORCES of SATANISM!
Massive Beirut blast kills more than 70, injures thousands
Trump said the explosion “looks like a terrible attack.” When asked by a reporter if he was confident that it was an attack, Trump said: “I met with some of our great generals and they just seem to feel that it was,” but one of Israel’s top bomb experts, Boaz Hayoun, said fireworks could have been a factor setting off the bigger blast. “Before the big explosion ... in the center of the fire, you can see sparks, you can hear sounds like popcorn and you can hear whistles,” said Hayoun, owner of the Tamar Group, which works closely with the Israeli government on safety and certification issues involving explosives. “This is very specific behavior of fireworks.”
That settles that then. Israel has been completely absolved.
Beirut Explosion UPDATES
Beirut Explosion: Ammonium Nitrate??? Really?
Beirut Blast: Over 100 Dead, 4,000 Injured, Possible Evacuations Due to Toxic Materials
Toxic material = radioactive fallout.
Was OKC evacuated after the same explosive was used?
Blast in Beirut- Birth Pangs
A post that is definitely worth the read and it won't cost you a thing.
I will be updating this breaking story further during the course of the day as developments warrant.
From Jim Stone:
".... The president of Lebanon is saying it was ammonium nitrate. I disagree, without any fuel in it, - with just straight ammonium nitrate, it cannot explode like that. Israel "did not do this" just like they were not involved in 911. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS, AND I HAVE THAT PICTURE. THIS WAS AN ATTACK NO IFS OR BUTS.
I doubt this is coincidence, who the hell spray paints that and then has "goodbye" actually happen? Arabic is Lebanon's official language, that was done for an English speaking audience and then, (I am sure coincidentally) it ended up perfectly framed in an aftermath photo. Who TF thinks of doing THAT in graffiti either before or after anyway? Whoever took this photo knows what happened.
To top it all off, that's a giant grain elevator in the background, that has countless bushels of destroyed grain, right in the middle of an impending COVID famine. I would not be surprised at all if that grain elevator was the main target of an attack. Something is not right about this.
My final conclusion: it was an attack by Israel, "Goodbye" cinches it.
The nature of the shock wave clearly shows this was a single device precision explosion that was not ammonium nitrate. The only explosions on record that happen with such precision they send out perfect spheres of that size are nuclear weapons. A large amount of conventional high explosive put together in one big bomb could likely do this also, but this was clearly not fertilizer, which needs fuel added to it before it can explode at all, let alone like this.
There were Israeli warplanes heard in the area prior to this also. So I'd like to offer a new proposition: What if someone from Israel was sent in to start a fireworks cache to set a precedent, and then in the middle of that mayhem, Israel nuked the place? If anything like this happens again, well, things did not magically change overnight, we are likely looking at a new war tactic. Something is not right about this, if this is legit we need ZERO REPEATS EVER AGAIN to prove it.
The damage posted on PressTV does not look like 2.7 kilotons either, it looks more like 20 KT. YOU CANNOT "DESTROY HALF OF BEIRUT" WITH ANYTHING LESS. Sure, the ground zero area is bad, but what is not so easily seen is the buildings that are still standing have heavy damage, and crushed the cars in the streets below them with falling debris. There are tons of those types of pictures.
Look at how far the blast damage extends out. Even the distant buildings are wrecked. What about the other direction? This is a devastation zone well over a mile across. Even the church at Hiroshima, 700 feet away from the ground zero of that bomb remained standing despite being gutted. The buildings in the background in Lebanon are the same, this is similar damage and that grain elevator exceeds Hiroshima type damage, considering how far it was from the actual blast site. I'd bet $500 that grain elevator was 100X as tough as that church that stayed standing in Hiroshima, I do not believe this kind of damage happened outside the realm of war.
This level of damage to Lebanon is too good to be true for Israel, and I'll hedge my bets that it is, in fact, too good.
There are rumors there was a warehouse full of ammonium nitrate that blew up, Those rumors are BUNK. Ammonium nitrate is an oxidizer and needs something to oxidize added before it will explode. If that ammonium nitrate was not somehow saturated with a couple thousand tons of diesel to make this blast possible, something else did this.
This video is probably the best one for showing what happened,
Israel "offered help". That means they are innocent, RIGHT??? Please "let us help," so we can go in there and expunge any evidence we might find!!!
Also see:
Oh the love, the joy
Ex-Israel MK declares Lebanon blast as 'gift from God’
The only conclusion one can reach is they are monsters who should be wiped off the face of the Earth.
"Lebanon's Year From Hell" - Death Toll Tops 100, Over 4,000 Injured After Beirut Explosion

Zero Hedge says it couldn't possibly have been Israel:
"..... Immediately after this happened, as The Economic Collapse blog' Michael Snyder notes, a lot of people began wondering if this was an Israeli attack, but that does not appear to be the case.
One unnamed Israeli government official told AFP that “Israel had nothing to do with the incident”, and Benny Gantz has actually offered to send humanitarian aid to Beirut… If Israel really had been behind this attack, I seriously doubt that they would be offering to patch up their enemies, and this isn’t Israel’s style either. The Israelis prefer surgical strikes that avoid civilian casualties as much as possible, and this explosion definitely does not fit that profile. Instead, it appears that this was some sort of deeply tragic accident....."
Yeah, I think I will leave Zero Hedge at the bottom of the blog roll where they belong. I'd elevate the others below it, but Blogger doesn't seem to like them.
Beirut Lebanon Explosion: Who Blew Up Beirut? Was This Another False Flag Terrorist Operation?
The NTS's analysis is that ".....The explosion was so massive that the original thought was it could have been a small 'nuke' placed in Beirut by the usual suspects (Mossad of course..)... But when closer analysis took place, the explosion was actually a large scale sodium nitrate explosion at the Beirut Mediterranean Sea docks...... I honestly am NOT sold on this being a 'nuke' as investigations shortly afterwards show that there is NO radioactivity at the blast scene..... Thus the idea of this being a nuclear explosion is out..."
The Beirut Explosion: Proof That Israel Obviously Did It!
That is an updated NTS and I am looking very much forward to reading it once I update this post for the final time today.
This also comes from Canada:
When a Bomb Goes Off ANYWHERE in the World Ask Israel
The Greencrow is of the opinion it was nanothermites like on 9/11, and with all due respect, I'm not so sure. There was a street filled with burned out cars in NYC that day; however, we didn't see the blown out windows and shock waves that Beirut saw yesterday, not the level surrounding damage.
Meanwhile, over at Waking Times:
"3 Other Massive Explosions that Left Us Wondering When Tactical Nukes Will Make Their Debut" by Vic Bishop, Staff Writer | August 5, 2020
The world has been watching footage of the massive explosion in Beirut’s main city port yesterday, causing widespread speculation as to whether or not this was a covert military operation employing some new generation of tactical small-yield nuclear weapons.
So far, all indications seem to be that this blast was the result of fatal mishandling of hazardous materials, and no faction has stepped up to take responsibility for this as an attack.
The official story is that a fire in a fireworks factory ignited a six year old cache of ammonium nitrate that was improperly stored in the area, causing the massive blast.
The blast was utterly devastating, and others are convinced this was a nuclear weapon. We don’t think so, but here are both sides.
While people try to guess what could have really happened, it’s important to remember that small-yield nukes have been developed and are part of the next generation of warfare. NPR reported in January that new low-yield nukes were already being deployed on American submarines:
“The U.S. has begun deploying a new type of low-yield nuclear warhead aboard some ballistic missile submarines, according to a report by an independent monitor.In January of 2019, The Guardian reported on the Pentagon’s announcement that new warheads were being combat-readied as part of Trump’s ‘nuclear posture review.’
When the USS Tennessee, an Ohio-class submarine, went on patrol in the final weeks of 2019, it carried “one or two” of the new weapons, according to a post by the Federation of American Scientists.” [Source]
“The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced in an email it had started manufacturing the weapon at its Pantex nuclear weapons plant in Texas, as ordered by Donald Trump’s nuclear posture review (NPR) last year…
The new weapon, the W76-2, is a modification of the existing Trident warhead. Stephen Young, a senior Washington representative of the Union of Concerned Scientists, said its yield had most likely been cut by taking away one stage from the original two-stage, W76 thermonuclear device.
“As best we can tell, the only requirement is to replace the existing secondary, or second stage, with a dummy version, which is what they do every time they test fly a missile,” Young said, adding that the amount of tritium, a hydrogen isotope, may also be adjusted. The result would be to reduce its explosive power from 100 kilotons of TNT, to about five – approximately a third of the force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. [Source]To many experts, the explosion in Beirut yesterday does not appear to be a weapon, never-the-less, because low-yield nukes do exist and are deployed, it will only be a matter of time before they are used on someone.
In fact, there are several instances in recent years that many believe are examples of low-yield nukes being used in conflicts in the Middle East in Yemen and Syria. Footage of these two events is, again, terrifying. The scale and scope of the blasts is utterly incomprehensible, and in neither of these situations has there been an admission by any warring factions of the use of tactical nukes. The official story on these is that both were massive conventional bombs.
It is believed by some that low-yield tactical nukes are being used in the Middle East, although no regime is willing to admit to it. Instead, we are left to speculate, comparing footage of blasts from different situations. We do know that the US, Russia, China, Israel and Saudi Arabia are all nuclear powers, and given the current state of arms proliferation and international sales, who knows what these forces have in their arsenals?
Finally, a look at a Russian detonation in August of 2019 offers a blast that most closely resembles the Beirut explosion, and many believe the Russian example is a low-yield nuclear weapon. The official story on this is that a weapons depot accidentally blew up, similar to the story out of Beirut. The two explosions are quite similar when you look at the initial blast and cloud, the secondary massive blast, and the enormous shockwave that followed.
The videos are down right terrifying.....
I will be going asleep until later this evening due to personal matters to which I need to attend.
May God have mercy on the Lebanese people, and may He/She arrive quickly to expunge the evil that has taken control of our world.
TR3B’s Caught Bombing Beruit
"Breaking: Israel Bombed Beirut?" by Richard Silverstein, Global Research, August 05, 2020
Tikun Olam תיקון עולם 4 August 2020

Photo: Massive mushroom cloud from Hezbollah warehouse bombing and its aftermath
A note to our readers
A Tikun Olan תיקון עולם report by author Richard Silverstein blaming Israel is yet to be confirmed. It is not corroborated by other press reports.
According to The Times of Israel, “Israel offered humanitarian aid to Lebanon, … in a rare show of support for the enemy country. Why would Israel come to the rescue of Lebanon “with medical and humanitarian aid”?
According to Forbes, … “an ominous question hangs in the air, Was Israel responsible? The answer is, probably not”
Israel denies any involvement. Lebanon’s government and Hezbollah militants – never shy about blaming their arch-enemy Israel for any misfortune – say [acknowledge] the disaster was an accident caused by volatile explosive material in a warehouse.” (Forbes, emphasis added)
It is worth noting the intensity of the explosion, “equivalent to an earthquake with the magnitude of 4.5 on the Richter Scale”.
The Forbes report acknowledges that:
There is no question that Israel had the capability to destroy that warehouse. … Or, Israel’s Mossad intelligence could have arranged a bomb or other sabotage. In recent weeks, there have been numerous explosions at nuclear sites, ballistic missile factories and power plants in Iran… The Mossad is a top suspect. … The problem with blaming Israel for the Beirut explosion is motive” (emphasis added)According to Richard Silverstein, Israel had targeted a Hezbollah weapons depot, without realizing that there were explosive materials (ammonium nitrate) in a neighbouring warehouse. And now Hezbollah is being blamed “for storing its weapons next to a building filled with explosive material”. In the words of Bloomberg: “Hezbollah Will Not Escape Blame For Beirut.” And this in turn will create political turmoil in Lebanon.
Lebanon as a country is in crisis. Whatever the cause of the explosion, our thoughts today are with the people of Beirut.
GR, August 5, 2020
A confidential highly-informed Israeli source has told me that Israel caused the massive explosion at the Beirut port earlier today which killed over 100 and injured thousands. The bombing also virtually leveled the port itself and caused massive damage throughout the city.
It is, of course, unconscionable that Israeli agents did not determine everything about their target including what was in its immediate vicinity. The tragedy Israel has wreaked is a war crime of immense magnitude.
The ICC has already been investigating Israel for war crimes in Gaza since the 2014 Operation Protective Edge. Now, I imagine it will expand the scope to incorporate today’s criminally negligent massacre.
Though Israel has regularly attacked Hezbollah and Iranian weapons depots and convoys in Syria, it rarely undertakes such brazen attacks inside Lebanon. This attack in the country’s capital marks an even greater escalation. The sheer recklessness of this operation is astonishing.
Not surprising though. An operation of this sort can only happen amidst internal political dysfunction. Bibi is on the ropes and desperate to change the subject. When his intelligence officers brought the plan to him he probably rubbed his hands with glee and said: “Go to it!” Israeli intelligence was naturally out to please the boss and probably cut corners in order to make the attack happen. When no one is at the wheel saying “Stop!” the boat hits an iceberg and sinks. That’s possibly what happened here.
The Israeli bombing brings to mind similar bombings orchestrated by its agents in Beirut in the period before and after its 1982 invasion. Ronen Bergman’s book on Mossad assassinations and Remy Brulin have documented multiple Israeli bombings during this period which wreaked widespread death and destruction on the city’s civilian population.
In this case, the damage done was accidental. But that will be little comfort to the thousands of Beirutis whose lives have become a living hell as a result of this Israeli crime.
As an aside, former Likud MK Moshe Feiglin tweeted a quotation from the Bible about the disaster:
“There never have been such great days in Israel as the 15th of Av [the day of the bombing] and Yom Kippur.”Of course, it pains me to admit that Pres. Trump was correct in his earlier statement that the explosion was a “terrible attack,” and that the information was conveyed to him by “his generals.” In this case, he and they were right.
There could (and should) be domestic political repercussions for this disaster. As Netanyahu approved the attack, he is responsible for the consequences. In 1982, a commission of inquiry found Ariel Sharon culpable for the invasion of Lebanon and the massacre at Sabra and Shatilla. He was sent into political exile for a decade. At the very least, this should disqualify Bibi from leading the country. This would be the outcome in any democratic nation in which the leader was held accountable for his failures.
But alas, Israel is not such a nation, and Bibi always seems to weasel out of responsibility for his blunders. The difference here is that the Israeli leader is already under pressure due to his government’s disastrous response to Covid19 and the looming corruption trial on three counts of bribery. This could be the tipping point.
Normally, Israelis would not bat an eye at such a massacre. They have become inured to the suffering they inflict on their Arab neighbors. But given Netanyahu’s collapsing popularity, this could hasten his end.
Israel couldn’t have picked a worse time to inflict such suffering on Lebanon. The country is in deep economic crisis. Businesses are going bankrupt, people have nothing to eat, politicians quarrel and blame while doing nothing. Lebanon is a basket case. Suffering is everywhere. There is little appetite from its Arab brethren like Saudi Arabia to come to its aid. If any country did not need this added tragedy it is Lebanon. But there you go–Israel doesn’t seem to have any sense of shame or restraint when it comes to inflicting pain on its neighbors.
Of course there will be doubters. Those who disbelieve my source. But to them I point out two pieces of circumstantial evidence which are telling. Normally, if Israel has undertaken a successful terror attack (such as those against Iran) it will either refuse to comment or a senior military or political figure will saying something like: While we refuse to comment, whoever did it did the world a favor.
In this case, Israel immediately denied responsibility. Even Hezbollah supposedly said Israel hadn’t caused the damage (likely protecting itself from the inevitable blame that will fall upon it for storing its weapons next to a building filled with explosive material).
The second tell-tale sign is that Israel never offers humanitarian aid to its Arab neighbors. During the Syrian Civil War the only group to whom Israel offered humanitarian assistance was its Islamist anti-Assad allies. Israel has never offered such aid to Lebanon, until today. Instead, it has rained down death and destruction for decades. For it to do so now is the height of chutzpah.
"Residents confronted a scene of utter devastation Wednesday, with smoke still rising from the port. The blast tore out a crater about 200 yards across that filled with sea water, as if the Mediterranean had taken a bite out of the port and swallowed buildings with it. Much of downtown was littered with damaged cars and debris. Drone footage shot by the Associated Press showed the blast tore open a silo structure, dumping its contents into the debris. Estimates suggested about 85 percent of the country’s grain was stored there. Economy and Trade Minister Raoul Nehme said all the wheat was contaminated and unusable, but he insisted Lebanon had enough for its immediate needs and would import more, according to the state news agency. Two planeloads of French rescue workers and aid headed to Beirut and French President Emmanuel Macron was to arrive Thursday to offer support for the former protectorate. The countries retain close political and economic ties. Several planes of medical equipment and supplies from Greece, Kuwait, Qatar, and elsewhere arrived at Beirut’s international airport. Turkey sent search-and-rescue teams, humanitarian aid, medical equipment, and a field hospital, its Foreign Ministry said. The EU planned to send firefighters with vehicles, dogs, and equipment designed to find people trapped in debris....."
The latest from my joo$media is it was a Saudi bomb, even though "Israel is the only nuclear weapons state in the region."
Also see:
Beirut goes up in smoke
Israel Told Lebanon it Would Destroy its Infrastructure
Israel always keeps its word, and he is saying the warhead was sub-atomic.
The Beirut Explosion: Even MORE Proof That Israel Absolutely Did This Atrocious Attack!
Both of the above links have an explosive video!
I felt that was something you needed to know.