"Auchincloss’s vote on Trump impeachment contradicts his campaign claims" by Stephanie Ebbert Globe Staff, August 4, 2020
To combat criticism that he’s less progressive than his Democratic primary opponents, Jake Auchincloss has been emphasizing his opposition to President Trump. His campaign brochure says he was “one of the first Democrats to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment” and someone who “stands out as the leader most ready to fight back against Donald Trump,” but those claims contradict Auchincloss’s record as a Newton city councilor. On that panel of two dozen local officials, he distinguished himself as one of the few who refused to vote for a resolution calling for Trump’s impeachment.
Well, he is a politician and with rare exception, that's what they are: LIARS!
In 2017, the Newton City Council, in a largely symbolic 17-6 vote, encouraged Congress to impeach the president. Auchincloss was one of the six who voted no; one councilor was absent.
“How can you claim to be the best person to fight against Trump when you couldn’t even be bothered to vote for a nonbinding resolution?” asked fellow City Councilor Emily Norton, who is supporting one of Auchincloss’s rivals in the Fourth Congressional District race, Ihssane Leckey.
The Auchincloss campaign’s communications director, Yael Sheinfeld, noted that Auchincloss said publicly that Trump should be impeached, but he did not believe the Newton City Council should be involved.
Do I need to even say it?
“He voted against the council resolution because he didn’t believe it was the role of the Newton City Council to step into a role assigned to Congress,” she said; however, the year before, Auchincloss tried to intervene in another matter over which council had no purview. In 2016, he defended the free-speech rights of students who drove through a school parking lot waving a large Confederate flag out the car window. He filed a resolution urging the superintendent not to punish them.
Uh-oh, Globe!!
His effort did not pass the council, and school officials — who said disciplining students was their responsibility — assured the public that any punishment was unrelated to the flag.
Auchincloss said in a recent statement that it was a mistake to try to distinguish between the symbolism of the Confederate flag and protected free speech, and that he would not do so today.
“My privilege allowed me to see this as a free-speech issue, but I should have focused on the bigger, more important truth: The Confederate flag is a racist symbol of hate that has no place near a school ― or, frankly, anywhere in our society,” he said.
Just like Israel's flag, and are these people not the most disingenuous hypocrites that you ever did see?
What ab$olute $cumbags.
Auchincloss, who was endorsed Friday by The Boston Globe’s editorial page, has faced increasing criticism from progressive competitors in the race. He’s one of nine candidates vying for the Democratic nomination in the Sept. 1 primary to succeed US Representative Joe Kennedy to represent a district based in Brookline and Newton.
They will be RETRACTING the ENDORSEMENT, of course!
Super PAC backing Kennedy expands TV push
I want to know how they are both going to explain their support for sex-trafficking pedo networks, don't you?
These are the sick f**ks running for office here in Ma$$achu$etts!
In addition to Auchincloss, a Marine veteran, and Leckey, an immigrant and former Wall Street regulator, they include:
* Dave Cavell, an assistant attorney general and former Obama speechwriter.
* Newton City Councilor Becky Grossman.
* City Year founder Alan Khazei.
* Former Brookline Select Board member Jesse Mermell.
* Epidemiologist Natalia Linos.
* Attorney Ben Sigel.
* Ttech entrepreneur Christopher Z. Zannetos.
Some choice!
Competing for the Republican nomination are two Air Force veterans: Julie Hall of Attleboro and David Rosa of Dighton.
Last week, some of Auchincloss’s competitors criticized his 2010 Facebook post regarding the Quran: “So we can’t burn their book, but they can burn our flag?” He argued he was being sarcastic.
Politico also revealed Auchincloss’s past social media post panning the City of Cambridge for “taking PC too far” by changing Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Auchincloss said he regrets both statements and that he will support Indigenous People’s Day in Newton.
I bet he does.
“As a white man, I recognize that I need to interrogate my own privilege,” Auchincloss said in a statement. “I’ve gotten this wrong, years ago, in tone-deaf social media posts that could cause offense to Indigenous and Muslim communities.”
Otherwise, you are just a hypocrite who is blocking progre$$!
Last week, when Mermell accused him of diminishing her accomplishments during a debate, he issued a statement trained on Trump.
“My record, and my message, of ensuring Donald Trump’s dangerous and hateful politics don’t stand is resonating with voters, and it seems lots of my opponents are realizing that, too, so they’re trying to tear me down with misleading attacks,” Auchincloss said. “In this campaign and in Congress, I’ll keep my focus on fighting against Trump and his dangerous agenda.”
Auchincloss used similar language in a campaign brochure mailed last week that says: “Back in 2017, Jake was one of the first Democrats to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment.” That mailer also quotes Newton City Council President Susan Albright as saying: “In a crowded field of Democrats, Jake Auchincloss stands out as the leader most ready to fight back against Donald Trump.”
The mailer also notes in all capital letters: “Jake Auchincloss is a Democrat.”
The Globe has reported that Auchincloss worked for the Massachusetts Republican Party and registered as a Republican when Governor Charlie Baker was running for office in 2013 and 2014.
Past campaign finance records and a copy of Auchincloss’s old LinkedIn profile show he was being paid by the Massachusetts Republican Party. On LinkedIn, Auchincloss previously identified himself as Republicans’ deputy statewide field director for Mass Victory 2014.
He registered as a Democrat again after he was elected as a local official in Newton in 2015.
Typical $cum politician that goes whichever the way his election prospects roll.
By June 2017, Newton residents were asking the City Council to take action to register their discontent with President Trump. Five other Massachusetts municipalities, including Brookline and Cambridge, had already taken similar votes, urging Congress to impeach him.
At the time, Auchincloss called Trump an “abomination” to the country and the Constitution, “but the Newton City Council should focus on roads, schools, and municipal services,” Auchincloss wrote in an e-mail update that he circulated to Newton residents at the time. “Nationalizing local politics undermines the resilience of federalism. I will not be voting in favor of the resolution.”
I don't think he will be receiving very many votes, and if he wins we know the election was rigged!
Turns out he is not the only liar in Bo$ton (concealed below the fold):
"Cambridge’s police chief said the city doesn’t get ‘military equipment.’ An inventory says the department has 64 M4 rifles" by Hanna Krueger Globe Staff, August 4, 2020
In early June, as a wave of Black Lives Matter protests swept the nation and police departments faced renewed scrutiny, the Cambridge police commissioner stood before the City Council and made a declaration: “We don’t get military equipment. We don’t have any at all,” said Branville Bard Jr. “We don’t have tanks, we don’t have anything like that.”
The statement set off a firestorm, particularly from City Councilor Quinton Zondervan, who lambasted the commissioner for peddling “not factually correct” statements.
More than a month later, amid mounting pressure from Zondervan and citizens, the Cambridge Police Department released an inventory of all its holdings. Nestled between rolling cabinets, staplers, and bulletin boards were line items for a dozen sniper rifles, a BearCat armored vehicle, and 64 M4 assault rifles, the primary weapon of Army and Marine combat units. Tear gas, which is banned in Cambridge, also was discovered and promptly destroyed.
Even in Cambridge, where the sidewalks are stamped with Black Lives Matter logos and whose Black police commissioner focused his doctoral studies on racial profiling and racially based policing, police officials appear to harbor the same aversion to transparency as more blatantly problematic departments across the nation.
Do I even need to say anything?
Our tyrannical leaders are liars and thieves, that's all.
The demilitarization of the police has become a central theme of the rallying cries to defund departments across the country. Activists argue that the more robust a police department‘s arsenal of military weapons, the more likely officers are to use those weapons to intimidate and repress their communities rather than serve and protect them. Hundreds of Cambridge residents have submitted public comment over the past two months in support of redirecting a $4.1 million increase in the police budget toward health and safety measures. Bard, meanwhile, has labeled these efforts as “unthoughtful” and even “harmful.”
Finally, and we all know that is not true. The orchestrated chaos in the streets is designed to get the American people to call for Soviet-style policing. F**k Cambridge!
The tussle over the role of policing in the liberal bastion of Cambridge is a glimpse at the messy sequel to the wave of protests that swept the nation after George Floyd’s death. Few, including Bard himself, disagree with the three-word mantra at the core of the movement, but there is little consensus within the city government as to how to deliver on the movement’s demands, namely what degree of restructuring of the police department is appropriate.
When pressed to explain his claim that Cambridge lacked military equipment, Bard denied any deceit.
“I would never play a semantic game with you, I have no interest in splitting hairs or being coy — when I say ‘the department does not possess military materials’ — I mean in the context that we do not possess materials that are restricted only to the military by law [and exempted to civilian law enforcement],” Bard wrote in an addendum included in the council meeting last week.
He isn't going to spot hairs, but he is going to parse his deception.
Just another Bo$ton $cumbag liar!
Who does he think he is fooling?
Or does he just not care because he knows he is untouchable?
Many see Bard’s argument and the department’s reluctance to release the inventory as an example of why police departments cannot be left to regulate themselves.
The militarization of the police finds its roots in the 1033 Program introduced by the Clinton administration in 1997. Since the program’s inception, the Department of Defense has given away $7.4 billion of excess equipment to 8,000-plus law enforcement agencies, which only pay shipping costs, according to the Law Enforcement Support Office, the federal branch created to oversee the program.
I'm sorry, WHAT?!!!!
The program has been plagued by waste, fraud, and abuse. Media reports in the wake of unrest in Ferguson, Mo., after police shot and killed Michael Brown in 2014 revealed departments — such as that in West Springfield, Mass. — had been outfitted with the likes of grenade launchers and weaponized aircraft. In some cases, assault rifles and military Humvees obtained through the program had gone missing. In a glaring example of the program’s lack of accountability, a fake law enforcement agency, created by the General Accountability Office during a 2017 sting operation, received $1.2 million in military equipment.
The Cambridge department no longer participates in the 1033 Program. A spokesman said all rifles once obtained through the program were returned “several years ago,” but the department still relies somewhat on federal authorities to obtain tactical equipment. Cambridge received a Lenco BearCat armored vehicle after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing through a grant from the Department of Homeland Security. Vitale called this process a recipe for “mission creep,” wherein tactical equipment is obtained after singular extreme events but is then used for other purposes, but Bard defended the department’s arsenal. “It is not so much a matter of ‘it could happen here’ — it does happen here,” he wrote in the addendum. “At first blush it may sound harsh, but as a general rule you cannot allow your police department to be overpowered.”
Are you tired of the sophistry and lies yet?
Activists and residents argued that the role of a police department should not be defined by the department itself but rather the citizens it aims to protect.
“Like many of the citizens here, I am dismayed to learn how much combat armaments and gear our CPD has — and more so because they were not upfront about possessing it,” wrote Judith Grossman in a letter submitted to the July 27 City Council meeting. “We aren’t a high crime city, and this gear is absolutely inappropriate.”
After a meeting that saw residents calling in with renewed demands to defund the police and an officer calling the discussion a “little game to keep up with a national movement,” Cambridge city councilors opted to send the discussion about the inventory off to the Public Safety Committee.
He has since been fired.
“There’s a lot in this report and a lot of other questions that I have, things to dig into about what the role of policing in Cambridge is and what role this equipment serves in different purposes,” Councilor Sobrinho-Wheeler said.
No date has been set for that committee meeting.

Cambridge Police Commissioner Branville Bard Jr (Jim Davis/GLOBE STAFF FILE).
How odd that in a world of $y$temic raci$m we find so many Black (and female in many cases) police chiefs and so many women as mayors, huh?
Around the Nation:
"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed an executive directive Wednesday declaring that “racism is a public health crisis,” writing in the directive that the coronavirus pandemic “has revealed, confirmed, and highlighted … preexisting inequities caused by systemic racism.” The pandemic has taken a disproportionate toll on Black Americans and other minority communities as it has raged across the country this year. Whitmer wrote in her directive that the rate of reported cases and deaths among Black Michigan residents was much higher than for White residents. “We must confront systemic racism head on so we can create a more equitable and just Michigan,” Whitmer said in a statement. In her directive, Whitmer said she is directing the state’s Department of Health and Human Services to study data examining how racial disparities affect access to good jobs, healthy food and housing, as well as how community violence and racism are related. She also called for all state employees to undergo implicit-bias training. Whitmer also signed an executive order Wednesday that created a “Black Leadership Advisory Council,” which will include more than a dozen people. The council members she will appoint are meant to represent Black leaders in fields including education, technology, public policy and the law. This council will recommend policies for the governor that can prevent racial inequality and discrimination in the state and will look for state laws that “create or perpetuate inequities,” according to her order....."
Just fulfilling the Great Reset agenda she is, thetyrannical $kank who should be jailed!
Minneapolis mayor calls for better ‘role models’ for new police after George Floyd’s death
That would be the joo Jacob Frey, and weren't those cops trained in Israel?
That's where Chauvin learned the knee on the neck bit.
Btw, have you seen the latest video of the incident?
"A 39-year-old convicted felon appeared to be “hunting” for somebody to shoot shortly before he opened fire and killed a 9-year-old boy as he played in front of his Chicago home, a prosecutor said Tuesday....."
He had been let out of jail because of COVID!
Planned mayhem by our "leaders" for the purpose of having the public call for a Soviet-style police state, and where is BLM?! That life not matter?
"The husband of the Los Angeles district attorney has been charged with pointing a gun at Black Lives Matter members who demonstrated outside the couple’s home the day before the primary election in March. The attorney general filed three misdemeanor charges Monday against David Lacey for assault with a firearm for the March 2 incident. Authorities say Lacey, 66, pointed a gun at demonstrators who protested outside the couple’s home before dawn on March 2 and said “I will shoot you.” District Attorney Jackie Lacey offered a tearful apology at the time, saying she and her husband were awoken by the protest and were frightened. Jackie Lacey, the first Black person and first woman to run the nation’s largest local prosecutor’s office, has been a constant target of Black Lives Matter protesters. They claim she has failed to hold law enforcement accountable in fatal shootings. She has charged one officer in a fatal on-duty killing, but has not filed charges in hundreds of other cases. Lacey is in a runoff in November for her third term. Lacey’s office declined to comment. E-mail messages sent by the Associated Press to her campaign and her husband’s lawyer were not immediately returned. The charges were first reported by Politico."
Are they not HER PEOPLE?
Wake up, dip$hit Demonrats.
What's good for the gander is good for the goo$e?
"Kim Gardner, the St. Louis prosecutor who has been assailed by political opponents including President Trump, easily won her primary on Tuesday as she campaigns to be reelected in November. She beat challenger Mary Pat Carl in the Democratic primary, winning more than 60 percent of the vote, according to unofficial results. Gardner will face Daniel Zdrodowski, who was unopposed in the Republican primary, in the November election. Gardner is among the most high-profile of the progressive prosecutors who have won office in recent years by pledging to reduce charges for lower-level crimes. These platforms have helped prosecutors win office in places including Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and Dallas, but they have sparked intense pushback from police unions, some other prosecutors and the Trump administration. Republicans repeatedly denounced Gardner in the case, with Trump calling her a “disgrace” and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asking the Justice Department to investigate Gardner. The prosecutor also said she has received death threats and racist insults from around the country. A group of more than 60 current and former prosecutors, meanwhile, signed on to a statement defending Gardner in the case....."
She is a $oro$ beeach who is being threatened and assailed (pffft), and what case are they talking about?
You better vote Republican in November, Missouri.
"Sunday morning was meant to be a girls outing for the Gilliams, as cousins, sisters, aunts, and nieces piled into an SUV to go get their nails done together in suburban Denver, but before they could even find an open salon, the family’s four children were ordered at gunpoint to lay facedown on the parking lot, and two were handcuffed. The Black girls, who range from 6 to 17 years old, broke into tears and screams as a group of white police officers hovered over them. ‘‘I want my mother,’’ one of them can be heard wailing on a video of the incident, gasping for air between sobs. ‘‘Can’t I have my sister next to me?’’ Aurora’s police chief apologized on Monday night and launched an internal investigation after video of the incident quickly went viral. Police blamed a misunderstanding: The license plate number on a stolen motorcycle matched the family’s blue SUV, and that car had been reported missing earlier this year, too, but Brittney Gilliam, who had been driving her relatives to the salon, said the mix-up did not justify forcing her young relatives onto the pavement or putting two of them, ages 12 and 17, in handcuffs. She has since filed a complaint. ‘‘That’s police brutality,’’ she told KUSA. ‘‘There’s no excuse why you didn’t handle it a different type of way. . . . You could have even told them, ‘Step off to the side let me ask your mom or your auntie a few questions so we can get this cleared up.’ ’’ Sunday’s confrontation, which had been viewed more than 1.4 million times on Twitter as of early Tuesday, marks another troubling incident for a Police Department that has already drawn intense scrutiny over its treatment of Black people. Nearly one year ago, Aurora police tackled 23-year-old Elijah McClain as he was walking down the street and placed him into a chokehold, just moments before paramedics injected the Black man with a heavy sedative. Last month, two officers were fired over photos reenacting the violent arrest near a memorial for McClain, who died days later. Following a national outcry in recent weeks, Colorado Democratic Governor Jared Polis has ordered an independent review of the man’s death. On Monday night, the interim chief of the Aurora Police Department became become the first woman to permanently lead the agency. The City Council chose Vanessa Wilson in a 10-1 vote Monday night, hours after she apologized for the confrontation with Gilliams and her family members."
They couldn't breathe, huh?
Looks like a staged and scripted event to me, sorry. This is the kind of propaganda that is being created to advance the agenda, and I'm no longer fooled.
"It was hot Thursday afternoon, so India Johnson, 26, and Yasmeen Winston, 25, decided to take their babies to splash in the fountains at the World War II Memorial. The women, best friends since seventh grade, parked on Constitution Avenue near the White House and readied themselves for the walk to the National Mall. Their babies were in the back seat, Mother Goose Club was singing through the car speakers, and the mothers were digging around in their diaper bags when they heard the crash and felt the jolt. Johnson and Winston looked up. A Secret Service cruiser had driven into their front left bumper, Winston told The Washington Post. Within seconds, Winston recalled, a uniformed Secret Service officer was pointing a rifle at them, yelling ‘‘Get out!’’ and ‘‘Put your hands in the air!’’ More officers surrounded them with guns pulled, the women said. Over the next hour, Winston and Johnson said, they were handcuffed without reason, separated from their crying babies, and handled by police who, at least at first, did not wear masks to protect against the coronavirus. The women are now demanding that the Secret Service investigate the encounter and publicly release details of the incident which, they said, made them fear for their lives and the safety of their children. ‘‘This incident took place near our national monuments across from the White House,’’ their attorney Timothy Maloney wrote in the letter demanding an investigation to Secret Service director James Murray over the weekend. ‘‘It occurred after eight weeks of unprecedented national demonstrations about excessive police conduct, some of which took place right there on Constitution Avenue. Has the Secret Service learned nothing this summer?’’ Initially, the women said, an officer told them the vehicle had been reported stolen and that the suspects were two Black men, but the two Black women said no men were with them and provided proof that Johnson was the owner. She told the Secret Service she had never reported the car stolen. Eventually, the women were released — without an apology or answers to their questions, Winston said. Days later, they said they still don’t know why the Secret Service targeted them. ‘‘I could have been another Breonna Taylor,’’ Winston said. ‘‘I could have been another innocent woman who has no record and got shot.’’ In a statement to The Washington Post, a Secret Service spokesman confirmed they had received a ‘‘query requesting the agency investigate an alleged interaction between Uniformed Division Officers and two members of the public.’’ The Secret Service said it is ‘‘looking into the matter’’ and ‘‘has no further comment at this time.’’ Maloney said the Secret Service has not acknowledged receipt of their letter, which demands answers to 16 questions in addition to an investigation. ‘‘These were two young African-American mothers with their babies sitting lawfully in a car with D.C. tags,’’ Maloney wrote in his letter. ‘‘Can the Secret Service honestly say it would have treated white out-of-town tourists and their babies, sitting there without District tags, the same way?’’
"More than two decades ago, police in Shreveport, La., stopped Fair Wayne Bryant on the side of the road for allegedly stealing a pair of hedge clippers. His vehicle looked like one that had been used in a recent home burglary, they told the Black 38-year-old moments before arresting him. Bryant insisted the clippers police found in the van belonged to his wife, but he did make a confession to the officers: After his vehicle had broken down on an unfamiliar road, he had entered a carport in search of a tank of gas. That disclosure would eventually land Bryant life in prison, a sentence that has now effectively been rubber-stamped by the state’s highest legal authority. Last week, the Louisiana Supreme Court denied a request from Bryant to hear a review of his life sentence. Six of the seven justices backed the decision, which was first reported by The Lens NOLA, a nonprofit news site. The lone Black judge on the bench was the only one to disagree. In a searing dissent, Chief Justice Bernette Johnson said Bryant’s sentence was only due to Louisiana’s harsh habitual offender laws, a ‘‘modern manifestation’’ of the so-called Pig Laws designed to keep Black people in poverty during Reconstruction. ‘‘Mr. Bryant has already spent nearly 23 years in prison and is now over 60 years old,’’ she wrote. ‘‘If he lives another 20 years, Louisiana taxpayers will have paid almost one million dollars to punish Mr. Bryant for his failed effort to steal a set of hedge clippers.’’ The decision gives Bryant few, if any, options for recourse to leave Louisiana State Penitentiary."
"The Department of Homeland Security is swapping out the military-style camouflage uniforms U.S. border agents wore on the streets of Portland, Ore., last month, the department’s second-ranking official, Ken Cuccinelli, told lawmakers Tuesday. The sight of federal agents dressed in camouflage fatigues and tactical gear drew criticism from military veterans, lawmakers and others who said their appearance was inappropriate for domestic law enforcement and raised a risk that DHS agents could be mistaken for soldiers....."
Martial law will be coming soon enough.
"Warren seeks SEC insider trading probe of Kodak" by Renae Merle and Jeanne Whalen Washington Post, August 4, 2020
WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate potential insider trading surrounding Eastman Kodak’s recent announcement that it would receive a $765 million government loan to start producing the chemical ingredients needed to make pharmaceuticals.
The day before the loan was announced, more than 1 million shares of Kodak’s stock traded hands compared with a daily average of 236,479 over the past year, Warren said in a letter to SEC Chair Jay Clayton. The company’s stock price rose about 20 percent that day, July 27, and increased more than 200 percent the next day, July 28, when the loan was announced.
That not OK?
Warren also noted that shortly before the announcement, James Continenza, Kodak’s executive chairman, purchased about 46,700 shares. The purchase ‘‘while the company was involved in secret negotiations with the government over a lucrative contract raises questions about whether these executives potentially made investment decisions based on material, non-public information derived from their positions,’’ the Massachusetts Democrat said.
You mean like your colleagues did?
Amazing how that scandal went down the old memory hole as Barr sits on it.
Continenza has regularly purchased Kodak shares since joining the company in 2013 and hasn’t sold a single share, Kodak said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that the SEC had opened an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the announcement of Kodak’s loan.
The SEC declined to comment on Warren’s letter and the WSJ report of an investigation.
Kodak said in a statement that it intends to fully cooperate with any inquiries.
‘‘I think that Senator Warren is quite right to say there should be an investigation,’’ although ‘‘it’s not self evident that there’s been a violation,’’ said John Coffee, a professor and securities law expert at Columbia Law School. ‘‘We really want an investigation that tells us what happened,’’ he said. ‘‘We should get the facts straight.’’
Reports that the news may have leaked out early through local Rochester media could provide a reasonable explanation for the spike in trading on July 27, Coffee said, although that doesn’t exclude the possibility that insiders may have leaked the information early by other means, he added.
‘‘Sometimes information leaks out from multiple leaks,’’ he said, and if Rochester media did publish the news before Kodak intended, that would have obligated Kodak to disclose the information more broadly before the start of trading the next day, Coffee said.
The Wall Street Journal reported news of the story, with confirmation from Kodak, in the early morning hours of July 28.
Kodak’s internal communications team didn’t intend for the news to be published by any news outlets before the official announcement, said Arielle Patrick of Edelman, an outside communications firm the company hired after the loan announcement.
Kodak, based in Rochester, N.Y., and best known for its iconic cameras, has been struggling to reinvent itself for years as its customers switched to digital photography and then smartphone cameras. After filing for bankruptcy in 2012, Kodak focused its business on selling printing machines and specialty film for motion pictures and other industries.
In recent years, Kodak has made chemicals known as key starting materials for a few pharmaceutical companies upon request. The company has a long history producing chemicals, which it has used to make film.
Kodak has said the loan from the US International Development Finance Corp., or DFC, would help it start a new business unit, Kodak Pharmaceuticals. The loan agreement hasn’t been finalized.
‘‘Kodak has more than 100 years of experience in chemicals,’’ the company said in a statement, adding that Kodak Pharmaceuticals ‘‘would produce critical pharmaceutical components that have been identified as essential but have lapsed into chronic national shortage.’’
I'm sick and tired of her grandstanding, and where is your loan, American?
"Congressional Democrats are expected to introduce new legislation on Wednesday that would make reducing racial inequality an official part of the Federal Reserve’s mission, part of a growing push to close the deep divides across all parts of the US economy. The Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act requires the central bank to take action that ‘‘minimizes and eliminates racial disparities in employment, wages, wealth and access to affordable credit.’’ It would be the first major change to the Fed’s mandate since 1977 and would significantly alter the central bank’s focus. The Fed’s current mandate from Congress is to keep prices stable and maximize the number of Americans with jobs. While the legislation is not expected to pass Congress while Republicans control the Senate, it signals a growing consensus among Democrats that the Fed has played a role in deepening inequality and needs to be part of the solution of closing gaps in employment, wealth, housing, and banking access. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden recently released a similar proposal. The legislation was written by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, on the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, and Representative Maxine Waters, the California Democrat who is chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee....."
Don't those f**King idiots know that it is the FED THAT DRIVES INEQUALITY?
Of course they do; this is all political bull$hit that is fooling no one.
Also see:
Trump’s demand for US cut of a TikTok deal is unprecedented
That is government all over no matter who runs it!
They WANT THEIR CUT, their piece of the action -- like the ORGANIZED CRIME!
That's what they are, folks.
Government is organized crime, and organized crime is the government!
New Instagram service means more trouble for TikTok
Time is a'ticking away!
"The United States’ top health official, Alex Azar, will lead a delegation on a trip to Taiwan, a rare high-level visit to the island by a US official that is likely to further fray ties between Beijing and Washington. No date was given for Azar’s trip to Taiwan, a self-ruled island that the Chinese government claims as its territory, but in a statement Tuesday, the health department billed it as an opportunity to strengthen economic and public health cooperation with Taiwan and to highlight its success in battling the coronavirus pandemic....."
We can't travel, but they can.
Had enough, America?
Another inspector general resigns, raising questions about Pompeo
You mean, "live exercise" Mike, NYT?
Ready to vote?
Kansas Republicans vote in Senate primary
The establishment GOP feared a Kobach win, and he lost!
We are looking at a massive rigging in 2020. They don't even try to hide it anymore as the pre$$ plays it down.
Fear of COVID-19 is causing a shortage of poll workers
There is an "opportunity in the chaos, and this could be an opportunity for young people to understand that the baton must be passed."
That's why Congress must protect mail-in voting, according to the Globe, so that even the disabled can vote.
Fears of a skewed tally rise after Census Bureau announces early end to its count
The New York Times is concerned because it means not enough illegal undocumenteds will show up on the rolls after Trump and his gubernatorial allies failed to defeat the cancel culture.
Lies in Trump ads go unchallenged on Facebook
Well, at least we are challenging the pre$$ lies here.
Biden won’t travel to Milwaukee to accept Democratic nomination amid coronavirus concerns
The Demonrats are doing everything they can to hide that fading fossil and demented pedo.
NY prosecutors subpoena Trump’s records from Deutsche Bank in criminal probe
The New York Times says it is a sign that their criminal investigation of Trump’s business practices is more wide-ranging than previously known (some areas are still off-limits).
Trump pauses attacks on vote-by-mail to praise Florida’s system
He better be careful or he could find himself marooned on an island like Tom Hanks (is that why he fled to Australia?).
Sorry, but elite pedophile rings exist, and the fact that the ma$$ media pooh-poohs them tells you that they are running cover for the $ick f**ks!
Time to get back in-state:
After months in the Arctic, scientist returns to a ‘surreal’ world back home
Because of the Tropical storm Isaias that put the power out through parts of Massachusetts with the wind gusts before the clean up and repairs are done in a flash(back)?

Peter Palandjian and wife Eliza Dushku have lined up some prominent West Coast players as well as names in the Boston area (Allegra Boverman/USES).
One can't help but notice the look of disgust on the child to the right and the woman in back.
"Real estate executive lines up a corporate who’s who for a get-out-the-vote drive; 100-plus companies pledge time off for employees to go to the polls" by Jon Chesto Globe Staff, August 4, 2020
Just what we need in this corporate-controlled fa$ci$t state.
Democracy my as$$!
Let the rigging begin!
Low voter turnouts in the United States have always bothered Peter Palandjian. After the COVID-19 pandemic and waves of racial unrest overlapped this spring, he decided to do something about the issue.
Palandjian, chief executive of Intercontinental Real Estate Corp. in Boston, is launching the “A Day for Democracy” project this week. It’s a nonpartisan pledge-card initiative aimed at rounding up employers of all sizes who will work to increase voter participation, in part by promising to give employees some time off to vote, or by helping them register and obtain mail-in ballots.
To start, Palandjian has used his network to assemble a who’s who of corporate Boston during the past month, all pledging to support A Day for Democracy. More than 100 employers have signed up, most of them from Massachusetts, collectively representing more than 200,000 employees. The list includes Massachusetts General Hospital, Suffolk Construction, Putnam Investments, Hill Holliday, Staples, Wayfair, and State Street.
The goal is to take this initiative national, though.
“With this start we have, with the tremendous companies around the Boston area, I think it’s going to send a message to the rest of the country,” said Bob Reynolds, chief executive at Putnam.
Like Palandjian, Reynolds sounded a bit dismayed when he talked about voter turnout. Nearly 56 percent of voters showed up during the 2016 presidential election; the Pew Research Center ranks the United States 26th in voter participation out of 32 highly developed democratic countries.
Yeah, we know why. One man.
Palandjian said the increased reliance on voting by mail that’s expected this fall because of the pandemic underscores the need to get the word out, and to provide guidance to people about how the process works.
And so the fraud can seem plausible!
Palandjian doesn’t see himself in competition with various other get-out-the-vote efforts, such as the When We All Vote initiative, cochaired by Michelle Obama. Here in Boston, the Edward M. Kennedy Institute is also stepping up its efforts to engage voters, with an ambitious goal of becoming the go-to place online for voting history and information. Harvard has its own internal program, dubbed the Harvard Votes Challenge, and is one of many higher-ed participants in the All In Campus Democracy Challenge. The university is also on board with Palandjian’s project; Harvard president Larry Bacow said via a spokesman that institutions can play an important role in encouraging people to exercise their right to vote.
I won't be voting this year. There is no one to vote for.
As Palandjian launched his initiative, he started with the people he knows. He’s had some help from his wife, actress and producer Eliza Dushku, in lining up some prominent West Coast players, too. Among them: Steven Spielberg’s production company, Amblin Partners, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s beauty and wellness company, Goop.
OMFG, he lined up the pervert Spielberg (what is he doing on the flight log?)
Within just a few hours on Monday, several more Boston-area companies had signed on. Palandjian said he’d like to see the business groups that are endorsing it, such as the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, encourage their members to take the pledge, as well.
“It has been astounding how easy it has been,” Palandjian said of lining up employers to pledge. “People are looking for an opportunity for positive civic engagement, especially in this environment.”
By what, going into a booth or mailing in a ballot?
I was told the city-sacking protests and riots were doing just that.
In particular, he noted, companies are redefining their roles as members of their communities in the context of Black Lives Matter protests and the pandemic. Employers, he said, are increasingly realizing they have a responsibility to tackle civic issues.
What a CROCK of $HIT!
This is all about advancing the agenda, nothing else.
Linda Henry, managing director at Boston Globe Media Partners, was among the first business leaders approached by Palandjian. She said getting people engaged in democracy aligns with the Globe’s work, and she quickly signed up to help. Boston Globe Media employees who are voting in person on Election Day will be encouraged to do what they need to do to vote, including starting work late or leaving early.
This article was yesterday's business lead, proving that the Globe is nothing but a $elf-$erving propaganda organ!!
In addition to its political reporting, the company will provide information on voter registration and locations via Boston.com. As a media organization that highlights the importance of a free press, “We strongly believe that we also need to do our part to encourage people to uphold another such pillar of democracy by exercising their right to vote,” Henry said.
As if casting a vote were all you need to do to "uphold democracy."
The law firm Goodwin Procter signed up early, too — all seven US offices and 1,750 partners and employees. Andy Sucoff, the chair of Goodwin’s Boston office, said the firm liked the fact that A Day for Democracy was nonpartisan. Historically, the firm has always allowed people to take the time they need to vote. He said it’s now considering whether Election Day should be a company holiday, and an internal group focused on community service intends to build employee engagement around voting.
That's good, tell me another!
Joining Palandjian’s project was a no-brainer for Bank of America, as well. Miceal Chamberlain, its Massachusetts president, said the company already gives up to three hours of paid time off a year to employees so they can vote. “This was a natural for us,” he said.
Yeah, the banks are looking out for you!
Jonathan Bush, executive chairman at the telemedicine company Firefly Health, said he added his name to send a message about the importance of making time available to employees to vote, something his company already does.
“That’s like [supporting] a national movement that lets people go to the doctor when they’re sick,” Bush said. “I said, ‘OK, I’ll do that.’ . . . It’s good to just get it top-of-mind.”
He's George W. Bush's cousin who was run out of his last job for spousal abuse!
Great cast you have assembled there, Globe!
Sri Lanka parliamentary election expected to back Rajapaksas
The Globe reports on that while ignoring the Sri Lankan report on Bill Clinton.
Also see:
Wayfair reports its first profitable quarter in Q2 financials
The company was able to "quickly adapt during a challenging time," said CEO Niraj Shah, and once again the Globe ignores elite sex trafficking that is in plain sight!
They have SHUT the SPOTLIGHT OFF, folks.
Heck, John Henry himself looks like a pedo.
You will never find any of that on the front page:
Lawyers say changes to controversial qualified immunity doctrine would move Mass. into uncharted legal waters
So would arresting and prosecuting elite pesos, it seems.
While equity efforts flounder, Massachusetts police make millions off marijuana store traffic details
That's the way the $tate legislooters rewrote the referendum, so f**k off.
Besides, they are really nice guys (I went in and gave the place a look)!
Order in the court!

A man has his temperature checked outside the Edward W. Brooke Courthouse in Boston (Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff)
Can we get a ruling on the constitutionality of that?
"Trials may resume with fewer jurors; panel urges that first cases involve civil disputes, minor criminal charges" by Travis Andersen Globe Staff, August 4, 2020
A special committee is recommending that trials be held with smaller juries for about two months once trials resume in state courts in Massachusetts, where they’ve been on pause since mid-March due to the pandemic.
Halving juries from 12 to six jurors for civil cases and criminal matters involving minor charges is among the recommendations the Jury Management Advisory Committee submitted July 31 in a 122-page report to the Supreme Judicial Court.
Jury trials in state courts are slated to resume no sooner than Sept. 8, according to the report, and the committee recommended that they begin in phases.
The first one, called Phase 0, would serve as a “mock run-through of the entire process” and is targeted for mid-August. In Phase 1, civil trials and criminal cases involving minor charges against people who are not in custody would move forward with six-person juries (up to eight with alternates), the committee recommended.
Trials would be conducted one at a time in a small number of locations for about two months, barring changes in health data, according to the report. During Phase 2, trials would go forward in the same limited number of locations, along with additional courthouses, the committee recommended.
Phase 2 would last two to four months before the court system moved into Phase 3, which “would consist of conducting as many trials as possible in all locations that meet” safety criteria, the report stated.
Non-courthouse spaces “may be increasingly necessary to address the case backlog if the pandemic continues substantially into 2021. Phase 3 would continue until the health threat from COVID-19 ends because of either widespread vaccination or herd immunity,” the report stated.
The committee noted the importance of resuming jury trials.
“National research shows that a court’s ability to provide firm trial dates correlates with shorter times to disposition in civil and felony cases, in urban trial courts,” the committee wrote.
“Moreover, the availability of a timely jury trial is essential to public trust and confidence in the court system, which, in turn, are essential for the courts to ‘fulfill their mission’ and ‘perform their functions.‘ ”
Next up on the docket:
Woman charged in fatal stabbing
Officer struck by fleeing vehicle, another fires gun
Driver, 94, charged in fatal crash